"Scared Of America" - TREVOR NOAH - (Throwback from African American)

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The Daily Show host & stand-up comedian Trevor Noah - Scared Of America clip from his African American comedy special. Other Trevor Noah full specials to check out include… The Daywalker, That’s Racist, Lost In Translation, Nation Wild Comedy, Afraid Of The Dark on Netflix, There’s A Gupta On My Stoep, & Son Of Patricia! - Like I do shows, I've been doing shows around the country, around the world, right. I've been blessed. And I remember one day, I'm in LA and I'm doing a show and we sitting backstage and this comedian comes in to the backstage here and he's got a list of all the guys that's are performing. And so he looks around and he looks at the darkest guy in the corner, just the blackest guy he could find. And he goes, hey yo, you the dude from Africa? (audience laughing) And the guy looks up and he's like, nah man, I'm from Detroit. (audience laughing) He is like, all right my bad, my bad, my bad. All right yo okay, Detroit, yeah. You a comp, oh I okay, cool LA okay. Cool, cool, cool. And then he looks at me for a second does a quick calculation. And he's like, all right, all right yeah. And then he looks and he goes, yo, where are you from man? I said, I'm I'm from South Africa. He's like, oh, oh, oh you the dude? (audience laughing) Oh, damn man, damn all right. Yo, I didn't even know the guy. Yo, you the dude from Africa? (audience laughing) Man, I didn't even know they got light-skinned niggas out there man. (audience laughing) Damn, all right, that's the motherland man. That's, that's the motherland. And all of a sudden, he just started giving me the speech. He was like, man, you know, yo man, that's yo man. That's where we gotta be man. You know, that's the motherland out there, man. Yeah, I gotta get out there, man. I got to, you know, I got to go home, man. (audience laughing) You heard, I got to go home. Man, you tell them, alright, you tell them. You tell them I'm coming home, all right? (audience laughing) And I was like, we're not waiting. (laughing) (audience clapping) Cause I'm just, I'm fascinated. I think that's come, that whole identity has come from the term African American. This is something that's fascinates me. You know, it was the very loose term, African American. Because half of the time you use it for people that aren't even African, you know. Just use it as long as you black they go African American. But it says, what if people aren't from Africa are they're still African-American? Those people from the Caribbean, from Haiti, from Jamaica you know the they call, yeah, yeah African-American. Guys like, no man, I come from Jamaica, I not from Africa. (audience laughing) I had never been there for a month. It's like, you wanna stay? African American am I, yeah. (audience laughing) The prefix, the prefix to American has become as important as American itself. I thought it was just American, but it's not. No, no, no, it's very important. You have the prefix, you know, you have African American, African-American you have others like Latin or, Mexican American. You have, you have Asian American. You have the most interesting for me was Indian American which I learned about during Thanksgiving, Indian American. And then I was told I'm no longer allowed to say this. Said I now have to say native American, which is redundant, is it not? (audience laughing) Because if somebody's a native of the land, they're still in should you not then just call them American? (audience laughing) How does that work? (audience clapping) It was the strangest conversation to have sitting around carving the turkey and just going you know, going, I don't, I don't understand. I can't say I can't say Indian Americans? Like no Trevor, you, you, you, you look you don't wanna say that. You wanna say Native American. Yeah, it's it's a better term. I go, oh, well, well who called them? Who called them Indian American? Well, well we did. Oh, oh, I see. And then who, who changed it? Well, we did. (audience laughing) I see, and you guys feel better? Yeah, much better, much better, much better. (laughing) This is the craziest thing in the world. Changing it, you know the prefix. And I mean, I don't mean to offend anyone. As Americans, I hope you, you know I see some guys looking at me like, okay, okay. Move on, guy, move on, yeah. Yeah. (audience laughing) Cause that's the one thing is, cause the one thing I noticed is white people in America you never got the prefix. What happened there? There's no, you just guys were left out? Oh that's horrible. (audience laughing) Kinda the first, there's nothing? You guys don't get a prefix, no? So you don't, you don't want one, no? It's just the American no? Euro, Euro American, no, no? Although, I mean to be honest Europeans will be like, no, no, they are not from us please, no, no, no, no. (audience laughing) No culture, no culture they're not European. So then I get Anglo Anglo from the British Anglo American, is that more? No, no, you don't want Anglo? I don't know, Anglo colonial American Is that Imperial American, Imperial? Death star, I mean, no I'm kidding. (laughing) Cause, I don't know. I'm still searching for the answer. My two favorite so far have been, I was in, I was traveling in the South and a gentleman shouts out, and he say, "You can call us super American" (audience laughing) So, very well, and my favorite was a man in Atlanta who looked at me and said, "Why don't you call us honky American?" (audience laughing) And I'd never heard of that term. I'd never heard of the word honky before. Cause, cause isn't honky the same thing you use for like your car? That's like, you know, and the thing that that clowns used Hong Kong that's honky. That's that's the most honky American. That sounds like a like a bad children's character for, for a white imperialists, you know? It's like there's Bonnie, there's Ronald McDonald's and there's honky, there's like, you know. (audience laughing) Is coming out, singing to all the white kids, ♪It's honky ♪ ♪It's honky ♪ ♪He's gonna teach you how to be white honky. ♪ ♪It's honky ♪ ♪Remember kids white is right ♪ ♪It's honky ♪ ♪It's honky ♪ (audience laughing) And it's the craziest thing ever, honky. I and I really don't please don't don't get offended if you could, American you're offended. I really hope that I'm not offending you. I, I mean this because I am scared of you. (audience laughing) No, no really, really the world, you don't understand the world is shit scared of America. Like, like America's you guys what? You've been fighting wars since World War II? You guys haven't stopped. Like America, oh it's true. America's is like the most bad ass. America is like that really buff guy on the beach. Just like not messing around, just walking around. (audience laughing) Just like, you do not mess with America. It's like, you know, if America catches you building a sand castle is like, what are you doing? No, no America, it's not what it looks like. He is like (screaming) (audience laughing) The only time people build sand castles is when they're gonna attack. Stop that, is that a bucket?(screaming) (audience laughing) Cause you know, America is like, yeah, America is that's super. Cause you guys have the best army in the world. He's like, ah, America's that big guy that walks down the hallway and the rest of the country, just stand on the side. Just like, don't don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact. (audience laughing) Don't make eye contact don't make eye. And as America walks by, it's like (imitates farting) America is like, what was that, what was that? Iran, did you fart? (audience laughing) No, America, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I, yes I fart, I fart just a little bit. I fart, I am sorry America. (audience laughing) Iran, were you farting at me? No, no America no, I don't fart at you, I don't fart at you, I just fart just by myself. Just fart, fart on the back not to the front. To the front I say sorry, please America. Iran, was that a nuclear fart? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not nuclear fart, just beans. Lots of beans, fart. Beans, no nuclear fart, please please. I'm gonna come in there. No, no, no, don't come in America, please. Just fart, just fart. I'm sorry. Hey there, thanks for watching. Now, all I need you to do is click on that little circle on your screen. Yeah, yeah that one, oh yeah. Just like that, hold on, ho;d on, hold on. Yea, click, click, nice.
Channel: Trevor Noah
Views: 2,016,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trevor Noah, Trevor Noah Stand Up, Trevor Noah Comedy Special, Trevor Noah Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Comedy Central, Stand Up, It's My Culture, The Daily Show Trevor Noah, Comedian, South African, Son Of Patricia, That's Racist, African American, Lost In Translation, There's A Gupta On My Stoep, Long Video, Between the scenes, Trevor Noah Full Special, Netflix, Standup Comedy, African Comedian, Best Of Trevor Noah, Lockdown, Scared Of America, American Prefixes
Id: En8Tz2RzubE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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