Scan Any Building/Landscape for free! Without Drones or Cameras? -Blender/Meshroom Tutorial

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hi in this tutorial I will show you how I got this 3D scan of the church 100 for free using free software and a free stock site known as pixabay or you can go to pixels okay I'm just gonna give a quick rundown for the people who are impatient and who you just want to see results all you have to do is go to a free stock site like pixels or pixabay and search for Drone footage or anything you think can work for scanning um you take that video you extract the frames and you dump it into mushroom and once that's done calculating you get a 3D model and you're done [Applause] so before we start uh you just gotta make sure you have the minimum requirements to do photo scanning we're using a application called mushroom and it specifically needs a Nvidia GPU most Nvidia gpus that are modern probably from 20 let's say 20 70 17 onwards most of them do have Cuda and you're gonna need a beefy machine unfortunately um you can't follow this tutorial if you're on a Mac because this is just not on a Mac and yeah basically you just need a Cuda enabled GPU okay let's start it for a tutorial okay so let's start with the tutorial so there are multiple um stock video photos whatever you can use um but we're gonna use some public domain ones um if you want to resell that model I would highly suggest using pixabay or pixels um pixabay doesn't have good quality videos um pixels does but there is a downside it's a lot of artsy color graded filter videos so pixabay is usually where you get like bad videos but they're actually like not color graded or that well directed so this one would actually be a good candidate for like Photo scanning so um to get best scanning results you want to type in um Drone footage let's type in drone also you want to change images to videos and now we're just going to look at some cool drone photos we can use um ideally for drone has to go around for subject um not forwards and backwards um this one can work but there's a lot of moving cars and people and stuff like that so you ideally want a static scene um and the camera going around the object um so I did find something cool uh the other day so it'd run Church okay let's see this um this one I think it's this one but it wasn't like sunsets uh there must be another one um oh yeah this one this one's pretty good um I'll leave a few links in the description to some videos um if anyone wants to scan or just try this out but uh yeah let's uh get this guy um yeah this is perfect um it's a cloudy day and the camera is going around the object so the photo scanning app does have a lot of detail to work and a huge benefit to this is it's in 4k so uh we're just gonna download this at maximum resolution okay cool now whilst that is downloading let's go get the photo scanning app um mushroom is a really great alternative um the other application I like to use is called zephyr zephyr Zephyr 3D so there is a free option but you can only use 50 images and then there's a light option which I don't know how much it costs it's a little bit pricey but it's worth it and that limits you to 500 images which is actually more than enough for a pretty decent scan but uh for this tutorial let's just use the free app um I'm just gonna find the download button try mushroom now cool and just gotta wait for that to download uh oh yeah um Also to clarify uh you're gonna need a Nvidia Cuda enabled GPU um this I don't think this does work on CPU so you're gonna need at least Windows 10 and a Nvidia Cuda GPU but uh in my case I have a RTX 2070 I think um so I'm I'm good with this it's good to download this and this takes us to a Dodge looking site but it is downloading one gigabyte okay now with the video downloaded uh you want to put this in a folder and just give it a much more easier to follow name um now we just need to get some information about this video especially with your resolution so you want to right click and go to properties and go to details and this will give us view resolution this has to be this has to match exactly in blender um okay so what you want to do is open up a new blender file and you want to go to video editing if you can't find video editing you click on file new video editing and that's where it is uh just close all the tabs we're not going to need and let's oh before we drag in our video clip make sure there's a resolution matches exactly to the videos resolution so I think it's multiplied by two that gives you 4K okay cool and I don't like these channels I'm just gonna take it away um you go to Veer and disable channels okay now let's bring in our video just click and drag it from a file browser and it should be there um it does have an audio track we can delete it or we can just leave it but it's gonna bother me so I'm gonna delete the audio track and you'll see the entire video is 890 frames from this little segment here so 890 in our end timeline and I should match it now we can export all of these frames and wait for like seven hours for it to process or we can export every third or fourth frame which will speed up the process a lot but there is a downside to it you might not get an accurate scan out of it usually it's the more the merrier but I mean this is a tutorial I'm just going to show you the basics on how to do this um yeah so what what we can do to um render out each fruit or fourth frame is we go to our output properties and change the step step means it will skip a few frames so step let's make that every fourth frame uh what is 890 divided by four eight ninety divided by four that will give us 223 frames which I think might be enough um if you're gonna get bad results or if you're getting bad results you maybe don't want to use the step function and for the outputs let's change its PNG so it doesn't compress the video even further um you don't need rgba or RGB 16 if it's just a single MP4 if you're on a free stock site so these settings should be good and um let's just copy and paste our project file or project folder and I'm going to paste it and I'm going to make a new folder by adding a slash call it frames and make sure it's a folder by adding another slash and then blender will generate those frames and now we just got to click render animation and just wait a little bit okay so um once blunder is done I'll put into frames um it's time to move on to mushrooms so let's go back to our um project files um back to your project folder and let's copy and paste the mesh frame um it doesn't matter where you copy and paste it um as long as it's somewhere in your machine it should work okay cool extract mesh room uh I use 7-Zip it is the best extractor without any pop-ups or renewals so I highly recommend using this app now we just gotta wait okay with mushroom extracted um let's open up the extracted file and click on this mushroom EXE in fact I'm just going to open up a new project folder um oh mushroom opened up on a different window uh just keep an eye out for that okay so now I just gotta locate uh all the uh frames so I'm gonna control a drag and drop these images in cool and honestly I have no idea how mesh room works it's just for me I just drag and drop and hope for the best so all your images are loaded and you're gonna have to save this first so save it somewhere um let's go to I'm just gonna have to blur this out okay cool and we're gonna have to save this into a folder so uh let's make a new folder and call it Church scan data again there is no necessary specific naming schemes or anything it's up to you what you do if you want to be neat go for that or if you want to be like me and just give it a dumb name okay cool uh file name I'm just gonna say Church and that's it save and once that is yeah that's done now we just gotta click Start and hope for the best um before I do this um I'm gonna I'm just gonna make up a recommendation of you're gonna have at least more than six gigabytes of vram um at least my machine is at eight gigabytes um but there are some instances where it will trash or you will run out of vram so yeah just keep an eye out for that um if you do stumble into onto those problems uh maybe try reducing your images and just picking the most key points they still need to have some similarity to them but yeah I would recommend just reducing your images okay enough talk let's click Start okay now it's going so let me tell you a little bit how this works um if it's green it means it's completed um the orange bit means it's still doing the thing and the blue bit means it still has to be done if you see red anywhere that means uh okay cool I'm gonna I'm okay cool and letter to run okay so uh just to hop back in this tutorial um so I left it going for a while and you can definitely see it's starting to pick up points the more points you have the better um you'll see some floating points which I really can't explain but I'm hoping the algorithm won't pick that up um you can change the point size to this and it looks like a solid model it's actually getting the textures and yeah it's looking good um this does take while so just be prepared to wait like two or three hours um maybe even more if you have more photos but yeah this is looking good um you can also see the cameras you can see the path of the Drone took to get this video and yeah uh I'm gonna stop recording and see what result ends up and yeah I'm gonna stop the recording and just wait and see what happens okay and uh yeah it seems like the model is done um I have no idea how mesh room exactly worked um but as long as everything has a green line then that should be good um now we need to actually get a model so let's open a fresh copy of blunder and then let's go to our project files so we saved it under Church scan data and then church cache and then it would be under texturing it would have a weird name but that should be it cool um let's delete everything and press q and I think it's an obj so let me grab the file uh you can just click and drag a file into blender's browser and that should open it up now this is going to be heavy and messy it's not a clean model well that was fast and as you can see we have our scanned Church now what you want to do is ideally you want to align it so an easy way to do that is going into one of your perspective views or order graphic views pressing one one five and three on a keyboard um I think that's it and you just wanna flatten this out as possible um basically match the horizon or levelness levelness of it and that should be it now let's take that church to Center uh it helps using a 3D cursor for this so to change it you click on this one where you press dots on your numpad or no no just dots on your keyboard and you should get these options so now it should not be rotating from the origin it should be rotating from for 3D Cruiser um and I think this is pretty level as we can get now let's delete a lot of junk so we hop into edit mode and be prepared because it's going to be dense um go into wireframe mode and don't select everything that's going to lag we're going to press B for box cuts and we're only going to select the section we need now we're going to press I to invert and we're going to press delete uh let's say vertices this does take a while especially if the model is dense if it's dense it's good um trust me it can get way more dense than this so sometimes you'll have to do the cleanup or I think you can delete vertices and sculpting mode that would be the fastest just give you an idea look how dense this is um okay let's hop out of editing mode and let's just bring this thing up to scale like just give it a scale okay cool let's go to material View and see how it looks hey there we go uh 3D model from free stock footage and it's pretty decent ish given it's like a compressed MP4 and given we used free software um as I said before Zephyr Zephyr I don't know if that application alongside um reality capture is pretty good Solutions but it is also paid um I don't know if reality capture is paid but anyway you get the idea you just use free stock free stock video from pixabay or pixels and you can extract a pretty decent mesh I want to call this like a foreground mesh but like I mean for Mid ground it holds up but yeah that's basically it you have a free model from a free video using free software and yeah bye
Channel: Oby 1
Views: 8,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EvI6EH_szzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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