Scalping The News with Forex Trading Part 2 (7% ROI in 2 Minutes)

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all right so getting ready to stop the news again it's Thursday 21st of December it's 8:20 p.m. local time over here I'm actually in Indonesia so it's one hour ahead of Singapore and as you can see from the club here in 30 which is in ten minutes we have got Canadian CPI news combined with corey taylor sales news and there's also a gdp on the dollar right so if i was trading this i'll trade the euro USD i'm gonna treat this because Canadian news tends to be stronger so I'm gonna trade the dollar a Canadian pen alright so I met dollar Kenny repair I'm at 5-minute candles so right now market price is to 803 to 804 right and again three minutes before the news at eighteen seven I'm gonna place my two orders by order and sell order so standing by to do that okay a $27 case 2801 so I'm gonna put a buy order 28:13 a nice to be able to humbly fast or chaotic tornado to buy audit weenie 8:14 sell out at 28 or to minus 12 that will be two two seven nine zero okay so gonna put my buy order with one lot for the volume so buy stop order two eight one four well it's moving as you can see even different placing audits it's moving down quite fast to 2800 okay so I'll remove this really fast do you want you to 8 0 0 - 2 7 8 8 okay so buy stop order 1.2 to 8 Q stop loss at one point two zero zero okay bye stop please now I'm gonna put my cell stall one point 278 one point two eight zero okay so my two orders are in I'm gonna open my terminal monitor my two orders here and let's see what happens switch to one minute candles so my by order is their cell wall is there let's see if it triggers anyone I've got one minute for the news to start well okay as you can see it plunged it should get my cell order all right so I'm gonna cancel my buy order and in 1 min I one minute I'm gonna take profit on this - seven six - so it that you want I'm gonna close the trade to 75 okay so you can see my profit is there okay so I thought my stop loss at 275 zero okay that's my stop loss if it keeps going down I'm gonna make more if it goes up I'll stop up at two seven five zero it's going down some more so I can lower my stop-loss even more we do 7 to 75 5 just leave my stop-loss there okay let's see what that says Casey my profits over here alright so if it goes up and hits my stop-loss I still make a pretty good profit it looks like is going up to get my stop-loss that's fine because I really made a very nice profit over here okay so again stop-loss over there and he goes up he's gonna hit my stop-loss and stop me out he goes down I'll keep shifting my stop-loss lower looks like he's going down right let's see what happens right nice it keeps going down great okay come on keep going down give me some more profits okay I've no I to 7 45 46 I'll let it find out let's let the best fight the booth and see okay it's going to to 740 okay great well going even though it to seven okay great so I'm gonna my stop-loss now two two seven four zero so I can lock in more profits okay great I'm stopped up great so I just got stopped out and how much did I make let's see so I just made a profit of three hundred and sixty dollars in about two minutes okay now that's not a big deal until you consider okay what was the resource taking all right let's take a look what's a resource taking so basically let's take a look as you saw I bought one lot and I saw one lot right so what was my risk okay my wrist was 12 pips okay my resource table tips how many pills did I make let's see so as you can see I got in at this price to seven eight five that was my sell price and eventually I got out at two seven four zero so how many pips did I capture through seven eight five minus two seven four zero I captured forty five pips all right so I got 45 pips and my stop-loss was 12 pips so I earned three point seven are all right three point seven dollar for this tree great so this is a nice trade again gotcha pass on five are and that's how you trade the news for dollar Canadian alright so if you like this video you can subscribe for more videos by clicking on the subscribe button if you like to enroll in our professional Forex trading courses you can go to purana profits calm for live training courses in asia do visit us at wealth academy global calm this is adam who and may the markets be with you
Channel: Adam Khoo
Views: 200,839
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Keywords: adam khoo, adamkhoowealth1, wealthacademySG, stock trading, stock investing, technical analysis, ETFs, exchange traded funds, CFDs, wealth academy, AKLTG, FXAK, forex trading, forex trading singapore, forex trading strategies, stock trading strategies
Id: _k6aNZ0df6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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