Mastering Pivot Points In Your Trading | Urban Forex

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so in this webinar what I'm going to be showing you is how to use pivot points and actually extract it completely using ranges so you don't have to use pivot points anymore so let's get started so the pivot points right we got R 1 R 2 which means resistance on top we got s 1 s 2 on the bottom which is resist a support on the bottom there's more levels there's like an r3 and r4 and so on so forth so what these lines are doing it's automatically calculating yesterday's movement and it's plotting it on for you today okay so it takes the total movement of yesterday gets you some average movements and it gives it to you today so so far so good does that make sense okay now using that information too low can everyone hear me now okay okay I think that should be okay I just don't want to increase the ball in too hard there's oh there's a nice lady outside screaming I don't know if you guys can hear her but she's like screaming out of the top of her lungs yeah okay all right so when we're looking at these as support as support and resistance what they are are basically support and resistance so we're going to do two things first we're going to learn pivot points right then I'm going to show you how to look at it without pivot points and then I'm going to reap lot them again for you and you're going to see do you actually need them or not fair enough so we have some aha moments in this webinar today so let's do this now pivot points basically are supposed to tell you areas of bounces right the markets are supposed to bounce so let's let let me take a screenshot of this so we can draw on this together okay here we go okay everyone see a circle on my screen all right so the markets are heading upwards they're heading upwards but notice there's a resistance here and it didn't stop at resistance there is a resistance here it didn't stop at resistance it's held for a little bit as you can see here it bounced a little bit but it didn't stop and then after that today there's nothing but there is a line from yesterday whoo it extends out it tells you that this has some value so in my previous webinars that I used to do in 2009 or 2010 something like that for pro trading strategy I used to talk about using your pivot points for three specific days you know day number one here is day number two okay and then here is the day number three like that and you use all the lines from these days to understand at what area can the market stop ok yes for those of you who are asking about is this going to be available on YouTube yes that is true and going forward any of you guys who cannot get into the room it's because the room has a max capacity of 500 so we might max out today which is a great thing so gradually to all of you guys for being here on time because we're going to max out very soon okay so so far so good makes sense it's going to take it takes three basically three days to find out the total movement okay now I'm going to show you something quite interesting let's go into let's say euro USD you know something a pair everyone knows about and remove this let's go to the current market okay kind of make it bigger so you all can see all right I'm going to take a screenshot again okay we're going to look at the same thing here look at this markets are going up right no stop here no stop here no stop on this one either okay nothing much happens here you've got a temporary hold and then this one we have some sort of a stop retraces gets down to this same level from yesterday or from the day before sorry and then it takes off again now how would we know stuff like this is going to work isn't that the main million dollar question sorry I'm late okay Prakash you win the prize oh I was waiting who's going to say that first so welcome welcome it's okay there's no it's okay if you're late it's everything's recorded anyways it's okay yes you're going to have my strawberry cake I don't know if you're on Facebook live watching but you can have my cake alright so those pro trading strategy still work no I don't use it I'm sure it works there's a lot I've seen forums all across the internet using it and they're built EAS and everything around it I don't use it anymore but I've seen it's gone it's taken its own life there are millions of people out there trading pro trading strategy and I don't know how they've hacked it but they've even yeah it's evolved quite a bit it even has EAS and everything so I would I would look into that where people are still trading it if you need someone to trade pro trading strategy with ok if I ask any relation to round numbers example zero zero levels no not really because these these things do not use psychology they use yesterday's data ok does they use yesterday's data okay now so in this information so don't we all agree the number one question is well how would I know it's going to blow through this blow through that and come out to here bounce from here come all the way down to here and then resume again now isn't that an information we would all like to know what if I give you that information today how much better would your trading be if I give you that information today yeah so let's look into this today let's go straight into it without wasting any time hold all your questions okay especially if it's not related hold that question till the end if it's not related to pivot points all the till the end or I will put you outside the classroom so okay let's take a look at this all right now if we're looking at these markets now the market sorry I need to go into the whiteboard the market works in several phases okay I'm going to show you the phase here I'm going to open up the whiteboard everyone see my smiley face yeah okay so market works in phases okay there is a trend movement there is a pullback movement there is a trend move the pullback movement there are channels and then there are ranges correct these are the different phases we got the trend okay and then we have the range okay the reason I'm showing the range first is because the channel is exactly arranged just sideways it's the same thing like a range it's just sideways only difference is is in a trend you have this as support occurs resistance right so you can buy it again you have this as the Porticus resistance so you can buy it again but in a channel it goes below support achill resistance and we think oh if it's below it must be a cell but in actuality it's in the channel it's still for a buy but we won't know that if we don't understand the different styles of the market correct so everyone understand these little phases okay now let's start with logic first you need very important logic this is very critical so pay attention okay this piece here I want you to think in terms of muscle power let's say this is the buyer okay this is the power of the buyer this is the seller how much because of how much buying power do we have how much selling power do we have no no I want you to just imagine I'm just drawing it just randomly right let's say I'm going to put more sorry there's more buyers right because a trend is up for a reason it's not a channel it's not arranged the pull the sellers come very little okay and then they go up for a buy correct for those of you who are not participating by typing you guys can verbally say it out loud but do say it out loud so you follow along okay all right so we can see that there are a lot more buying pressure happening in this one okay in a channel okay how would we say the pressure is it's it's not the same right it's almost the same it's more on the buyer side than it is on the seller side because it's still trying to go up little by little by little correct now these things mean something these things mean something so keep that in mind and finally you guys already have probably typed out the answer in a range what is the pressure okay it's equal sorry there we go okay keep drawing outside the lines I was horrible even in preschool throwing outside the lines okay so it's equal equilibrium all over the place right so when we when we need to know this Power Balance okay I use this as a Power Balance you guys can use whatever you want but I just use this just to get an idea okay that's the spire that's the cellar is just for a you know visual representation of what's going on now how how many times does the market go into a range how many times does the market go into a trend anyone know that information now some of you guys are saying seventy thirty seventy is what okay okay so we all agree it's not equal majority of the time it ranges less than majority of the time it trends correct we don't need to know the exact numbers but as long as we know that idea majority of the time it ranges less than majority of the time it trends what are the rules for trading ranges what's the rules how do you create a range good common sense knowledge right sell from the top buy from the bottom if it's not common sense it's going to be common sense don't worry okay so sell from the top buy from the bottom why because we want to use the previous points as leverage of saying okay markers are coming down but it bought last time so it's going to buy again this time it's sold last time so it's going to sell again this time we're using that leverage of strong sellers or sitting here strong sellers or sitting here strong buyers are sitting here and strong buyers will sit here again with the possibility okay so far so good okay now let's take this to the charts let's take this to the charts the reason why I did is there's a very important reason why I did this okay I'm going to take you to the charts again I'll show you something cool okay first webinar for you live you're from Morocco welcome welcome okay all right so let's take a look at this in Clarke also from Scotland welcome as well Omar welcome it's good it's good to have all of you guys who are coming here live okay so we're looking at these markets doing all all sorts of crazy things right now if I take a few steps back let's say I'm in June okay early June I'm going to take a screenshot okay can you guys spot the range here can you guys spot the range in here okay so we go boom and boom okay this one is a faker it just comes down comes back up clear clear range here boom sorry it's not purely straight lines but you guys get the idea boom clear okay now no range on this thing that we see currently okay this is sorry I'm good okay yeah you're going to have a have a piece of the cake okay so now I want you to focus on one thing now let's say I tell you to forget pivot points forget that they matter because pivot points are also a calculation of yesterday right what what is important are these levels this piece the bottom of this range extending out the top of this range extending out sometimes they will coincide with your pivot point going into the future and if they do you know that pivot has more logic and value to it without that information that pivot I would say is useless because it can't just be mathematical like that there needs to be a reason yeah it will hold more strength like that okay now if we use these same ideas and we extend them across so let's do this let me go into the charts here and I'm going to draw these lines I'm going to remove these pivots I'm going to put these lines in cut up okay so here we got one range here I'll make this range a different color I'll make this one let's say Orange okay nice beautiful colors okay notice because ranges are more frequent than trends notice how often ranges are used as levels of balancé balancé balancé bounds they're used much more stronger than just a generic supported cause resistance and everything like that okay now let's take this further into this area of when this market blows out of this area when this market blows out of this area right here it goes straight through boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and he finds some sort of a halt now our job is not to find where the halt is because for us this is an uptrend and do we buy at the highest price do we want to buy when the prices are going up no we need a discount we need we need to tell the market give me a discount and I will buy it somewhere along this line he finds some sort of a resistance and he starts to pull back it gives you a nice red bar right if he gives you pull back in this area we need to find out why did he stop in this area let's have a look let's have a look let me draw a horizontal line here tada okay so black horizontal line let's go back and let's find out what is that price and is it a range come on let me find one quickly through the daily it's all the way up there okay here we go notice that this is a range here this whole thing it's a top of a major range here okay so price is reacting from that okay so we don't care if reacts from that our job is to buy it we're not caught up in the daily work we're still in the four hours and the four hours is buy we buy okay this is a daily chart it's a big big big movement it's a big range and it's bouncing off of that and we're like fair enough I understand why it's bouncing on my chart so on the four hours you're looking at this balance and you're like I know why you're bouncing fair enough where can it balance to where can it bounce to now that becomes the next question is what is my nearest range that can hold this okay now you'll have this range as a point of reference right if I even smooth up the exactness of it you had this range as a point of reference okay you're like huh maybe can come down to the top of this range or if I find something sooner I can find something else but as from the closest market this seems to be the range and this top of the range seems to be 40% pullback the bottom of the range seems to be like a 60 70 percent pullback looking at how strong the up move is happening I believe it won't pull back to the bottom purple line or these orange lines but rather the upper one however I need to confirm that I need to confirm that so it's a way to confirm that is now I go down to the one hour and I first monitor what kind of reaction am I getting off of this thing okay get a strong move down bounces a bit strong move down would we say everyone activates a cell at this moment panic kicks in everyone's like oh my god sell sell sell sell sell oK we've got no higher high sequence coming in and then the first move down now generally the first move down is it's a panic it's not a cell I'm going to explain to you why look once the first movement down here the first red bar does anyone know it's a cell no when the next movement down happened does anyone know it's a cell also no it's panic right now it's as if you suddenly stepped out in front of a car that's driving at 100 miles per hour you freeze you don't know what to do so even in the second stage people freeze they don't know what to do it's only in the next move down is when they start to take action enough time needs to pass by for them to take action to say ok it's a so because they have to follow it ok so it's still not a failure so this isn't a trade we can we can trade from because once this trade goes all the way back up and you might even say well if this is a complete turnaround of the market or an exhaustion candle right because this is like a probe now it's just a railroad tracks a fast move down fast move up it's almost like this move down never happened so we might be thinking well we can buy this but the problem is we are now buying it at the top of a range ok this is why inside your pivot points I missed it yeah this is why inside your pivot points that area becomes very crucial to us and saying like well that resistance is important we can't just ignore it okay this pivot point is coming from here look at this look how far away this pivot point is now the body does end up going a slightly higher but there is some danger to it okay let's take a look at another example take a look at another another example where this thing will get a little bit much more clear okay let's open up Ozzy newzealand let's say okay so we're in Aussie New Zealand all right can we spot the ranges in this chart got one here okay got one there got one here okay so we got some ranges in here now in this movement if we take a look at this now based on the four hours the four hours got its own kinds of ranges I would he has his own range down here we've got something up here that's holding up okay and prices like to bounce from these areas now why those prices bounce from these ranges now let's let's answer that question first why does prices bounce from these ranges there was power there people remember those powers okay let me give you let me give you an idea okay I'm going to give you a quick example of why people why ranges work to react again here take a screenshot real quick okay I'm gonna draw a circle let me know when you see it okay now prices went up to here prices are rising right they're going up boom boom boom boom boom they're going up so now your Apple that you buy in the store that used to be $1 now went up to $2 okay the same Apple went up to $2 you're watching it you're like oh man this Apple come on I want to buy this friggin Apple everyone's buying the Apple that's the reason why prices are going up because everyone's buying the Apple right so you're like I want this Apple to now prices start to drop a little bit and you're like oh the Apple went down to $1 $0.50 and you're like oh great it's on a discount maybe it's going to go more maybe it's going to go more that maybe idea is so dangerous maybe it's going to go more and then it goes up boom back to two dollars back to one point five area and then after one point five where does he go back to $2 and then from $2 he goes straight up to $5 now when you're watching it the price go from $2 to $1 $52 one dollar $52 one dollar fifty and then suddenly from two dollars five dollars will you remember that in your in your life or at least in the near future you are going to remember that I don't know if you guys like apples like that but let's just replace the apples with any product you will remember that any product that you like because you're watching it you're looking for a time to buy it a banana so you're looking at and then $5 happens but once the $5 comes back down and then it comes down again and then you see a price of $2 one more time at $2 what's going to happen you're going to tell all your friends came man I was there last year when price was at $2 and it jumped to $5 if you do not buy now you're never going to get this price ever again I promise you the whole market goes into that idea of remember last time remember last time this is why markets react very heavily from the breakouts of these ranges does that make sense okay now yeah exactly it's like a holiday sale now how do you know what's a good price you don't know what's a good price until you see the price change you didn't make the price so you don't know what is a good price all you know is oh I know the price was this price and then the price change so it must be good that's the only thing you can judge by you don't you don't actually know the price is the song done okay give me a second okay let's see if this works okay so far so good okay here we go I'm going to draw a circle perfect perfect okay so does everyone understand the reason why the power of these ranges are important because once it breaks out of that range the longer it spends time in that range the more people will remember that price okay I know once it breaks from that range the further it goes people will be like oh yeah I remember that price yeah so yeah a range is basically your support on top and in your saree support on bottom and resistance on top but be sure to cut out any stuff like this okay this is no higher high so is this this is no higher highs at the tail even this is a tail it's just really quick up really quick down okay all right so now in this particular sequence we see prices reacting off of this high okay where it's reacting off of that high and we're like oh good we're for our trailers it bounced off of there well is it going to stop here no he keeps coming down and he's got and down and down and down now he makes his own little range but let's say we didn't see that own little rate that was making live okay let's say the market is the market is like this sorry bad one fill it fill like this okay let's say the markets like this it's coming down now we don't know it's going to make a range right all we know is well where is it going to where is it going to now not just where is it going to is can I justify the movement can I justify the movement so we need to start looking at that very closely so markets are going down anyone who bought here are they scared they bought their they bought their they bought their these guys are chasing the market they bought their yeah so they're worried but some of them are still in profit okay some of them poop status some of them are still in profit so they're not so concerned right they're like it's okay if it's a it's not a big deal I'll get through it I'll get through it then okay let me then we have a slight reaction up and they're like oh told you I'm safe but it doesn't go up much higher it instantly comes down in the next candle now there's panic okay there's panic in the market they're like oh my god what am I going to do now what if it goes down what if it goes down okay what happens and when you have fear if you have fear you will paint tomorrow automatically okay just learn from the news if you have fear you suddenly draw in picture of what tomorrow might be correct that's what fear does is it makes us paint tomorrow as if we are God and we know what's going to happen we don't know what's going to happen right so once this happens there's fear like oh my god if it goes down I'm dead and as soon as this happens the market does go down now the panic becomes reality and in that's reality everyone turns seller we're watching this area as hey remember that range remember that five dollar Apple turning back into two dollars let's see if it does something here and then we'll figure it out okay we're using this knowledge of could they have or using memories okay let's use this information to see if something happened we're not going to hit the buy we're not supply and demand traders we need logic we need reason we can't just hit up by blindly right otherwise we would have had a hit a sell blindly from here and you know how that turned out okay we need to know what this means so as we're watching this we have few pieces of information let me clean all this up for you guys we have few pieces of information anyone who was buying has just been stopped out and not just stopped out they might even turn sellers okay so there's a lot of people's money going short now because enough time has passed enough momentum has happened to make sure everyone sells whatever they have okay now these things turn right back around right up to there okay whatever the sellers we're doing the buyers took it all the way back let's take a look at this again on the 1-hour okay we're going to go into a little bit of precision there we are now okay yeah v-formation right so whatever the sellers were doing notice how the sellers are moving down notice how the buyers are moving up would you say the sellers are struggling do you see any buyers on the way down yeah there's very some there's some aggressive green candles in there okay what about on the way up do you see sellers coming back there's no sellers there's like very few sellers or super-weak that means are the sellers throwing away the ball knowing that everyone's still stuck down here all their money is being screwed over there's no one there so we're now watching for is stage two stage two is in this process on the sixty we yet have another range do we not this range popped out from here and held popped out came down this is what we call a test okay this is what we call a test the test is coming in the final stages the final final stages is coming in and were like oh look at the Celer it must be going back down he doesn't go back down because he bounces off the top of that range what happens to him once he bounces off the top of the range does he come down No so that's clue number one okay that's interesting he's not coming down what's going on he pops out of the range like okay why is he doing that then he bounces back down and holds above the range for three hours you have all the information this is the main key okay we're going to call this the main key okay this is the main key this is the secondary key okay you only use the secondary key when you start to realize everyone who was a buyer is now screwed okay you start to see the secondary key and you're like excellent now I'm going to use the secondary key to find out exactly where do I need to get in okay when you use this pieces of information together notice when you get into here how much of a loss do you have before the trade goes into profit how much does the trade mess with you and where do you think you would put your stop-loss you know you still need a supplement yeah below that range because now it's more logical there's a reason why if price goes below that range well every time prices come near is the range it bounces up so just for the sake of safety I can put my stop-loss below here but to be even more safe I'm going to put my stop-loss below here now these guys understand for those of you who are in the elite community why I put my stop-loss is so tight sometimes because I see an opportunity to turn this one our trade from one our or 100% up to 700 percent in a single trade does that make sense yeah so your range is which everyone's afraid of the range is that everyone is afraid of is actually very useful it's actually very very useful okay so you might think the trend is your friend I think the range is your friend man because the range has happened more often and if it happens more often than you need to listen to the ranges and learn to use them they're very very important now shall we use all this information on pivot points and now I want you guys to tell me at what point our pivot points necessary okay everyone with me so so far okay look at this area there's a pivot line right here coming in from yesterday this pivot line extends out to there now isn't a pivot line very similar to our range line our range line was basically saying as long as prices above this range we're okay for a Buy can you make a pivot color blue yeah sure sure one second sorry about that let me delete everything and that way I can show you the pivots make it I'll make everything blue yeah so you guys can just see all the lines completely okay I think that should be enough and let me go to the four hours so you guys can see multiple lines ah come on don't tell me I didn't save it blue once I can for it blue and blue and one more blue and we're good to go there we go good screenshot so here we go so here is a pivot line right here where our bi is happening and that's the bottom of that pivot line or that's that's reacting from the opposite side of the resistance but notice there is another line right here coming in from the day before and that also holds true remember the three days logic but now there's also another pivot point here which hit that guy down for a cell prior to the blast-off so you know there's absolutely no hurry to enter the trade earlier unless you bounce off this first level let it come down give you a nice test show you proof to you that it cannot go down any more and then you head up by this way you have a proper trading system and you're not blindly trading anything yeah and those of you guys who know the test from the four cores bundle in the timing section you guys will know this okay Billy when do you draw ranges which time frame it depends which time from do you want to trade so for example in this time frame we're looking at the four hours and sixty right because we can actually see the four hours making moves you know it's causing people to get into the sell side and all that stuff for using the four hours and 64 precision okay so the overall flow of this four hour is in an uptrend or what we call buyers territory and as it pulls back as long as it's above here it's still a buyers market for us okay but unfortunately you know the public doesn't see it like that right they see it as a sell after a certain stage and that sell is our is our biggest friend the buy entry it's right here so I want you to use this information it's very very critical we go over a lot of these techniques now before if this technique was useful for two to you you know we've released the mastering practice and how many of you guys actually have the mastering product section course already yeah how many guys do not have it do not have the mastering price action course okay so those of you who do not have it you guys can see live feedback from these students who actually have it that they're extremely happy with it some of you guys have already graduated good good good good it's very very powerful it used to be a course that I designed for my one-on-one students it's a six thousand dollar course and this is something we were talking in management for a long time that we need to do something different we want to change the way we approach the market because we want to help people as much as we can so that's why we made this course more open to the general public and we made it a lot more affordable so the price now is at two hundred and forty nine dollars and it is available for you guys to pick up today we have started to accept the next wave of people to come in so here we go right there I will get you guys the link right here it will open it up on your screens and you guys can pick it up today and get started immediately it's a seven week course and basically that this course releases every week to you week by week going over a lot of the major important topics and with this information and you use the webinars and stuff like that we also have private webinars for MPA students in fact some of which we're going to be doing in I would say in a week and a half time okay so those of you who are in the MPA already in the mastering price section course ready to receive an email from me because we're doing a private webinar soon to go over some really good stuff okay so all of you guys were already in the matching price fiction course we're prepared for a private webinar soon okay all the 4cv students are allowed to come as well but it's going to be great it's going to be great so so we a lot of you guys have noticed we have raised the price on the measuring price action course and we're looking to raise it again soon as the demand keeps going higher and we have to raise the price as we don't have the enough amount of staff to cater to you guys so we will be raising the prices very very soon again so you guys can pick up the measuring price action course today and I want to see all of you guys in the course doing well breaking through the barriers and taking your trading to the next level if you guys had some aha moments today let me know how many ojas did we get today how much informations did you feel that oh I never saw that before you know it's very important it's ranges are looked down upon in the market because they're so messy they're not easy to read right there look down upon but ranges are actually fantastic and the reason why I named this webinar pivot points is because pivot points have a better reputation than ranges and it gets everyone to come in here and at least I can use it as a backdoor to talk about pivot points and then saying you don't need tippet points you see so I really wanted to you know it's like I'm calling in Brad Pitt and saying I don't need you anymore yeah good good bye see ya so pivot points are great I'm happy whoever made it it's great but there is missing links and pieces to it so I'm glad all of you guys are here thank you for coming this is all the time we have for today any questions any questions let's go over some questions anything you guys want to ask me okay let's see here how's it different from SNR ranges boundary SNR so pivot a resistance same thing no no it's much different because when you're dealing with ranges if you know how to use ranges properly based on your timeframes they become a because pivots are going to give you multiple areas you don't want to use all of them you want to know which ones are going to be more useful right so if you had that information ahead of time it can become very very powerful at none I can see you're giving my email address away to people but that's okay yeah if you guys need to reach out to me navin at urban 4x comm is my email if you could get ahold of me if you want to talk to our mole lucilla or Robert info at urban 4x comm is the fastest way to reach them otherwise we're also available on Facebook and Twitter as well so our support is available in all areas yes it is recorded and we had some drops in between and I apologize for that and how many guys okay so after this place we will be traveling to Hong Kong next week how many guys are in Hong Kong if also in a week and a half to two weeks we'll be back in Malaysia and then we'll also be coming to Singapore actually cake will be coming to Singapore as well so keep you know stay on top of my Facebook page or in our emails we'll send them out of these announcements I would love to meet you guys in person I want to see more of you guys in person it'll be great who can eat cake together have some champagne together and we'll be fantastic do you use fractals to identify ranges no I didn't use fractals when you learn will the webinar be available online within 24 hours the recording will be released can everyone still hear me so yeah I would be looking forward to catching up with all the guys in person and more than that I really want all of you guys to push through I'm coming back to melodies by us I'll be there once the weather starts getting better again it's raining right now I'll be back in melodies but I really want all of you guys to push further breakthrough and travel with me trade with me travel with me it's going to be awesome you know we'll have a good time we'll travel around will pick up traders as we go and you know what we'll see what the world has to offer so use of Indonesia I come to Bali very frequently so I'll be in Bali again once the weather gets better I believe is raining as well so so for this summer I'm going to Europe but Malaysia I'm coming back next week I think I'll be back in langkawi again yes the course helps with commodities and futures as well okay Australia I just need to apply for my visa to come to Australia I should be able to get that done very soon I will be going to New Zealand for sure as some of our students are living in New Zealand so we'll have to go there and meet them but yeah Germany is coming up in one one and a half months okay how long did the core is the core basic flattest core basics is four weeks yeah it's a four week course for the core basics so core core basics is a very strong supplementary course to the mastering price action it goes hand-in-hand together with the mastering price section alone it won't be as useful as it is with the measuring 5 section so it's quite powerful as well ok so again for those of you guys who already have the mastering price action course look out for my email we will be doing a private measuring price action webinar very very soon ok so that's all the time we have for today guys thank you all for attending it's always a pleasure to have you guys here I know you guys take that time for yourselves to be here from work or forum and the holiday for a lot of you guys in the u.s. so happy 4th of July as well and I look forward to seeing you guys in the next webinar in two weeks time I'll see you guys soon again if you need to reach out to me navin at Urban for XCOM Cheers thanks guys have a nice day bye for now
Channel: Urban Forex
Views: 240,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fx, forex, urban forex, trading, foreign exchange, technical analysis, mastering pivot points in forex, pivot points trading, pivot point, pivot points strategy, pivot points forex, trading with pivot points, Navin Prithyani, Price action, Pro Trading Strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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