SBN 12 Jan 20 Morning service Donnie Swaggart

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Network the Sun Life Radio Network online at Sun Life on Facebook live and on the free SVN now and this morning service will begin soon now let's go live to the Family Worship Center sanctuary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time for the Sunday morning service live from Family Worship Center at Jimmy Swaggart ministries in Baton Rouge Louisiana we'll have music from the Family Worship Center singers and musicians and a powerful message from God's Word now we go back live to the Family Worship Center sanctuary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I know we have a song coming I just don't know what it is [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know yeah and it's our great privilege to praise him every day that's what the father is looking for worshipers to worship Him in spirit and in truth baby it's a new little song is very simple there's just worship the Lord with it [Music] my [Music] to see your girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I said he's worthy about praise we've come this morning to bless the name of Jesus Christ the King of Kings [Music] we bless his name we bless His name turn around shake in with somebody welcome them into the service this morning we are so glad to have you for those of you that are tuning in through sonlife broadcasting network television radio internet watching a streaming live on Facebook or YouTube live we're so glad to have you with us in this Sunday morning service want to make sure that everyone checks that their cell phones are off or on the silent mode so there won't be any disturbance in the service this morning we want to welcome 73 brand-new Family Worship Center media church members from Alabama Ashley Carla Larry Salina Arizona Elaine Nancy Sandra Arkansas Barbara Connie California Charles Don Roy Stella Steve Colorado Luis Vera Florida Barbara Donny Florence Karen Marilyn Maynard Raymond from Georgia Oh Dean kita Samuel Iowa peril Kentucky Vicki Louisiana Carl Maryland gale Michigan Lorraine Lauri Minnesota Jeffrey Mississippi Geneva Joseph Mary Missouri Ines Melvin from New Jersey Christopher North Carolina Dorothy Frank Solon Willie rose from Ohio Angela Annette DeAndre Donna Jo Ann Leticia Rick William Pennsylvania David Donald Doreen Joseph potenti South Carolina we love South Carolina except tomorrow night one thing you don't have to be a prophet to know a tiger will win but we welcome Carolyn Donna Janine Karen Robert from Texas Bonnie Cynthia Elsa Horus Jack Kelly Ruth Sheila Virginia Lloyd Washington State Randall Sharon would you all stand let's look at the camera on our left and let's welcome all of our brand-new Family Worship Center media church verse for over 20 years Mike and Anna mother all have been in charge of salvation station and without a doubt unparalleled in their ministry and reaching our children a Family Worship Center but Mike and Anna are stepping back from salvation station Mike as now as you know professor in the Bible College as well but he's also now going to be the registrar and got a full load there and so Mike and Anne I want Mike and Anna would you come please want them to come out we want to honor them and thank them for their service and their labor their time [Music] I love your mic you know one thing I always can you have made a difference in so many lives of our little boys and girls I'll never forget the night it was a Friday night about midnight the phone rang generally that's not good news I picked up the phone and it was during the time of our kids camp our salvation station kids camp Gabriel was 9 at the time Matthew was 8 and Matthew was hungry for the Holy Spirit and at that kid's camp that night Friday night God filled him with the Holy Spirit and I can point back to all different times in our kids lives that Mike and Anna have made a difference and we want we honor them and we believe though that stepping in their place I know when we begin to discuss this it was amazing Gable and I went where we were when we went to discuss it and we both came up without prior discussion with who we thought should step into that place and when you look on this platform at all the staff where they're singers musicians where it's amazing but almost all of them are homegrown they've been raised up in this church and I can say the same thing about Jonathan and Tedra steel Jonathan Tedder would you come [Music] [Music] they've been a part of this church well it was me because I can remember when he was shorter and now but they have been helping for several years in Salvation Station and now Jonathan and Tedra are assuming the responsibility of pastors of salvation station and our children could not be in better hands Jonathan we love you we love you I want you to stand I want you to stretch your hands toward them as we pray father we come before you in the name of your son Jesus Lord first of all we want to thank you for Mike and Anna for their time their service their faithfulness and their dedication to the work of God Lord as they move into more responsibility in the College bless Mike and Anna anoint them give them the desires of their heart and Lord as we turn a new page in the history of salvation stationed here at Family Worship Center we believe that you have placed Jonathan and Tara for a time such as this we ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to rest upon them that our children will see him say baptized in the Holy Spirit called to preach to prophesy Lord use them mightily in your kingdom and we're so honored Lord to welcome them as a part of our ministerial family today and everybody said amen one more time give them a hand we love y'all god bless you well sheriff on begins tomorrow and and so we need all of our workers and our volunteers and demand the phones Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday and if you'd like to help you can sign up at the octagon printed prison ministry training session will be on Saturday January the 25th right here at Family Worship Center it's a registration begins at 8:00 and the class runs from 9:00 to 11:00 we're starting this year as well a brand new outreach ministry here in the church involving our veterans and if you are a veteran we want to invite you to be a part of the vet to vet program in ministry we're not going to be saying a lot about it right now we'll be officially kicking it off a little later and we'll be giving out information but if you're a veteran we would like for you to sign up in the octagon and we're gonna have outings and get-togethers and fellowship so vets can talk to vets amen and we honor the men and women who are veterans we honor them for their service and their commitment to our nation and this is just a way that we can reach out and help you and to touch you as well where have we we are we are introducing this week a brand new sunlight I mean a Family Worship Center website we've changed our website so we encourage you to go over and check out our new Family Worship Center website and tonight at six o'clock brother Loren Larson will be ministering so we want to encourage everyone to be back Family Worship Center resurrection choir and singers [Music] [Applause] [Music] well one of these old moments where the won't be very long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and the journey gets sweeter every day [Music] but I'm walking with Jesus talking with Jesus but all along the way when the soul gets to happen got a shout and I say night and day [Music] my way to heaven a certain law [Music] and the Journal get sweeter every day better move my way to heaven [Music] Jesus [Music] my soul [Music] the German jet stream [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] but I've had my ups and downs and sorrows and found to pass my way now you play glory but I paid no attention drop the contention [Music] and no time to stay BC problems can wait you down can call sunny skies to turn to grey but that doesn't matter cause I'm all I don't know [Music] and the journey gets sweeter every day well I'm on my way [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] amateur [Music] praise God you may be seated Heavenly Father I asked for your help for every person who needs healing today wherever in the world they may be that the healing power of Jesus Christ would flow into that physical body and we take authority in the name of Jesus over cancer over migraine headaches over every disease spawned by the world of darkness in the name of Jesus be healed by the power of Almighty God and Lord we give you the praise and the glory and everyone said a man and a man all we welcome you today go ahead give the Lord a hand crazy ball I want you to know there is a spirit in this place that the devil can't find the door he makes the one to get out praise the name of the Lord there's nothing like the presence of God I mean nothing like the presence of the Lord so we welcome you here today Randolph are you ready to say good [Music] the best to dance alone it was written by me [Music] Oh all the songs are song [Music] Moretz is almost run [Music] along the dives being in it [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you weep for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated The Devil's mad lump land he lost another soul he thought he had in the morning at about 3:30 the ragin Cajun and myself brother daya will be starting off the January the January we got some over here who knows what it what it is Shara thong and I want you to pray all night long tonight as to what the Lord wants you to do and somebody said well you know I've never had the Lord speak to me never well asking how much you ought to give it it often and he'll speak to you praise God well let's receive the tithes in the offerings this morning could you stand please Heavenly Father I ask Lord that you would meet every need of every person not only in this sanctuary but all over the world meet every need and I'm asking it in the name of Jesus amen and I'm mad would you come please [Music] started off if you [Music] [Music] this was the first shine that I put on record it must have been an old Wars back in nineteen hundred and fifty-eight let it bless your heart [Music] he was lonely my heart [Music] but God look down and sure and to me question [Music] he told me he loved me and the baby to come in Minister [Music] or so Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] two days [Music] from [Music] mention them [Music] in a DC for two [Music] go [Music] my yesterdays the more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my yesterday from oh never wrong okay [Music] tomorrow may never come so I'll trust him for me the game is only son [Music] to the new Jimmy [Music] well [Music] from [Music] and then the home of blue [Music] ever mentioned [Music] worse in a DC got to go [Music] the more [Music] go to go my history over [Music] [Music] open your Bibles this morning to first Kings one more time first Kings chapter 19 we're going to read the first seven verses first Kings chapter 19 beginning in verse number one and Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done and withal how he had slayed all the prophets with the sword then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah saying so let the gods do to me and more also if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time in other words she threatened to kill him and when he saw when he saw that he arose and he went for his life and came to Beersheba which belongeth to Judah and left his servant there but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sent down under a juniper tree and he requested for himself that he might die and said is it enough now O Lord to take my life for I am NOT better than my father's and as he lay and slept under a juniper tree behold then an angel touched him and said unto Him arise and eat and he looked and behold there was a cake Baken on the coals and a cruse of water at his head and he did eat and drink and laid him down again and the angel of the Lord came again the second time and touched him and said here's my text arise and eat because the journey is too great for you arise arise and eat for the journey is too great for us but it's not too great for Jesus Christ what a deal this morning with a very important subject and that is oppression and fear fear always leads to oppression this life of journalists journey of life as a child of God I wish I could tell you that it was all sunshine but their battles their problems there's failure there are difficulties and sometimes even the strongest in the Lord can find themselves under juniper tree asking to die but there's an angel hallelujah arise and eat for the journey is too great for you father we come before you in the name of your son Jesus we thank you for the Spirit of the Lord we thank you that we're not in this journey of life by ourselves for your word has told us that you would never leave us you would never forsake us Lord take these halting words to the hearts of those here in the sanctuary and those that are watching and listening those that are battling fear and oppression help me to bring a word of truth that will liberate them and we give you all the praise and all the glory and everybody said a man and a man if you're in the Atlanta Airport and sometimes I think I live in the Atlanta Airport everybody says I don't like Atlanta but I've gone through there so much it's like the back of my hand I know where to go when to go and the best places to eat and you change if you've never been to the Atlanta Airport you change terminals underground you take a tram from one term to another when you get to there it starts with terminal a goes at terminal F when you get to terminal E which is where a lot of the international flights are you you come up an escalator and when you get to terminal e as you're walking if you look on the right there are mementos there's cases with different things history or whatever but there's one in particular that always catches my attention I've looked at it hundreds of times and it's just a little booth that contains some personal items that belong to Martin Luther King it has the wristwatch that he wore the day that he was assassinated it has one of his suits shirt tie scribbled notes different things about his life just a little small memorial and I've always is I've walked through that terminal I've never once walked by it without stopping and looking at it even though I've seen it hundreds and hundreds of times I'm not sure of the date but I think it was 1956 Montgomery Alabama that was the hotbed of the civil rights movement dr. King had graduated from Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania this was the first church that he would pastor a Baptist Church it's kind of interesting in that the leaders of the african-american community that were trying to bring about change trying to lift the oppression that was sown the black people of the south and I'm so glad that we're not where we used to be so glad they came to dr. King and they said we want you to come to our meetings it was very interesting he refused he told them I don't really want any part of this this is my first pastor it I want to devote myself to a church that was dying that was falling on hard times and that's what I want my focus to be and I know we got problems I know we need change in our race relations but but get somebody else I'm just not interested but as time went on the the elders of the city realizing that their voices were no longer being heard they appealed to him again to come to one of their civil rights meetings he told his wife I'll go but I'm not gonna stay I'm gonna leave I'll just make a presence I'll listen for a few minutes and then I'm leaving he got there sit down and now remember reading this after a few minutes he realized they're going to ask me to become the voice and the face of the civil rights movement and he actually got up to walk out and they stopped them in and said dr. King please don't leave and they begin to appeal to him and finally after much talking he agreed that he would begin to speak for them after several weeks of wrestling with this thing he began to step out he begin to speak he becomes it became the face of the civil rights movement he was giving a speech in Montgomery on a Saturday night he was in the middle of that speech when a man came in through the side door walked on the platform and literally interrupted his talk and whispered something in his ear and doctor he stepped back and said I have to leave come to find out what had happened he had left his wife and newborn infant at home and word had gotten back to him that they were going to be murdered that night threats had come that they were going to blow the house up and he rushed over there with a group of our black pastors and and elders from different black churches that were armed and they put a ring around the church because they didn't trust the police dr. King did his best to reassure his wife that everything was going to be all right finally she drifted off to sleep and he went into the kitchen he sat down and he just laid his head on the kitchen table he said that he had never felt more alone in all of his life he said he had never felt more fear not really fear for himself but for his wife his family his young family and he was sitting there at that kitchen table as the hours begin to go by one o'clock in the morning two o'clock three o'clock by himself he began to talk out loud talk to the Lord and he said Lord I don't know if I can do this I don't know if I have the strength he said it was like darkness was all around him it was like his soul was being crushed that oppressive spirit then he said out loud Lord give me something that will give me strength for the journey give me something that's exactly what he said and as he was sitting there all of a sudden the words but old spiritual came to him and he began to sing out loud there is a balm in Gilead hallelujah that makes the wounded whole there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul he started singing that second verse sometimes I feel discouraged and I feel my work in vain that's when the Holy Spirit revives my soul again he revives my soul again there is a balm in Gilead church I want you to know there is a physician there I don't care what you're going through I don't care how great the journey may be I don't care the oppressive powers of darkness that you feel coming against you there is one who is greater than the power of darkness there is a spirit that is greater than the spirit of hell and it's the Holy Spirit and the Lord has promised us that he would never leave us or forsake us Alleluia we're not in this alone we're not in this journey by ourselves we're not walking this path alone through many dangers toils and snares it doesn't matter what's going on in Washington it doesn't matter what the church says there is one truth that you can print rest your life on and that is Jesus Christ will not forsake you your family may turn their back on you but Jesus will never turn his back on you the church may say they don't want you but the Lord will hold up his arm and say come unto me I will give you rest this is not a great time in the prophets life it's a it's a time of fear and oppression you know we make a mistake in my opinion when we read of the men and women of the Bible and we don't really look at the individual you make a big mistake when you pass over the individual himself or herself and the reason why I say that is because no one can doubt how great a prophet Elijah was but if you look at the man you will find that he was just like us he was not infallible he had problems that right there should be an encouragement for every one of us right there we don't know that much about Elijah he's kind of a enigma he just shows up one day out of the blue if the Lord wanted us to know more about his early life in his past he would have told us but the Holy Spirit did not deem it necessary but it's really not important the important thing is that when God needed a voice he had a voice and I don't care what we're going through in this nation I don't care all of the craziness that's going on God's gonna have a voice God's gonna have a voice he's gonna have someone that will stand up against the powers that be the most interesting thing about Elijah to me is that Elijah has not yet died he's still alive today in his natural body now did you hear what I said he still alive today in his natural body in heaven two men the Bible tells us were translated from this earth Enoch and Elijah I love it says about Enoch that he had this testimony that pleased God and then it says without safe it is impossible to please God he was a man of faith and he was translated taken away Elijah was taken away in a world wind and a chariot of fire there and we get this question I don't know if we've gotten it once we've gotten it a hundred times probably on Mother's program and people cannot wrap their mind around the fact that there are two men in heaven that hasn't yet died why is that such a big deal why is that so hard for you to understand God's work in their life is not over they have a ministry yet to come and God has preserved them but I don't understand the Bible says that sin can I mean heaven oh yes that's true that's true we know all of that but understand we're talking about God here we're talking about God I think he's got everything under control and the Bible tells us the fulfillment of both Enoch and Elijah is ministry is going to come at the halfway point of the Great Tribulation Period and this is how miraculous God is all of a sudden they'll show up all of a sudden they'll just show up on the streets of Jerusalem prophesied now before I finish telling you what they'll do as I said they'll just show up that's God when you don't think you can make another step God shows up when it looks like everything is going around - falling around you God just show its wonder that what I call suddenly the book of accident and suddenly there came a sound from heaven that words suddenly in the Greek it actually means an interruption a divine interruption Oh hallelujah just when the devil tells you you're not going to make it - there's gonna be a suddenly hallelujah suddenly and suddenly send a divine interruption and all of a sudden Elijah and Enoch will appear they will prophesy 24 hours a day seven days a week for three and a half years not one person will be able to harm them the Bible said if anyone moves against them they'll be struck dead immediately they're going to be there for three and a half years proclaiming the coming of the Messiah proclaiming God proclaiming judgment and wrath but also escaped for those that will trust and then when they're through this is it the way God will when they're through they will just stop speaking and the moment they stop speaking that hedge that God placed around them will be taken down and they will be killed and then their soul and spirit will go back to be with the Lord in heaven man we're talking about they're not just anybody can be used by God like this I mean you have to be a man of God I mean you have to be a little bit above in our thinking than the normal person but yet we find in our text that Elijah was just a man like you and me here's the man that had battled the prophets of bale and saw to it that 405 the evil profits were cutting down he didn't do the killing himself the people did he was the one that called fire from heaven and fire King now he rebuilt the altar restored the altar he was used powerfully but Jezebel and Jezebel is not dead Jezebel is still alive today and you can find her in Washington DC as exactly what she is she's an old she's a Jezebel a comedy writer cannot a script a better plot than what's going on Washington it's it's their Bozo the Clown when Ahab tells Jezebel about the death of the 450 prophets the Bible said that she grew incensed and I want you to understand something today Satan hates you the word of the Lord said that the thief comes not but for to steal to kill and to destroy he wants to do everything that he can to make your life hard to make your life miserable he wants to do everything in his power to stop you from fulfilling the call of God in your honor and every one of you here this morning every one of you watching you have a place in the kingdom of God you have a purpose in the kingdom of God you're not just here just to suck air and sit on God's pew but God has saved you and raised you up to make a contribution into the kingdom of God now I don't know what that is it may be for some it may be an intercessor it may be a greeter it may be a sunday-school teacher it may be a worker in salvation station but God has something for every single child of God to do I don't know about you but that should turn you all that the God of the ages the creator and heaven and earth looked down saw me and said I've got a purpose and a plan for your life hallelujah a purpose I know I've told this before but I'm gonna tell it again because this just came to my mind and it's too good to pass over seven 1974 Debbie and I were College Southwestern Assemblies of God college and Watts @g Texas about two months before school was out we had gotten engaged 19 if any of my kids at 19 came in said they were getting married I'd lock them up and throw away the key 45 years almost and 19 and I it's the reality of real life hit me right between the eyes what am I gonna do what's my purpose why am I here on this planet and I remember a cross I lived on the third floor of the men's dorm of the moment what they called the multi dorm dr. gray knows exactly where I'm talking about my room was across the hall from the prayer room and as we kept getting closer and closer to the end of the semester and the burden of getting married and being a provider finding my place in this world it was very daunting because I did not have a clue as to what I was to do not a clue I can remember when we traveled across the nation everyone surround one of the schools I go to this happened three times we would have this deal where you would stand up and you would tell the people what you wanted to grow up to be I was always something different I didn't have a clue I mean I did I had no clue and I would go into that prayer room and I would sit down in the dark and I would say God I need direction I mean this was very daunting for me you got to understand something I mean I was raised in a home with a man that could fall out of bed play in the piano didn't read music never had a lesson I don't even know where middle C is I remember one of the greatest days of my life my mother bless her heart she told me I was going to have to take piano lessons and we were in Pontiac Michigan I don't know if he remembers this or not we were holding revival in Pontiac Michigan we would go to church and mother would find a piano teacher and it was the most excruciating and I was sitting there with dong dong and dad had been to the church praying and he opened the door walked in the little place we were staying in Pontiac Michigan and he just walked kept we started walking by and he got right by me he stopped put his hand on my shoulder and goes that's enough I looked up at him he said you don't have it my first response no more chopsticks but I would have I would have the you know these ladies would get your name you know when you're a little kid they'd grab you by the cheek or you are you gonna be a preacher like your daddy didn't know I had never sensed direction in night after night I would go in there two hours three hours and God tell me what to do what's my purpose nothing it was like the heavens were shut up we were getting close to final exams and you know I I don't like to take tests I hate tests I'd rather have a discussion because a test does it prove you really know anything it just means you've memorized what you're supposed to memorize and I don't like school I hate school I I didn't like college I my attitudes always been just give me a book and let me figure it out myself that's always been but now I had some figuring out to do and I didn't know what to do and I begin to get desperate and I began to cry out God you gotta give me direction I don't know what to do am I should I come back to school should I go to LSU should I do this should I do that and night after night I was getting by on maybe a couple hours sleep and going to class all in the morning just and I never said anything to Debbie but I was fearful I'm about ready to be possible for another person's life and I remember that in that time I got a phone call from Nashville Tennessee from the man at that time that was producing my dad's records great producer great producer his name was Phil Johnson and he called me and he'd never called I mean I knew him well been at the recording sessions but I didn't really know him well enough for him to call me at least I thought he goes Donny yeah he said I've called you to offer you a job I want you to come to Nashville and I'm gonna we're going to give you a job with that particular recording company you know artists you can find and I'm thinking like dude I'm 19 years old but I thought well this is it well this is it this is the this is the answer to the question I said well at least I had enough sense to do this I said I'll have to think about it but I thought this is it I got a job offer the next United I was in that prayer room and we were one week away from final exams come to think of it dr. grey I don't think I didn't crack the book yet I like to wait to the last minute it's fresher in the mind and I said this must be you Lord this this is a out of the blue this job offer purpose plan and all of a sudden the Lord finally spoke and I'll never forget the words he said no that's not my will that's not for you and then he said this he said you have wondered all of your life of your purpose in place he said before your mother was formed in her womb I knew her I called her before your father was formed in the womb of your grandmother I knew him I called him and I willed them to be together and number three before you were formed in the womb of your mother I knew you and he said now you want to know what to do he said you go home and ask your dad for a job ask your dad for a job and I remember Debbie now we came home and I don't mean to be in kind of love my mom did but the last thing I wanted was work for him because because I knew that that my dad did not believe in nepotism he would start so I asked him us I said the Lord told me to ask you for a job okay you know he gave me a job sweeping floors unloading trucks and and part of the the problem was answered but I kept thinking Lord I think I can do more than this and time would go on Devin I get married I'm cutting it short right now but I had never preached and I'd always ask in my heart and mine why raised around preaching like I was why wasn't that call there and this goes on for several years until I was about 34 years old I can take you to the place in my house on in my bedroom lying on the floor seeking the face of God god I need an answer I need direction and all of a sudden the heavens opened suddenly the heavens open and the Lord spoke to me and said you have wondered if you were called to preach he said I called you to preach before you were born but I've held that back until the right time in the right season and now is the time now is the season in about three weeks later I preached my first sermon and God has a purpose God has a plan for every one of you oh your situation and so Jezebel says I'm going to kill you now here's the first point the devil can do nothing against you everything that happens to a child of God is either willed or loud but there is nothing that Satan can do against you that God doesn't allow it or either you step out of the will of faith you are a child of God the Bible says you they like there's a circle and you're in that circle we are a peculiar people that doesn't mean weird it means that we are like him hallelujah we are peculiar to him you you are somebody you are a child of God you're not just a number you're not just a soldier you are a child of God I'm gonna kill you now he was the man of God who had shut the heavens up called fire down from heaven and the moment Jezebel says I'm gonna kill you he runs fear the Bible said when he saw when he saw that man that Jezebel said when he saw the problems always begin when we see when we hear matter if the most vulnerable time for a child of God is after a great moving of the Holy Spirit when you have seen the hand of God moved miraculously that is one of the most dangerous times for a child of God that's when Satan will hit you the hardest now but you know I'm doing a terrible job but try but I'm trying to get across to your mind but this is the man that said no rain for three and a half years this is the man who had a hundred fifty prophets of bail killed this was the man that fire had fell from heaven at his command and yet when one woman sins one person says I'm going to kill you tomorrow fear gets a when the devil puts a time on it you can rest assured it's not going to happen hello I don't know how many times in the last 35 years we've heard people say we've heard the devil say you're not going to make it another day well guess what we're still here we're still preaching we're still proclaiming hallelujah Satan does not rule times and the seasons of your life but Jesus Christ rules the times and the see he knows the hell your hand he knows everything there is about you halle-loo and there's a hedge round about you and he runs fear and then we find himself Ines himself under a juniper tree I don't know what a juniper tree is I don't have the slightest idea I just know it was a tree and he says God take me home kill me let me now I can't wrap my head around that I have to be honest I can't do it from seeing what he saw to asking to die but what we have here is the man of God was in the midst of demonic oppression I I know what that is the world calls it depression and it's a multi-billion dollar a year business a pill for this a shot but talk to this person yeah I don't listen you can't talk your problems away and what chap's me is you go to a psychiatrist and they're all sitting there they got their little Ivy League cardigan sweater on they got their corduroy pants and their penny loafers they got a pad and a piece of paper and you're telling them whatever you're telling them and then you say what does this mean and he says well what do you think it means if I'm giving you $250 an hour you better come up with a reason even if you have to lie you better tell me something oppression a believer cannot be possessed greater is He that is in you than he is in the world but every believer every one of you here it's probably sometime in your life found yourself under demonic oppression when there is oppression it's like everything is black and dark it's like the heavens are shut up it affects your thinking it affects your outlook it affects your eating it affects everything about you all you see is darkness all you see is defeat all you see is a mountain getting higher and higher and bigger and bigger all you see is how big the devil is all you see is the problem of pressure and without a doubt we get more mail on the sheriff finds the telethons and the Bible thousands of people in the prayer requests I'm in depression no you're not you're oppressed it is the powers of darkness that come to steal to kill and to destroy I'm not doing a good enough job this morning but I know what I'm talking about I've been in that blackness I've seen that darkness I know that laugh that comes to the soul and the spirit as Satan mocks you but guess what I'm still here Oh hallelujah and there is a remedy there is an answer like I heard he said it Gort just kill me aren't you glad the Lord doesn't answer every prayer and the Bible says that he goes asleep and he is running fear is ruling his life oppression is beating him down he cannot see or it's it's amazing we can see a miracle one moment and the next day everything is black and I don't I don't advocate living in the past but I do believe in looking at the past miracles and victories that the Lord has brought oh don't tell me SVM's not gonna make it because I can remember when we weren't sure is going to keep the doors open but we're still here I don't tell me about this church not gonna make it I can remember when everybody said this church was going to fall we're not we're here I don't believe in living in the past but I don't forget the miracles I don't look look back and forget that which God has done Bo the more we look at what God has done the Lori will feed you don't tell me he can't put food on your table don't tell me he can't put clothes on your back don't tell me that he can't put gas in your car hallelujah I mean I can remember a date several years ago we had him we had the Dhirubhai Wednesday or Thursday mother dad and I we we had a meeting and I remember mother mother is the chief financial officer of the ministry you can't buy a stamp unless she signs off on it and then it's got to be in triplicate then you got to plead then you got to have proof that you need that stamp can't you just take it but I remember she sat down and she said Jimmy we're not gonna be able to make payroll not gonna be able to make payroll I've done everything I can I've pinched every penny I've done everything but we're not there is no money what are we going to do dad said nothing it's God's problem now he said that in faith but I know I know how he was and I know he left right after that meeting he went home and began to pray and a mother it said Friday supposed to be pay day there wasn't a penny there Thursday afternoon the phone rings on my dad's Secretary's desk she takes the call I don't know who the man was but he said I was praying and the Lord told me to give you an offering and she's okay that's nice it was to the exact penny of what we needed to keep the doors open and and he's laying there he's a and all of a sudden the Lord sends an angel taps him on the shoulder and said Elijah get up arise get up arise get up or I say just you better grab ahold of this faith always gets up faith always says forward when Moses stood on the edge of the Red Sea with the Egyptian army behind him and the people were murmuring God said Moses take that rod and point it toward that water and tell the people to go forward I'm here to tell you this morning get up get up it's not over until God says it's over hallelujah listen we've got a world to reach and we're gonna reach what we're supposed to reach we've got souls to see and we're gonna see him say believers fill sick bodies heal God's not through with you and he looks up but he said the angel has cooked a meal cooked a meal God the maker of heaven and earth prepared a meal for a prophet running in fear my God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory oh you don't know it right now but some of you think you're on the way up but right now in Heaven's kitchen in Heaven's kitchen God is preparing something for you eat I've gotta get strict the point I'm I haven't ate two four days I've been in bed sick all this week and haven't had anything to eat since Tuesday and now I'm hungry I finally got my appetite back a minute ago I'm hungry so I'm gonna get to the chase right here I had a Fred a friend it just hit me I'm hung we had a guy that preacher one time he was preaching he said the funniest thing he was pretty start talking about fasting he said he said yeah you know I tried to go and won them along fast he said I get so hungry he said I'd drive through Popeyes and I'd order some chicken and I take a bite of it chew it up and spit it out what I'm talking about you don't spit it out it is manna from heaven hallelujah oh so he's some piece of press angel says arise and eat this is faith in action no I'm just gonna give you the solution for your oppression everything you need to put one foot in front of another was provided at Calvary III you know this was a time era I don't have time to let you know that most of you wouldn't understand it but Elijah in his whole scenario of shutting up the heavens and all of that there's good evidence that that really wasn't what God wanted he was trying to force the people by law to follow the Lord but rules and regulations don't do it and he tries he finds himself he's but God in His mercy you know forgive me for stumbling all around this but it just blows my mind that the creator of heaven and earth would say listen arise and eat here's the answer Matthew 16:24 take up your cross every single day that's arise and eating in other words every day we get up and we eat spiritually speaking of the goodness of the Lord we protect of the victory that the Lord has provided at Calvary old singers musicians make your way back arise and eat and drink it's type of the Holy Spirit if you will he's provided everything food and drink food and drinks spiritually he's provided everything you need all the food all the drink for the journey is too great for you to hear is let me close this is my problem and your problem we try for walk this journey in our own strength but the journey is too great but if you let the Lord feed you arise you've been laying down there too long arise get up eat there's something to eat manna from heaven Oh hallelujah drink drink of that living water that flows from the throne of God you can't make it by yourself but he can he can't let me close with this and once again I apologize I've just when you're weak you don't think it's clearly but about 30 years ago in our office in our boardroom we were fellowshipping with no he won't man call the name but Milan Lefevre Milan lefeber many of you feel that are older you remember the southern gospel singer febris through Atlanta Georgia he was the one Milan was the one who wrote the song without him without him I could do nothing how true that is God gave him that song when he was very young Elvis Presley heard it recorded it on one of his gospel albums sold millions it catapulted him into Fame money coming in anything he wanted the royalties from that song was coming in without him Milan told my dad and I he said I lost my way with God he went to England determined to be a rock and roll star he was friends with the Rolling Stones he was friends with Joe Cocker many of the popular singers of that day he was they were trying to help him to record he even signed a secular recording contract over there in England but he said there was darkness all around me everything that I thought I wanted when I got it you didn't do anything and he said to try to fill that void he began to shoot heroin and became a heroin addict and I remember him sitting there then looking at my dad he said I got so low and so strung out I hated myself he finally got back to Atlanta to where his parents were they've gone on to be with the Lord and they were Pentecostal people he said I came straggling in skin and bones with a heroin addict of several hundred dollars a day my I thought my life was over but my mother grabbed me by the shirt legs and said son you're gonna have to start living what you wrote you can't do it on your own without him you can't make it without him he said brother Swaggart I fell on my face I said God I've destroyed my life I've made a mess of my life my body craves heroin it craves alcohol he said but when I begin to cry out to God he said that bondage was broken God set me free he said I haven't touched alcohol have it to here without him I eat and drink for the journey to eat of him drink of him stand your feet this morning hallelujah hallelujah Jesus well by schita but I don't know you as far as the circumstances of your heart right now I don't know what battles that you're fighting I don't know if some of you have said I'm giving up I don't know what Satan is bringing against you but I just know this morning that Jesus Christ is not through with you he can turn that darkness into sunshine he can make the barren wasteland rich with water and green he can make the crooked path straight he can fill that void he can bring light into your darkness as they begin to sing whatever they feel lit I'm not here to embarrass you I don't want to know what you what oppresses yeah it's none of my business but I'm here to tell you the Lord the Lord has a way out he will lead you out he's going to tell you get up eat and drink you don't have to carry this burden by yourself come as they begin to serve [Music] [Music] come on if you need that touch this Mort [Music] Danny Martin [Music] give us our pasture tunnel [Music] that hard find somebody to lay hands on him right now and begin to intercede with them [Music] got any rivers [Music] in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] to your people this board [Music] [Music] they'll do for you [Music] and just begin to praise [Music] [Music] God specializes [Music] he'll do for you [Music] feeling my spirit right now to pray for restoration God can restore he's the restorer and I believe the Lord just spoke to that tomb heart I don't really know who it's for but God is here to tell you I can restore I can restore I can restore all that the cankerworm is he [Music] I can restore families I can restore your finances I can restore your children I want you to lift your hands right now since this hallelujah Father in the name of Jesus we come before you right now with a prayer of restoration and reconciliation we know the thief comes back but to steal to kill and destroy but Lord your word said I am come that you might have life and life more abundantly Lord I'm asking right now for restoration of home restoration of family restoration of finances restoration of relationship hallelujah that which the enemy is meant for harm turn it to good this morning now stop praising it right now stop praising it [Music] these are restoring me [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] we hope you were blessed and enjoyed this live service from Family Worship Center Family Worship Center located in Baton Rouge Louisiana at Jimmy Swaggart ministries holds three services weekly Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Sunday evening at 6 p.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m. all Central Time all services are broadcast live on the sonlife broadcasting network including Sun Life radio online worldwide at Sun Life and on the free Espeon now app to join the Family Worship Center Media Church call 1-800 to 880 350 or join at jsn org live services are produced by the sonlife broadcasting network [Music] experience the difference this is the sonlife broadcasting network we're gonna be celebrating a brand new year very soon and what better way to get started then with the expositors word for everyday daily devotional so many of you you notice that in the course of a day you'll see three or four little clips of about three or four minutes of me reading out of scripture and then giving the meaning of that scripture well that's taken directly from the expositors word for everyday a devotional for every single day 365 days of the year and even one extra for leap year so you need to get the expositors word for every day and you can get it it's available right now and a very special offer just fifteen dollars that's half the price for what the normal price is so please let's start off the new year with a study of God's work now you can order by phone you can order it by mail the phone number the address is on the string or you can go online the information is right there join Family Worship Center associate pastors for these upcoming meetings [Music] get the complete associate pastor meeting scheduled at jsf davao RJ I want to thank you so very very much for the help that you give us both powerfully and financially to tell the story of Jesus Christ and him crucified all over the world I'm just so grateful and I pray God for riches richest blessings upon each and every you we had a shortfall last month and we need your help to make up that shortfall plus the overhead to keep this message going all over the world to every one of you who can give a hundred dollars on there I'll leave the amount up to you and the Lord I want to give you a copy of our CD called sweet anointing and I'll guarantee that it will bless you now ladies and gentlemen I would ask you to pray about this it's very very important ask the Lord what he would want you to do and then I'm believing that you will do it now we love you I'm waiting for your call I thank you for your help the Lord bless you all the precious [Music] well Jesus died Oh from evangelist Jimmy Swaggart so the whole cuz it was a great thing that he did for me it was a great thing to do one of the newest studio CDs from evangelist Jimmy Swaggart gospel music the way it was meant to be [Music] inspirational praise and worship God anointed No [Music] you'll get 10 studio tracks from evangelist Jimmy Swaggart honey it was a great thing that he did for me to order it was a great thing that he did for me call 1-800 to 880 350 or get this CD from evangelist jimmy swaggart online at jsm dot o-r-g you're watching the sonlife broadcasting network [Music] there's a line strong through the eighth [Music] on that line stands an old rugged cross [Music] on that cross a battle is raging for the game of man's soul or its [Music] the earth shakes with a force of the conflicts and the Sun refuses to shine [Music] for their Hank's godson in the balance [Music] and then through the darkness he cried [Music] it is the battle [Music] it is finished they'll be No [Music] conflict it is finding Jesus [Music] still in my heart the battle was raging and not all prisoners of war had come home [Music] there were battlefields oh I did not go that the war [Music] then I heard that the king [Music] means he had fought all the bad tools for you and that victory was our school for the claiming and now praise his name [Music] it's his finish [Music] finished [Music] [Music] where's of course [Music] one two [Music] there's a heaven we sold to chef [Music] well then suppose [Music] waiting me [Music] be sure to [Music] well it looms for sale [Music] the days are long sometimes welfare his care [Music] but I go to him and with each one was prey hey mister and he gives you strength today [Music] let me say that again there is alone and all do [Music] I go to miss Omaha with each one [Music] he fits the stage and again mystery to me mr. dunn's yes tonight [Music] moonstruck [Music]
Channel: Jerrod Phelps
Views: 32,904
Rating: 4.8021979 out of 5
Id: g5GnRETo8NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 46sec (9286 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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