SAY THIS MIRACLE PRAYER DAILY & It will change Your Life!

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Lord Jesus I come before you just as I am I am sorry for my sins I repent of my sins please forgive me in your name I forgive all others for what the end against me I renounce Satan the evil spirits and all their works [Music] my entire self more please Oh I invite my life Jesus [Applause] I accept you as my Lord my god please heal me change me strengthen me in body soul and spirit come Lord Jesus cover me with your precious lust fill me with your Holy Spirit Lord Jesus I pray to Jesus I thank you I shall follow you [Applause] every day we're blessed may mother of his own [Music] Oh they compare the cats to the Saint all you [Music] please come to my aid [Music] in and amen [Music] Oh I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are lady bless us with her lovin child Jesus amen [Music]
Channel: patkiely2007
Views: 24,394,307
Rating: 4.7837234 out of 5
Keywords: The, miracle, prayer, Fr.Peter, Mary, Rookey, God, Jesus, healing, blindness, cure, miraculous, kiely, life, Medjugorje, blessed
Id: dtuS8a-MAb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2007
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