Let Go and Trust God

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thank you for joining me welcome to let go and trust God in this prayer meditation we will ask God to help us deal with whatever is happening in our lives right now to surrender our fears worries and control to the almighty creator of the universe placing our trust in him and his plans for our lives let's begin dear God thank you for your presence you are always nearby you always hear us you are our Abba Father protector giver of wisdom courage and strength [Music] Lord we come to you today weighed down by the burdens and challenges of life our hearts are heavy with difficult feelings feelings like fear discouragement disillusionment anxiety stress anger helplessness sadness pain despair [Music] please take these weights from us we long to release them to you we know it is not your will that we face life's challenges alone in our own strength you have told us to bring all our concerns to you no matter what their size you care for us you want to be with us in whatever we're facing to shoulder our burdens to lead the way to take charge to be in control thank you Father for loving us like this we are grateful to be able to offer our troubles to you help us remember that you are bigger than anything we face you are in charge the creator and king of all that is has been and will be it is safe for us to let go you are in control and you are good we can place our worries fears and anxieties on you you alone know what lies in store not a thing happens that you don't allow you have ordered our path and the universe [Music] you will let us know what we need to know when we need to know it you will show us what to do and when it is to be done you take care of everything in your own perfect way and timing [Music] sometimes you give us our wish immediately sometimes you don't sometimes you give us something even better whatever happens you will use it to grow us into who we are meant to become each time we let go and trust you surrendering our will to yours you transform us further and further into the likeness of your son Jesus Christ turning even our problems into opportunities [Music] and so we ask that you help us do our part now help us surrender whatever we're trying to control to your greater design help us to trust that we will be given everything we need for today whatever we're worried about today will work out in its own time as it's meant to [Music] we don't need to worry about a thing it will all be okay you use everything for good and have plans to prosper not harm us to give us hope and a future remembering this let us take a few deep breaths now inhaling letting the air fill our lungs and chest then gradually releasing it in a nice smooth exhalation and once more making the inhalation just a bit longer holding the breath within us and then slowly letting go [Music] every breath we take is a reminder to let go and trust you you provide the very air that sustains us [Music] you have ordered all the hairs on our heads and the days of our lives you will not let anything happen to us that isn't in our best interest knowing this let us release our worries we can relax and drift along the river of the present secure that you are guiding the current that carries us forward when there are Rapids where we go under we can feel safe knowing that you will draw us to the surface you will bring us through there is nothing we need to do or be nothing we need to plan or control you are in control you are in charge it is as it should be [Music] knowing this let us enjoy the flow of life it is good to experience the current of the moment rather than trying to control it we can float along and pay attention to the scenery we're passing appreciating and participating in the flow of life absorbing all that is available to us today enjoying the gift of life Lord we thank you for your faithfulness your protection your love for giving us hope and a future worth having remembering this we surrender all our anxieties to you you are with us and will keep us wherever we go today tomorrow and all of our days [Music] in your precious name we pray Lord Jesus amen [Music]
Channel: Beatrix von Watzdorf
Views: 4,148,553
Rating: 4.8637443 out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation, Christian meditation, biblical meditation, scripture, anxiety, peace, let go, let God, trust God, prayer
Id: y3O22mqcnPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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