sawing pallet wood # 222

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning youtube i'm here with the eddie corbett morning marky how are you doing today i'm doing good and it's going to be another ah sticky day oh yeah we're going to be uh oh high 80s low 90s but the humidity is just killer oh it's it's just i don't know what the percentage is but it's in the oppressive range according to the weather channel you know well we have to work no matter what yeah we're kind of we got some shade though we got a little shade we got another license plate there you go and this is for my next door neighbor katherine brown thank you kathy she never realized i had a youtube channel until a couple weeks ago and she actually watched a couple videos and she said oh the license plates and yeah she had this in her shed so virginia so we'll put this up on the wall there we go and we have oh we're talking about the paul bunyan show again and i'm hearing that maybe a bunch of youtube people might get together on the second which will be a saturday uh eddie and i are definitely going to attend uh just walk around and see the stuff we can't afford yeah and i'm sure there'll be a ton of it yeah you know we can't afford a new sawmill no we don't want it we don't want we don't want any salmon we love this yeah we got an old mill he's producing and also another topic is our t-shirts uh we're getting real close in fact this week eddie and i got to get on and approve the artwork uh we found a local company i think it's chromographics in oakville pennsylvania and they'll handle the whole account they'll they'll they'll ship everything and um so there's going to be a uh uh the eddie t-shirt oh geez yeah that mark my son mark uh drew a character of eddie and that's when eddie had the big well that's my wife yeah his winner looks so you're gonna have you're gonna have that option uh one with our poster on it the the bus motor with with the uh the bus coming down the log and then we're gonna do a bmp and uh doug robson had made me a letter letter holder and i like the font of the letters and the saw blade we're gonna turn that into a t-shirt doug so i hope uh hope you're listening yeah everybody listening should buy one and uh yeah help us out here just one and 43 500 subscribers almost we almost did 300 this week and we'd like to thank everybody and welcome some new people aboard the channel they don't understand what this channel is all about i get some comments uh go back and watch some of our old videos and get caught up to speed there's 200 and some videos now 220. get caught up and go back to day one when we didn't have a roof here and uh i think you'd be interested we have some videos of moving the sawmill taking it apart yeah and uh it's kind of interesting to see um but yeah everybody thank you for subscribing and please subscribe to the channel and share it with somebody and get them to subscribe i mean you know let's let's keep this thing growing um well what's on the agenda for today well we're going to get back in the piney here again we need some more pine sticky wood sticky wood which boy this was i tell you what this is the stickiest piece i think we've ever seen nothing was spewing it's white spruce yeah very good very good wood very structurally strong but uh that and we're gonna get back into cherry so see if we can't get a deck of cherry up there yep so let's get going here before it gets too hot quit boring people let's get the water all right let's go to work all right let's get this show started and we're going to cut a bunch of pellet slats again so we are going to get our first log up here and it is sweltering hot i forgot to do that a little bit of a video i got down my arms up for my uh long litter arms up um i think the guy's name was richard and he wanted to know why i couldn't separate each one of them arms and have it do its own thing and the reason being is they run off a one cylinder they're all linked together and they're spring loaded each one so the only way to eliminate one is to physically remove it off the mill and i'm not going to do that there's really no need but i'll try to shoot some footage of that i'm just trying to get as close as i can here perfect but yeah they're individually spring loaded all right got a good hold of it let's turn on the laser and again we're making six inch wide eight foot long by [Applause] like seven sixteenths now it slots and we'll get one piece out of there because they only need a four foot long actually we quoted them both ways either cut them the length or leaving the long strips and they cut them themselves and they've seen as extra money they decided to cut them myself all right we're going to roll this back to the knees i'm going to try to end up with 12 inches and then split them so all right let's get back to the saw that will work that'll be our 12 inches it'll be like five and seven eggs in the pellet world that's six inches all right it's laid down all right let's get a laser and let's open his face up and once we get it down to a nice square piece eddie will start uh stacking them and this is kind of hypnotic here back and forth yeah we're going to throw that back we're right into the fifth of that tree and we'll keep that into the two line nope all right let's start with her down yeah it's not so much the heat case the dark humidity is just killer yeah this is white spruce here so yeti will stack the good edge against the knees then that edge with the bark will just get thrown away i have no idea what he said in fact what i'm going gonna do here i'm gonna take this down one more piece here we're gonna start cutting these off that's about five and seven eighths i'm gonna lay it down and we're gonna start cutting the finish boards off here that way we won't waste waste a few if we did it the other way so i end up with two by six hit the end instead of a two by twelve and i cut it off the scalpel plane for my body so he don't need no more so let's take it off the laser get her back to zero there it is and we got two cameras going we have t jimmy johnson on the scene he's been in a couple videos before and i'll probably have to buy lunch down to cole's puff today that's what this job pays a beer in a sandwich how's that again when you have good friends in this world you get a lot accomplished everybody does each other favors and we're just assaulting people you doug buddy of mine just stopped the business one of our retirees from the airport brought one of his antique trucks out he's bs with him for a while supposed to sell more sawdust later on today guys coming out to buy 15 yard locks so it's been good i'll get one more out here i think find out oh it's gonna be close i gotta get past 12 inches it'll stack them all on at once and someone might say well why don't you take them over to the edger well this is our edger all's good don't need that well i guess you don't want to because he don't want to drive the dogs down through which is kind of a good idea all right let's look at our scale here there you guys like five and seven eighths split at 12. watch his fingers so i get my carriage back in our log here all right that didn't work out too bad i guess all right let's bring our next passenger that's what's called this passenger on the wild sawmill right here this is really hard to judge until you sit in this cab one time i want to get rid of them male portions of the log first all right oh probably back it up all right yeah we're real close with what we need well you want to let me get a count just just hang on and all right what do you want to do okay i'll have to switch out the blood or my set works here all right a big update people hello um he thinks we might have enough of where we're at instead of cutting this log into shapeguard into a slot so we'll see what's going on here but we'll make shading we'll make some one by eight it's on it's on the deck it's going to go through the only thing i've got to do is go adjust my set works on my number one button right here comes eddie back okay so i'm gonna get them set work suggested back down to one inch then we'll continue on hold it up and then just take a couple more together you want me just to open it up and then yeah once you're gonna clean up all right that sounds like a plan all right so we're gonna do we're gonna open it up once we get to a camp where we're ready for some one bites now we're gonna go ahead and uh switch over our plans i don't know if that's going to catch or not okay let him get that out of the way so in fact let's just go ahead and roll that down flat because i want to get this thing squared up quick sometimes that long turner used you don't like to play nicely all right let's open this face up maybe get a board or two it's a decent little stick behind here and that way we can turn this into another slide they'll take a little bit over order i think that'll be our last cut yeah so we're gonna let you go here for a minute i gotta tune up the tune up my set works box here so i'm gonna let you go here for a minute and once i get the board thickness adjusted uh we'll be right back with you all right we're back and change of plans again this is eddie thought we needed 50 and i said i didn't think we had that many so we're going to go ahead and keep we're going on what we're going on with we're going to get this down to 12 inches and this is like i said we get confused once in a while yeah i know he sees that taper out a little bit he thinks it's sticking up further than it is it's like an illusion i'll send it back a little bit it seeps on us there's nothing worse than something that sees like a seeping balloon all right now that we're back to the plan from the beginning and that face got a little bit beveled ah no not that all right we better shut that down and get in or get that oh not having a good day here people [Applause] let's get this cut now let's get this cut we got one of our sawdust customers what eddie's doing is not dangerous he wasn't anywhere near the back side of that blade so please oh she's cool it's cucumber all right yep stuff like this right here can mess up your whole operation but it's a typical day at our sawmill and other people that are sawmills can tell you same stories it's not a perfect world get over god i it you were gonna do that and we got harold there waiting for his sawdust we're gonna have to shift this log forward towards the end to grab that number three dog but it's not a problem right now all right we'll get one more there yeah as i say boy that was quick i think we had 27 27 of them laying over before we start sawing this so it is 75 pieces okay betty the old two signal and i'm gonna cut hard from this side because the other side got some really big male part sticking up definitely a male log so what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna turn that other face out here shortly get it down to six inches all right that's what i'm gonna do right now see that shoulders getting smaller or smaller on me and maybe i'll be able to slide her down a little bit i don't know we'll try it i'll wait till i get down to six inches we got a good hold on it all right let's let him get that out of the way you don't want to hurt somebody you gotta live with it oh because i couldn't pull another board off fast though how dumb would that be all right that's close enough to six let's lay it down and start peeling off and these boards i should i'll be glad to have my set works back to my one inch again so what i'm going to try to do here so there we go don't try this at home i could have went out there and shoved it by hand but everybody might miss me when i'm out there so see that just a little scrape that's what we want all right let's fire them off i don't know if we're gonna get this any cherry today it's too hot i think tomorrow's the last scorcher for its humidity and heat then we're going to go down in the middle of the week i think we're going to hit 70. and i know every two cuts we lose one i'm not worried about it one thing nice he's gonna have some nice fresh sawdust that's for sure a couple people had mentioned they want to see a sawdust cam well that just hasn't happened yet but you looked in that bin right now looks like a snowstorm i don't see how interesting that could be get one more there we go let's get back open to 13 inches or so dogs out and we're about ready to wrap this one up for you all right let's get her down to six inches yeah they used to buy random with which was better less wasteful that'll work alrighty we'll talk to you a little bit later when the video is towards the end all right there it is we ended up with a hundred pieces exactly exactly how did it ever work out we ended up last week 2012 before us and yeah you got a little confused there for a minute you had me confused yeah i'm thinking 50. i couldn't figure out how we could have got all the pieces out of that yeah i said man that yielded really really well and i said i know better than it didn't we needed 77 pieces but uh yeah that worked out really good so they can come get their pallet slats and then it's just too hot today we're going to get into the cherry pile but uh i'd i'd rather just take some time and clean the salt yeah we got we got a buyer coming up he gonna bring a 15-yard dumpster big roll-off box and we're going to load it up and you know we'll be starting over again maybe we can salsa walnut before we put anything back in there people are asking about that how do you keep your walnuts separate well when you've got an empty bin put the walnut in it clean it up then you start all over again with your fresh salt hospital but thank everybody for subscribing to this channel and supporting us and um we hope to see on a friday eve video it's going to cool off this week maybe 70 by wednesday and maybe we'll throw something up there and give you a friday video and we'll see what happens but everybody have a great week we'll talk to you later thank you i
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 20,231
Rating: 4.9858727 out of 5
Id: qH6laERQfYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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