Saving Mrs. Baracus | The A-Team

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where's Mr Sullivan made a career move on the new sou who are you Karen messing 305 would you please come outside there's something I think you should see you better learn to respect those who live around you this is a changing neighborhood a change of f are you all right huh you boys have buried yourselves deep thanks for the help it may no longer be desirable to live in this building it's long distance it's for Mr ba baracus the head of the [Music] a they broke my mother arm nobody put their hands for my mother live to tell about we going to scgo right now Hannibal okay now take it easy we're behind you on this thing 100% sure be he whatever you say remember you're our leader look man I know I exaggerate sometime but you do it all the time yeah well actually I always felt you had leadership potential hey man we got to find the fast way possible to get to my mother that's going to mean flying big guy that's right flying you're sure that's what you want to do yeah this time no commercial flights they always late we can't late face man I want you to scam a plane better yet make that a jet we got one heck of a problem Karen here she's an attorney that's why I wanted you all to meet her as far as I've researched we have very little recourse here they just seem intent on emptying these units Karen do you have a tenants Association in this building no no tenants Association the one of this been going on maybe we should form one what do you think ba good idea Hannibal we need one of those that's the first step Bia you got us on the Jazz now oh he loves it when a plan comes together here's your 250 how soon can you clear the joint after tonight they'll all March in a straight line good couple of days I got a place for you on Addison yeah maybe after we move down on the place on Addison I uh I charge three maybe after you move into that place on Addison I break every bone in your body I can get anybody to drink beer and get sick on people's shoes always a pleasure Harington management mhm now what would a slob like Alvarez be doing reporting to a high-priced management company and not using the phones to do it you know I have gone through all these rental re and there is no mention of a management company to run this building tried to stop him Mr plout who the hell are you no that's all right you don't have to stand up I am Mrs Murdoch I am chairwoman of the tenants committee for 700 Foster Avenue yeah well turn that dune buggy around and roll on out of here not until I read my list of complaints young man now apartment 32 needs a new refrigerator and the wiring on the fourth floor is you'll pardon the expression exposed the uh fire escape on the east side is Rusted and it won't well it it won't go down properly at all and we were promised skylights in the lobby hey enough now you and the space cadet hit the streets before I throw you out the window you can't be that nasty even you must have a mother around the world get him out of my sight thanks for coming by meeting's over oh not quite you were saying I never saw anything like it they tore up the whole place if we lose that building we could lose the whole project millions of dollars are at stake they ain't leaving and crank it up to 10 I want those people out of there I can't get them AED or support my Redevelopment program without those apartments being empty so you do whatever you have to do and they can't trace it back to me I don't own the building well it doesn't take a genius to see what Chad we's up to there's been an awful lot of real estate activity lately in just one city block well he must have something big in mind if he needs the entire block another one of his hotels matters face mhm he's got this building this building and this building and guess whose building is right in the middle Mama's building right tell Mr chadway the new owner of 700 Foster Avenue is calling who is this uh this is a close friend of Nicholas Perry he signed the property over to me this afternoon and what do you want well I believe I have the missing piece to your puzzle and I'm in the mood to sell I'd consider an offer starting at say $2 million I believe Mr Perry paid less than2 200,000 for that building that's true he got it at a bargain price but but since that time there have been some unusual depreciations not to mention a fire you know all about that yes well 2 million is too much well Mr Perry and I think it's fair but maybe you're right maybe we should run it by the mayor's office or the crime commission see what kind of a figure they come up with oh please facial office huh Alvarez said we could use it he wouldn't be around for the next 3 to 5 years could we get this over with let I wasn't quite sure how to make out the check don't worry about it we'll fill it out one question how many places did you empty with plout and his goons I was 10 and 0 uh 10 and one you try to interfere with another one of my properties and they won't be able to put you guys back together with crazy [Music] clue [Music] no problems Colonel we have prepared a short film for you to show you exactly how this building will fit into Chicago's magnificent Skyline hi pal he left this in our basement how did you get in here oh we had invitations they can't be good oh ba you like that better we have a little story now Mr chadway has a slight problem with this development in that he doesn't own this slice right here guess you're going to have a heck of a time getting from the lobby to the pool but I wouldn't stay there now you might think we're picky but we felt you were dealing in bad faith when you put that bomb in our basement for returning your check now we thought you folks might be curious as to how this block was acquired so we made a little film you're going to love this Phil you're one of the Stars I can assure you that every piece of property was acquired legally so that we could proceed with the development sure Chicago 1985 s began a r of Terror designed to a building which stood in the way of his latest Hotel you EMP with plout and his goon squad I was 10 and0 you try to interfere with another one of my properties and they won't be able to put you guys back together with crazy CL this is a story of educated men from the best of families willing you're going to miss the [Music] end [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] oh let's go we're out of here thank goodness you're here we were really stuck for an [Music] ending nice [Music] mdock a
Channel: The A-Team
Views: 103,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The A-Team, A Team, A Team Movie, Full Episode, Classic TV, A Team TV Series, A-Team Intro, A-Team Theme Song, John Hannibal Smith, George Peppard, Hannibal, Howling Mad Murdock, Dwight Schultz, Howling Mad, B.A Baracus, Mr. T, Mr T, Templeton Faceman Peck, Dirk Benedict, Faceman, Shut Up Fool, I love It when a plan comes together, 1980s TV, TV Show, A-team Van, GMC Vandura, Amy Allen, Melinda Culea
Id: cuWxgKYKltk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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