Face Ties Up Loose Ends | The A-Team

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face you got to be kidding you want us to go to Ecuador to rescue or find the sweetheart of Sigma Kai I mean I think all this High living has made your brain go soft is this what she sent back this cheap piece of jewelry that happens to be my fraternity pin and it isn't cheap now come on guys we've gone on cases for each other before why can't we go on this one for me one thing we don't know the girl's in trouble she stood you up in College 15 years ago and finally she remembers to write frankly I think you're better off without her I know Leslie Murdoch would you cut that out I can tell by the tone of her letter that something is wrong you know the routine get rid of them fast or you start losing some of your orphans may I help you well I hope so we're looking for a woman by the name of Leslie Beall she's supposed to work here I'm sorry but we have no one by that name on our staff uh yeah well uh she wrote me a letter with this orphanage is name on it perhaps it was another orphanage or simply old stationary may we speak to another none please we have no one named Leslie Beall I'm sorry let go of the gate not exactly the singing none is she now how would Leslie get her hands on their stationary if she didn't stay here yeah man I don't believe nobody want to stay in this place where do you think you're going thank you he does this every time it's time for his bath thank you Leslie Templeton why are you in that outfit you shouldn't have come you've got to leave wait wait Leslie Leslie feder federos I got him on my tail how do they know to look for us here beats me but at least we know why no one's ever heard of Lesley beom well at least you know what really happened that 'll make you feel better yeah it didn't even end up costing you that much close out Boger wait wait wait wait this this case isn't over yet we can just pack up and go home those nuns are in trouble listen guys I know Leslie I recognize the tone in her voice I I got to say I think face has got a point here oh Hannibal don't tell me you recognize the tone in The Voice too no but there was something peculiar about the way they were behaving I mean religious orders are normally very receptive to anybody who knocks on their door that's right and for some reason these nuns weren't talking to us now look I if I can just get close to Leslie I can find out what's going on here you're just going to have to go back in there and get in the orphanage I can tell him I'm an orphan ah you're too old but you might want to practice up on your Rosary did you ladies pray for our souls too pray for our souls very hard ah take me back to my room let's speed this up face man Leslie would you please tell me what's going on here Teresa my name is sister Teresa now okay sister Teresa would you mind telling me what's going on she said I was afraid things would come to an end for me here and maybe I should tie up a few loose ends in case something happened to me you were the biggest loose end in my life why didn't you tell me about this 15 years ago would have been so much easier on both of us do you realize do you have any idea what you did to me I'm so sorry I hate to butt in but the activity is starting to pick up out here the guys with the guns are saying something about a headcheck right right twice a day they count the children and the sisters and make sure no one's escaped they started doing that after I snuck one of the children out through an old tunnel in the wine Celler he was the one that sent you the pin who are they oh they're a bunch of Crum balls they're wed for a variety of terrible crimes you see their leader was wounded badly in a shootout they hiding out here from the federal is waiting till he recuperates they've terrified the children they get drunk every night they destroy things now they're out of liquor they starting to get Restless Murdoch you better go back and tell the others what's going on here I'll stay here so at least one of us is on the inside H is lesie okay oh she's doing fine but those other guys are running out of booze which is making them ansy we got to get in there real quick Colonel why can't we just go back in the way that you came out oh was too risky it's too risky you can barely get in there single file besides it opens up into the wine seller which is probably where they spend most of their time now we got to think of another plan I ain't dressing up like no none it's a simple maneuver all we have to do is get inside without them knowing it and then clobber them how VA military history is recorded a dozen operations like that name one the Trojan Horse all you have to do is pick the right horse oh M GL is we marrow but my truck you broke sorry but there's nothing we can do for you I must deliver my whiskey you I I don't deliver my whiskey you got this truckload of whiskey right there see you hey Gibbons Gibbons come here what's up this here's a man who truckload of whiskey just broke down outside our wall sweet and he needs some help yeah four for four Sor he wants help with whiskey come on quick I'll do it by myself come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] go [Music] I want another shot of whiskey hey ba they're all drunk give this man a [Music] shot [Music] who are you people what are you doing who are you people what are you doing getting up the trash man one [Music] more get out everybody out all right all right get out of there get out of there move it move it all right come on come on Old Timer move it soing all I don't care I don't care move it hey your lovely Holiness we're back you be good girls and give us what we want maybe we go away if not maybe we burn your CHS to the ground send out your four friends and no harm will come to you [Music] right help [Music] he aim [Music] me all right all the weapons out of the truck you heard him all right all right okay out set out don't you okay face you got him I got [Music] him a
Channel: The A-Team
Views: 41,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The A-Team, A Team, A Team Movie, Full Episode, Classic TV, A Team TV Series, A-Team Intro, A-Team Theme Song, John Hannibal Smith, George Peppard, Hannibal, Howling Mad Murdock, Dwight Schultz, Howling Mad, B.A Baracus, Mr. T, Mr T, Templeton Faceman Peck, Dirk Benedict, Faceman, Shut Up Fool, I love It when a plan comes together, 1980s TV, TV Show, GMC Vandura, Amy Allen, Melinda Culea, face saves leslie, the a-team orphanage, the a-team nuns, saving nuns
Id: yEsyS1519A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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