Saving Corrective Blend Shapes for Full Body Morphs in Daz Studio

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welcome back let's take a quick look at corrective blend shapes for full body mors those are the ones that if you have your outfit and it's saved and it looks great on the base figure what happens if you use a different character and all of a sudden you figure out hey there's distortions how do we fix them and more importantly how do we save them so that they come baked in with our outfit I'm using lioness's Kon character here she's a bit of a rotund full body figure and she will cause some distortions because we didn't tell that Studio that we want to support this particular character so I've applied her dialed her out and if I go and dial Kon in that you can see that most of the outfit works just fine but there's a few distortions here on the shirt that I'd like to correct so one thing happens under the arms here and the other one is these particular lines under the breast so this is something that we can easily correct we've looked at how to do this in the previous episodes in fact with through with three different tools let's just use zbrush because that's really easy to make that happen do you remember how we did that let's select the shirt and have a look on the parameters tab under currently used and we'll see these two sliders here that are Auto dialed in to our outfit now D 3 didn't have these before so it goes and creates these from scratch for us we've got the Kon body and we've got the Kon head the head is probably not something we need to be concerned about so I'm going to go and put this back to 100 but the ly Kon body 001 that is the thing that causes us these distortions here so I'm going to go and copy the name of that out under parameter settings and I'm going to use the name here copy hit cancel then I'm going to select my Genesis figure I'm going to go and send this over to zbrush for a quick fix all we'll do here is smooth this oops I should have uh put symmetry on make this a bit smaller make the intensity a little bit less uh just something just something like that you know imagine this is my fix now perfect this is this is really all we need it and maybe on the maybe on the back too there perfect that's that's all we're going to do and now we're going to go and send her back and this is a super exciting fix here and in D Studio another window will pop up create a morph update the base geometry all we need to do is make sure we paste in that morph name that we've copied out and make sure we override the existing one and then we go and hit accept look at the Distortion here it is magically correct Ed because that studio now knows what to do when Kon is DED in and our outfit is applied so that's perfect um correction is made but remember we've made our own product here this Mor we've just created we haven't saved yet so we need to save that with our product so that it will work when other people dial in Katon and you know the other 400 figures that you probably want to support so in order to do that we go over here with our shirt selected because that's where the moth is inside so make sure that you select that first head over to file then we go and save as support asset and here is where it becomes a little bit interesting up until March 2024 you will find something called morph asset and this is the option that you should choose if it is in fact available for you in death studio if you're using a newer version that came out past March 2024 then you need to select modify assets so more has been or is in the process as I'm recording this video of being renamed into modifiers I believe we have sketchy information on this topic so in my case it's modify assets if you don't have that use morph assets and then this window will pop up again in which I need to of course select my asset directory so that we know we're going to save it into the correct directory in my case that is the directory that I've mapped here but in case yours isn't selected to the correct one make sure it is then your vendor name is of course your vendor name and your product name needs to be that product name so in my case that's my outfit or whatever you've named your product and then in here I need to go into properties and figure out where that morph was actually stored so I wasn't exactly paying attention I should have done that let me go cancel out of this and then we're going to have a look together so on the parameters tab under currently used I know it's in here and that's an easy way to find it you can also drill down into here it's probably somewhere under actor and then under full body I would imagine and then perhaps feminine but I'm going to have a look into here rather than hunting you can just go and click on that little gear icon here parameter settings and here's where the path is so actor full body people feminine I was kind of right there so let's go and remember that and do this again file save as support asset modify asset in my case or morph asset if you don't have it so this is the correct directory this is the correct vendor name and the product is my outfit so then I can go and go into actor fullbody people feminine and there is ly Kon so select the moth that you've actually overwritten don't just select everything you don't want to do that unless you have a specific reason to do that so this dialogue is comfortable enough that if you've made 20 Corrections for 20 characters for example then you can go and select all of those and all of these will be saved in one Fair swoop I've only made one so I'm just going to go and select this hit accept and that will save out my moth just to tell you just to show you where that is in case you need to remove it that is in our directory here and just to go from the top structure that's also in the data folder it's in your vendor name it's in your product name and it's in your actual shirt geometry and then we have morphs UV sets and this is the geometry so we go into morphs once again your vendor name and then we have your outfit those are all the corrections that come with your outfit like the the for the bending and then you have base and my outfit so base is where all these adjustment morphs are that the transfer utility brought in but here under my outfit this is where we find one dial and that is in fact the one that we've just saved out with the exact same name and as soon as that studio finds that it will also be loaded in so if you ever have something that's spous or you want to delete that you can just go and remove that and then this adjustment that I've just saved out is no longer there in my outfit that is all I have on the correction Ms I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you in the next episode take care bye-bye
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 1,314
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Id: reo9Ligxse8
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Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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