Saving 1700s and 1800s coins and relics while metal detecting

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all right guys we've plucking around for a while today uh got Chris Wicked Digger buddy Marty from the club over there uh we had all of this land over here and all I got to do was fill up my trash bucket a little bit more but um this one here was a solid 40 dug it up and uh going to be nice 1904 Indian Hood see it right there going to come through it'll clean up nice but uh yeah sorry for the road uh the road noise but I got to show it after everything that's been going down today got to show it guys not too far from that Indian um similar signal thought uh I was really kind of hoping for a copper um I he Chris over there yelling he's got something to it we got us a nice little D no hunts complete without the D debuck debuck little debuck yeah we got something so all right guys literally that was where the debuck was I stood up swung got uh very similar sound and signals and I got a triangle all kinds of fancy on that thing yeah I'm brush this down see what we're looking at guys be back yeah went over and showed Chris he's got no idea what it is either um calling it Aztec if anybody knows what this thing could be let me know it was uh 46 on the legend so um again thought I was digging a copper but I don't know let me know appreciate it all right we moved over to another field here um this one I almost didn't dig it sounded like trash but uh I was able to find it what was it 16 but uh wasn't sure but clean it up you look at that it's going to be the top half of a thimble it's something something reliy I don't think uh yeah it's nothing fancy or nothing but uh definitely top to a thimble sweet as you can tell it's a windy day out here uh I'm out here doing some digging got Chris over there doing some digging too um I got something small down here going flip you around see what we're looking all right guys as I said sorry for the wind here it's really windy uh you can tell I got on my uh little hockey puck coil poking away around through here got Chris over there say what's up um this one down here uh it was coming through um um I don't know squeaker 53 54 uh but got something round down here we're going to see what it is together not sure if we got a button coin I think it's going to be a button something's flat I don't feel a shank or anything and I see something coming through uh I'm going to clean this up guys come back all right guys I don't have my brush on me I apologize for that this here was uh not bad start the uh to start the day um I'm gonna I don't have it like I said I'm going to go with that this is a farthing see a left facing bust going on right there some lettering coming through as it's drying but uh flip it over on the back I don't know if you guys could see it but clear britania and what looks like uh 1793 or S no that's a four 1743 so that's going to be what King George the second farling kg2 farling we'll take that great way to start the day all right guys trying not to film too too much today because it's super windy um little bit of can slog going down um this here solid 19 giant Hunker leads molted lead uh we're trying to find some stuff uh but it's about 55° today gorgeous gorgeous day day um see you on the next yeah all everybody trying my best to block the wind here for you um this one was uh a 1920 um was only down 3 or 4 in but um it's around here believe we got a shank on the back yeah going to be going to be an old flaty old flat button might even be Tom back when I clean that up there you can see how it's spun sweet nice and shiny starting to clean up awesome so yeah start getting on some stuff here um yeah great time see you on the next as always all right uh this one here was uh giving me a 46 signals down you guys can see there about 7 8 in or so and when I put the pinpointer on it would gave me an iron signal but you know that it's going to be some sort of Iron Key rust it over so I mean who knows There Was An Old Homestead here it could have been to a valve or something but it's pretty sweet oh I just broke a shitload of it off I'm going to stop being a dick I'll uh catch you later windy windy out here um I already forgot what my vdi was on this one guys I apologize oliz but um plucked my plug on out you see that guy over there comes flying check it out together oh that's super shiny that is super shiny oh oh and it says stainless oh but hey it's still a spoon man but uh that'll give you a hard attack any day out here but uh hey it's better than what it could have been I guess catch you on the next all right so this one here was a surface 30 kind of Round right there we're going to see what we're looking with together no idea uh some sort of gromet or something like that do feel like it's brass though those it look brass looks like there's some fancy around it uh I'm going to clean it up real quick let me try to get it in the sun for you see what we got all right so here's this thing uh it looks like it's brass or copper I'm going to go cop it because of the greenish to it but uh don't know if it was some sort of grommet but seeing that it almost makes me look it was like some sort of slide on in a scutching like the pole would go through the middle or something like that I don't know no idea if anybody's seen anything anybody cares drop it down below again guys I apologize for the wind um it's a windy day it's how it goes uh this one is down about 6 7 in or so it's uh it's coming up what was it 42 on the legend and um see it bent over right there but inside some Lantern Parts it's where the wick goes comes up through there but um know it goes down comes up through there but still something cool all right guys I apologize for the wind here um it's been a rough rough day but um not too far from where I just dug that last Lantern part this one here was down um I don't know 78 maybe 10 Ines or so maybe pinpoint a deep um it's going to be another Lantern part uh this one here is is going to be the feed uh see if we can get a date does turn uh you know I'm going to brush it if I can get a date I'll come back show you in pics but it's another Lantern part W that wind is brutal but feels good the sun feels great out here in a t-shirt today but uh yeah like I said get a date I'll show you pics what's going on everybody thank you for watching um again I apologize for the win that was in that second video there uh it was really rough out there that day and I was doing my best to try to block it but um it's coming at me from all angles or in the middle of an open field so it's going to be what it's going to be but like I said I apologize if uh it bothers anybody um it was nice getting back on some good old stuff uh getting some Colonial got my first Farthing which was pretty sweet uh 1743 I think it was and um Tom back button uh some other dads and stuff some other cool relics but it's always fun whenever I get out with Wicked Digger uh one of us is going to get on something and find something really cool so um if it's not here go check out his channel something will be over there either way um if you guys like my video here um appreciate a thumbs up uh drop a comment love to hear from you guys um always don't forget to subscribe uh now that the weather's getting warm here um going to be able to be posting pretty regularly and I was thinking about doing it on um Saturday mornings or sometime like a Wednesday or Thursday so um I don't know let me know what you guys think down in the comments and um I'll see you guys on the next hunt peace
Channel: Silver Assassin Metal Detecting
Views: 977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3m5wqMml1XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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