Detecting A 1995 Movie Set

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the line Sun J all right I'm on my first Target here um it was a 2930 pretty sure it's a quarter if I can find it here in this Clump it was reading near the top so I don't know hold on a second I get my pinpointer out oh it's down here in this [Music] it's a quarter she's orange 1980 like I was never here all right uh 134 it's probably a pull tab but I'm going to try it anyway well it's in the hole it's on the sidewall here and and even more down to the bottom anyway let's see if we can get this thing and I'm almost willing to bet oh yeah there's a culprit right there pull tab 14 on the vdi 13 14 on the vdi this is a ring pole well it's a ring pole but it's not one of the big round ones it's probably a little bit newer than that all right do any of you know what movie Set this was it was a 1995 film I'm not going to tell you what the name of it is can anybody tell me what this movie Set what movie this is from all right 1819 hopefully it's a Indian Head Penny but we'll find out it's probably trash and it was an old uh can top oh well next one all right another Target should I dig it I don't know no I'm not digging it's uh pretty much totally iron something that's rusting or something yeah I'm not digging that one all right appears we got possibly another quarter here High ringer all right so it's it's in the hole somewhere see if we can get this thing oh apparently I missed it by a little bit oh there it is right there looks like a state quarter yeah it's a state quarter probably uh early [Music] 2000s 2000 on the dot all right all right we just got ourselves a nickel um no maybe not I was almost willing to say for a second there it looked like a war nickel but I don't think it is and it's red so probably not probably early [Music] 60s yeah maybe it's older than that I don't know I can't see the date but it needs to be cleaned up all right this looks like it's kind of Worth showing you guys um you know how I like silverware we have a really fancy spoon it's all folded but uh it's really light too so I don't know what it's made of but I don't know if you can see the decorations on [Music] that it looks like it's copper it's not heavy but it's got a lot of design on it it's small anyway yeah cool let's see if I can get a look at this here H I see some writing but as always I got nothing to clean this off with so I have to take a look at it later cool all right here's a different view for you see if that Rings a bell1 1995 film can you tell me what it is all right I uh I dug up a little trinket here it's pretty heavy I don't think it's silver it says luck on it luck and it's a uh Clover so that's kind of cool it's heavy must be made out of stainless ranging up as a uh uh 1819 cool yeah so I'm digging up a Target right now I just had a encounter with a weird lady she uh walks by with her dog and she says you know you got to be careful around here CU you might dig up something the the pagans put there um pagans really wow what's this world come to it's weird I got a weird ringer here it's mid 20s um you know 24 25 jumped up to 27 and then it's making a weird squeaky noise so I'm going to find out what this is right now shovel ah don't know what that is looks like an end of a nail or something wasn't what I thought it was for sure well apparently that wasn't my target oops so it's uh it's in this clump huh all right what do we got here what do we got here it's a dime just a Roosevelt dime very dirty and I can't tell what the date is on it pretty sure it's not silver though I suppose it could be looks like it's painted red and it's got a p mint mark anyway I don't know I have to look at it closer it's bent pretty good though don't know if it's silver or not can't see the date all right time to give up the answer to the question uh what movie Set was this um it was the 1995 film jumi uh for those who didn't know well now you know and for those who actually recognize the place congratulations you're old anyway uh yeah well I hope you enjoy my video it was just a little quick local hunt and uh yeah it was cool so uh please like And subscribe and uh I'll see you on the next video well well well Pagan lady calls the cops on me they show up ask me what I'm doing as if they can't tell um kind of made it look like I was committing a crime when there's no signs here or anything like that I think that lady was butt hurt so she called the cops on me but anyway look what I just found I just got me a ring it's a mood ring but it's still a ring yep moody moody all right wrap up for my hunt today um in the uh milfield a little park there um I got a bunch of aluminum crap some pull tabs um I think this is a hot rock I'll be honest with I think it's a piece of magnetite maybe I'm not sure uh that made my metal detector go off either that there's a piece of metal inside it somehow but uh yeah that that set off my detector so I dug it up and uh lo and behold it was was a rock but um yeah I got bunch of clad I got uh let's see one uh one two three four five six seven eight $2 wor the quarters 30 cents in dimes 15 cents in nickels and it looks like uh 10 pennies nothing really old it was all just regular clad change um one of the highlights was this spoon um I'll put a pick up so you can see it better but um yeah it's pretty uh pretty fancy there's a a date on it it looked like 1909 to 18 something I for some reason I he's backwards but um and then there's uh you know the theater faces there the the SM the laughing face The Laughing mask in the in the frowny mask something something to do with theater um I can't read what's on the back but this was a pretty cool find it's evidently pretty old um I got a mood ring that was uh that was one of the cool finds today I don't find too many rings and uh piece of lead right there and then this uh little good luck charm thing which is heavy it's probably a it's probably lead in the middle and then it's got something it's coated with something I don't then again might just be stainless steel I don't know but yeah it's pretty heavy but uh yeah it was a pretty good hunt I mean not too bad but yeah thanks for watching my vid please like And subscribe
Channel: New England PDA
Views: 311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: baI_Pu2_Ak8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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