Savannah, Georgia - The USA'S Second Most Beautiful City

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i am in savannah georgia one of the us's most historic cities right now i'm right on the savannah river and if you look this way it leads to the atlantic ocean there's a riverboat right there and to my left here is a big suspension bridge that leads directly into south carolina which is right over there anyway i have always wanted to visit savannah i'm really happy to be here and i look forward to exploring the downtown area look at this old school ferry boat it's beautiful isn't it it's probably not steam powered anymore [Music] but it's pretty awesome historic steps use it on risk well okay i guess they're pretty old obviously and narrow but i've walked up worse all right so i'm coming up on what is the main the main drag through downtown savannah should pop right out up here and here we are we'll see what that doane building is first so this building is city hall here in savannah mask up it says okay this is the nathaniel green monument or is it nathaniel nathaniel green monument i guess i could pronounce that correctly you can see where i am that is the city hall building in the distance and this is the tallest building in savannah we'll continue walking through savannah's national historic downtown which from what i understand is the largest in the country another look at the tallest building here in savannah the lone skyscraper i guess all right i'm gonna head deeper into the city this is tomochichi's grave he was in the creek indian nation tribe and i guess he befriended the english when they arrived here ratified a treaty in 1733 in 1739 when he passed away they buried him here so it's nice to see a native american grave given this kind of treatment and as far as grave sites are concerned this is pretty elaborate amazing i am entering chippewa square and um guess what it's famous for this is the spot where forest gump sat on the uh bench and talked to the uh the lady told her about his life looks a little different they've got a walkway through here in the movie that's just green and there's no park bench here which is interesting because park benches line the place but there's not one here anymore also interesting is that the statues back is to us but it's a beautiful place i'll give you a look around trees with lots of spanish moss really big church there lots of people it's sunday so that explains that but you can see another square in the distance the one where the native american is tomochichi really beautiful here this is the cathedral basilica of saint john the baptist as you can see it is a beautiful building it is one of the pride and joys of savannah it's been around for i don't know i think this part of the building or this version of the building was finished in 1909 but they started building this in the early 1800s it is very much a livable downtown i mean look at the street does not look like your typical downtown does it and um savannah is not a huge city but it's not tiny around 150 000 people and about just shy of 000 in the metro area so it's not a huge city but it's not tiny either a lot of old interesting buildings mixed in with some new lots of pubs pabst blue ribbon i don't know if i would advertise that the world's cheapest beer but there have been times that that's all i could afford so what can i say who can i knock drinking it i'm at a crosswalk i saw this sticker [Music] i'm assuming it has something to do with covid anyway i'm walking down the street here it's really really beautiful that's all i can say what a great old city now i'm walking up to one of savannah's most revered locations birthplace of juliet low the house that she was born and raised in you may not know who she is i didn't either but if you were a girl scout or if you are a girl scout you do because she founded the girl scouts of america right here in savannah and her house as you can probably guess is something of a shrine now and this is it right here well she wasn't poor that's for sure if that's the house she was born in i can't go in their clothes today that's probably a statue of her but as you can see the house is grand and beautiful i mean that's a mansion founder of the girl scouts of the usa she was born in 1860 and okay she died in savannah in 1927. in 1953 this house was acquired by the girl scouts restored and now it is basically a monument i'll just walk around it here i mean one two three four story house the juliet gordon low birth place national historic landmark there you are and we got a bar across the street looks like it's hopping it's warming up quite a bit here it was rather cool last night but you can see it's a beautiful day you can hear the church sounding the bells it's noon [Music] lovely day [Music] a very active downtown the best kind i'm walking in an alley here in the city center a place people don't go to the back doors of buildings and businesses you can tell it's not as well kept up here i don't know why i always like to walk through these areas i just do they fascinate me you can see how really old these buildings are many of them are well over 100 years old some 200 years old savannah was founded in 1733 so it is one of america's oldest cities [Music] always interesting to see the part the tourists don't look at or don't come to tell me i'm pretty you're pretty somebody answered i want to see this guy bet your money that's an antique he's a pirate he's got his damsel and uh another odd decoration here birds famous cookies there you go i'm just off the main drag in another alley it's amazing how different it looks isn't it i'm gonna walk through to the other side it's got a bit of a smell you can see the trash everywhere people are doing some drinking last night of course there's some always interesting graffiti [Music] painted on the back doors what does this say my ribs are an empty cage interesting statement does that mean that person has no heart hmm wow lots of stickers here some signs painted first taped to the doors lots of trash [Music] you can hear a tug boat on the or a tugboat did i say that right you can hear a tugboat in the distance because the river is just two blocks to my left where i started the video i don't know why these abandoned or not abandoned but these alleys are always interesting to me [Music] some artwork brightening up the place all right big poop queen okay interesting statements another look where i just came through it's a shot of the savannah river really old part of town your cobblestone road actually drove down that road to park so i'm driving on this cobblestone road now you see what i mean you can't drive fast on it my poor suspension is getting pushed up and down and all around ooh hopefully i can get off the street pretty quick so i can get to my next destination still on the road a lot of people down here there's the savannah river again a lot of folks down here today look how old that building is wow wow they were nice and gave us a bit of a smooth part here which i'm glad for because i don't know if i was going to have shocks left on my bronco by the time that drive was over right i am at wormslow plantation one of the oldest uh homes in savannah and it's known for this long driveway i have always wanted to drive this i've seen it in movies gosh how many times lots of movies where you know you've got a horse-drawn carriage driving through this tree uh covered walkway or drive i'm sorry driveway it's beautiful what can i say i'm kind of excited always wanted to drive through here i'd sit in the movies and i would say to myself i wonder where that is i want to go there and then i figured out that it was here in savannah road's a little rough and i made it a point to drive down this road but it's a little rough but beautiful that's something there was a lot of cars here earlier but i got lucky when i entered and there's not hardly any cars on it right now and at the other end of this of course is the plantation very old building but this goes for one and a half miles can you believe that so somebody made this road or built this road and planted these trees and it is this beautiful driveway maybe the most beautiful driveway in the united states to any house i'm finally at the plantation house and this is all that's left of it got a little bit of the history it was uh built by noble jones who was one of the first english colonists to come to america look at all the trees the beautiful spanish moss anyway he started building this place this plantation home in 1736 finished it in 1745 but as you can see it did not survive time i'm at a historic site now and this is where the blacksmith worked this dates back into the 1700s so this building house the forge that the blacksmith used wood there for the fire of course that's where he would melt the steel and iron another spot here at the plantation at this park showing us how they would construct tents temporary living quarters i suppose here's one that is finished i'm guessing maybe the military would use it because a lot of this area is centered around the revolutionary war seems like the perfect place to house a few soldiers we're at the prohibition museum here in savannah supposedly the only one in the country and here is where first act of alcohol prohibition america decreed savannah 1735. all right so we're gonna go in savannah is the wickedest city in the world i would be i would be proud of that what do you think it's mostly women that want prohibition women well this is interesting are these the kids see i want this fountain in my front yard just like that too yeah yes exactly that would be a cool fountain oh i guess this guy's gonna pour it out [Music] yeah we should go in there is it open [Music] yeah boy here's me in five years these are really good i guess it depicts people who drink as poor threadbare clothing is that what's going on why is he wearing his wife's uh i don't know can we go into the black rabbit tavern nope guess not it's locked [Music] we children want sugar [Music] don't waste it on beer [Music] oh boy well the sugar's not you better for you really huh sugar's not much better for you i don't think so no boy if you walk into a bar and she's there i'm not going to want to drink anyway [Music] so she hatcheted the bar destroyed it damn i like watching shows where they they show you all the cool things like the speakeasies did once prohibition became law think about how angry that would make you now hatchetations hatchetations carry nation's ex-wielding war on saloons what'd you say i like it when they show you all that like the little like trap doors and stuff they have or when the law is coming yeah it's kind of cool some of those buildings still exist the making selling and transport of liquors in and out of the united states is now prohibited [Music] they look real happy about that last call for alcohol 18th amendment bars the bars what a dark time in our history am i right hell yeah a dark time look at this prior to prohibition up to 40 percent of all u.s taxes were paid by brewers and distillers oh wow i mean had to have wrecked the economy yeah coming out of that hunt i think this guy's on tv he's on the uh moonshiners tv show yeah but i'll tell you what you get caught yeah he looks familiar i've watched that show fine she get caught making that moonshine with that steel right there you got a jet wow well okay she's motionless to come in for a drink and who knows what else medicinal whiskey well of course of course there's going to be medicinal whiskey says here is what made walgreens the company that it is today medicinal whiskey how about that liquor toting baby buggy 1925. that's awesome [Applause] [Music] 40 of all liquor was made at home [Music] these statues are really good i mean they look really they look real they're freaking me out [Music] [Applause] a smoke screen uh what happened they here like they're having a good time we're getting ready too kkk the run runners have a new trick up this league a smokescreen al capone gangster godfather 25 years old when he begins began his dynasty as chicago's underworld boss became the leading bootlegger in a high-priced whiskey business making 60 million a year that was a lot of money back then it's a lot of money now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crime scene keep out [Applause] well that was interesting an interesting museum in savannah they say that's the only uh prohibition museum in the country all right our visit to savannah is over it's time to review the hotel we stayed at a best western yeah you guys are going best western really but this is a different concept it looks really cool it's called glo you think it's glo or glow i think it's glo it's a new concept that they have and you can tell that they're trying to change their image but is it working hmm mixed feelings on that what are your thoughts um not terrible but not great the room was teeny tiny like literally we thought we had no microwave we looked all over and i'm like probably not in a closet either apparently you had to slide the bathroom door closed and then it reveals your closet that's literally like this big and then the microwave underneath so so um when my husband's in the bathroom and i'm in the microwave and he goes open the bathroom door yeah he literally shuts the door on me so that's ridiculous i think it would work okay for one person but even two people is too tiny tiny yeah um was it how's the gym so so the the ellipticals didn't work right they did have the full set of weights thank god you know but the ellipticals didn't work right so um then i just use the treadmill instead but it you know but yeah it's just you know if it weren't so tiny i wouldn't i'd be okay with that yeah the room's very small uh when we checked in the guy said we have a full hot breakfast so i said cool i went checked it out i mean these pre-cooked eggs they tasted okay and the sausage which is okay but that's about it there's no potatoes uh like gravy or you know for biscuits and gravy nothing like that they didn't have any pastries um which we like yeah they had some cereal and they had of course a waffle maker or a waffle maker like everybody else does but that's about it the breakfast was kind of sad no pool or hot tub here i mean we knew that going in that's okay but like she said the room is tiny i mean this is the smallest room i've got friends with walk-in closets bigger than this it's very cramped so would we stay here again probably not no probably not i mean it's not been horrible it's a clean new hotel brand new hotel but it is like bare bear bones so and and it costs bones it's just super squished well and it well there's no pull no hot tub oh okay lame breakfast uh and it's you know kind of expensive we paid 115. i mean we pay 110 for the far superior juries in dallas so what you're getting for the money doesn't add up yeah what's your review what's your rating i didn't say i didn't think it was terrible i said 3.8 she's saying 3.8 i'm gonna go lower 3.5 so all right there it is we are heading to montgomery alabama next capital of alabama and uh um should be interesting see you then you
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 120,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Savannah, Georgia, Historical, Forrest Gump, Chippewa Square, Wormsloe Park, Civil war, Juliette Gordon Low, spanish moss, First African Baptist Church
Id: i_0AcFPE3yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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