//Savage In Shape // Lacedaemon /Ancient Sparta and Laconia

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[Music] how are you going how is he going guys I fell down yesterday and received some stitches in the Asian city of pillows was incredible and yeah hopefully gets better yesterday we were in Sparta it was really fun was a lot of fun I made some video in front of the statue with Leonidas it looks like as if I was having a beer belly or something but it's because of the microphone cable that is sticking out a little bit it looks it looks really funny and yeah this was brutal by the way this looks good now but it looks good right now but it was really brutal so I'm gonna tell you some stuff about Florida and trip so we are here on our way to Sparta through the taquitos Mountain so what you should know is that the taquitos modern don't look particularly big like from from the Machine e'en part of the from the Machine II engulfed they don't look very big or massive but once you start passing through they look really big I mean they're there their area is amazingly big it's there incredible they cover incredible amount of area many many square kilometers and it's really hard to pass through its from let's say from one of the villages one of the Machine Ian's villages like verga or some other village or some town to Sparta it is 55 to 60 kilometers by car right I mean you have to take this distance by car and it takes you more than one and a half hours it's incredible it's so slow it's incredibly slow it takes ages to get there it's the roads are covered with rocks not very well preserved you have to drive really slowly and you see how massive the the mountains are they're massive I mean there this is huge area of mountains and there's no end I mean there's only like looking from above straight like straight distance like from from airplane distance it should be not more than I don't know 10 kilometers or 20 kilometers is a straight distance like as if you if you would fly with a with an airplane but when you start you know driving the distance it takes ages it's 60 kilometers but it's it takes ages to get there guys it takes ages and it's a very fairly hard trip I mean it's full of curves curves everywhere you know very curvy all the time rocks and you're you gotta be really careful and but it's very beautiful very nice sights very beautiful views as you can see you're going under the Brock's all the time going you know passing through beautiful places it's it's amazing just the trip is amazing but it's it's a massive area that really isolates really isolates Sparta from the rest of the from the rest of Greece because part is surrounded by two mountains one is this mountain together smartin and on the other side is the par nan Mountain the pardon Martin is is like it builds kind of a triangle between like the the kind of touch in the middle so the Sparta like in Laconia the the the area of Laconia is in a kind of a rectangle not a rectangle triangle sorry a triangle between those two mountains tie ghettos and pardon and in between is the valley of Laconia the Laconia Valley and the the river there is a fairly small River actually running running in between and as you can see I can't imagine having to pass this mountainous region with horses and like the army should pass these mountains in order to control Messenia because they were controlling these areas I can't imagine how can't even imagine how someone would pass this area with horses and with you know with a whole army its it should be very hard I mean the other ways through the through the passage through the two mountain between the two mountains tie ghettos and pardon but it takes like if you do if you go this way it takes like hundred more than hundred kilometers to get to to get to whatever you're going like either Messenia or you know current or you know the north part of Greece it takes a lot longer than through the mountains and like I said it's it's you would not think that they're so huge areas of mountains in between and yeah the the city itself like when you when you go to the city of Sparta he'd never needed a fortress he was never fortified I never needed a fortress it never needed any protection it's naturally protection protected by this by these huge mountains that you see right now and the funny thing is at the same time they were isolated they were protected but at the same time isolated so that is the that is the funny thing about Sparta you know they were isolated and that's why they could develop their strange or you know interesting society you know there they were separating there were a separate kind of society having totally different totally different traditions and rules and everything and it was a totally military state where fitness and nutrition military training was really important like incredibly important they were fighting like all the time they were doing nothing else it's it was like this kind of utopian society that didn't existed anywhere else and I think this kind of utopian society was only possible because of the yeah because of the isolation through these two mountains and it was it was really a military state people there did nothing else but training you know they didn't do agriculture they didn't do anything else you know they they were they were having this different kind of people that were free to work for them I mean they were freed mmm there were not really citizens of Sparta what's up guys what you can see behind me are the tiger rose mountains very close to Sparta now we made it through the roads the roads were in a very very bad condition but there were so many stones and rocks laying around we had to slow down all the time it was a very very hard journey to Sparta from Messina to Sparta it was a very very hard journey I mean I didn't expect the the roads to be covered with stones all the time and the driving was very very hard thanks God I didn't drive and I'm gonna be soon in Sparta and I'm gonna keep you updated guys and see you soon this is how it looks like the tag arrows Mountain very very beautiful and a huge area of mountain when you're on the seaside on the coast you wouldn't expect such huge area of mountains behind you you wouldn't you just wouldn't expect it it's it's a vests it's a vast area of mountains it's incredible yep so that's from me guys and I'm gonna keep you updated see you soon so here we are in the modern city of Sparta which seems like a normal city but it's not really the usual City because it's like I said surrounded by mountains and the climate is slightly different from the masane Ian part the Messenia part is really hot like it's incredibly hot and here the temperatures were a little lower it was a little fresher so it's a I can understand how they were able to train and exercise more often so we are at the archaeological site of Sparta there are two Sparta's basically it's very important to be said Mycenae in Sparta and Asian's part of the door inside the Sparta the Dorian Sparta and the Mycenaean Sparta have nothing to do with each other the Mycenaean Sparta that you see in the movie Troy with Brad Pitt and you know this you know you know this whole story with the beautiful Helen and so on this is the Mycenaean Sparta this is from the Bronze Age Sparta everything that goes on in this story it's from the Bronze Age the Bronze Age Sparta has nothing to do with ancient Sparta Bronze Age Sparta is the Mycenaean Sparta and and ancient Sparta is the Dorian Sparta there is a pre Dorian Sparta and the Dorian Sparta it's very very day they have to be differentiated it's they have to be separated you know because they have basically nothing to do with each other it what's up guys I mean the archaeological site of Sparta right now I am in ancient Sparta right now can you believe that it's incredible what you can see behind me are the mountains Sparta Asian Sparta only ruins around me it's very very interesting this city is amazing this city has huge history it's just incredible how much how many years of battles and history have passed here in this in this area so it's it's really really to recommend it it's really recommendable to come here to visit it the city is very the city's literally surrounded by mountains all around it their mountains all around it and it's very good protected very well protected the city itself is like a fortress completely surrounded by mountains so this is what you can see here I'm gonna try to show it to you it's very hot right now even though it's in the end of September this is how it looks like completely surrounded by mountains and I don't know if you can see the old city over there they're very very old city and this is the new city over here over here somewhere in this direction and this is how it looks like and this is whole this is the whole archeological site here so I'm gonna keep you updated what I have seen I'm gonna post some pictures and so on very interesting so again the Bronze Age Sparta that you know from the movie Troy where many layers you know the king of Sparta was chasing he's his wife the beautiful Helen this is the Bronze Age Sparta it doesn't have anything to do with ancient Sparta and there are two different parties I'm the the interesting one is the Dorian the Asian Sparta where they had this crazy society over there where you know the there were actually completely militarized women had the chance to vote they had the chance to go to school to have education and everything which was like unheard of in the rest of Greece and this is the the Asian the Dorian Sparta not the Bronze Age Sparta but the Dorian Sparta again there are two different parties they have to be separated and here you see it again the theater it's it's amazing to stay there it's it's amazing to to have a look at it so many years of history I'm not sure if this theater is from the Bronze Age from the Bronze Age from from the very very old Sparta or the Asian Sparta I'm not completely sure as you can see the mountains are pretty much surrounding the city you can see them from both sides and like I said the climate is slightly cooler fresher I mean it's still very hot but it's slightly cooler than on the coast and which makes you you know able to train to exercise more anyway the Spartans were not living in the city like the mo most of the Spartans were in in military units outside of the city like close to the mountains or you know they were not living in a city there were always in in their camps training and exercising you know Theatre of Sparta this is how it looks like now what's up guys how are you doing I'm finally inspired us finally in front of the Leonidas statue it's beautiful and I just made a tour that I was so long preparing for it's an incredible thing to see that to see reiation city with so much history so much history incredible history intense history very intense history and I'm gonna I'm gonna show you the all the different parts the Asian part of sparta and everything we're gonna show you all the different aspects of sparta if you're interested of course I know it doesn't have a lot to do with fitness but it has to do with health way of living lifestyle how can you keep your lifestyle healthy how can you keep your life interesting and healthy and everything and this is how the d--ation Spartans did it like through a lot of sports a lot of exercise a lot of different kind of thinking out-of-the-box thinking so it's incredible this is the stadium of Sparta this is the stadium it's not and it's not a nation stadium it's the new stadium this is how it looks like and this is a moment I've been waiting for for so long it's incredible I can't believe I'm here it's incredible I'm just a huge fan of Sparta huge fan of this lifestyle and I just can't believe I I just came here and I have the possibility to see everything it's incredible so keep you updated guys and see you soon this is the main city of Sparta the modern city as part of this is the main street a lot of nice restaurants good places to eat it's like I said a little cooler as a temperature it's not so hot like on the other side of the mountain city with incredible history Bronze Age Mycenae --n sparta than the ancient Sparta the Dorian Sparta which was the more interesting one with the the one that we're all fascinated about is this part of with military camps and the aristocrats society here is again the main city the the main street it looks like a normal city but it's it's really beautiful with this with this mountain mountains surrounding it here where we're going back so this is the way back again through the mountains it takes ages to get back there so the acient Spartan society consisted of basically three parts the Spartans the perioeci and the helots the helots were like the slaves with no right stage they they had to work only to deliver and they had to pay taxes and they were really miserable actually the perioeci were free men like but there were no citizens they were engaged in fights like in battles they were called whenever there was a battle but they were not there were not part of the Spartan army they didn't go to their training camps to their to their extreme training camps they were just normal people having like a normal profession and they were called from time to time to battle but the Spartans were having only one profession you know soldier warrior nothing else didn't have anything else and so if if the Spartans were so successful the logical question remains why did they fail why did I decline at the end and the answer is again in the society that they had like the society was really tricky if you were Spartan you can only inherit you know this the the citizenship you can only inherited from your father and your family and if you are perioeci or a helot you're just you're different you're different class you're not part of the spartan class so you're you were you will never get a citizenship so basically you can only you can only lose your Spartan citizenship by for example not going to to school because if you are not able to pay for for the school for the military school you might lose your Spartan citizenship so not going to school means you probably you you might lose your citizenship and then become one of the one of the helots or perioeci or whatever and so in the end after years and years like hundreds of hundreds of years there were more and more helots and perioeci and unless spartans because you know Spartan women could not deliver so many kids it was it's wasn't impossible to keep up with with the rest of the population so because there were also probably immigration from other parts you know demographic changes so the decline of Sparta was actually pretty pretty natural it happened pretty naturally with time because you know the helots the slaves were like hundred thousand the perioikoi you know the craftsmen and trade men and and the you know the non-citizens were like around fifty thousand and the Spartans were ten thousand people and with the time slowlyslowly the Spartans became fewer and fewer they became just less people because you can only lose citizenship but you cannot win a Spartan a Spartan citizenship you can only lose it but not win it so they were destined to become fewer from this is the principle you know they could have calculated that there will eventually become just less Spartans and more helots the helots become became huge number a huge number of people like a huge population because they were able to accept people from outside you know like people are coming coming in to the peninsula or to the area and so they become just they became more people just simple math and the Spartans became less so that was for my side guys hope it was interesting for you I hope you liked it and I don't know I it really doesn't have a lot to do with fitness I just can't help you guys have been as part in my previous life so I can't help it and let me know what you think about it so let me know what you think about it and let me know what you think what would be the test to get to become a Spartan if you were a helot for example a slave and you want to become a Spartan what what would be the test this pardon test so let me know let me know in the comments and see you and I think it's even though it's a Fitness channel I think it's always good to learn new stuff brought up in a very simplified way interesting interesting way so it's always good to have like you know brought culture so see you soon [Music]
Channel: savageinshape
Views: 3,190
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: fitness workout health, nutrition, healthy nutrition, sports, outdoor workout, cooking, raw food, cardio, fasting, pull-ups, nuts, seeds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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