Saul and David (1964) | Full Movie | Norman Wooland | Gianni Garko | Luz Márquez

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when samuel the last great judge of the israelites saw old age had come upon him he made his sons judges over the people but his sons had not their father's virtue and were corrupted by their love of riches then the elders of israel gathered together and asked of samuel that he appointed king who would govern them as other nations were governed although samuel warned them of the many burdens the king may impose upon his subject the elders insisted thus it was that samuel obedient to the voice of the lord anointed saul the tribe of benjamin as king of israel then saul leading the israelites fought against their enemies on every side against moab against the ammonite against edom against the kings of zoba and the philistines and he defeated them but his soul's authority grew stronger so did his ambition flourish and he began to be disobedient to the voice of the lord so samuel went again to saul asked it well abdomen samuel is here samuel [Music] ah what a happy day samuel you bring the lord's blessing on our victory may you also be blessed honor the house of yourselves come in come in and rest you must be tired the orders of the lord have been carried out samuel don't be afraid come in [Music] have they those animals were taken from the amalekites the people saved the best to be sacrificed here in gilgal before the sacred ark the orders of the lord have not been carried out destroy all living creatures in amalek men and animals alike put them to death that is what the lord said i've already told you the animals will be sacrificed here in gilgal and do you think that is enough to excuse your disobedience i was afraid of my own people i humbled them and the king was it the people who spared the king of amalek or was it your pride that forced you to make a show of your defeated enemy remember to whom you're speaking samuel why don't you remember saul what you were before god anointed you king of his people but now you no longer listen to the voice of god the voice of god or yours who comes you need to be so hard i have sinned i admit i've transgressed the lord's will come we'll go together and pray to the lord and you will plead for me no i won't go with you i won't be your accomplice saul you have rejected the lord's command and he has rejected you you will no longer be king of israel [Music] awesome today the lord has torn the kingdom of israel from you and given it to another who is more [Music] worthy [Music] tell me what you said his name this other better than me tell me his name you are already starting to torment yourself tell me his name i don't know but i know that day by day you will see him growing under your very eyes and you will grow smaller and smaller any news yes the first guards have been marching since dawn and the philistines have made camp on the plateau overlooking the valley of the terrapin right have our camp set up on the heights opposite of them mm-hmm come back here little vagabond just let me get my hands on you i'll teach you now i've caught him my lord he's been stealing your grain and his sheep have been feeding off it ever since we left caramel they've grown fat on your corn i've had my eye on him all along the little beef it's not true i'm not a thief we are only following the army to pick up the leftovers anyway i only have seven sheep how much can seven little sheep eat my lord this yours yes but he took it away yes i took it away because he insists i'm waiting till the middle of the night to play his heart just when i'm sleeping soundly but you always say you work so hard you never sleep that's right of course what i mean to say is i wasn't thinking of my rest but i was only worried that he might disturb you my lord so you're the one who's been taking over the roosters job every morning yes play for me come on [Music] ah for 40 days now i have challenged you to send one of your men to do battle with me what is yet no one has had the courage to step forward jonathan jehovah will testify to the love i bear your father i risked my life for him a thousand times in battle but now we're all cowards abner all of us if only one of us had the courage to face goliath that would be suicide the philistines are just waiting for us to move that's all they want you see in the valley of the terrapin whoever attacks first is lost and the philistines know that very well oh goliath is just a pretence a bait yes what is it a boy a shepherd wants to speak to the king he claims to be in his service whip him wait standing alone you know that shepard he's the boy who plays the heart one of you oh yes send him away abner remember the last time that boy played his song and calmed my father he was better off than he is thank you my lord go in quietly as soon as you're inside start playing softly just as you did the other time but if he gets angry stop playing and leave right away a boy all that is left of the courage of israel is left in the simple heart of a boy [Music] they send me a boy my lord my lord i used to watch over my father's flock and if a lion or bear came and carried off one of my lambs i would chase him and snatch the prey from his jaws if he attacked me i'd take a stone and fit it into my sling and then i would smite him that's how i slew him and i will kill this goliath the philistine the same way the same god who protected me against the lion the bear will protect me against this philistine and i will slay him who are you you're my son no no your soul you're the ghost of my boy who'd come to mock me [Music] paul look at that are you still here [Laughter] this wish is not staying and you should fight you shall fight you shall fight in the king's armor [Laughter] uh [Music] let's see you move let's feel more [Music] please my lord i can't walk with this armor i'm not used to it let me fight my own way please with my own weapons may the lord be with you the destiny of israel in the hands of a little shepherd yes but it's a useless sacrifice no not a useless sacrifice an act of faith faith that is what i saw in that boy's eyes in all your faces i saw distrust and doubt [Music] even in my son's face [Music] [Music] hey boy didn't they tell you to keep away from me are you deaf go away go away or did you come here to bake some big food get out of here hurry up i've come here to answer your challenge in the name of jehovah god of the hosts of israel you they sent you to enter my challenge [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you hear that did you all hear that comrade i asked for a man to fight with me and they sent me a boy [Laughter] not even that [Laughter] it's a girl isn't he pretty [Music] jehovah's put you in my hands what are you going to do you think i'm a dog then why you brought your stones you're worse than a dog i'll kill you i'll cut off your head and leave your body behind for the bird and the wild beasts then the whole world will know that israel has a god [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey in the name of jehovah [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] hey stand i and all the people of israel should kneel before you today you have proved that there is a god of israel through you he has delivered our enemies into our hands and we pursued them to the very gates of gas and ekron [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't even know whose son you are i am the son of your servant jesse of bethlehem ah i know i know people hailed you by the name of david david means to lead and to command and that is what i will call you i will be david in the name of saul my lord and king let me embrace you david thank you for everything you've done for our people and for my father [Music] excuse me [Music] forward oh we'll have prepared a worthy reception for you your promised bride will be impatiently waiting what a surprise it'll be when the king sees not 100 but 200 philistines david maybe you should ask saul for toying with his daughters since he's so willing to pay 100 philistines for only one a slave that's all i am to you i'm only good for bearing your son and then what you do with them you send them into battle and when the lord protects them and saves their lives then you humiliate them by making them serve an outsider he's no longer an outsider because you brought him into your family you're giving him your daughter in marriage to him a mere shepherd a shepherd what was i when i first and he can't even pay you a decent dowry oh but you're always so generous with david you have no money for the dowry well what of it just kill some philistines some for the signs uh a hundred and so you thought that's a love for love don't you say these things to your son have you ever tried talking to him in this way to belittle this hero this shepherd have you seen our daughter look at this shepherd and my soldiers my soldiers would would give their lives to him and the people the people would let themselves be trampled under his horse's hooks just to touch the strap of his stirrups and you want me the only one in all israel to oppose him i never dreamed you were afraid of him you're really afraid of him well go away go on get out of here i come my lord to bring the news that your glorious captain david may your hover protect him i sent i shall to announce his early victorious return from the mission you ordered him to perform may jehovah protect him [Music] you old hypocrite i put him in command of the army of replacing you you can't forgive him for that can you have you any more orders for me my lord yes your lord orders you to sing and dance and make music for the happy news you brought me in other words go where you like and cut your throat leave me in peace don't go i need you [Music] give me your hand it's pounding pounding he's coming back he always comes back always [Music] now for this time sword is quicker no i look so sweet [Music] please don't drink anymore you know that wine isn't good for you but it is happening it's good for me it dims aside and yet it clears the mind abner the mind [Music] glory to soul until david [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there he is [Music] has killed his thousands david [Music] see jonathan oh yeah look how handsome here but david is so strong [Music] a lot of moments things about me seem indistinct remember abner when we were marching against sober in the midst of the battle i fell of my horse and the whole world seemed to spin around me and the thick fog came over my eyes and you and jonathan save me well since then since then the sickness has happened again and again i wonder if my arm can still wield an axe [Music] david welcome back well what'd you say there my boy don't you like the way i play your hop ha ha come on my boy come in come in my lord i bring you the price you asked for the hand of your daughter micah not 100 but 200 philistines will never again take up the sword against you i knew you would succeed i might have guessed that you would surpass my every expectation he brings me double the diary i asked for but i can still give you only one daughter what a pity i didn't fatten her up to weigh twice as much to match your double [Laughter] heroism sometimes my boy i suspect that everything about you is double the glory of the king is always worthy of a double effort from his humble servant i'm fine and you should try to achieve the double of the double and then the double of the double of the double and so on and on and on always the double oh poor david what labors await you it's so long since i heard your sweet voice and the sound of your melodious heart come sing for me now song sing for me your song will bring more joy to my heart than the sound of your victories i am tired my lord i have just returned from the land of the five cities sing something for the tired heart of old saw sing but my lord sing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't you see he's sick he often treats me worse than that and i am his own son micah come in david oh david i was so frightened for you david you mustn't be upset by father no matter what happens david i'll be at your side even even against his will i love you david no michael i would never set you against your own father i love you both too much to ever come between you does my father's consent mean more to you than my love what are you saying michael then tell me david do you love me really don't worry it's nothing just a game your turn your last chance ah i give up i will never be able to beat you never mind my boy [Laughter] let me dry you off oh watch out [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh what's the matter aren't you glad you won one he lets me win he treats me like a child [Music] hahaha [Laughter] wait till you see how happy your father will be when he hears about the joker we played on the philistines there you are david ah well get some rest jonathan we have all earned it we can report to the king tomorrow good night well my lord do you want to hear my report i suppose that's why you sent for me a flame i like the human mind come in boy come over here when i can see you there were only 30 of us against more than 200 [Music] the entire garrison of azika and we killed every last one boy you are a very able young man you are gifted with weapons and with words you write beautiful poems and you compose celestial music your soul has many phases all of them at your service my lord are they [Music] david david tell me about samuel about samuel yes tell me about sam it's all right david i've known everything for a long time i know that you see him often i know that he guides you at every step that's why i took you into my service under my protection so you see you don't have to pretend anymore i've had enough of this old grudge against samuel that doesn't help anybody only you can make us friends again he's as fond of you as i am i chose you because he chose you you suppose i will put you in the head of my army made you one of my family if i hadn't always known that samuel had chosen you to be my heir the anointed king of israel these are great plans for you you should study the stars try to discover how and when jehovah has arranged for me to die you're very talkative tonight i don't understand so oh well go to bed my daughter is waiting for you liar poopy liar liar [Music] abner david what's wrong tell me what's happened who did that it's nothing let me look at you your hair your eyes i'd forgotten how lovely you are [Music] so so i'm not what's your name escape why have you deceived me huh you'll find out the kind of man he is and for this man you've turned against your father [Music] [Music] wow so [Music] jonathan how did you find me i went to samuel you told me where you were come with me we can be seen here leave the horse i have wonderful news david you have nothing more to fear soul no longer wants to kill you and all because of samuel my father went to talk with him and guess what happened right in front of samuel he tore his clothes and began to pray to ask god's forgiveness he was calling for you now he is a changed person tomorrow for the feast of the new moon he wants you at his table because we're all going to celebrate the annual sacrifice together what's the matter don't you believe me as sure there is a god jonathan there is only one short step between me and death i've done a lot of thinking during these days i've been alone you know what they're saying about me the reasons for your father's jealousy i understand him i can see why he is tormented and angry i'll tell you something more perhaps he behaved this way not for selfish reasons but for you for his sons but i i have to be on my guard and i'm not sure yet that i'm safe what do you want me to do tell your father i'll come but i'll stay hidden in the country when saul asks for me tell him that at the last minute i went instead to bethlehem for the annual sacrifice preferring to be with my family if he doesn't get angry then that will be a sign that everything is all right then you can come and get me but if soul has another outburst of rage what's to be done then i live here forever i have no choice so why hasn't david come yet hey david is not coming he asked me if he could go to bethlehem he wanted to make the annual sacrifice with his family his family and we as family you wouldn't think so the way we treat him sometimes you you think i don't know you're the friend of david to the shame of your mother and your own dishonor but father fool as long as david lives there's no safety for you not for your reign it's not true you don't know what you're going to find him bring him here why he hasn't done anything what let me go i'll tell him kill him get up and put your hand on your head hey didn't you hear me i told you to get up and put your hands on your head come on hurry up i beg your pardon but if i obey you my rabbit will be ruined i had to chase it all day before i caught it aren't you hungry sit down there's enough for two hey are you one of us thief murderer ah you're too well dressed am i can clothes be stolen how much for that you can take it it's a present oh it's a present uh a bit heavy isn't it [Music] eat [Music] ah i know who you are that's goliath sword that was in the temple of knob everybody knows that you ran away from saul that you went to the priests of nob that a himalayan gave you bread and goliath sword ah david you are david jehovah brought us together you don't know who i am ask anybody who easy to thief is he has the cunningest head in all israel you see there's just one thing i need that i don't have a strong arm i'm getting old listen to me david let's work together huh a sword like that and the head like this yes who could stop us let's just have a look david let's do it this way you attack them first and then i'll uh [Music] he's become a liar a thief an outlaw does anyone else want to follow joab and the others into david campbell brigands not one of you warned me of the plots going on behind my back not even in my own household my own family my lord the priest of naba here you have fent for me and my whole household my lord king we have obeyed no egg tell him what you've already told me what did you see i was in knob the city of the priests when david the son of jesse came to a himalaya and ahimalek consulted the lord for him and provided him with the food for his trip and gave him the sword of goliath the philistine joey a stranger of the tribe of edom more loyal than my own sons why have you plotted against me with the son of jesse you fed him harmed him helped him to rebel and how is i to know isn't david the most loyal of your servants honored in your own house captain of your army since when has it been a crime to help him i have consulted the lord for him a hundred times lies won't help you don't accuse me in my household of a crime we didn't commit but you were seen i have nothing to hide david came in your name he asked for bread listen to me i'll hear my leg i know whose orders you carried out to help david samuels he's always protected him the same old story the same old lies taking refuge behind the lord i've had enough because you betrayed your king you and your household [Music] so you can't do this [Music] archers so what are you waiting for put them to death they won't obey you so you haven't such reference for these traitors you put them to death go on [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] jehovah will that i alone of all his priests should not enter the palace with the others so now i'm all alone the only one i'm almost ashamed then saul descended on knob burned every house to the ground the temple and now he's hunting you everywhere a beer stay here with us you can help us you will consult the lord for us asking him to protect my life and the lives of my companions [Music] we caught them down the valley they're two or so spies no one my lord no we're halfway got your sneaky up in the cave yes my lord that's right but of course it's right you are spies no no we are not spying he's lying he is a spy speak we're from ke isley my lord we're peasants peace-loving peasants my lord yesterday our country was invaded by the philistines they're like locust my lord locusts they pillaged and planted our fields our harvest our poor harvest my lord only you can help us only you can chase these heathen dogs from our homes as you have done a thousand times before we beg you my lord we're from kelly we're prisoners yes yes yes i understand joab get ready to march we leave immediately at dawn we'll be in lake but david we've only just arrived and we need some rest as if we hadn't enough troubles of our own why should we take on any more they're big enough to take care of themselves we can't fight saul and solve enemies too because of your rebellion we've had to flee our homes our only fault was that we were your brothers sons of the same mother now what do you want us to do listen to me all of you listen to me never let it be said that the son of jesse left the house of saul to wage war on saul david has spent his life and strength defending israel against its enemies and he'll keep right on doing it and now in the name of jehovah to k island on to k island and chased the philistines out of kaeli my lord he freed the city my lord now he's resting there with all his men the city has only one gate malaria on the side where the sun rises how many are there i'd say 500 at the most the lord has delivered him into my hands he shut himself up in a city with a gate and bars decay islay i wonder if it is right always running away like this [Music] it's been years now david has sent us [Music] we haven't touched your flocks we've protected them for you now we've come to ask what's due to us huh who are you who is david i've never seen you before i never ask for your protection i'm not in the habit of giving payment or hospitality the strangers who come from the lord knows where go tell your david that nabil's not afraid of him i'm not a slave who has fled his master you can tell him that too come on we wasted enough time here he chased them away abigail what did they want something to eat they were david's men he's a stupid fool he shouldn't have done that doesn't he realize what it can cost us i'm abigail it was my fault my lord my fault take no notice of what my fool of a husband said unfortunately i didn't see your men in time please forgive your servant's mistake and accept a fair recompense for for the watch that you have kept over our flocks blessings to jehovah god of israel who has sent you to me if you hadn't come to tell me this i assure you none of you would be alive now my men will help yourself yes joab job [Music] when jehovah has rewarded you and has given you a home again remember your servant hey david look over there come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for someone who's supposed to be the best soldier in israel you're a very heavy speaker come on wake up you fools we could have been butchered in our sleep when you wouldn't have noticed it wake you deserve to be put to death for that [Music] look around you abner where are the king's lands and just where are they have you found them i am hereafter there soon it will be day then i'll butcher it take cover my lord quickly stop where you are don't move here are the lands on the truck after come and get them david yes my king i've come to ask you why you persist in pursuing your servant for years you have been chasing me as you hunt down the wild birds in the mountains so you will force me to serve a foreign god i've been a fool i'll never have you again you are the better man tonight the lord placed me at your mercy and you spared me i spared you twice remember saul once in the cave at ain't it i when i cut a piece from your clothes and again tonight i took pity on you i said to myself i will not raise my hand against my king because he is the anointed of the lord wickedness soul comes from the wicked true true now i know that you're a good unjust man you will be king of israel the people will prosper under your rule i am sorry david only come back david i'll do you no harm only promise not to wipe out my family treat them with [Music] just listen to him the snake we should have nailed him with his own lance the lord will reward each of us according to our faith and our loyalty storm [Music] david you said it jonathan you always said it the dearest of my sons the strongest support of my kingdom how could i he didn't trust me you know jonathan he didn't trust me i suppose i was to blame i lied to him a hundred times you'll see father he'll come back will he drink will he it will get cold he'll come back why are you still lying why don't you tell him that david is with the philistines you think you hate you you bitter because she married abigail listen father david is your enemy he will fight against you but you still love him he's lied all his life you were right he married me only to get your throne yeah but you still love him so your daughter is telling the truth for some time now david has been in the service of the prince of gath and now the philistines are marching against us thank you you'll feel better save it and come back he'll come back yes he'll come back he is already on his way but he'll take your place just as samuel said he would samuel's dead i'm alive i'm still king of israel so you are no longer a king god has abandoned you you have disobeyed his orders killed his priest doesn't listen to you god doesn't speak to you you're mad i have driven god from my house eh [Music] so god doesn't speak to me anymore hey come come hmm [Music] this it's strong he knew him jonathan you hear the words of jehovah do you hear them too hey we'll answer me your foot soul shall stand past on the rock i have acquitted you my judgment until those who succeed you i will grant my justice ah saul will last as long as the moon so stretching from sea to sea so the philistines are within two days march yes so foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um what are those hebrews doing here akish that's david haven't you heard of david brother you're mad arkish he's been in my service for nearly two years now saul hates him and fears them as a dangerous rival why do you think i asked you to band together now to wage war on saul now that they are with are you so sure that david is with us for two years i have had no reason to doubt his loyalty don't be naive once a traitor always a traitor have this man and his warrior sent back and they will not come with us into battle he could turn against us during the fighting but i've told you saul hates him and you don't think he could win back saul's favor akish by offering him our heads [Music] send david back to the camp but believe me brother i'd rather give up a thousand of my chariots david and his men are no longer with him it seems david has left the philistine camp will be a clear day anything should happen to me abner if today's battle should go against us give the signal call my sons around you and take them to safety remember you've sworn it abner my descendants my descendants must reign [Music] all right speak say what you have to say [Music] joab wasn't it you joab who was afraid that i would lead you into a battle against our brothers but i knew that jehovah would save us from that danger and hasn't it turned out just that way [Music] i know the battle of gilboa concerns us too but have you seen the kind of ground where saul has agreed to fight no cover not even a blade of grass to hide behind soul is old and tired the responsibility for your lives and for the lives of all the people of israel that never weighed on me so heavily as it does today only now do i realize how wonderful was my life before when i was a shepherd with the responsibility of only thirty sheep now there are many more sheep and many more wolves around them you and i are the only ones with weapons left to defend the whole flock but can i let us go and crush these armies of the enemy just to save part of our flock and rob all the people of israel of their only chance of salvation at this moment none of us in his innermost heart wants to listen to such cold reasoning but you at least in the long years ahead can have one consolation you can say it wasn't your doing that saul received no help that day at gilboa i alone must bear the burden of this decision and there is no comfort in knowing that the event foreseen by samuel has been fulfilled i will continue to grieve till the end of my life [Music] [Applause] so [Music] john [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] um [Music] hey [Music] where's [Music] [Music] david i have great news for you the army of the israelites has been overcome saul is defeated now you are the king david [Music] oh abner abner hurry we've got to go the battle is lost saul is dying no we must wait for your brothers are you mad abner you want to see us all killed who knows where they are remember the king's command you must save me yeah yeah come on come on you coward oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh my god [Music] have you any friends lord there i own the service [Music] so so jonathan [Music] hello such a horrible place [Music] so jonathan hmm okay thy glory o israel is slain upon thy high places how are the mighty fallen tell it not in gather publish it not in the streets of azkaban bless the daughters of the philistines rejoice e mountains of gilboa let there be no dew nor rain upon you saul and jonathan in life and in death they were not divided they were swifter than eagles they were stronger than lions ye daughters of israel weep over saul and jonathan my brother jonathan you
Channel: Religious & Spiritual Films
Views: 122,421
Rating: 4.7658081 out of 5
Keywords: Religious Film, Spiritual Film, Religious full Movie, Religious Feature Film, Spiritual Feature Film, Norman Wooland, Gianni Garko, Luz Márquez, Marcello Baldi, Emilio Cordero, Saul and David Full Movie, Saul and David Movie, Saul and David, David of Bethlehem, giant, rival, King Saul, giant slayer, Religious Movie, Religious Classic Films
Id: D7sn-cFqeyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 55sec (6175 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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