SAUDI ARABIA | First Impressions of RIYADH (Not What I Expected) 🇸🇦

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it's 4 30 in the afternoon and here in Riyadh we have a 42 or 43 degrees so we didn't go out until now because it was extremely hot now we decided to go to have lunch we had something in the house like some dates we had one banana and some piece of bread and a tea so now we are going to find a place where to have lunch I have my new Saudi Arabia outfit actually this is an Abaya from my friend Christina because it's better if here I cover a little bit more I have only tied yoga leggings so maybe it's not exactly respectful for the culture so I'm going to wear this Abaya now I passed the camera to her so she can picture me as you can see it's all along and I can convert myself a little bit this is interesting this is a beauty court so it's a beauty parlor but it's totally closed you see there are also cameras there so you cannot see inside so it's more yeah the women uh do not show themselves much so of course when they go to beauty parlor it's not like for us that uh for example when you go to to the hairdresser it's all open here is not possible okay that is the culture in Saudi Arabia let's go and find our place for having lunch and dinner and breakfast I don't know what we are going to have all together this is a taxi it's a green taxi so that's interesting is the same color as the flag so we are looking place where to eat yeah and uh there's a lot of traffic this time look at how beautiful wow look amazing and Saudi we are checking how they drive we arrived at our destination it's called Cactus I don't know what a restaurant maybe it's a fast food I don't know Christina checked and this is the nearest place yes so yesterday we had a very good dinner and let's see tonight also but now let's have something fast is it open great so it's the entrance is all this are you sure I don't think so the entrances might be there I know he's coming look at this look at the door that is interesting sorry can I film no problem okay that is interesting door yeah it's actually amazing though yeah it looks close to the place and then as all of a sudden you open the door so what have you done that take away no we eat here yeah okay so you can check with yourself okay thank you the name of course comes from these plants welcome once again to Cactus so we have our breakfast these are many minutes okay we have our breakfast and lunch USA now so you can order either from the breakfast for the lunch okay lunch I guess yeah we are so hungry yeah okay good so you can go through the menu can you check from there okay we have we have wow thank you thank you thank you fine dining menu so this is interesting actually there is a game he said we can search for our names there while we are waiting for our order but they are all Arabic names so I don't think I'm going to find mine I found the Salman do you have your name there actually my name is where are you from from Ghana oh okay I've been to Africa many times but not in Ghana yeah why not do you speak English or French in Ghana okay and your own language is called actually is popular okay yeah but I also understand yeah yeah thank you so that is interesting that you have a game yeah we like it so it's nice there in a world full of delicated flowers be a cactus which is interesting look at how beautiful also here is uh nice and this is the mojito with the passion fruit wow let's try this is good they put a Sprite in it or a sparkling water sparkling water inside excuse me there is sparkling water inside but it's sparkling what did you put inside a soda ah this is very good ah so it's soda super good so here we have our food for today that is a cactus crispy chicken burger and these are the two sauces this is the cactus Cactus sauce and this is the avocado sauce so let's try actually for you choosing Cactus to come and dine with us take a lot to have you and we appreciate your choice of coming here to be so nice and lovely we also want to appreciate your kindness and your lovely nature thank you so much they brought us this cake it's made with the how do you call it in English yes yes it's a candy something yeah candy floss wow look good thank you so much we really appreciate it wow this candy floss is so good and also the biscuits [Music] welcome to Saudi Arabia so this is the bill we paid 117 Saudi Rial and it's around 28 to 29 Euro or 31 and 32 dollars thank you look at the door thank you bye [Music] you too bye bye see you bye so we booked an Uber we are going to pay to go to the city center 27.63 star which is around 6.5 Euro now it says that it's late instead of 12 minutes it takes 18 minutes so let's see yeah this is our car no hello oops reply Kingdom Center please it's a beautiful car yeah yeah actually it's supposed to be the cheapest car but it's so beautiful we didn't expect that so this is a traffic of Riyadh this time people finish to work this time yes okay so that's why there is a lot of traffic which is the peak hours here yeah five five o'clock they finished work that's why yesterday we were stuck in the traffic this time yeah it's already six yeah it's 6 15 so yeah yeah it's a little bit of trust again of course it's time for today it's time for dinner now we just finished our lunch and our dinner are you from Saudi Arabia yes okay only Saudi people can be like a taxi driver or Uber here anyone and normal taxis Pakistan ah or also Saudi Egypt okay also Saudi can be taxi normal Taxi Driver sorry only Uber only Uber you can okay that's interesting you have another job or you are only uh Uber taxi driver part-time okay because we live in Oman and you know man only Omani can be taxi drivers and we can't we don't have a uber there is no we can't have we have a old taxi which is another ad skyline of Riyadh how many people there are in Riyadh you know six million six million oh yes we read it yesterday this is the kingdom Road no yeah okay is the late King right yes wow look at this amazing Tower wow what's the name of this Tower wow can we go up there really it's possible yeah can you think um kingdom kingdom kingdom tower yes wow Tower Arabi yes so we can go up there wow so the taxi driver is leaving us so it's 20 [Music] yeah 28. okay thank you so this is the Tower with the Burj that we see before and this is a Tiffany shop there's the luxury very good okay so we are going upstairs so we have some beautiful Boutique this place is amazing huh luxury wow what a place it's really amazing oh look at there luxury we have famous Brands here you see we have a Louis Vuitton look at how beautiful and amazing here wow definitely beautiful in Arabic so I don't know but it's a beautiful bags foreign wow so they stopped me to make me try a perfume from here which is absolutely amazing it's so delicate and I love this it's something I never felt before also you know money perfumes are very good this is oh and actually it's called The Reef 33 and it contains saffron Rosemary and Udu that's the Udu that is so good this is a perfume look at how beautiful wow wow we have also flowers here so beautiful look at that oh this is the wood the smell is so good thank you can I come with the camera to show a show not you but yeah it's perfume perfume wow yes this is heaven so perfume would yes I'm taking a look I make a small video of this is very particular it says yeah I wish the people from the video can smell because that's the yes so it's old what is this Sandalwood okay okay wow pure foreign wow this shop is amazing look also very luxurious oh looking for the bunny wow thank you so much because they already sprayed on me oh that's very good it's very nice it's very nice I can imagine thank you so much thank you bye okay going out thank you yes I I get this is all the right order oh it's so good thank you wow it's an experience of a perfumes and smells this place is wonderful I'm going to meet Christina who was calling me look at the palm trees here there are so beautiful this was an interesting experience inside it is a luxury Mall inside this Tower I really enjoyed it just to see these perfumes and I mean I'm smelling so good I think I'm going back to buy that perfume she sprayed at the beginning of a 67 Euro I'm traveling I don't want anything heavy but really believe me oh it's so good I don't want to leave it there I think I'm coming back wow I am outside a super luxury shopping mall that we've seen before I never see something like that full of these amazing perfumes and here there is this famous Tower that's the name of the Tower I like it here the girls the shop assistants were very very kind so welcome to Riyadh really look at how amazing is the Tower with these two palm trees wow how amazing [Music] look at how amazing is this mirror where you can see the Tower and the mirror what's happening behind wow how great is this so the funny thing is that we can't find a way how to cross the road so basically we have to take a taxi to cross the road welcome so basically we found these men we don't understand if he is going to cross the road if yes we follow let's follow him without dying area ah we found a way we have just crossed with red and the traffic police was there he didn't tell us anything that's good so basically we wanted to go to that road and check what there is in this uh famous street it might be Kingdom Street it's red but people are going so we go so so here we have a gallery you see there is a Fendi there is a Dolce Gabbana givansi and all the famous brands and also we have some big cars and some pickups hi the name of this Gallery is Galleria in Italian wow so yeah we continue on this uh Kingdom Road look at there how amazing huh Shikara Indian restaurant look at how beautiful this is a toy store it's like a castle how amazing [Applause] so I am on this bridge and uh we are going to to show the beauty of the Tower from here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the view from here all the cars and also from here wow and now we came to a shopping mall which is totally opposite than the other because we had to buy some water we were dying for drinking and it's total opposite of luxury and yeah you can tell also by the tiles on the floor and everything is different here there is no Famous Brand it's a normal shopping mall mostly empty but look look at the floor look at the tires yeah all right the later king of Saudi Arabia and his son Prince Salman [Applause] I am now in a local restaurant in Riyadh called the one correct they're the managers I guess no okay you're the manager okay good what's your name very nice name nilaf are you from Saudi Arabia from Sudan wow beautiful okay nice you speak Arabic then yeah oh yeah good so look at how typical this is typical from here traditional is so beautiful so these are the the rooms where you can have lunch and dinner and breakfast I guess you know only lunch okay wow what is this for for dates if you want like big lamb lamb oh wow look they put it there okay wow this is for the coffee coffee Arabic coffee how do you call the coffee here uh Arabic coffees yeah wow it's a special coffee yes not like a black coffee yeah yeah it has I think some spices it's called smart Okay so wow I think it's very tasty so it's beautiful what is this for is for the past milk oh yeah yeah so it will become better ah the Milky would become butter here wow yeah this is the cow skin wow that's beautiful and okay again you have this for this is for Lambert as well yeah is it silver yeah yeah it's made of silver wow oh this is for incense frankincense maybe yeah so these books uh when the whole match you want to get married and she go to her home so yeah she bought all her things here okay so inside here in these boxes wow at least again yeah and this one if you want to put some flame and you do like that yes how nice I really like it here good so it's like a castle Yeah they built it like uh it's good and the bus they live in this place yeah from uh made from Team yes this is smart or something like that okay wow thank you so much so we are going to check the menu it was here yeah okay thank you oh so we are racing our food wow anything else no thank you so much so this is basically a room as you see before and they put the food here so I ordered some cheese Samosa and the soup while she's having the chicken kofta this one is called traditional foods they cook with the milk and chicken okay it's nice you're gonna like it oh thank you so much oh thank you so much thanks so since we arrived the people are offering us food it's a great thing I'm really surprised by Hospitality here in Saudi Arabia so we will also try this let me taste this soup first tasting Jesus samosa also good yeah so we can enjoy our meal your meat is good okay let's open the ketchup okay so we are going to enjoy our food we are at the end of our day and the Beautiful part is that I broke my Indian sandals I broke it so I cannot walk [Applause] so I am all elegant but then look because I have to arrive at home without the music good night [Applause]
Channel: Too happy to be homesick
Views: 53,673
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Keywords: too happy to be homesick, saudi, saudi arabia travel, how to travel saudi arabia, can you travel saudi arabia?, saudi arabia 2023, travel saudi, travel saudi arabia, travel saudi arabia 2023, what is saudi arabia like, can I travel saudi, how to travel to saudi arabia, new road oman to saudi arabia, saudi travel guide, saudi arabia travel guide, saudi travel guide 2023, saudi arabia vlog, riyadh city, riyadh saudi arabia, riyadh season
Id: HgV_YVne0_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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