15 BEST Things to do in Riyadh Saudi Arabia in 2024 🇸🇦

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Welcome to Riyadh, the pulsating heart of Saudi  Arabia. Riyadh is the largest city on the Arabian   Peninsula with a population of nearly 8 million  people. The city is the capital of Saudi and it   is also referred to as the cultural capital of  the country where ancient history and modern   development intertwine and in today's video guys  we are going to be exploring all over this massive   city and when I say massive it's not just about  population but Riyadh is one of the most unique   places I've been to for the reason being that  it is one of the most spread out cities I have   seen in my entire life and so you can see it's  basically just a massive grid that stretches   as far as the Horizon can be seen with a naked  eye from here to go from one side of the city   to the other could take you an hour and a half  or more but because it's so vast there's also   a lot of things you can do both inside the city  as well as just outside in the beautiful desert   lands so right now I am in one of the places  that we'll be sharing with you guys a little   bit later in the video and aside from that like  a lot of people do speak English you'll get a mix   of like workers and restaurants who are from the  Philippines, Bangladesh, India you know uh if   you have Google translate you're always going to  be able to figure out how to communicate I would   also mention that gasoline prices or petrol is  much much cheaper like I've got a small little   SUV that I've been driving around roughly $ 20  $25 to fill up the tank so really inexpensive   but I just want to tell you that we have so many  things on this list and they're not in any order   from best to worst so make sure you stick around  to the end of this video so you don't miss out on   any of these amazing things to do here in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Number one on the list is to visit   Al felia tower all right and we have made it up  to the viewing point of the globe so we're going   to do a little walk around here it looks like it  is quite windy the views we came for there's the   Kingdom tower which you probably saw at some point  in this video that we went up to the top of that   one which I believe is a bit higher but coming  here at I guess like a bit more of a I guess   you could call it a cloudy somewhat rainy over  there day you can actually see things uh quite   clearly now they could use a little bit of a  glass cleaning but uh overall this is insane   standing at a whopping 267 M high comprising of  55 stories elisia Tower is notable for being the   first skyscraper built in Saudi Arabia it is  shaped like an elongated pyramid and it looks   particularly futuristic stick at night standing  out distinctly in the cityscape for about $18.40   you can take an elevator to the very top the  tower is actually famous for the enormous glass   globe near the Apex which is 24 m in diameter and  made of 655 glass panels let look at this it is a   bunch of mirrors so when you get closer to it  you can see me and then it kind of like turns   it this way number two on the list is to take  a 1-hour trip to the western side of Riad where   you can visit the Red Sand area we are actually  about to jump on these ATVs and go for a cruise   so we've got the uh ATVs for 150 R per hour which  is I think like uh maybe $3 us and we got me and   the Don Rob I don't think they've got helmets out  here now keep in mind that these ATVs are a bit   older for instance my cousin actually had one and  the brakes were not working properly [ __ ] bro oh [ __ ] all right my friends we're going  full speed ahead now let's going none of this   fortunately the ATVs aren't super fast so the  risk factor is reduced there but right at your   own risk our guys didn't have any helmets we  could use so that was a little bit scary this   is it my friends welcome to the Red Sand Dunes  we're out here in Riad or distant riad's nature   and look at this we've just got rolling sand  dunes here in the distance since it's not the   weekend you don't have as many people here but  that's one thing I'll mention if you're here on   the weekends there's going to be a lot more but uh  yeah you got cars parked up there having picnics   and yeah one important thing I want to mention  here guys is I noticed there's a lot a lot of   trash in these beautiful beautiful sandw deserts  so it's still an amazing experience and I highly   recommend coming out here to do this but just  like pick up your trash all right riding up and   down the sand dunes in Riad is truly a remarkable  and must do experience my cousin and I spent about   2 hours doing doing this excursion which gave us  enough time to enjoy the thrill plus relax on top   of the sand dudes right at that breathtaking  desert Sunset one thing I want to mention is   this video is not sponsored but this video is  in collaboration with my new brand which his   perception it's all about changing perceptions  of the world one country at a time so if you   guys want to check out my new clothing brand that  literally just launched this year in 2024 you can   check it out in the link in the description  below and it would be a great way to support   this channel number three on the list is I'm over  here at Wadi Namar and there is a huge waterfall   here that I'm actually searching for but what  this place is is a massive almost like Desert   Oasis feel where we have this Lake in the middle  I even see actually see some fish swimming around   in here and you're surrounded by like this Rocky  Canyon and it looks like they've built it up to   be in this like picnic like format you can see  families and friends and people all along the   entire area I'm both sides fire pits right there  picnics places to pretty much just relax and have   a good time it's really peaceful here inside  the city but since it's down in this Canyon all   you can hear is well the sound of some traffic  of people inside the park and families playing   but other than that like it's a pretty peaceful  place to be able to walk around and enjoy this   place it stretches so far down I did a drive  right when we got here and I just kept going   until I was like okay now it's time to stop and  turn around because the sun was about to set but   I'm sure like to walk around this entire area  would take hours cuz just to go from one side   of the other I didn't even make it to the end but  from one side to as far as I went took me like 10   15 minutes of driving so you'll definitely want  to check out the massive waterfall but at night   it is a little bit harder to see and that's  when I experienced it so if you can arrive a   little earlier to see the waterfall I think it'll  definitely be worth it number four on the list is   to visit Al masmak Palace a site that offers a  comprehensive dive into Saudi history this place   showcases the historical lifestyle in Saudi Arabia  providing insights into the evolution of the city   and Country as you explore this place you'll  be taken back in time with numerous artifacts   bringing the past to life constructed in the hij  14th century during the reign of Imam Abdullah   Bin fisel the al- masmak palace served as its  residence and a center of power and finance the   Arabic word el- masmak translates to a strong  thick building and the palace was originally   used as a Depot for weapons and ammunition it has  since been transformed into a historical landmark   and now functions as a museum it's really cool  to visit this place at night as well because   when you walk up to the Palace it'll be lit up  with multicolored lights our next place we're   at here is Salam park right at Sunset and we've  got one of the few places where we've got a lake   inside I'm assuming this is a man-made lake here  but it's a nice little Vibe here we've got cafes   align in here some local uh cats right there few  few boats right there in a relaxing environment   the place does open at 400 p.m. and I think it's  maybe 4:10 so it's a bit earlier than I think most   people get here but um more and more people are  starting to arrive at this hour picnics in this   area and just a big place to relax walk around  and just uh take in an interesting side of Saudi   because if you've noticed this is grass and Riad  is a desert so it's cool to have this this kind of   nature right here smacked up in the middle of the  city it's also illegal to have grass here in Saudi   Arabia is it a wonderful place to experience this  relaxing Park atmosphere while being inside of the   city please no swimming or playing and like Oh I  thought this was a beach so I guess it's kind of   an area to hang out number six on the list is to  visit Boulevard City in Riad and I'm going to show   you what this place is like probably what you're  going to see behind me and all around me is you're   going to get a bit of a feeling of Time Square  with all of these like lights and advertisements   but I would say this is a more like modernized  version of Time Square cuz in Time Square they fit   everything they could in every square inch whereas  here we're just surrounded by a ton of screens the   energy when you walk into this place is like no  other I mean you are just surrounded by lights   it almost feels like daytime with how bright it  is and this is it my friends we're up here at the   top in this big I guess you could call it like  Circle where you have all of these these areas   to eat surrounding it and then we've got this  incredibly vibrant Fountain right here walking   on the floor here like everything's marble mixed  in with a bit of like you know designed concrete   here and so you really got to like pay attention  in these places for the detail it is reminding   me of the new like Vegas sphere but obviously  the one in Vegas is like a full-on Auditorium alum heuk this large entertainment City draws parallels  with many famous places around the world earning   its comparison to Time Square due to the walkways  with dazzling lights advertisements and spotlights   on all sides the alen Hill Boulevard and this is  a whole another world over here oh my gosh now   this is the fountain show we were looking for  this thing is just shooting into into the air   with mega screens and those are the spotlights  so like literally from 20 km away I could see   all these spotlights in the air and I was like  that's got to be the boulevard something's about   to happen Boom the sound system's great I mean  it's like vibrating through me right now venues   hosting performances a notable example  is anagami where mbel my fiance actually performed [Music] packed with activities including arcades  good news is we've got ourselves the uh go-kart   ticket here it came out to about 220 so that's  about I want to say maybe like $50 roughly so   definitely not cheap to go go carding but it's  going to be an absolute blast and the downside   is I can't bring my GoPro but the upside is  you can pay 35 R and they attach a GoPro to   you and send you the footage this place becomes  most alive during Riad season which runs from   October to March late afternoon going into the  evening because as you'll see throughout this   video a lot of the things to do are in the  later evenings and at night because that's   the culture of Saudi number seven on our list is  to visit Suk Al aali this bustling Marketplace   is where you can find a wide range of items we're  going to be walking around seeing if we can find   ourselves some nice deals and getting the Don  Rob something fresh to look like a king uh uh 12 100 R all right we've got the Don Rob getting  his on oh oh look at this you look like what is   good ke hak ke hak all right there we go got  cover up the hair let's see how we're looking there oh ia ia yal so total for these is about  350 real for two sets so that's going to give it   to us for about $50 to get us all set up by our  good man all right so me and the Don Rober back   in the marketplace and we've gotten ourselves  set up with some new looks oh never never been   better number eight on the list is to visit the  centa UW walk which is known for its high-end   character that truly shines at night while the  shops and restaurants are open during the day   the nighttime experience is unique in the evening  you'll find both outdoor and indoor high-end spots   including rooftop lounges for shisha or ar and the  area is integrated with a mall providing a variety   of clothing and apparel shops mixed in with all  of the restaurants this place is an ideal spot to   walk around and immerse yourself in the upscale  nightlife experience we have just made it to our   next place we're going to be exploring which  is the famous Boulevard world right here and   just to give you an idea I paid about 92 s AR  to get in and you'll need this app called wee   book.com and you'll book your tickets at the  door so the cool part and also what I wasn't   used to is that there's no areas to uh buy tickets  when you walk in so you have to buy it through the   app so make sure you download it I had to sit  there for like 5 10 minutes not a big deal but   to uh download it so and even right when we're  walking in here I'm seeing UK France USA look at   this when we're walking right through we've got  a full set of LED screens above us which kind of   gives us that feel like we're in another world  and down here looks like there's boat tours to   go cruising through this area there are many  cities or many countries that are built inside   of this park so looks like we're heading into  little Paris this way which kind of does give   a feel of Paris right inside of here we gotes  Paris and a lot of people here yeah they did a   nice job making that uh F of France over here  just like a mini one with some of the uh same   type of architecture even some French restaurants  over there Paul lake cafe yeah we've even got the   Tower up there to the right side so this is  awesome I will say this is already leveling   up the boulevard City Boulevard world is uh quite  [Music] epic got USA to the right so and a little   taste of the British life right over here so we've  got hot dogs in this one we've got Burgers up on   that screen and we've got donuts there I'd say  that's already quite fitting and then we've got   Burger King there that's a good representation of  what USA is like Boulevard world these signs look   very very familiar now I actually do feel like  I'm in the US with these ones over here we've   got I guess Japan of Riad boulevards so look at  this all right the next area we are walking into   is India so this looks pretty sweet we've got  karak chai explored about 30% of it and that   took me over an hour and a half I think to fully  experience this place you should spend at least   5 to 6 hours here inside the heart of of this  park you'll find one of the largest man-made   Lakes which allows visitors to travel from one of  these many cities to the other and you'll be able   to see how vast that Park is just by looking at  the amount of boats that are inside this man-made   lake all right we are arriving to duria this is  insanely large which is the birthplace of Saudi   Arabia they're basically creating an entire  new city that has like a modern INF infast   structure yet aligned with traditional design  everywhere in the city right now on a Saturday   is like construction noises stuff being built a  lot of stuff is already built at this point but   obviously like their 2030 plan of like building  this Mega City Mega country so many mega projects   and the first place looks like we're going to  be going over to is the bouari Terrace we got   a ticket right here last minute all right well I  got lucky the uh ticket cost is zero but I guess   in 1 hour and 30 minutes It'll be 5050 Saudi re  all right and we are walking in we've got these   like metal things here which is quite interesting  as you can probably guess there are not that many   people out during the day cuz it is October time  frame like going into November and so it is still   relatively hot out most people in Saudi pretty  much spend their evenings going out exploring   places like these I'm guessing that's part of  the reason why the ticket was Zero s AR to go   in right now cuz it's it's 3:30 p.m. because like  the evening is when people want to come in it's   probably free to just get people in here cuz it's  kind of quiet during the day walking through it's   got a great Vibe like there's surround sound at  all moments or at like all areas you walk around   I just walked out of the uh tourism visitor  Hub right there and it was quite quiet around   this time but I actually enjoyed having the  whole area to myself I got a moment to really   take in the culture stroll through the Alleyways  and I even encountered some really unique areas   that I feel like really Bridge the past to the  present of the overall Heritage of the park this   place offers a blend of that oldw world charm and  Saudi cultural experiences dates there the good stuff let's try one of these so where we just got here now is where the  destruction of a mosque happened during The   Siege September 1818 so you can see what's left  of the remains here so I found the only thing   pretty much that they have on the menu that's  uh local which is a sharing platter of like   hummus also like three or four different things  like quinoa and some specialty items on there   as well as some traditional Saudi coffee that  I guess is going to be served in a Saudi type   of way so actually though it's in Saudi culture  to not fill the glass up all the way so this is   not the accurate way they do it actually in Saudi  they'll fill it up about 1/4 of the way and you   think like oh why am I getting such a small cup  of coffee but the reason is is they want you to   stay so if they fill up a cup like that almost  all the way that means they want you to leave   leave like how I just filled it up she filled  it up for me 1/4 and that basically means like   whenever you finish a cup of coffee usually  people will leave right like in most of the   world so if you fill up a small cup of coffee  then you'll keep having more and more and so   that's their way of basically being hospitable  and saying here's a partial cup of coffee stay   for as many as you want the amount of people are  starting to pick up in some of the areas this is   like a quieter area but you can see how nicely  this place is lit up we've got the uh hanging   lights right there we've got the orange lighting  this up it just adds a completely new experience   at the evening time once the sun goes down so this  is pretty awesome but like many places in Riad it   truly comes alive at night and in the evening  the crowds gather and you'll find the Alleyways   beautifully lit creating a really amazing  Ambiance number 11 on the list is all right we   are arriving to this insanely exotic natural land  formation where there's just this hole that's got   to be hundreds of meters down and here is a huge  very still body of water probably from a natural   spring and I think you can swim in it I hear  some weird noises down there though let's head   towards them heat cave is a massive place that  has a depth of 390 M and sits right inside of   a mountain this place sits about 1 and 1/2 hours  outside of Riad and of course the travel time is   going to vary depending on whether you're coming  from the Northern or Southern part of the city feels pretty good though if you're afraid of  caves this is not going to be your favorite   because if you look up this way we had to climb  all the way down these rocks I can't say it's   the safest because uh you have really slippery  and Sandy rocks on the way down but once you get   down here it's cool there's if you listen here  besides a couple pigeons there's just no noise   the water's clear very still the views inside  are stunning and the surrounding area both most   incredible desert Landscapes also you can easily  navigate there just using Google Maps and most of   the way it's a paved road coming from Riad just  the last couple kilometers is not paved so you   pretty much don't need a 4x4 and if there's any  parts that you take a two- wheel drive car that   are too hard to drive over you can walk the rest  of the way because it's quite close to where the   paved Road ends but once again go at your own  risk and be safe when you're going there it is   a riskier place there are no guard rails to walk  down into the heat cave so you should of course   go there bring some shoes and not sandals  so that way you can climb down a little bit safer 12 on our list is Kingdom Center mall  and the skybridge look at this they even have   the plants right here carved out just like the  building shape well even the uh roadblocks right   there too first the skybridge is situated at the  very top of riad's most iconic building offering   insane views of the massive City from such a  height you can see places far and wide all right   and we have made it up when we walk over this  there there's like an opening under here welcome   to the sky Bridge here at Kingdom Center we are  99 floors up in the air and directly under me is   a huge drop this is a little terrifying so that's  the edge right there and as you can see all under   us is hollow the skyscrapers only on the sides  right there and then the rest is just a big drop   so if you're afraid of heights be ready for this  ticket price to go up was $18.40 so that's like 69   Saudi real so I mean it's not a bad bad price to  get obviously all the way up here I mean we had to   go up 99 floors so and then you get these crazy  views after you've had the chance to experience   whether it was during the day or at night you want  to head down and stop on some of the base levels   of the Kingdom Center building where you're going  to find a really high-end mall and as you'll also   find out in Saudi malls are a big thing people  love to shop here and so there are an abundance of   malls all right my friends the next place we are  at is Wadi hanifa which is a really interesting   place because it's actually a really large Park  nature area obviously being in the desert we've   got a river running through here and it's right  in the middle of the city I mean we have traffic   right here coming across but the nice part is  it's a little break from you know the busyness   and the just vast area you can choose to spend a  little time walking through a part of it or take   a much longer Journey that'll actually bring you  through smaller little Villages inside of Riad   number 14 on the list is to visit Riad Park Mall  located inside Riad as the name says shopping is   a favored p time in Saudi Arabia and the Middle  East much like most countries in the world and   Riad boasts a multitude of malls one of the malls  that stood out while we visited Riad was the Riad   Park Mall Of course as with all malls our entry is  free allowing you to wander and explore at leisure   and if you're in Riad during the summer it is a  great place to take a break from that extremely   hot heat but inside the mall you'll find a mix  of international and local Brands along with a   variety of delicious food options it's definitely  worth a stroll for those to enjoy shopping and   exploring diverse retail environments and last but  not least number 15 on the list of things to do   which is a very upscale and high-end complex that  has everything from high-end hotels restaurants   luxury Brands and so much more I don't want to  spoil it yet because we just arrived let's head   in and we have just made it over to Via Riad which  is one of the most luxurious spots to roam in the   evening and you're going to see why look at this  we are coming up and we are surrounded by all of   the buildings pretty much lit up and here we are  on the uh bottom level here look at this we've   got this whole area pretty much candle lit this  is majestic it gives it this very romantic and   relaxing Ambiance the complex also has a high-end  car dealer right inside which really epitomizes   the extravagant lifestyle Riad is known for it's  a great place for date night or just to stroll   around and experience the atmosphere inside of  via Riad so my friends that's where I'm going   to go ahead and end today's video I really hope  you've enjoyed exploring Riad with me in today's   things to do video and I will tell you there's so  many more things to do in Riad and over the next   couple years depending on when you watch this  video there's going to be more and more things   added because riat is Mega expanding their boundar  Mega expanding their infrastructure and everything   and you can really feel that when you're in the  city cuz at least right now while I'm here at the   end of 2023 beginning 2024 I am seeing so much  construction going on and a lot of incredible   potential for this place so and don't forget guys  if you want to support this channel you can check   out my new brand that I just launched which is  perception I'll put a link down in the description   so thank you guys so much for watching as always  and we'll see you in the next things too video
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Keywords: world nomac, mac candee, nomac guides, nomac, nomac vlogs, riyadh saudi, riyadh saudi arabia, saudi arabia, riyadh, saudi arabia vlog, riyadh city, saudi arabia travel vlog, saudi, things to do in riyadh, saudi arabia travel, riyadh city saudi arabia, saudi arabia riyadh, riyadh city tour, riyadh tour, riyadh city tour saudi arabia, things to do riyadh, riyadh vlog, riyadh travel, al faisaliah tower, al faisaliah tower riyadh, kingdom tower, red sand, red sand riyadh
Id: QsqVixWw0j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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