Saturn's Closest Approach to Earth and 10 Epic Space Events Coming

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hey look up there's a meteor shower happening right now okay not really but i made you look if you're a fan of full moons there's one coming up very soon on february 27th to be exact i really hope this video comes out in time the moon will be lit up right in front of our eyes because it will be located on the opposite side of the earth where the sun is it will help illuminate the moon providing us with a night to remember take a good look at it doesn't it sort of resemble a huge snowball just hanging from the sky some native tribes in the northern hemisphere of our planet might have thought the same that's why they used to call it the snow moon you know when it was big and full like this okay go ahead and grab a telescope now because on the 9th and 10th of march there are three planets that will line up for your aesthetical pleasure starting from top to bottom you'll see jupiter then saturn and last but surely not least mercury now depending on how good your telescope is and if you've even got one chances are you'll see some details of these three planets you adjust your telescope a bit and there it is another planet almost like they're not thousands and thousands of miles away from each other but that's not all they'll be visible to the unaided eye too this means you won't even need a telescope well you'll probably see them like this three bright white balls in the sky still astonishing though you'll need to be looking at the southeast around half an hour before the sun rises and voila there they are in the mood for a relaxing shower how about a meteor shower instead this time you can keep your telescope safely stored and you don't need to worry if you miss one or two of these showers as there are quite a few happening this year they're pretty evenly spread out too and i don't mean the meteors those come close together grab your calendar and put a reminder on these months you can choose from april august october november and december some months even have two showers instead of only one like october and november choose the month and day that works for you just check your calendar again if you don't mind it being a bit chilly just wrap yourself up in a blanket and hop in the back of your pickup truck then all you have to do is stare up and enjoy the sky all night long waiting for the shower to happen or if you like to work by the clock set up an alarm to wake you up in the middle of the night that works too mercury's coming right at you watch out nah don't fret it's still right up there just a bit closer than usual that's because on the 17th of may it'll be at its greatest eastern elongation what this means is it will be easier to observe right after sunset point your eyes to the skies in the west and try to look for the planet this happens again during the 4th of july but this time you'll have to look to the east you might need a compass start your celebrations early in the morning just before the sun rises with a gorgeous view of mercury and of course a cup of coffee in your hand if you still don't catch it then try september 14th or october 25th how about when the moon loses its natural white color this happens just a few days after mercury's first performance on may 26th it's called a total lunar eclipse the moon will get gradually darker as if someone was dropping dark red paint on it until it finally reaches this sort of rusty red color that you can see on the screen not all of us will be able to see this unless you're on a cruise in the pacific ocean or in the calm fields of eastern asia if you live next to the tokyo tower you're in luck it'll be visible throughout the whole of japan and if you happen to live in the western part of north america you'll also be able to see the moon shape shift well not quite shape shift it's not going to turn into a wolf or anything that only happens if you're a werewolf which i definitely am not so it's more like a color shift still on the moon picture a massive black hole well this next astronomical event kind of resembles that on june 10th during the annular solar eclipse the moon will be the furthest it ever gets from earth while it's doing this it ends up covering most of the sun leaving just a bit of its curvature for us to see if you happen to look at the sky during this time what you'll see is a massive ring of light chances are you won't be able to tell that's the moon out there since it'll be the same color as deep space the absence of color or just a very deep black oh and that ring you're seeing that's the sunlight okay since we're talking about rings i've got one for you saturn's ring this planet is the full package it's a planet it has a ring and get ready for this it has 82 moons it feels like every year a few new ones pop up out of nowhere anyway during august 2nd the planet will be at its closest point to earth and the sun will help us catch a good sight of it by brightly illuminating it not only will it be brighter than it ever is during the whole year but it will also be visible all night long this is the time to get that telescope ready again a medium-sized one should do the trick that is if you want to see its rings and some of its moons the ones that shine the brightest another planet that's coming closer is jupiter this time on august 19th the same thing that happened to saturn will happen to it the sun will shine bright on its big planet face the only difference is that this time if you have a good pair of binoculars lying around you'll be able to see the planet's four largest moons although they'll look like tiny dots but now you know what they really are okay so you've been thinking about those meteor showers i mentioned earlier well this one is the best there is it's called the perseids meteor shower and it almost looks like the sky is a pitching machine except it's pitching meteors during this particular shower you might even be able to observe up to 60 meteors per hour they're very bright too look at them go zoom there goes another one the best days to get cozy sit on the grass and just lie there looking at the sky is during august 12th and 13th usually when these two days come around the sky's dark and clear perfect for a meteor shower picture a slightly red moon that's called the partial lunar eclipse and it happens during the 19th of november this same red moon will get darker and darker as it moves through earth's shadow it won't be visible to everyone though here's a globe let's mark the places where you can see this partial lunar eclipse first we got eastern eurasia then japan the pacific ocean is included in this list too but unless you got a boat you're likely not going to be there then we've got north america mexico central america and lastly some parts of western south africa grab a hold of your eclipse glasses and get ready for this last one it's the last solar eclipse of the year this one in particular is the best one to catch as the moon will block the sun for almost two minutes you'll be able to see the almost ghost-like sun's corona also known as its outer atmosphere the sad part is you'll have to be in antarctica or the south atlantic and just be careful out there i heard it gets a little chilly
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, space, space facts, space discoveries, space mysteries, space phenomena, planet facts, space events coming up, space events calendar, space events 2021, space events timeline, space events that will happen, space events happening in 2021, best space events, cool space events, crazy space events, future space events, upcoming space events, most shocking space events, when meteor showers happen, what are shooting stars, next full moon, next eclipse
Id: c4K1jXTRE5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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