Satisfying Waxing Storytime ✨😲 Tiktok Compilation #14

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story time about how i found out my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was spying on us in the bedroom disclaimer this is not my story time my boyfriend and i have been together for one year our relationship is really good we're like best friends and we tell each other everything he always wants to spend time with me and we're planning on moving in together our families love each other and they're looking forward to us getting married someday i'll call my boyfriend dan when dan and i started dating he told me that he had a really crazy ex he was extremely controlling and didn't let him hang out with his friends or even his family and when he broke up with her she went nuts she actually told her family that he was abusive just to get back at him when we got together dan told me that he was scared his ex might try to do something to us i told him not to worry that she wouldn't do anything at all boy was i wrong dad had his own apartment and i would stay at his place most nights and of course we did stuff in his bedroom one night that we're on his bed doing stuff i see a little tiny lens on his bookshelf pointing straight to us i hadn't noticed it before so i asked him what it was he said he didn't know so he went to it and pulled it out it was a tiny little camera when my boyfriend and i are doing the dirty on his bed i notice there's a little lens pointing straight at us he goes to grab it and we realize it's a little camera the whole time we've been doing stuff on his bed it's been recording us that's when my boyfriend dan said that it must have been his crazy ex let's call her casey he had told me that she was really crazy but i didn't think she was that crazy dan starts looking throughout his whole apartment and he finds two more little cameras one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom as you can imagine we didn't sleep that entire night of course we went to the police and they opened an investigation but they said they couldn't find anything a week later i get a dm from kc his ex-girlfriend she starts abusing me through dm calling me a bunch of names she even said that i stole dan from her but i hadn't even met dan when they broke up then she sends me a picture of my house which means she knows where i live i go straight to my boyfriend's apartment and when i open the door guess who's there casey is sitting on the couch with my boyfriend it gets scarier my boyfriend's crazy ex is sitting on the couch and i'm terrified she had just finished sending me a bunch of dms on instagram totally abusing me but my boyfriend didn't know this i walk into the apartment and they're both sitting on the couch she turns around and asks him is that her my boyfriend looks at me with a serious face and says yes that's her then she shows me dms on instagram that i had supposedly sent to some guy and that she passed herself off as this guy to see if i would fall and the messages were so dirty and disgusting i tell my boyfriend that's not me and that i would never do that to him he just stares at me and doesn't say anything that's when i try to show him all of the dm's that she had just sent me but i noticed they were all gone she actually unsent every single dm now i have no proof and it was just her ward against mine that's when i accused her of planting the cameras in our bedroom she actually smiled at me and turned around and told my boyfriend she would never do that then she slapped me my boyfriend's crazy ex slaps me and lunges at me of course i start attacking her right back my boyfriend separates us finally and asks both of us to leave his apartment i was so crushed that he didn't believe me so far she had spied on us in bed hacked my instagram to send dms to herself to make it look like i was talking to another guy and threatened me by telling me that she knew where i lived oh yeah and she physically attacked me too i left my boyfriend's apartment and a few days later he comes looking for me i explained everything to him and he said he had no choice but to believe me his ex was too crazy then he told me that she went back to his apartment that night and picked his lock she got naked and crawled into his bed he woke up kicked her out and went straight to get a restraining order scanned his apartment for more cameras and found two more what should we do story time about how i got catfished by my best friend disclaimer this is not my story time my now ex-best friend and i hung out almost every single day we were super close let's call her natalie natalie and i would sometimes get into drama and her mom didn't like this she considered me a bad influence on natalie but honestly the drama was coming from both sides natalie and i had a group chat with one other person one day natalie sends me a message through the group chat saying that she couldn't be my best friend anymore and that she's really sorry she really didn't explain why though i was crushed she had been my best friend for so long three weeks ago i noticed that someone added me on snapchat by search i didn't really think too much about it i added them back and we started having a conversation she was a young girl my age and we started having conversations about boys we had crushes on school and lots of other things i asked her to send me a picture of herself and she said she couldn't that should have been the first red flag then we decided to meet up at the mall i wait for her at the mall but she never shows up i'm at the mall waiting for this girl to show up but she never does like i said before this girl told me she couldn't send me any pictures so i didn't even know what she looked like that's when i started suspecting something we got along so well in our snapchat conversations it was almost too good to be true so of course i decide to call her and guess who answers natalie with her new friends who she knows that i hate at that moment i realized that she dumped me and then got with these new girls that she knew i hated of course i was furious i wanted to say something but before i could natalie hung up the phone and of course she did she knew i was going to go off on her well i start calling natalie's phone several times and she doesn't answer then i see that she unadded me off snapchat and blocked me so now i have no way of getting in contact with her i spent weeks talking to this girl only to find out it was my ex-best friend catfishing me so of course i drive all the way to natalie's house and her mom answers so i show up to my ex best friend's house who's been catfishing me for weeks her mom was not happy to see me like i mentioned before natalie's mom thought i was a bad influence on her because we always got into drama i proceeded to tell natalie's mom everything in detail her mom was shocked she couldn't believe that her little daughter would be capable of such a thing she was so mad and it was so satisfying to me i leave natalie's house and i go home the next day i see that all of natalie's new friends are posting on their social media saying that natalie's phone got taken away for a few months and that whoever did it f you i know they know it's me it turns out natalie's mom took her phone away for a whole month and deleted all of her social media she totally deserves it natalie and her new friends are in a different school and here's the kicker i'm going to be going to the same school now i'm just hoping they don't try to do something to me and if they try i'm so ready story time about how i stole my best friend's boyfriend disclaimer this is not my story time my best friend and i had known each other for almost seven years we met in college and she was always dating around and had several boyfriends i had no boyfriends because my parents were super strict even though i was in college there was only one boy that i really liked but like i said my parents were super strict so i could never date anyone what's worse is that i know this boy had a crush on me too fast forward five years later my best friend and i are living together she's on tinder bumble and all these other dating apps she had been going on several days because she really wanted to find a relationship well one day she comes home and she says that she really liked this guy she went on a date with they ended up dating a month before i even met him one day she invites him over because she wanted me to meet him he comes in and as soon as we lock eyes i'm in shock it's the boy that i had a crush on in college which like i said i knew he had a crush on me too we hugged and chatted for the entire night and i could tell my best friend really liked him a few days later he starts following me on instagram and we start dming he tells me that he had a crush on me in college and i tell him that i did too my best friend's boyfriend starts dming me on instagram he confesses that he had a crush on me when we were in college together and i told him that i did too disclaimer this is not my story time from that day on he would dm me every single day and we would just flirt back and forth i started feeling really really guilty and i told him one day i can't do this anymore that's when he told me he also felt guilty and that the best thing was for us to stop talking so we did i was so sad a few weeks passed by and my best friend asked me if she could have the apartment all to herself because she's planning a romantic dinner for him i said yes but i felt so jealous left the apartment because i realized that i was so in love with him i went to the supermarket and ate a whole pack of oreo cookies and went to the movies i got a text message from my best friend asking me to come home immediately my stomach sank and i thought she had found out when i get there she's crying and she says that he broke up with her i asked if he said why and she said because he was in love with another woman my stomach sank again i was there with her the entire night while she cried knowing her boyfriend left her because of me my best friend's boyfriend had broken up with her because of me i didn't have the heart to tell her disclaimer this is not my story time a few days later she started going out on tinder dates again i could see that she was feeling better so i decided to confess to her everything and she told me she could tell that he and i liked each other then she told me i should date him well i didn't waste any time i sent him a text message and asked him if he wanted to meet up for dinner and when we did he asked me to be his girlfriend we did it for six months before he proposed he even got my name tattooed on his neck the only problem is that my mom thinks he might do the same thing to me i don't even want to think about that because i truly believe that he loves me but let's hope not i've been planning the wedding and i asked my best friend to come of course she said yes she's super happy for me she actually has a boyfriend now do you guys think my fiance will end up doing the same thing too story time about how i caught my husband cheating on me with the neighbor my husband is a really really rich guy disclaimer this is not my story time i first met my husband when i was 20 years old and he was 10 years older than me he was basically my sugar daddy once i graduated college he asked me to work at his company he did all of the marketing but eventually we wanted to have kids so we decided to move to a bigger house we ended up moving to a really secluded neighborhood with lots of rich families one of our neighbors owned a yoga studio there was also a young couple living across the street from us and they were also business owners it was the perfect situation until i noticed that my husband was paying less and less attention to me well i didn't hesitate to ask him why he denied it and said that i was making things up in my head so i installed an app on his phone that would send all of his text messages and emails straight to my phone and guess what i saw text messages between him and the neighbor who owned the yoga studio she was 10 years older than my husband so i never saw it coming i started collecting all the evidence into folders pictures and text messages i wanted to catch him in the act so one day i said i was going to a spa for the entire day i told my husband i was going to be at the spa all day long i wanted to see if he was going to bring the neighbor around to cheat on me some more when i got in the car to leave i get a message that he sent to the neighbor like i said i had planted an app in his phone so i was receiving all the messages he was sending and receiving and of course he sends her a message saying hey my wife's gonna be at the spa all day we're free and she replies saying perfect i'll come over my stomach dropped i drove around for a bit and waited for her to get to my house then i see she sends him a message saying she's there that was my cue to go back to my house to catch him in the act i race back and enter the house super quietly i go into the living room and don't see anything so i assumed they were in our bedroom they go up to the bedroom and no one's there and i see they're in the backyard in the pool i pull out my phone and press record i run downstairs and i surprise them in the act they were both naked and my husband jumps out of the pool and wraps himself in a towel our neighbor stays in the pool my husband says i was gonna tell you i swear it gets worse i catch my husband doing dirty things in the pool with our neighbor i'm recording all of this by the way he says he was gonna tell me so i show him all the evidence that i had been gathering all the messages in the pictures but little did he know i had already hired a lawyer i'd known about the affair for about a month at this point i had already been working on the divorce with the lawyer documenting every single transgression my husband committed against me with our neighbor when i told my husband he freaked the neighbor aka the woman my husband was with she got out of the pool and went home i printed out some flyers with all the pictures she had sent my husband and spread them around her yoga studio i now get 10 000 for my husband
Channel: Luca
Views: 1,694,607
Rating: 4.9124074 out of 5
Keywords: makeup storytime tiktok, storytime, complete, complete makeup storytime, tik tok compilation, crazy storytime, best tiktok video, tiktok 2021, funny video, storyline, scary stories, waxing, waxing tiktok, waxing tiktok storytime, waxing tips, waxing tiktoks, storytime waxing, waxing satisfying tiktok storytime, waxing stories tiktok, ester tania tiktok, ester tania tiktok storytime, ester tania, satisfying video, satisfying, waxing tiktok full storytime, waxing storytime scary
Id: ity-KuEbh9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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