Satisfying Times Karma Came For Awful People - Part 7

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sometimes justice can seem an all too short supply in the world but occasionally our old pal karma steps in to balance the books and when it does boy does it feel good get ready for that warm fuzzy feeling of justice being dealt as we explore some more satisfying times karma came for awful people [Music] incriminating alias in 2015 one florida man seemed to believe giving a fake name to the police was a genius tactic when he was pulled over for a cracked windscreen having lost his license due to a dui and with an outstanding warrant for aggravated battery out against him the novice criminal gave a made-up name to the officer but when the officer pulled up the details associated with that fake name the criminal masterminds plan fell apart why well it just so happened that the name he'd plucked out of thin air was actually a real person with a very real dui of their own so the officer took the alias master to the station where his real identity was eventually revealed giving his real name didn't make much difference though because he was prosecuted not only for his pre-existing warrant but for driving without a license and obstructing the course of justice scoot him up while illegally riding his electric scooter along the sidewalk in july 2019 a chicago resident collided with a pedestrian and sped off without remorse in the wake of the unusual hit and run the police were called and they'd soon track down the two-wheeled fiend however when the police flashed their lights and siren to get the scooter rider to pull over a man driving his car mistakenly assumed the signal was for him the mistaken driver then pulled over to the edge of the road and not seeing the scooter scoundrel accidentally struck him down indirectly justice was served to the scooter scoundrel in the form of a lengthy hospital stay followed by a citation for riding a scooter on the sidewalk although i'd say being seen riding a scooter in public is punishment enough what's your beef in school there's always that one kid whose only personality trait is being as much of a jerk to as many people as possible unfortunately those kids usually get away with it somehow but not the kid in this clip from 2016. while his friend discusses the schedule for a farmer's market with a local news interviewer the kid in question gets a little slap happy with a couple of the cows in the background his inexplicable episode of animal annoyance doesn't last long luckily as while the cows don't seem too troubled by the boy's antics they do teach him a lesson squashed together by the comparatively huge animals the boy has no choice but to wait out his punishment until the cows finally release him his rescue assistant seems tired of his shenanigans as if this kind of nonsense is a daily occurrence and his friend doesn't even turn around it's a simple lesson but when i hope this mean-spirited whippersnapper learned don't mess with animals that are around 10 times your size shake some tail feather if you've ever spent time around peacocks you'll know how infuriating their noisy cries can become however that's not a justification to steal one that doesn't belong to you but in miami in 2018 one fellow either through annoyance at the noise or a desire to possess his own brightly feathered companion stole the neighbor's peacock straight out of their yard captured on cctv the man pulls up grabs the bird and makes a break for it but karma wouldn't let him get away that easily almost immediately the other birds in the yard give chase driving the man off the property and following him down the road no doubt delivering but expects a plenty granted he did escape but with a plumage pursuit like that it's unlikely he'll be making a return anytime soon and seeing as the street's other residents reportedly view the noisy peacocks as a nuisance he may have even done them a favor maybe in this case karma is less black and white and more blue and green bad eggs in april 2018 in witness england a couple of bored young men began pelting passers-by with coins from the safety of their first floor council flat balcony but when another couple of gentlemen visiting the town called win of the anti-social activities taking place they thought up the perfect form of vigilante justice caught on camera with the aim of world-class professionals the knights of karma began launching eggs at the gormless troublemakers after a series of near misses the balcony bandits make a dishonorable retreat but not before one of the vigilantes unleashes the shot of a lifetime curving the egg around the closing door for one final eggy impact instant justice best served sunny-side up thieving on the road when a facebook user picked up a hitchhiker out of the kindness of their heart they didn't expect a grand display of gratitude in return but they didn't expect to be stolen from either though that's exactly what the hitchhiker had in mind when they arrived at the hitchhiker's destination the freerider hastily departed and was out of sight before the driver realized they'd stolen his cigarettes theft is certainly an unusual way to say thanks but karma had a punishment lined up and ready to go when the driver looked into the bed of his truck he noticed the hitchhiker had left something behind it was their bag containing their phone toiletries clothes a dress book a few coins and some sentimental looking items deciding against seeking out the hitchhiker to return his only worldly possessions the driver wrote it off as a fair deal the deal being that the thief had traded everything they owned for 18 cigarettes back in your lane in this next clip redditor dizzy desi demonstrates what it means to keep a cool head in the face of dangerous drivers when cruising along a texas highway an impatient driver attempts to force his way into her lane but soon learns that a bold move like that requires the skills to follow up despite initiating the incident the other driver loses control while dizzy desi stands her ground and expertly maneuvers her vehicle to safety miraculously despite the antagonistic driver spinning out into oncoming traffic no one was hurt hopefully though that knucklehead driver learned a valuable lesson about trying to intimidate on a busy highway especially when dizzy desi is around jaywalk of shame on a morning like any other driving around hamilton ontario a dash cam user captured some ultra satisfying instant karma the likes of which the world has never seen a macho man pedestrian decides he's king of the road while jaywalking and launches a game of chicken in a busy street never the mark of a genius but he doesn't back down and appears to smugly believe his dominance has been fully asserted that's until any speck of dignity comes crumbling down a second later when he walks directly into a pole walk that one off buddy and maybe look where you're going next time donkey vs doofus an unfortunate trend since the early days of online video sharing has been the tendency of people with a lack of brain cells to film themselves messing with animals but thankfully every once in a while someone captures the moment when the animals turn the tables just like this damn wooded young man who captioned himself drunkenly clamoring into a donkey's pen on a dare in 2019 despite his friend receiving a warning bite after a few moments teasing oh mother you bit my finger the genius climbs or more accurately falls right into the fenced off area almost immediately the donkey shows who these drunken fools have been messing with and goes full blown attack mode on the man despite his small size the donkey has a hell of a bite and he's not afraid to use it eventually with some help the shamed fellow makes a cowardly escape oh while the donkey gives a loud warning against returning i'm pretty sure that's donkey talk for who's the jackass now punk take it or leave it when an ohio man went to unlock his car one evening in 2017 he didn't expect to find it looking like this it was immediately clear that someone had broken in stealing whatever they could get their hands on inside while a break-in is never a nice thing to discover the car owner's anger soon turned to laughter as he made an unexpected discovery under the front seat it was a wallet complete with an id card and even a church membership card belonging to none other than the thief himself having dropped it during the theft the thief made the police's job very easy though that wouldn't be alleviating his sentencing all that much he was hoping he had time for one last visit to his beloved faith mission to atone before his extended stint inside the slammer a gripping crime when you're a robber keeping a hold on the situation at hand is top priority but in 2018 a bumbling criminal couldn't even keep a grip on his weapon when trying to rob an e-cigarette store in colorado cctv captured the shady looking man entering the store and approaching the till where he attempts to pull out his gun to intimidate the owner and drops it immediately initially he tries to retrieve the gun and continue the robbery but he soon gives up and flees leaving his weapon at the scene the cherry on the karmic cake comes as he flees when his pants fall down in true comic fashion with the weapon later found to be a bb gun abandoned at the scene tracking down the world's worst robber wouldn't prove too difficult for the cops but the real punishment is the online immortalization of his truly embarrassing failure trash among trash sometimes it falls to the public to administer justice on the small scale and the punishments people come up with have no end of creativity nothing exemplifies this more than one chinese street sweeper who grew sick of a particular driver making his job difficult by parking illegally in a spot that obstructed his work as revenge the sweeper surrounded the driver's car in 42 heavy filled to the brim trash cans getting that car free would be no easy feat and the whole thing was sure to kick up a stink for that inconsiderate owner quill power one thing that sets humans apart from other animals is that most of us know not to explore potentially dangerous spaces head first but if you make a headfirst investigation into a hole in a tree trunk one of the most common hideouts for woodland creatures simple stupidity evolves into a rude intrusion one tree dwelling porcupine though made quick work of an intruder who decided to stick his face into the critter's home his no entry warning came in the form of approximately 100 pointy barbed and incredibly painful reminders that if you play stupid games you'll win stupid prizes raging ricochet a sad fact is that all too often there's not much that can prevent someone committed to a deadly mission from carrying it out but in london in september 2019 karma stepped in and turned the tables on a would-be killer in an unbelievable way a man had taken it upon himself to carry out a hit against an adversary and when he spotted his target in their car he sprung into legal action with gun in hand he approached the vehicle took aim and fired the bullet flew with deadly speed toward the driver's window but by some miracle ricocheted off straight back at the man who fired it the gunman died of his wounds soon afterwards while the driver was left thinking just about every god he could think of for this seemingly divine intervention of karma it seems what goes around really does come back around sometimes even bullets do you have any crazy karma tales of your own to share send them across to karma and i may feature yours with a shout out next time thanks for watching you
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,444,107
Rating: 4.905159 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, karma fails, instant karma fails, instant karma compilation, instant justice, karma compilation, instant karma videos, satisfying karma, satisfying video, instant karma instant justice, top 10 instant karma, be amazed karma, karma 2020, good karma
Id: 7WuO9VvWIrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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