SATELLITE EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN DAY 1 || Afternoon Service || 18th September, 2021.

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dear viewer like i told you you are taking a short break and we are back from the break right from the break we have several things lined up for you that is why i still encourage you to keep it here we have wonderful songs that have been done with so many programs that have run up our viewers in church we still welcome you to sit down and listen for more right now my sister is going to tell you what is coming up next oh yes we have beautiful singing session coming up we have rongo central with a beautiful piece and after that we have maranatha with wonderful pieces and after that we are going to have family life so stay tuned don't touch that dial [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] daddy [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] together [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh [Music] wow what a piece of nice music i can see our viewers who are live at church really enjoyed that piece that is well arranged that was maranatha doing their best to praise the lord with an item after maranatha we shall have we have alfajiri coming up followed back-to-back with sisters of grace with wonderful renditions to serve our living king thank you our viewers [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is happy sabbath and happy day i am eldar collins barlow from igori central sba church i want to welcome you all to the family life session and the person going to lead us through this session is pastor elizabeth mokoro elizabeth mccoro has come to us from central nyanza conference elizabeth mokoro is married to josh mokoro and they have been blessed with five children may god bless you even as we go through this session ask us to pray before we start let us pray heavenly father lord we thank you for the programs that have taken place right for morning and lord you want to dedicate even the session of family life that is beginning now and to every hands we want to plead with you lord that when you in sailors with the holy spirit especially the speaker of the hour guide us through this session for i pray believe and trusting in jesus name i'll need it right here the lord is good i know it's a little bit chilly but you can do better than that the lord is good ah all the times we begin our family life stations this evening i want to thank the organizers of this event that at the end of the day we will glorify the name of the lord even as he seeks to revive our souls let me begin with a call that i received from a church and on the other side is the voice of a man and they say is a pastor can you find some time you came and speak in our church uh during family life for sessions i say the that is that is short notice and he explains and says yes it is short notice but allow me explain to you and describe our situation so he says in one month one month like this our church has lost six families to divorce in one month six families lost to divorce that breaks my heart indeed and i'm left to wonder where could the problem be i had to reconsider because if there is anything that breaks my heart is when a family has to go down something that started off so well and as to end up it's as if we didn't know why we got into marriage and family a young man has a girlfriend and he tells his girlfriend we have a date i will pick you from your house and he realizes the girlfriend has a certain way she ties her hair she uses a band always to tie her hair so he gives her this gift very big band for the hair so he's expecting that on their date this girl would be putting on the band on the hill so the day comes and the boy arrives and rings on the doorbell and the girl comes up the man seems a little bit disappointed because he expected to see the girlfriend wearing the hairband and then he asks where is the hairband i gifted you and the girl says you cannot see it are you sure you can't see it say no i can't see it the girl has used the heaven as a micro mini scout because to us she looked at it it was elastic and big enough to put it on as a skirt any time you fail to understand the purpose of an item you will abuse it allow me say where purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable and that applies to marriage and family we have failed to understand the purpose of marriage and that is why we keep on abusing it and in the end we lose it this first series i have titled it must work you like it or not it must work this has always been the first series in any family series that i present any other series that come after it will not make sense if you do not understand this one anytime you call me this has got to be the first one regardless of what we have to talk about marriage must work like i said yesterday it just has to work there's no two way about it so marriage is one of the twin institutions that after the fall adam brought with him beyond the gates of paradise was not a trial and a fair thing no we don't get into marriage and family to try and see if it will work it was a purpose-oriented plan that must work for the simple fact that its originator is never a failure [Music] if god began it he never fails and so it must work you like it or not it has never been said of the lord that he began to build and he did not finish he must finish it and so it must work because it's the one that instituted it it must work that should inform the reason as to why we must all continue in it until we see the hand of god in our marriages and in our families i hope that goes down very clearly part of genesis chapter 2 is an account of how marriage and family was instituted and as that account comes to an end chapter 2 of genesis verse 24 says therefore man shall leave his father and mother and they and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh the question i've always asked is that why did god seek to make man and wife one in this institution called marriage what was god's intention what was his purpose what was he aiming at because god does not create for the fun of it god does not create to experiment with us why did he institute marriage and then malachi informs us why god made them one allow me to malachi chapter 2 verse 15. malachi brings it out so clearly he says but did he not make them one having a remnant of the spirit and why one he seeks godly offspring malachi is saying god met them one and why one he seeks godly offspring interesting that god instituted marriage because he needed children and i'm glad that we're all children of god he needed children he needed a generation he needed a production that fears him he requires a godly offspring someone is wondering so we get into marriage to give birth to children not necessarily but what malachi is saying is that god is interested in a people that are godly then the question would be why would god be interested with a god-fearing people what does he want to do with the godly people what does he want to do with this production that is god fearing allow me to take you back before genesis chapter one before genesis chapter one there was war in heaven and the son of god the prince of heaven and his loyal angels engaged in conflict with the act rebel that is certain and those who united with him my call and the loyal angels the story has it they prevailed and saturn and he sympathizes expelled from heaven i want you to take note that at this point that we have expansions from heaven creation as we know it in genesis 1 has not yet taken place what am i saying i am saying that the fall of lucifer comes before our creation if you like it you can say our creation comes after the fall of lucifer spirit of prophecy the book is truth about angels page 47 paragraph three the servant of the lord says this the loyal angels mourned the fate of those who had been their companions in happiness and bliss their loss was felt in heaven the father consulted jesus in regard to at once carrying out their purpose to make man inhabit the earth you didn't get it the father consulted jesus in regard to at once carrying out their purpose to make man inhabit the earth it is clear that creation of act as we know it in the book of genesis came as a result of the expansions that were done in heaven does that mean that we are an afterthought no what we are saying is that god has a foreknowledge but he does not predestine and so he foresaw the fall of lucifer and made provisions for it so our creation comes after the expansions that have happened in heaven allow me repeat that except the father consulted jesus in regard to at once carrying out their purpose to make man inhabit the earth which is this purpose that warranted the creation of man why did god see fit that it should now create humanity spirit of prophecy goes on to say in page 48 of the same book paragraph 7 says this god created man for his own glory that after test and trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family and let me repeat it god created man for his own glory that after test and trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family it was god's purpose ellen white says to re-populate heaven with a human family you all understand that where you have a repopulation there must have been a depopulation do you agree with me do you agree with me church yes that is spirit of prophecy saying it was god's purpose to repopulate heaven with the human family in other words why did god create man he created man to repopulate heaven and so there is a depopulation in heaven and quickly god has a strategy to repopulate that same heaven with a human family he has a clear structure of how these numbers are to be achieved there are angels that have left heaven a third of the stars a third of the angels have left heaven how do i get that number and he has a clear structure and that structure we see it in genesis man and the wife in a binding covenant and after he institutes marriage he has created man and woman he tells them in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 then god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply feel the earth and subdue it let me remind someone the earth where we are staying today is not our home from the word go we were meant for heaven up is a space where we are meant to multiply to be able to get the numbers that will repopulate heaven and so marriage and family becomes the place where we shape character build the character polish a character that is godly to be able to occupy heaven praise the lord he says i made them one because i want a godly offspring and so he made man and wife in a binding covenant they are meant to multiply build character polish it godly enough to occupy him so i don't know why you got into marriage i'm not sure why did you get married money money and let me tell you the devil is coming when he knows you got into marriage and family for money he only needs to cause a shrinkage in your finances because he knows once it causes a shrinkage you will quit marriage because that is what took you there yeah for those of us that marry beauty he only needs to take away that beauty naturability someone will burn you with acid and your marriage is gone because that is why you got into marriage you wanted children now that you have children are you happy my time seems to be moving so fast malachi summarizes what is in genesis 28 is asking and why one he says he seeks a godly offspring he needs a family of humans he needs a generation or a production of humans that will repopulate heaven friends we were mad for heaven hallelujah this is not our hope it baffles me when your heart is so tight here on earth you're so tied to the things of this app this is not our home there is a new heaven and a new earth praise the lord that is where we are headed not here and so our family should essentially be a product of marriage for it is within the confines of marriage and family that godly children can be raised i am sensitive to the dynamic nature of families today and i know today we have all sorts of family that can be today you will ask children in school what is a family no one can define it anymore when we were growing up we were taught it's mother father and children today a teacher is told you need to be sensitive to that definition not all families have fathers some families just have children and mother not because their father died their mother walked into a sperm bank didn't want commitment and say i want sperm for a tall guy dark brilliant [Music] essentially family should be a product of marriage it is within the confines of family that godly children are raised i am not saying that single people cannot raise godly children i am saying the design of god was that children will be raised within a family that has a father and has a mother if you have succeeded it is not because that is how it was meant to be if you have succeeded it is because of the grace of god because god has a way of turning ugly things into beautiful things hallelujah the bible says in his time he makes all things beautiful so don't try this at home don't page 49 paragraph 1 the same book the servant of the lord says the vacancies made in heaven by the fall of saturn and his angels will be filled by the redeemed of the lord i want you to take note that there is no other plan for this there is no plan b there is no backup plan to repopulate heaven god has no plan b that is what i'm saying and so marriages and family must work whether you like it or not because there is no other plan they just have to work it began well in aden and before it could go far even before they had children it fell and believe you me the lord is restoring this institution hallelujah there is a restoration coming for one simple reason he has no backup plan it must work not for the reasons you have it must work for the reasons that god has saturn has been expelled with a third of the angels and they begin to feel the effects of rebellion ellen white says saturn stood in amazement to his new condition his happiness was gone strife discord and bitter recrimination were among them as soon as the law through jesus christ created our world and placed adam and eve in the garden of aden saturn satan announced his purpose to conform to his own nature the father and mother of all humanity from the very day they were placed in garden saturn had an agenda to corrupt and thwart the plan of god so when you're here and keep crying why do i have trouble all the time in my marriage you have trouble because adam had trouble we all have trouble saturn could not imagine man taking his place in heaven to enjoy eternal bliss how can humanity take my position [Music] and because he understands why god instituted marriage and family better than you understand it he has constantly attacked this institution since eden and it's in an effort to thwart the plan of god he equally understands that god has no backup plan friends if the devil knows god has no backup plan i want you to understand it much better than him god has no backup plan for repopulating heaven he is depending on you he is depending on me and we cannot fail him we cannot so when i see men wanting to give back to children in every village i think you have a problem every village these suits we put on the wardrobe does not tell the story your death will tell the story when you die hey the day you die we shall know how much of your seeds are out here everywhere women show up i don't know why they always show up during matanga i'm not sure why they don't show up any other time they just love to show up when you have died so that their children can know their father died and this is where he's buried those that are interested in wealth will also come so careful when you say this is my husband i'm proud of him you need to know there could be other children out there and you should be ready for anything in this world you never know they say art is up one day someone will show up at the get there and say i i want the first elder who are you saying my son which one now he's talking to a deacon who knows first elder so well i just want to see him he's my father i've been told he's my father even before el dawan is called the rumor has spread to the kitchen in english is what what is hot what is hot people will show up just be ready for anything in this life you may never know you can't tell it you cannot it is sad that we see marriage and family as an earthly affair and we have treated it as a very insignificant thing when it is actually a plan with eternal implications and interests marriage and family has eternal implications and interest when ellen white is advising young people as they get married he says you need to know it will determine the kind of life you live here and hereafter you might as well miss heaven because of marriage you might this institution allow me say at this point becomes a spiritual battlefield because it is spiritual beings that are engaged in it the lord has a firm purpose for it the devil is interested in thwarting that purpose so it has become an arena for battle but a spiritual warfare it may seem to fail but the simple fact that god has no backup plan to repopulate heaven he will protect it to the bitter end just like he has protected sabbath today and so all the wrong things you see in your marriage and family all the ill manifestations you see in your marriage and family i want you to understand our attacks from the devil to thwart the plan of god and so when you see them come you don't panic when you see them come you should be saying ah he has thrown an arrow i am not moving because we must fulfill the purpose of god praise the lord you don't say you're going to your home if you wanted to go to your home you should have gone the one nowadays no one chases people when they go to their home back then a man would come to your home with two gods to bring you back today there is no bringing back you go at your own risk so don't threaten anyone you know when they need to end i need a hand just go there are those that have come to me and say pastor i'm quitting i want to go and i've told them let's go pack your bags i will help you back so that you go test the other side we see if you will not come back you will come back there is no going we are sticking through it because the god we serve is all powerful hallelujah there is nothing impossible with him nothing nothing nothing god depends on you god depends on me to fulfill this plan it will work if you stand with him it will fail if you stand with the devil what i love about the purposes of god when you seek to uphold them he comes through for you hallelujah when you don't even understand them and you're not bothered you fail miserably understand the lord counts on you and me to fulfill this purpose of repopulating heaven and he needs you to raise a godly people so don't get too busy with work out here get too busy with the people in your family that is basically why we are here now we are not here enough to make money we are not here enough to build houses these houses we shall not stay in them there is a world that is to come where we shall build and we shall stay forever hallelujah this one in itunes this one this one where we are you will be i can tell you fire is coming in a few years fire is coming to raise it down but there's a place we are headed we shall build and will occupy forever hallelujah church get interested in that place there is no other business in this world important as raising godly families for god no other business none not even your profession so you don't come bragging here who you are you tell us the children you've raised are god hmm the battle is raging fiercely and i'm appealing to all of us to see the great picture and permit god to defend and count on us praise the lord see the great peace the battle is raging i wouldn't lie to you it is not easy it is not going to be smooth it is raging hard in fact when you say for better or for worse worse is 90 percent better is only 10. i just want to let those who have not married to know it in advance better solid 10 percent was 90 a creature and christians are living like we were to live in a world without trouble pastor mission he preached in the morning when christ said in this world you will have what trouble and a certain a certain writer has composed a song i love it in my mother tongue if you can sing it in my mother tongue that's okay if you can translate it into yours is also okay the song goes like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the war is raging fiercely and the lord is counting on people that have courage this is not for cowards and anyone that quits marriage i think you're coward allow me say this is not meant for cowards this is meant for courageous men and women who understand who god is and what he's able to do we are not quitting naga what gabon i should walk with a girl to shoot those who are quick we are not quitting it is time we understood this spiritual warfare but because we do not understand it we have treated marriage and family as an insignificant institution and unit and some people can comfortably say that thing no longer works it works and it must work we think it only has aptly interest no we sin we are going to heaven but the very vehicle that should be taking us to heaven we have corrupted and abandoned god is saying i am using family units for production of godly humanity to occupy heaven that is a vehicle that is where we will build a character for heaven that is where we will experience sainthood on us before we experience sainthood in heaven this family this one you're abandoning this is where you must be polished for heaven not the church the first church is the family church not this one here you cannot build character you cannot here we parade as angels but we are not yeah like today you look so good i'm waiting to see you tomorrow how you will look tomorrow i know you will be different we keep on singing redemption not knowing that redemption is an intervention to rescue the only plan that god has to repopulate heaven and the minute the devil came to tampa with the marriage and family in eden the lord immediately rolled out the plan of redemption because he has no backup plan he had to save it he had to when saturn monet to interfere with the family nadine the lord swore to protect it by his own life he had to die for it so when you suffer an attack in your marriage and family the question i always ask which approach do you take how do you look at it do you look at it as physical warfare do you look at it as spiritual warfare if you look at it as a physical warfare you will fail miserably in fact if you look at it as a physical warfare you will marry 10 wives mariamara you keep marrying living marry you keep on trying in so many homes because you've decided to take on a physical approach to marriage but when you give it a spiritual approach victory is ours in jesus name allow me end by saying your choice will determine whether you succeed or fail the choice you make will determine whether you succeed or fail it is time we stood up for jesus to protect this noble institution and we will protect it to the end because it's the only plan that god has to fill up the lonely vacancies that were left in heaven it is my prayer as you go home this evening this truth will sink deep in your heart to understand that god depends on you he depends on me to raise a godly people to occupy the vacancies that were left in heaven let us pray our heavenly father our creation was not for this world from the onset your purpose that we will live in harmony with the angels in heaven we were not made for this dance here we are to polish a character was for occupancy in heaven you depend on mothers you depend on fathers to bring up a godly offspring that lord will be able to repopulate heaven may this truth sink deep in our hearts even as we move back to the first church which is a family and seek to reorganize ourselves and purpose to move forward and protect our loved ones until you come to take us home may your name be glorified because this is our humble prayer in jesus holy name amen i want to believe that you are so much blessed by that powerful family speaking sister naomi oh yes if you quit a beautiful session yeah no quitting if you quit you will be short yeah it must work it must work oh my if you don't get anything carry home that it must work thank you elizabeth for that dear viewer i know you want to miss you don't want to miss another session tomorrow family life right now what's coming up we have choir that is coming up we have sisters of grace coming up and after that we are going to sing the theme song but before then uh let us remind you of our social media handles yeah you can find us live on facebook you can also find us live on our youtube channel hope channel kenya you can also find us we have a website that is working right now actually we also have an app you can follow us through and have up channel kenya remind us of the twitter handle that is um on twitter we have hope underscore kenya so we have an sms line i am sure you are seeing it on your screen you can send your messages we have a call line where you can call and we have prayer requests we have uh people who will be praying we have counselors who will be doing all that so be blessed and let's keep it rolling yeah we have to keep it rolling and keep it work stay here dear viewer thank you you [Music] [Music] wake up me [Music] yes [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] enjoy your jesus [Music] the lord is near though each baby [Music] i have conquered [Music] is [Music] as they file out you must be reminiscent on the lyrics of that particular theme song for this evangelistic campaign i believe that together with them we do acknowledge that indeed in these tough times jesus has the answers to our problems this evening as the sun me to welcome you to the epic moment when we now want to listen to god's word brought in by the man of god i am pastor richard aleco the pastor of this church migori central where we're coming live on hope channel in lieu of this great event tonight it's my pleasure to welcome pastor samuel messiani pastor messiani has been speaking to us from yesterday and i believe that we all together have been blessed and we have every reason to thank god tonight one more time there is a message for you my viewer there is a message for you who are listening in other channels and i want to tell you to stay put because pasta is about to step here past the simple mistake is the leader of the seventh-day adventist church in west kenya union as you have been told before pastor messiani is married to dr eunice messiani they are blessed with one biological son yes he has a myriad of other sons in christ spiritual sons daughters in christ pastor messiani is a love of the gospel and you cannot miss tonight to share in the blessings of another crystal centric someone i want to invite you to enjoy together with me as we be blessed let us pray as we bow our heads heavenly father speak to us in the stillness of your voice as your man servant mounts a pulpit we need a double portion of your presence that you will use him mightily to speak to your children now lord imbue his faculties that you will use him as a tool in your hands to reach out to your children in these tough times use him to the end for the glory of your name our prayer by faith in jesus name amen hello good evening it's my joy to stand before you again to share with you the glorious gospel of the blessed god because i believe that is the answer to the tough times that we are going through we are talking about facing life in tough times i want to share with you some of the uh responses that we are getting we want you to know if you are watching or listening to us that we have a team of prayer warriors who are dedicated who have dedicated themselves to pray for you during this time and so you can send your prayers you can send to the number that is on the screen take that number and send your prayers we will be praying for you we believe that god will answer your prayers and your needs as we pray god will meet your need he's a good god number one we choose uh a few names to pray for when we come like this and i also want to remind you that from tomorrow from tomorrow i want you to have a pen and a notebook and you will be writing uh some of the things that i say and if you answer some of the questions correctly i'll be asking questions from tomorrow we will send you a bible and that's only for those who listen to us or watch us during these two weeks the first 50 people will get a bible or a special book from us that's a blessing for you so keep on watching keep on listening and sending your responses to us for now we want to pray for momani i will just use one in him momani from nairobi will receive your prayer request you have told us that you are having nightmares god forbid that you continue having nightmares i'm gonna pray for you and i believe that those nightmares will stop in the name of the lord jesus christ so when the nightmares are over please call us and tell us that you had a peaceful night because there is power in the blood of jesus amen we are also going to pray for mary from kinangop mary's son is alcoholic we are going to pray with you mary and we trust your sons are alcoholic the three of them i will not mention their names because i do not know whether you had their permission for their names to be mentioned here so i will not mention their names mary but i'm going to pray for them the lord has seen their names the third one that i'm gonna pray for is penina penina is right here with us in migori you have a sick daughter our sister we're gonna pray for you we're also going to pray for francis son who has been dumb uh praying for for healing these are just a sample of the things that we are praying for god still answers prayers so let us bow now and pray for these four and we are covered in covering the rest whose names we have not mentioned shall we pray heavenly father we want to lift up momani before you we are praying lord that by your grace and favor in his life because of what christ did for us on the cross let this nightmare stop for your own glory whatever is causing nightmares in his lives father we pray that you bring healing and restoration the reorganizing of his mind and his situation and that lord do something for him that he cannot do for himself that's what your grace is all about you are also bringing mary from kenan got before you whose sons lord sons the three of them are alcoholic lord we cannot explain this but we know that you've got the power whatever is driving these fine young people to alcohol lord we are praying lord that you reach out to this mother a mother is crying for sons o god reach out and touch these sons turn their lives around and let them experience the power of the blood of jesus who says that the violence to sinner the violence offender who truly comes to jesus christ that moment from jesus our pardon receives heavenly father grant forgiveness and grace to this family your family has been dysfunctional from the time that we committed sin in adam i'm praying lord for grace and mercy for mary and for her sons we're reaching out lord lifting up the nina before you right here in migori lord she has a sick daughter and we're praying lord when you walked on earth you touched the gyros daughter who was already dead you called her by name and she came back to life this one is only sick lord reach out and touch this young lady and let her life be restored for your glory and finally father we want to bring francis's son before you who is dumb this child cannot hear you heavenly father and we are praying for many other dumb people who are even listening by signs sharing the gospel we are praying lord that you reach out to these people and touch them oh lord and heal them and restore them because you've got the power that's what you did when you walked on earth and you promised you promised that in your name miracles will happen to the last of the days you promise to be with us until the end lord we have prayed publicly and we are praying lord that you will honor your name your name not mine you'll honor and glorify your name and grant the requests that have been asked these names that we have prayed for and others that you have not mentioned bring glory and honor to your name because we have asked in jesus name amen it's nice talking to god because our god hears prayers our god answers prayers and we believe that those prayers that we have uttered god has heard he knew before we prayed and he is going to answer according to his will and now father as we turn to your word grant me grace that in these few minutes remaining we may share this glorious gospel once again through the power of the holy spirit amen the title of my message today i was asked to give a title and i normally don't give titles for my messages that i speak because sometimes i do not know what god wants me to say until i stand here but for the sake of my media team that are on the other side you are not seeing them they asked me for a title and i thought of the title i could give and i remember the book i read almost 40 years ago yes almost 40 years ago and to illustrate what i'm going to talk about the author gives a story and in that story people are arguing they are saying that we are what we are because of the way we were born you see if you are born in africa you cannot change if you're born in kenya you cannot change you will behave in a certain way it is already in your dna there's nothing you can do about it if you're born in europe there's nothing you can do about it you will be like that if you're born in america china or wherever you are a victim of where you were born and others started arguing i'm referring to that book others say that no no no it is not where you are born it is your environment your behavior is a product of your environment and so there are those who are talking about uh inheritance your genetics and others are talking about your environment so one person said i'm going to prove to you that it's all about the environment and he said this works well with human beings and it works well with animals as well so he said i will prove to you within a period of six months that it is not your genetics that determines how you behave it is your environment so this man this scientist practical guy took a piglet brought the pig home and said we are going to transform the life of this pig we are not going to allow it to mix with other peaks we will contain this pig in our home we will retrain and restructure how a pig behaves and so they built their house they brought the pig into their house confined it mixed up the pig i mean brought the pig to interact with them in the family i'm sure you've seen those people who even buy coats and jackets for their animals and dress them to make them look like human beings this was an experiment so they taught the pig how to behave they taught the pig how to sit down at table they taught the pig that when you are eating you need to say please give me the knife and the fork pass on this gravy to me and i don't know how they did it but the pig was able actually to wait for others to sow fast before serving being served because it was a pig and so the story goes that the pigs started behaving so well that they felt they had won and one day they went and called their friends and said come and we show you the result of our experiment and on this day when they left home to go and call their friends to come and see the result of the experiment they forgot to shut the door and there that day it rained so hard it rained so much and i said it was raining and it had never rained before for quite some time so you can imagine the smell of earth rising from the dust and because the door was opened the smell of earth was reaching that stout the nostrils of the pig that are now grown and at its knot it smells earth and it smelled so good it looked around there was nobody it came to the door and there was this opening and the peak somewhere by the snout managed to get out and there was a pool of water that had now assembled and was dirty the pig looked around and there was nobody and quickly the pig dashed to the water and went right into the water and lifted up his head with the clothes and everything and looked up and said home at last finally i am home and it kept on feeding in that dirty place when the people came back they looked for the pig they could not find the pig and then they had a noise coming from the pool of water and as they drew nigh they saw the pig with their white clothes and everything it was in the water looking so happy they looked around and the man was doing the experiment said pig is pig and he gave up the experiment beloved the title of our message today is pig is pig no matter what you do with the pig it will remain a pig you can change the behavior of a pig but a pig will remain a pig let us face the truth beloved we are living in a world that is full of evil there is evil in the world we are struggling with evil and many of us do not know why there is so much evil in the face of the world today a man shot his wife and two children and then hung himself common story a woman cut her husband to pieces and then hung herself another story a young man killed his father and siblings and ran away a young man raped and murdered several people before being caught and this is a sad one that i read seven young men some teenagers repeatedly raped a young girl and while they were doing it they were also taking videos and posted it in the internet internet these stories we read every day and everywhere in the world the story is the same there is no difference whether you live in africa in england in europe as a whole in america in china the story of humanity is the same man has not overcome selfishness man has not overcome pride man has not overcome lust man has not overcome the evils of crime there is a universal problem and we call it the problem of sin it is universal it is the reason why we are facing such tough times in our lives and as you look around you see people trying to transform themselves professors doctors lawyers teachers pastors everybody put together those who believe and those who don't believe everywhere we have the same problem because pig is big the question is is there hope that one day humanity by itself will be able to build a community where we all live in peace and harmony with full care and love for one another shall we one day achieve this desired goal i'm afraid beloved the answer as far as i'm concerned the answer is no i have read socrates he came with ideas he did not succeed i've read plato he came with ideas in fact aristotle also came with ideas they have not worked the buddha himself came with ideas refuting what hinduism believed in they have not worked you see when you go to the east they are full of religion hinduism for once believes that there is a little god in you they call it at man this little god in you needs to reconnect with a big god outside there the brahman the atman the little god in you by the way when they greet you namaste it means i recognize the god in you it's not just bowing down to you but acknowledging that in you there is a little god and salvation is for that little god to be reunited with a big god outside there called brahman and the buddhists reacted to that and said this is wrong this is the root of selfishness to believe that there is god in you and so they came up with the idea that this is ignorance the buddhists believed that uh the only thing that is permanent in this world is not that god is in you that is the change change is the only thing that is permanent as they as far as they are concerned they said that you see life is like a river you come into the water you are standing in the water the water is constantly passing but you are constantly in the water it's constantly changing impermanence is the only permanent thing and then they came with another idea refuting what the hindu was saying they call it anata meaning there is no soul in you man is like a like an onion if you peel an onion you'll get leaves going out and out and finally inside you find nothing so there's nothing in you and in me so we should not be self-centered they are trying to deal with a problem of sin sin and self-centeredness are almost the same thing remember i previously go back and look at what we covered today in the morning we talked about when man sinned his nature changed instead of being having the nature of god god is love and love is other centered love reaches out the spirit of god in man when he was created was the spirit of agape love love that is selfless love that is constant love that is not self-seeking love that is self-sacrificing by the way did you know that man was not deceived but the woman when adam ate that fruit it's not because he was deceived he ate the fruit knowing very well that he was going to die but because the spirit of god was in him and god is love beloved he looked at the woman and he said i know what you have done i am going to die with you that's what it's all about he was still loving the moment he ate of that fruit his nature changed and he became selfish self-centered and that's why he could not repent that's why he could not protect his wife any longer the sister who spoke before me you need to listen to those speeches because she's helping us to know how to live in our family life but one thing that we know from the word of god adam did not repent eve did not repent they both needed the intervention of god because their nature had changed beloved that's what we become with what we became after seeing entered into the world so all these people they have tried modern psychologists modern philosophers have tried that they cannot resolve the problem of living in peace living in togetherness living in a loving relationship forming communities that care for one another no matter how much we try we still have this problem with us the bible says very clearly beloved that we are not just victims of sin sin is not something you are a victim of we are slaves of sin we are living in slavery now let me explain to you a slave is not a servant a servant is someone who serves you by choice when he's tired of you she or he can live a slave is somebody who cannot do his or her own will he works for you without consent at all the bible says we are slaves of sin how did we become slaves of sin turn with me to the book of romans the book of romans chapter 5. the book of romans is in the new testament the new testament is matthew and mark luke john acts and then you come to romans romans chapter 5 and verse 12 the bible says therefore just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because all sinned remember what the bible is saying it's saying all sinned that means it is something that has happened to all of us it's like it's a tense of something that's already accomplished is done and it remains the same there is something in the bible that you and i needs to understand if you're going to face life with courage boldly and face your challenges every day you need to know what the bible is saying the bible is saying that there is no fairness in this world you come to a world that is rotten and is is a world that is under bondage to sin and sin is defined in many ways i will give you a little later the definition of sin according to the bible but right now the bible is saying that the life of adam was not just the life of one man adam means mankind the life of adam was the life of all of us you see when god created adam and eve god only could do that he made two human beings out of whom has come all races of the world the book of acts chapter 17 verse 26 says that out of one man god created all men to live in the face of the earth where he designed for them so all of us black white yellow green blue whatever color you go by we all come from one man and that's why we have the same characteristics that's why we have the same problems because we have all come from one man adam and eve what happened to them as the head of the human race happened to all of us so you are born in this world already with a bent a leaning towards sin the word sin is defined for us if you want to hear where sin is defined nicely you can read the book of psalms psalms chapter 51 you get on your bible and go with me to the book of psalms psalms 51 i'm reading from new king james version of the bible it is king james that has been modernized to help you understand some of the words that you could not understand in the old english this psalm is uh the the writer of psalms 51 is david himself the bible says that david was a man after god's own heart a man whom god chose after king's soul had failed him he sent the prophet samuel to go and anoint david king and refer to david as i found a man the son of jesse a man after my own heart when you read the book of psalms david writes in psalm 1 and he said blessed is the man who does not sit in the seat of the scoffers a man who runs away from sin who does not keep the company of sinners david was a king who loved god he wrote the psalms the songs to his god it was a man anointed by god and then comes psalms number 51 and something happens in the life of david that even david did not understand david in his middle age i believe had reached a point where i could not go to battle with his soldiers the day david went to battle and they noticed that he was getting weak and there was a soldier that almost pinned david down and somebody came to the aid of david and from that day they said you will not go to battle with us or king you will stay at home this time david was at home and walking on the rooftop his eyes went beyond where it was supposed to go and he saw another woman bathing on the other side and he looked at the woman and he sent an sms text and he asked his friend which house is that and a text came back from his friend and he was told that's the house of your sovereignty and he said i have something to give mrs uriah and so they brought mrs uraya and the bible says that david sinned with mrs uriah and a few months later mrs uriah sends a text message to david and say long leave the king king i want you to know that i am expecting and i can just imagine king david sending a text message back and saying you are expecting what and the woman sends it back david don't be foolish i'm having your baby and david is frustrated the bible says that the wages of sin is dead when you sinned you were stoned to death this is a man after god's own heart david hides his sin david finds a method of covering up his sin beloved i've got an answer for you if you have committed sin don't try to cover up go to the god the king of the universe confess your sins our god will forgive you but he was a king and the king must have his dignity and there are so many people who are covering up living a hypocritical life appearing before people as one thing while you are something else only god can set you free to live an authentic life that is honest and true before god and before people so david is in a dilemma what do i do he gets an idea when the devil leaves you to sin and you cooperate with the devil hear me if you are sitting outside there in your room and listening to me and planning to do something evil hear me clearly when the devil leads you to one scene and you collaborate with the devil he will lead you to another until he brings you to a place where he will kill you because the mission of the devil john chapter 10 verse 10 jesus tells us the mission of the devil the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy so if you've started cooperating with the devil i want to ask you to stop because it's going to lead you to a place where he will kill you and destroy you forever unless you have the courage to turn around to god and believe in god and confess your sins and let god save you but david cooperated with the devil and so they brought uriah and david made uriah drunk you need to know who oriah was uriah was one of the 30 awesome commanders in today's world in the u.s they would be called the seals they are the soldiers you sent to difficult places where you could send nobody these were 30 specially trained soldiers of david faithful to the tea and so he brought him home and he tried to confuse him make him drunk twice and send him home to confuse you know there was no dna test so you could not tell whose child that was uriah refused to go home you know the rest of the story he sent a text message to job the commander this time in those days there was no text message i'm just trying to help the contemporary mind to understand but he gave raya a note to take to job and in this note it was written put him let him die and job was so faithful he let uriah die and david thought it was over i have covered up then guess what when news came down to ryan was dead david took mrs uriah home and i can just imagine how happy the israelites were they said oh look at king david look at how loving the king is he loved his servant so much he does not want mrs ryan to suffer so he has brought her home beloved do not be impressed by the things that people say about you you don't know half the story of what is happening do not be impressed by people jesus was never impressed by anybody because he knew what was in the heart one year later one year later david thinks everything is okay then comes nothing the prophet and gives david the story i want you to go and read the rest of the story if you have never read it but as the story developed he tells david a story that made him so mad of this and just this unfair man who has so much sheep and goes and takes the ship of one man poor man with only one and slaughters for his guests david says over my dead body this guy must be finished off and the man said thou art the man and the holy spirit brings the conviction and they write psalms 51 and says have mercy on me o god according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity by wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin these are some of the three definitions of sin transgression iniquity and sin each one of them stands for something different when we talk about transgression we are talking about the transgression of a known law when you break the ten commandments that is transgression david broke the commandment that says thou shalt not last that's the tenth commandment and this is the commandment many people we are guilty of commandment number 10 because commandment number 10 is not something you do and somebody sees commandment number 10 takes place in your mind lust and convictiousness is seen of the mind and the bible says david did not only lust but he proceeded to do the act he committed adultery then he went beyond that and he committed murder and he did all this but when the spirit of god brought it home to him to what he had done he said god have mercy on me how could i do this then he realized who he was and the bible reads here he says for i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge beloved hear what david the king did stop covering up your sin the bible says david i said i acknowledge my transgression the bible says blessed is him whose sin is covered god will not cover your sin until you confess them to him david acknowledged his sin and the bible says he was forgiven but sin means missing the mark sin is transgression but sin is also iniquity hear whatever it says behold i was brought forth in iniquity the word iniquity means to be bent i was brought up i was born already bent towards sin and beloved this is our unfortunate situation we are all born bent towards sin we are all born slaves of sin and unrighteousness and ungodliness that is the state in which you are born it is a problem of our birth not a problem of our environment it doesn't matter which environment you are living in beloved we are all guilty of sin that we have committed but that is transgression we are more than that we are condemned not because of the sins we have committed only but we are condemned notice i'm using the word condemned there's a difference between being guilty and being condemned i'm talking about condemned because of our iniquity iniquity is the state in which we are born we are born in union with adam and as long as we are born in union with adam we are born in a union of a state where sin exists the bible says he committed sin all sinned so we come from sinners by birth does that ring a bell somewhere have you had this problem that the bible talks about in the book of romans chapter seven listen to what the apostle paul says in romans chapter seven he's explaining the sin of our birth and he's saying coming to the law of god the ten commandments which which is righteous you know some people even some christians i'm afraid to say try to solve the sin problem by wiping away the ten commandments by telling you that the ten commandments no longer apply as if the prop the problem is with the commandments of god beloved the problem is not with the commandments of god jesus did not come to save us from the commandments of god he came to save us from sin can i hear amen to that the problem is not with god's commandment listen to what the bible is saying what shall we say then is the law the commandments of god sin certainly not says on the contrary i would not have known sin except through the law for i would not have known convictiousness unless the law had said you shall not covet beloved god gave us the law so that he may expose us to ourselves to who we really are without the law the bible says there is no transgression but romans chapter 5 and verse 14 says death was in the world even before god gave moses the ten commandments people already dying from adam to moses why were they dying because of sin of adam we were born in iniquity that's why children die even before they are born their mothers who have had stillbirths what sin did that shall do beloved it's not the sin of the child is the state of humanity we are that we buy our own mess in adam and so he is dealing with this when god gives you a law i don't know whether you can remember but in our primary school days if we are giggling and people are laughing even from one from two people like to laugh a lot i don't know why maybe it's just the stage of life they're going through and the teacher walks in and says if you laugh again i will send you out of class it does not take five minutes before somebody is laughing and out of class if the teacher says don't walk on the grass just by that commandment don't walk on the grass a day will not pass before somebody walks on the grass there is something in us every one of us that hates law all laws we just want to do contrary to the law and god gave us the commandment so that every mouth according to the book of romans may be shot and will be found sinners guilty you see with iniquity there is no guilt iniquity works like this somebody puts it like this an orange tree is an orange tree and it produces oranges not in order to become an orange tree but because it is already an orange tree it's an orange tree it produces oranges even before it produces oranges it is already an orange tree whether there are fruits on it or not it is already an orange tree beloved what we are saying is that it is the nature of an orange tree to produce oranges and if you go to an orange tree and add manure and command that tree to give you mangoes you are crazy it's not the orange tree because it is the nature of orange tree to produce oranges and that's who we are children you never taught your child how to tell a lie in my in in my teenage days i was shocked the first time i told a lie and i lied to my own mother it's something i've never forgotten you can read it in my own book sweeter than honey you know i came back from school and mom looked at me and she said son i have been told you also drink i looked at her eyes and the eyes told me please say no and i told my mom you can either believe them or believe me i don't drink and she believed me it stayed with me two years later three years later that was from two three years later in form five i met the lord jesus christ i'm saying i met the lord jesus christ not religion i was already religious very religious i could not work on sabbath the fact that somebody was keeps the sabbath does not mean that you know jesus and say that again the problem of or of salvation of the gospel is religious people particularly those who are born in a religious environment like me we learn to sing christian songs we learn to pray we learn to do all things christian we become religious before we know the god of religion we behave in a certain way that deep down there is no real conversion beloved let me tell you when i finally lay down my life and say lord jesus come into my life and i surrendered to jesus he set me free and i went to my mother and i said mom do you remember that day i lied to you she looked at me and she said it doesn't matter now because i can see you have met the lord jesus christ as your personal savior beloved we are born that way we are born sinners and we need to meet jesus before we can live a life that is worthy before god and so beloved when you're talking about the problem of sin paul says here in his words that i read verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but i am cannot sold under sin for what i am doing i do not understand for what i will to do that i do not practice but what i hate that i do if then i do what i will not to do i agree with the law that it is good but now it is no longer i who do it but sin that dwells in me that's why when nicodemus came to jesus wanting to talk religion with jesus jesus told him that you must be born again it's not going for theological school it's not talking religion it takes a new path to enter into a right relationship with god and nicodemus said how can a man that is old go back to the mother inside and be born again jesus told him no that's not it that which is born of the flesh is flesh pig is pig when you are born of the flesh you are flesh and the nature of flesh will be manifested in you you may develop a different behavior but your life is essentially selfish your life is essentially anti-god and beloved jesus came and said god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life by our path we are perishing we are already condemned if we live long enough you will sin just like david but by the grace of god jesus came beloved grace is god doing for you that which you cannot do by your own self effort you cannot change your nature you cannot make it better you cannot improve on it but god can give you a new life the bible says that which is born of the spirit is spirit remember the bible says that god is spirit and those who worship god must worship in spirit and in truth and because we lost our spiritual nature because of sin you can only get it as a gift of god a gift of the grace of god and this comes when you hear the everlasting gospel of what god has done for us in christ jesus that by the cross of jesus christ god forgave us of our sins and god is willing now to give you a new life clothe you with the righteousness of jesus christ and bring you into his kingdom where there is righteousness there is peace and there is joy and this is the solution to the world's problem not everything that we say or do by our education or by our politics or our economic systems these efforts will not help the world there will be covered 19 and when we are done with covet 19 other things will come poverty is there malaria is there death is with us kansai is with us there are problems all over but it's only when you give your life to the creator him alone when you give your life to him he can transform your life bring back his spirit in your life and with the spirit of god in you you will have the peace that passes all understanding your problems may not change your situation may not change but beloved the peace of god jesus said my peace i give to you god will give you peace that can give you power to go through any situation god will give you peace that will give you power to face life with courage in the midst of your challenges because when god is back in your life the bible says if god be for us who can be against us but first you must face yourself face your sin confess your sin turn your life back to god he will reconnect you with himself bring his spirit back in you and that which is born of spirit has power the bible says he who dwells in us is greater than him that is in the world i want to invite you today to accept acknowledge invite jesus in your life confess your transgression to god not to me allow him in your life bring him him welcome him humble yourself god will come it is his desire his will his purpose to make you a new creation give you power to face life with courage it's my prayer for you turn your life over to jesus watch what he will do for you he did it for me he will do it for you this is my prayer in jesus name amen let me pray with you father grant my listener this grace in jesus name amen wow that was a powerful salmon and pig is pig that we are all born in iniquity but you know what god's grace has been availed that we may be transformed into the image of god i love that someone i have been blessed and i want to believe dear viewer you have been blessed and all the members who are present today here to conclude with us today's services i want to believe that you have been blessed actually it was such a powerful summon before we come to the end of the program today i want sister naomi to take us through some of our messages we had our viewers watching from all over the world yes sister naomi we have your feedback and we are glad that we can hear from you sam ogura is writing from the uk and he's saying may god bless megorius dear members for having reached this global peak for he has enabled me to see the life hub live happenings in my home church while in uk thank you sam thank you janice also writing from here in mcgorry i'm being blessed god bless you so much betty o'caught is being blessed from nairobi kenya calibur gessa is watching us live from eldorade brian ongoma already feeling blessed and will be following daily thank you caleb keep it up and keep the conversation going god bless each and every one of you solomon obama is watching us from ukunda mombasa may god bless all of you there are many of them i am not able to go through each and every one of your messages but i want you to know that we are listening we are reading from you we are taking the prayer request seriously dear viewers if you thought that we are off we are still on and right now before we finish our programs we want to give you a recap of what you missed we had the children's story that went ahead we also had a lot of programs that were lined up searches yes we had the children services going on we had beautiful stories from our sister cella we had also our children on set and we are glad that we learnt the lessons we learned how god took care of daniel in the lion's day and we learned that god will also take care of us thank you we learnt the family life there is no quitting it must work thank you so much i was your host naomi roosevelt together with me boys god bless you and see you tomorrow at 4 30. [Music] the lord is near though each baby [Music]
Channel: Seventh-day Adventist Church Migori Central
Views: 1,801
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: EG0Tl7PYb5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 15sec (7575 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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