SAS Training Beginners Must Watch Video

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Today let's discuss About SAS. The Purpose of Making This Video is Before stepping in to SAS one You should Understand What about SAS? SAS Role in Industries What are the Duty’s of SAS Programmer What are the Job Opportunities we Having after Learning SAS What is the Use of Doing Certification Who Can Learn SAS? All these things Now let’s see What is SAS? just Discuss a Briefly about SAS ok like What kind of work we can do what is the full form of SAS? when SAS was Developed? Where SAS Developed all these things coming to the abbreviation of SAS it is Statistical Analysis System/software SAS Was developed at North Carolina State University During 1960s to 1970s. later Later SAS was Further developed in 1980s and 1990s with the addition of New statistical procedures and new components. initially it was developer for agricultural purposes but now a days we are using SAS in many sectors like pharmaceutical financial banks many insurance companies many automobile companies so many sectors are using SAS and what kind of work we can performance in SAS. See we can data manipulation we can analyze the data using SAS and can generate different kinds of Reports(Tables,Listings,Graphs/Figures). it is also possible to perform Statistical calculations using SAS. SAS contains many components see using SAS differs from person to person Right? Because it depends on the requirement Some may use many components are functions but some may use only Few. let's see some of the SAS components like base SAS ,SAS STAT, SAS graphs,SAS Access, Enterprise guide, EBI like this so many components are there nearly 200 components are there in SAS Now let's see what kind of role it is playing in industries because it is very important right Over 90 % of the fortune 500 global companies depends on SAS Software to make important decisions everyday many companies many banks many insurance companies many clinical research companies are using SAS let's discuss what kind of role it is playing in clinical field and in the financial field saparately. in general major companies that Use SAS are google, facebook ,twitter, accenture ,ims health like this so many companies are using. coming into the clinical field it is predominantly programmed in clinical trial data analysis in companies like clinical research biotech and in pharmaceutical companies. coming to the role played in Financial sector by SAS the top-most 100 global banks are using SAS because SAS is using help them in marketing many insurance companies and many banks like CITIbank, RBS ,HSBC, Moody's Analytical Company JPMorgan like this so many companies are using SAS. Why because the reasons is They have been using SAS for ages and have systems built around SAS.See When it was developed? it was developed in early 1970s but till date we are using from past 40-50 years we are using And day by day the scope is increasing For SAS. because many companies are using as many companies are using SAS will have more job opportunities right so it is playing it major role in industries and also see for us it is very important to secure our data write So using SAS it's safer than other open source tools like R and Knime. because we can secure our data using SAS and also it has introduced a big data capabilities along with SAS JMP and SAS Visual Analtyics. let's see the other uses of SAS Software Also it is used in Many financial transactions which are used for analyzing indications of fraud in realtime and also in assessing the clinical trial results we can use SAS. Do you know SAS is the largest market-share holder in Data analytics sector with the share of 36.2% and 5th largest for business intelligence software. And in some organizations like London Fire Brigade SAS is used to save lives from fire accidents. so we can understand how much important now a days SAS is ok now let's see the role of a SAS programmer or work done by a SAS programmer. SAS environment ranks high for the best places to work. not only in the US but throughout the world the main important thing that can be done by SAS programmer is developing different kinds of reports like (tables, listings, and graphs). SAS Programmer provides statistical programming support for the statisticians. see statisticians according to their SAPs means statistical analysis plans will provide data and templates or mock shells to the SAS Programmer so SAS programmer has to generate reports depending on the statistician requirement and programmer typically Writes SAS code which helps in creating an analysis Datasets using which we can generate reports and also programmer is responsible for the electronic submission means E-submission to the Health authorities like FDA DCGI like that. SAS programmers mainly responsible for building programs from clinical database to data sets. Now let's see the job scope or the job opportunities we are having see because it is very important for us to Know after learning SAS if we are not having job opportunities than What is the use of learning SAS right so one should know what are the job opportunities before stepping into the SAS. SAS skills are the most valuable skills in today’s job market it is better time to learn SAS programming because there is a huge scope of SAS for fresher’s also see when SAS was developed? it was developed in early nineteen seventies but till date means from past 40-50 years we are using SAS see And day by day the growth is increasing and also more than135 countries has SAS offices across America Asia and the Middle East Africa Europe all these countries means so as many companies are using SAS so after learning SAS it is not limited for us to work only based on the clinical sector or in the financial sector right because as many companies on many sectors are using SAS so we can go in any company which we like right! and there is a wide range of job opportunities in many areas like research sales and development marketing concelting human resources like this there is an world of analytics waiting for you see for getting higher pay what are the carrier skills you should acquire is this enough only if you're having leadership quality and communication skills definitely not because you also need strong analytical skills like SAS. study conducted by PAYSCALE reveals that's SAS Skills are predominant in job market and also for the studies by some organisations analyse 53 million employee profiles across 380 industries with above 16,000 job titles from entry-level to top levels the result consider list of top 20 skils to be the most valuable by the employers with SAS skills topping the list so as you are having more SAS Skills you will get higher pay now let's see the use of certification see why the certification highly in demand because it enhances candidate credibility and so the certified programmers at the most popular recognition certification always indicates your higher level of knowledge this becomes an advantage with other employees and provides job security also right. you may have a doubt but what are the carrier prospects after gaining SAS credential obviously will have see it will open up to a lot of opportunities suppose if an employer is interviewing two candidates for a position having similar experience and knowledge but one is a SAS certified and the other one is not all the things being equal who men employer can hire obviously the one with SAS credential right so if you doing certification it makes an advantage and also provides a job security now let's see that exam pattern for base SAS Certification and also an advance SAS Certification coming to the base SAS it contains 60-65 multiple choice and short answer questions and you'll get 110 minutes time to complete an exam and what is a pass score to pass the Base SAS certification you should acquire 70% to get SAS credential and also don't forgotten to use an exam ID A00-211 and registering with Pearson VUE and now let's see the exam pattern for advance SAS credential in general who can get eligibility for advance SAS candidates who cleared base SAS certification can go for the advanced SAS certification without clearing Base SAS we will not get eligibility to write an advance SAS exam and this also contains 60-65 multiple choice and short answer questions like base SAS advance SAS you will get 2 hours time to complete an exam and you must score 65% For pass and also an exam ID for advance SAS is A00-212 use this exam ID when registering with Pearson VUE and finally let's see who can learn SAS is there any limitation for candidates that only these kind of people can learn SAS definitely not SAS will help any graduate or postgraduates in evolving their carrier as a SAS programmer any graduates or postgraduate like b.Pharmacy , m.Pharmacy Students medical background students or, people are who completed the BSC MSC nursing at this anyone can learn any graduate can learn SAS hope you guys gotten enough knowledge about SAS and its job opportunities about the SAS programmer Role about certification and all Thank you please subscribe for more videos
Channel: SAS Online Training
Views: 61,266
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Keywords: What is SAS, SAS Training, SAS Programming, SAS Software, SAS Certification, SAS Onlne, sas tutorial, SAS, sas institute, statistical software, sas free demo, sas tutorials for beginners, sas programming tutorials, sas training in hyderabad India, sas software introduction, SAS Beginners, Statistics, sas certification training, base sas, advanced sas, training, programming
Id: QuVRl9u-Fo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
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