SAS - Survival Secrets: Selection + Extras [Full episode]

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the SAS is the Special Forces regiment upon which all others are based few are tough enough to pass selection but what does it take to survive once you make it into the Special Air Service using a series of dramatic scenarios a team of hardened ex-sas veterans have agreed to reveal the survival secrets that kept them alive the commander of our four-man Patrol is former SAS sergeant Eddie stone with him his demolitions expert John McAleese the first man on the balcony in the Iranian embassy siege additional firepower and expertise is provided by Johnny and Petey we've had to protect their identities together they'll show you how members of the world's most elite regiment fight and survive and reveal just what it takes to wear this badge collectively these men have spent over 30 years in the SAS but what attributes does a conventional soldier need to become a member of the world's most renowned fighting force in this program our and the team will help us recreate the selection process and combat techniques learnt by a new SAS we'll reveal how the unique training process transforms ordinary soldiers into the awesome fighting men that make up the regiment and for the first time these ex SAS men will reveal what it takes to survive selection love is mattock toughness on your other men on toughness we look at the qualities needed to survive life inside the regiment if you're fragile in any way you'll go off your head you'll never survive using fictitious scenarios we'll show you what it takes to get into the SAS we'll look at their training techniques and how to survive life once in the regiment an SAS trooper has to survive probably the toughest and most rigorous training process in the world it has three distinct phases selection this phase takes place in the Brecon Beacons in Wales it's specifically designed to weed out those men that don't have the mental and physical stamina required by the regiment the second phase is jungle training it's designed to see if you have the tactical and operational skills to function in this elite force under extreme conditions the third phase is survival training because the SAS are required to operate behind enemy lines for long periods of time they have to learn how to survive on their wit's and what is in the surrounding environment they also need to be able to withstand capture and interrogation they're stupid I know what in order to be eligible to join the SAS you must have served at least three years in the British Army Eddystone spent his early military career in the Scots Guards Johnny in the parachute regiment and Mac in the Royal Engineers these men share one common attribute most of the guys all come from the same background working-class families largest families we're adding hand-me-downs or from a brother - younger brother and all the rest of it so that most of the guys are from that type of background hard working-class bicones correct preparation is the key to getting into the SAS ticket Bloxom in the Volks in in selection because it really you can go jacket you know couple others are soaking wet they can thought this is not for me they're no hardened you know that not decline but they've done an army it's just they're not mentally prepared one of the secrets to getting an ACS is to be a good soldier and you learn that in your battalion or your unit get your basic skills in you know your profession every one of those soldiers think they're good enough for the Special Air Service as you say there's no preparation I've done no soldiering read all the books they've seen you jumping through the embassy window and they think they're good enough preparing for selection means getting he'll fit basically the ability to navigate over tough terrain carrying a heavy Bergin with in punishing deadlines the SAS is based near he referred all candidates for selection must report to the barracks a day before the course begins it's the first time you'll get to size up the opposition the first morning it out and put it know you're standing there was 220 guys and I'm stood on the lane and I'm looking down this Lane and all I can see is modern berries yeah parties you know the stacks on I mean on big guys big boy he's like humming I love some huge guys there and I was the only Scott Scottsman there so I felt a bit but a place like some looking at own man and in that stage you do start sizing up other people you sent Jesus he's a big guy in on and these are know and you start getting a little better sense self-doubt and yourself at that time you know which i think is only natural because they're presently Luke or bigger than you SAS selection is designed to test the mental and physical endurance of candidates it's notoriously tough before you even start selection you must pass a basic army battle and combat fitness test okay listen n you're here because you think you're FET enough and a good enough soldier to join the SAS well that's what we're going to find out starting today you're going to do a CFT for those of you that's not in the infantry there's a combat fitness test it's an eight mile run car in your c4 Central European fighting order you'll have two hours to complete this run anyone who feels is obviously not fit enough to be a biscuit soldier let alone join the SES she'll be over here move over the next three weeks candidates have to do a series of marches over the Brecon Beacons vehicle extremely arduous routes are specifically picked to test physical stamina to the limits McLeod all candidates March with heavy bergen's carrying up to 55 pounds and have to demonstrate that they can push themselves to the limit but still navigate as if it's second nature good you happy where you going talk about what you're doing good getaway next day just go over here pick your bergen stone the ability of the SAS to march long distances carrying heavy loads into battle is legendary it's fundamental to the way the regiment operates especially on operations behind enemy lines you do these tubs the idea is you're walking the car the Oceaneer bike you get to where you're going you're going to be failing that's what's all that you know could be not heavy but again this it represents your food your water and your ammo so you're walking from EE be get their fight and then squit you know hopefully you know that's been sober at the ending Emilia the first two weeks consist of a series of hard marches for many candidates it's a shock both mentally and physically that this has to be overcome if you want to survive love is mental toughness you don't have that mental toughness and you're going be able to cope with a harsh episode and if you do how avenge it is not you've got you you know keep yourself going through the injuries in a lot of people are either with no preparation you've got you have that preparation in and and the boots that you're trained and there's the boots that you must wear you know for the selection process and if you try and put another pair of boots on it's going to rub your feet a bit but if you pick up injuries don't expect sympathy the best you can hope for is a dose of squaddie humor I was like I love it God buster but you get some whoops command in the 20 overs are hanging off to get big blisters and laughs I help remember there was one guy in the room and uh your bud give Robin his back you know I mean your total red flesh and they're all rusty yeah rusty zealous but just to think she to me in his white spirit you know in his ear and it's not just double the guy's bike you robbed it and it looks to a stuck pig and be all cuddled up in the car and I laugh like hell and this does it didn't even know what rusty which is doing it you pure badness you know but minute toughen up the skin a wee bit you know but I mean stupid we got well I mean defeat you could hear right you get looks is never car nobody in their life right so I mean you do you take the backup so it doesn't rub dead simple you don't get no budding bottoms and well the rest it yeah there's something like you know red red flash every day mean you lost it but week he was an agony but your life form you know selection tests the most basic of SAS skills the ability to navigate whilst under great physical and mental pressure they enclosed our film arena three five six one because most SAS operations occur at night you'll need excellent navigational skills SAS operations are undertaken with utmost secrecy so patrols avoid using roads and established routes they'll use navigational landmarks to move from feature to feature the SAS also use the latest technology to help them navigate GPS or Global Positioning System was developed by the US Defense Department it can pinpoint a user's position anywhere in the world another primary role when operating behind enemy lines is to act as a forward Air Command calling in airstrikes to take out enemy targets this this the target zero one six degrees direction 13.6 nautical miles three back the SAS has an ethos that is seemingly relaxed compared to other regiments for example elite units such as the Paris depend upon the discipline of rank structure to motivate recruits left afraid training staff are there to drive you beyond your limits through your feet yeah and both the commando brigade and the parachute Brigade you will not be allowed to given will be somebody honing you and beast in thrashing yellow the guards division as well you will not be allowed to give up Chris mark come on come on gather the clock in the SAS you are on your own when it comes to self discipline and motivation the men who watch and observe candidates through the rigors of selection act in a completely different manner to conventional military training staff so who are they the D s or directing staff are seasoned SAS soldiers they've spent at least six years in the regiment they live the reality of combat behind enemy lines and counterterrorism speed aggression and surprise of their training is in direct contradiction to the way the D s behave on selection it's a window on the way the regiment functions I think they know the main difference with a DES I think is that general at the early stage of solution they're not interested in your inner Slayers the sole lead bike you know that you know there should be horizontal you know on but I think that they do that intentionally to give you our own impression of them yo and Walken is give lectures with a jackets open you know and smoking cigarettes it's totally and military tape and personas that are showing you know it's just a number there and you know they're they're not bothered will you pass fear or Boston if flames did it just makes no difference to their lives they're just gonna carry on doing what you do good enough stuff lucky girl bit lethal get yourself in the back of the truck they're just around the corner stuff sorry stuff online person just get in the truck pick your weapon up properly you want again to the regiment well then should not show me no they're not going to say you're right come on make a move on you gotta show them that you want to get in and you're going to do that you buy your own self-determination you're on self-discipline after three weeks of the selection phase many of the candidates will have given up those that remain will be put through a series of extremely difficult marches which they have to complete within a strict time limit up until now candidates have left the course voluntarily but this is the first pass or fail hurdle that they face those that don't come up to scratch are immediately returned to their unit the need to march long distances is a tactical necessity for the SAS but what does an SAS patrolman take on an operation behind enemy lines the equipment that you carry is crucial to your combat effectiveness all of this is an example of what one man might carry rations spare ammunition for potential firefights spare batteries for radios and torches night sights claymores claymores were first used by the SS in Borneo they fire around 350 metal balls to a range of 100 meters threading any one in their way and are used by the SAS tactically for perimeter defense the final test week of the Welsh phase weeds out men who aren't physically fit enough to carry essential combat and survival equipment for long periods this culminates in endurance a 40-mile March carrying a 55-pound Burgin that must be completed within 20 hours the what they're looking for is that mental determination and self-discipline and strengthen main strength of character to continue when you get exhausted but your mind and your heart is telling you go through that barrier so they might after run up and is running on a monofin they'll hit the body of those our colleagues when you off the wall you're physically exhausted you're not know that reserves left in your body but they keep going because if their strength of determination or strength of well to get through that and keep going and you know when you're doing endurance for instance you're doing equivalent to two Marlins but during the previous four days you're doing probably a marathon every single day you're doing that mouth and with fifty five pound on your bike plus a temper and rifle and water on a belt cut around three-quarters of candidates don't survive the Welsh phase of selection those that do go on to the next stage jungle training during this phase those that remain will be trained and tested in the standard operating procedures of the regiment they will be observed at all times and assessed on how they perform and react to the intense training regimen jump in the jungle you don't know how you're going to react was it some people adapted straight away others absolutely hit it it's a very strange place to jungle you know if you could soldier in a jungle environment then you can base your soldier on any environment after World War two the SAS was reborn in the jungles of Malaya in the late 50s and 60s many of the tactical and operational skills used by the regiment were developed during jungle operations the remaining candidates are now divided into four-man patrols with a DES watching them constantly they now have to work as a team and learn the tactical procedures of the SAS the four-man Patrol is the basic operating unit of the SAS it's designed to be small enough to move quickly and covertly behind enemy lines but have sufficient firepower to be able to deal with an enemy contact a four-man Patrol always moves in a state of tactical alertness the trooper at the front of the Patrol is known as the lead scout based on the patrol commanders navigational instructions the lead scout or point man picks the best and most tactical route over terrain to the objective because he's more likely to confront the enemy first he's often armed with a weapon of considerable firepower the minimi is a light machine gun that acts as a squad support weapon it has a 200 round box magazine with a rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute it has proved it's worth to the SAS in the Gulf and Afghanistan each member of the Patrol is trying to watch and observe an arc of fire that is designed to protect the patrol whilst on the move during the jungle phase candidates must learn to move with stealth so they have the edge in a contact situation to this end the SAS employ a series of hand signals that help them communicate with each other silently alt down in the ground obstacle friendly enemy rocky listening move follow er the matters are on the vupoint lane or booby-trap water building I'm deuce left I'm boo straight learning to remain hidden communicate and operate tactically is one of a number of skills candidates must learn but there's much more you're working constantly during the whole period of daily yet allowing things all the time patrolling arm bushes demolitions cotton LS safes winding seats for choppers and form uncontacted to mine contract roles and you don't feel you're learning ever constantly all the time it's during the jungle phase the candidates learn one of the basic operational skills of the SAS intelligence gathering in warfare intelligence gathering is often the primary role of the SAS but to watch the enemy secretly or need a place to hide the SAS call these opiez or observation posts the SAS are experts at setting up oh please they're often constructed under cover of darkness and men can spend up to 28 days in position observing anomie the skill of gathering intelligence is just as crucial in urban and counterterrorism scenarios total patience an eye for detail and the ability to collate information on the enemy is the name of the game these are the critical prerequisites to mounting a successful operation the jungle phase of SAS training is an intense learning curve for candidates but coping with the environment could be just as hard the extreme conditions of the jungle makes this phase of training one of the most mentally demanding for potential recruits the heat humidity insects and Wildlife make it a completely inhospitable environment you're living in each other's pockets you put any air patrols and you're living with three other guys during that month in a jungle all the time he sleep together we drink and eat together he crapped together and you've got you two having in two so if you want to go for a cup then your bed buddy comes with you and he'll have a crap at the same time yeah so you can set having a conversation you know we say why not so you're doing that all then you become very intimate with them because the hard routine intense pressure to perform and jungle environment puts extreme mental strain on candidates if you have any emotional baggage then the long claustrophobic jungle nights will play havoc with your ability to deal with the intense training regimen required by the SAS all training is done under the watchful eye of the directing staff or D s the DSR watching to see whether candidates can operate in a four-man Patrol and that they have the natural ability to learn all the tactical and operational skills needed by the regiment at this stage the fate of the candidates is totally dependent on their teamwork and tactical ability these guys are coming in a squadron I've gotta be able to follow at all in the squadron and it's up to the D s to select the people under this you know the rules as they are and no favoritism just straight down the line do the job and because at the end of the day would you share a foxhole a trench with this guy in a ball and if you say well maybe not then see you he's no other mine for it but he ci then he's in contact drills are practiced constantly by candidates so that they can perfect this most essential combat skill of the former and patrol candidates use live rounds so there is no option of getting it wrong that was an absolute crap right it was terrible maybe that did yeah can we look do some training or something did something wrong when you get punished for a ball looking for it and you'll find that's when most people jack is in the morning yeah after they've had their that long period of time to to sit and contemplate what this is all about that's when the solitude there they're worried these seeds of dates documentary and mine was the guys gap in the morning playing off great but that's work you hand again no and they're not going to do after jungle training those candidates that remain return to he referred where they'll spend a month undergoing survival training once you finish that jungle phase then you know 75 percent of the way there we are you know a unit which operates behind enemy lines and there's a you know if you get carp ship then you're going to get interrogated and you've got to be able to escape and evade if you're a pumped up and you have a contact behind enemy lines where you lose some kind of casually if you might be able to get away from that and operate as an under vigil and survive and if you can't do that then they're not going to send you behind enemy lines they don't clean you know to to do saya SAS missions are highly dangerous there's always a chance you'll get bumped by the enemy and end up going on the run pursued by a hunter force experienced an extensive training of the secret to surviving on the run it's essential that each man carry their own personal survival kit this is my survival kit various cutting implements a wire saw this will cut through metal could also be used for other things as well the most important thing is a good sharp knife what the purification tablets a heliograph for signaling helicopters or aircraft bit of tweezers for removing thorns you leave them in too long then the lengths become poisonous you may carry some local come see some safety pins a little sewing set we're on the run for a while then your clothes start to deteriorate but encompass very important a silk sketch map this will be hidden on your body somewhere and you're going to run then you've a map of the area in the survival kit there are some unusual lifesavers condoms for water collection put inside a sock fill the coin down with water and the nice little carry-on bag got any water in a tampon very important that you open the car poor note striking Flint some alcohol wipes can't be used for quitting wounds but can also be used for later files some glycerin which you mix with potassium permanganate that's it for the my agony can also be used to sterilize your water this pea bite but keeps you alive as you can see a very violent reaction when these two chemicals are mixed together they should be used all in a survival situation and at no other time after three weeks candidates are made to go on the run all they're given is a basic survival kit and they're pursued by a hunter force at the end of this all candidates are captured and have to undergo interrogation to see if they can withstand psychological pressure hypno vision part of it is it's good it's interesting until you get captured yeah that mean and that's when the business start what on your feet these guys who have been hunter force they'd like nothing better than to grab all your potential sass guy and bit earlier during interrogation handed it's a deprived of sleep and placed in stress positions to increase the physical and mental hardship forget against the wall you know you're you're basically a tire I even knew sleep as well you know and you again start one your mind drifts off and you've got your mind it's got it drift off and when you're in a position against the wall it's quite surprising how you come to you comfortable you can become an art possession you know it looks torturous it's a mind game you know an ex-police Oliver interrogation is all about the best part is going getting taken for interrogation initially put your to two or three maybe four different quick interrogation techniques name Frank the co-pilot it would look up you know that it's going to the end where eyes of your cut for real you don't know when it's going to end so there's a bag obviously meant or released there Hey look at me what was it cause I use alright with that next ear you know 24 36 hours you know and you're finished okay so you've got that in the back yard head all the time you've also gotten a bike that ahead the kind of take you outside and put a bullet in your head because you know that as well where I was in the real situation you don't know that so mentally you can't do these things obviously to you but what they're trying to do is prepare you mentally so that you can withstand interrogation but they obviously going to the extremes which kind of carpets are obviously impossible for him to do that the interrogation phase is the last major hurdle candidates must overcome if they are to pass selection you need to demonstrate that you can handle the intense psychological pressure you've got the other thing that we never do know the interrogation but those keep mentioned be the Greymon you know don't draw attention to yourself nor this I mean when you mean stop against the wall for sex of nerves and you get these kids or question you you know you could try not debate interrogation is designed to explore the inner man it's no good being physically as hard as nails if your mental and emotional strengths a week showing any emotion at this stage the total failure because you might answer one simple question you waive this walk over and punch him in the throat but you can't you know then you get others you want to laugh with them cuz they're pathetic but you just could keep the deadpan face and just go through you know you said you wanna know there you go you know you gotta go budge magic you know one of the boys once they've completed this vase successfully candidates are ready to become part of the regiment the SAS call this getting badged when you get budged actually is I don't Eclair might you know and being a gardener myself I was expecting a big parade and marching bands and all the rest of it you know I think yeah but it wasn't quite like that I just they're going to see the RSM get taken up baton and we said okay well done throughs but berries across the desk and change the mover to get guards Barry off but the SAS Barry on the door that was that does they even shoot what Hinds once badged the existing rank from your parents unit can't be transferred to the regiment instead you become a trooper in the SAS there are four operational squadrons in the SAS a the D and G each has four troops with up to twelve men each troop specializes in an insertion skill air troop are experts in parachuting boat troop are experts in all sorts of amphibious work on the surface or below water mountain troop our winter warfare specialists experts in rock climbing skiing and tabbing over rough terrain and mobility true our transport professionals when it comes to vehicles motorbikes and heavy weapons a new trooper will join one of the four squadrons of the SAS for a new guy or crow it's just the beginning of a line of constant training and being ever ready to be called on operations you can be an arrangement 15-20 years and still not to hear Wow nobody's specific skill and you're learning different skills all the time BBA you know our dams course medical course signals course language course bodyguard course bodyguard instructors course and vehicle driving course vehicle maintenance courses diving courses in the analyst is endless he passed the likes me you're right she's this beginning the start your training your training your you didn't hear me you're just a name you know you're the news bloke in the squadron you've gotta learn it either and you remember in the first grade mean you're basically on probation for a year you know and then it's an ongoing system you learn another time the first thing a new trooper needs is a skill to make him an effective member of a four-man patrol the patrol acts as a self-contained unit behind enemy lines so each member has a skill that complements the others thus enhancing the team's effectiveness in an SAS patrol we normally have four basic skills Johnny Johnny zalewska and s operation he is also a linguist speaks serbo-croatian and French join Mike is ready operator is also a demolitions expert Pete he's a patrol medic is also trained sniper myself I'm patrol commander I'm a sniper specialist and a trained demolitionist all of these skills plus the firepower we have makes us a formidable force the patrol medic specialist skills are vital when a member of the unit gets injured Mac stepped on a blast mine that is shredded is leg behind enemy lines patrol medics customize their medical kit dependent on the size and nature of the mission the kit needs to be lightweight it's sophisticated enough to deal with all the injuries associated with combat here the priority is to stem the flow of the bleeding from the leg using sterile dressings the medic also needs to stop any chance of infection from dirt and debris from the mine blast the next priority is to get an intravenous drip into a vein before it collapses the final step involves using a simple key code to mark the casualties for her to help the extraction unit in Mack's case it's an M to denote he's been given morphine one of the first skills a new recruit learns is signalling signalers must be skilled in a variety of radio equipment as well as coding and decoding the communications equipment used by the regiment makes interception by an enemy impossible maintaining communication is vital to any military operation especially within the SAS information conveyed can be as varied as calling in an airstrike requesting extraction or passing on routine reports Fortune 3 Roger IP grid one six two five seven nine weapons training is crucial to the effectiveness of the regiment most infantry soldiers won't require a pistol during their conventional army career but in the SAS a huge amount of training and resources is spent on perfecting the use of a variety of weapons how you horn your skills you know how you learn pistol shooting and and the motive ammunition you get but you never had access to the normal infantry unit you know just going on the ranges you go and arrange you boxes and boxes of ammunition and so you can then practice and hone your skills to perfection but because you've got to the SAS trained constantly to give them the edge in all contact situations it's this level of training that makes a special forces unit there's all daddy's weight you know train hard fight easy and it has been proved yeah was noisy change the SAS mantra is speed aggression and surprise in contact situations because of the constant training and SAS soldier has a high degree of self belief in his ability this makes him far more effective in contact situations you do like basic pistol [ __ ] you do a ton you always turn towards enemy you know they make me find that you but you become the aggressor you know even though they've started final first and it's still psychology game again you'll beat them don't know who he was it he said but you got your cz inertia Evan get and click to them yeah take control the set years and you forget when you know unless using kryptonite they're not getting it correct cause your attitude yeah they got kryptonite night it's get amongst them you know you must believe in yourself go when the regiment ended the Iranian embassy siege in dramatic fashion their motto who dares wins was catapulted into the consciousness of the public you'd always been training for that paper job because though they certain media coverage after it I mean it put the regiment in the world's eyes really you know I mean the size of the selection straight after all their embassy sees me it was unreal with thousands of people what you go you know I just wink three windows of ropes and things you know we had all black it it was unreal you know whether in some respects it was kind of bad for the res Mike in some respects because you were hoping to see getting the wrong type of look at your client they're gone selection you know the white to be James Bond tape people nor the sort of rubbish you know but I'll just turn up and sit in the ditch and get wet and cold you know so I mean you'd say they're quite you know the SAS keep an entire squadron on permanent standby to deal with terrorism wherever it may arise each of the SAS squadrons take it in turns to cover counterterrorism duties split into two teams red and blue each team takes it in turns to be on thirty minute and three hours standby anti-terrorism training is unique to the regiment all new recruits have to be trained in the role it requires speed and tremendous teamwork when getting to grips with a vast array of new equipment and technology for any regular soldier counterterrorism training will be completely new you're a new recruit you know you don't know I haven't got a clue what's going on what the equipment has what's what's happening you know and so I mean all scenario you end up as a lot of money you know and assault him so you end up at the bottom of the ladder you know again so and which is only fair and right because you don't know what the business is CQB or close quarter battle is a combat skill developed by the regiment members of the counterterrorism team spend endless hours in the killing house a specially constructed building designed to practice their techniques The Killing has has specially designed a bullet absorbent walls because the soldiers use live rounds sniper possession is just 10-15 years forward here yeah it happens what yet no problem ok them the anti-terrorism team consists of two groups the main assault group and the sniper group the two teams exercise independently but cross-training does occur a high degree of dedication and discipline goes into becoming an expert shot in a hostage rescue situation members of both groups of the team must have the ability to shoot from any position in any environment because of this SAS soldiers trained to identify and confirm targets then act rapidly because of the multiple roles of the regiment with its myriad of special insertion skills continuation training involves the learning of new skills at a phenomenal rate it's like playing the top football team is always fresh blood coming in her all a good high standard and they're always pushing you you've got it compete with these guys all the time that's why during the selection process they're looking for guys with self-discipline so that the new band again that can install maintain that self-discipline if they're not level of fitness for for any old you may be working alongside the cream of the British Army but you're always under total scrutiny right you're more underneath the team magnifying glass in the squadron we are determined you know he's there going through the slicing process because you're like you couldn't be working with the guys you know utilize that to bend you know present it this happened you do get lured one or two it sort of get through the cracks you know and then you get the glaze here to get the squadron goes to the head and there's happened a few very squadrons in the last free month they get dead yeah you know where it's see I hope did you see don't own misbehavior are there and the squad must behavior you know bye-bye yep don't come back the best thing to do when you get in this squadron urges no keep your head down keep your mouth shut and and as absorb all that information he's been giving us in one lesson and learn continue to be you know I'd be the gray mind on just you know and people talk to you talk to them you know yeah you want make sure you they haven't aim and you know that you do the business another role with the SAS is close protection the regiment has provided bodyguards for VIPs both in the UK and abroad for a highly trained soldier to operate in a civilian theater involves the mastering of yet another specialist skill go well Sam is soldiering in military clothes just a different type of uniform yeah yep doing a job and your dinner I'm not at all and you've been asked to bodyguard somebody then you'll do that will it definitely be instead of wearing camouflage gear or kalytero skier you're wearing service depending on the threat assessment the team may need to be heavily armed when bodyguarding of VIP often these weapons have to be concealed the SAS employ a variety of techniques when protecting a VIP and practice these as a series of foot drills but I was driving in convoy the team's a specialist defensive and evasive driving techniques to protect the VIP but for a hardened soldier this role was far from glamorous board is boarding it is brought in from here from the point of view that there no you're the half the time you spent site doing nothing well you're your VIP is hauled away somewhere and you know you know forever if you know 10 15 20 minutes of activity you've besides I'm for it you know 11 hours so it's a quite a boring job but once again and it's a job you got to keep yourself all out art and and it's you're a professional you know that's what you are you're a professional soldier and view us to do that rule and once again you'll do that at all to the best see and ability and you might not like doing it but you've drawn the short straw you've got you're going do this so you're going to do it and get on where because of the multiple roles of the SAS the regiment has to be on constant standby to deal with terrorism and go on operations behind enemy lines the ethos of the SAS is to train hard to fight easy this is vital if the regiment is to be constantly ready to fulfill its role in combat historically the regiment has been deployed in conflicts throughout the world the Falklands Bosnia and recently Afghanistan and the two Gulf Wars but what is it like when all that trailer is put into a real contact situation the fact that you've passed selection and you've came from whoever unit if you've arrived from doesn't then select your ok late this guy's gonna react this way when the bullet start wasn't toward him they can react totally the opposite way they can hit the deck and not want to get on with but do you would hope bear and you know that because of what he's went through and all that he's going to get up and fight with you and and that that's what it hoped but at the end of the day until you come under fire you no effective enemy fire as a coin and then you can't judge how you gonna react yourself yeah but nobody does that still you get sure you know I mean you can show you so you know you so you get don't lose your memory training ha you know you know don't crawl move you know rather fast you know when you go what up it's common sense but you remember your basic treason you know that's what it's all about it's like a car crash I suppose it's you don't want to be in it but it happens it happen so quick and then it before you know it's over a few sayings of ten minutes and it's happened the whole thing is about your sustaining you know and people say evolve your friend but you're not because you're totally concentrating on what you're going to do and you're thinking about the operation what's happening and you're reacting to that so you haven't attained to be frightened of you threatening end up dead because you're going to be slow its afterwards when you when you finish the coin type then you may sit there and you might think oh nothing about Coursera Johnny Budz nothing and you'll set never ever Chantell about it and then it that thing because there'd Rennell and starting to fall out you know you know your body and you know you lose nut adrenaline rush that you hired an initial contact that is when you may feel a lot prehension another old warriors do you know what went on you kind of think about your enemy all you think about is that if he's put the fire down against you you're gonna take em out cuts have any emotion about it once again is through the training and the discipline and your reactions is of somebody shooting a gun at you you're going to get up here and you're going to shoot the gun back and you're going to kill them although by necessity the SAS is a secretive regiment everything it does has to come under army rules and regulations SAS soldiers are under the same rule of law as any British citizen every time a weapon is fired in action it has to be legally justified those are conception I believe you know through various programs has been on and our that we had a bunch of thugs you know and and in some sense you know that apply the army but we are not but far from it we are soldiers disciplined soldiers and were far from thugs we we operate under orders we were complying the mushrooms to the best of our belly will get on and do the job but everything we do we stole responsible for it we still fall under army rules and regulations on civil law the formidable fighting assets of the SAS means that the regiment is constantly deployed on operations the men who serve within the regiment have to make great personal sacrifices at the end of the day that the paestum of the harvest possession of any player and nourishment is the waves and the children they're the people whose I would say the short end of the stick because you know they're you're doing your business and you're confident and you're able to do your job you know as well as the next guy you know but they're established sight they're up in your weed and ops there who are you know maybe not as confident as you are in yourself and they're and it's them it's got the worries and the stress is in a strange of you know one worrying about you being a way to looking after the kids well you know we're running the house and looking after all that say so that know your way from you know are the waves of the guys I've got probably a lot more stress and strain and pressure than the guys themselves could somewhere away they're doing what they do and the waves of sight bucket warmer and don't forget it's not a Marek cook waters like a normal Mike was a guy isn't definite parts they tell in living in their own little houses yeah yeah and so there were people with their stress in the water the life of an SAS trooper can put enormous pressures on relationships and lead to family breakdowns if also is very high V Evan you've got to have a strong wife and you've got have a strong marriage and if you don't have that then it won't it won't last people get divorced for various reasons but I mean a lot of it divorces happen because the woman just can't handle the pressure anymore under the stress because in some cases are especially in a lot of day I mean the guys are away all the time you know I know that cause Leo we're here on operations and so it's very very difficult form to be a part of the regiment is a great honor to the men who serve within it but life after the regiment can be the biggest battle they have to face well first of all I don't think the regiment prepared the guys well enough for getting out in history street when they were leaving especially up until I would say up until the early 90s when they actually started to look at what guys we're going to do when they go out and you've got the guys at 40 years old they're getting gonna any savvy street still a young vet men who have been discarded by and the regiment and the army it's difficult for people to readjust but well for some people these delica fault marriages a lot of them come back to Syria same you see you get some looks you know the banana see 20/20 ogia and one minute there's a certain major or someone there next minute they're back to square one again because you couldn't save you straight you know you're no longer the big cheese and some people can't accept it you know they got a job they think oh I'm still sad major hey hang on Jimmy you know you little bottom the pile this is my Twitter were yesterday today you know a civvy again you're back at the bottom the pile you know but what does a highly trained soldier the elite of the British Army do when he becomes a civilian many go on to the circuit a euphemism for a variety of organizations who provide security for big businesses all over the world well first of all I worked in the Middle East there for a year there was a captain or allamani police force and I left there and went to work in southern Africa for the World Wildlife Fund training anti-poaching unit said I was operational manager for some security companies over there the operational director came back to the UK and I started working offshore when I was out I got an offshore land and construction vessels they didn't in the oil fields there's a postman delivered meal laughs that because the customer steps for crap and and I was laboring uh but I was laboring up until I went on the SS are you tough enough how the pub of dug ditches I'll put new roofs on people's houses where else well though BG but look after seven people so at the end of the date or a bit because you leave the SES doesn't give you any god-given right to to you know a decent job on R&R top class any income you know you end of the day when you leave the SES here as join Singh just must've stolen in our great big world and a lot of the skills you have are defunct of useless within a normal civilian theater a career in the SAS is an intoxicating combination of danger excitement and incomparable esprit de corps of what kind of lasting impression does it leave I think anybody who served in it he sets the joy I don't miss it one bit is laying because it is it is Eddie says a good analogy is a top-class football player do you miss school in the FA Cup final winning goal of course you do you know it's excitement and the buzz of doing it and you do enjoy and you look back and it it's a very personal type of excitement which you know for the rest of your life you'll probably never latina again we have con defend which are extraordinary but ended it's men that do it join my Eddystone etc said it just before men that do it you do think of other fork can only read a vote or watching the TV we actually have done it well of course you mess it yeah over the course of this series we've recreated a variety of fictional scenarios through which we've revealed the secrets that have kept these men alive in the elite fighting force that is the SAS we've shown their unique infiltration skills and intelligence gathering roll behind enemy lines and we've looked at how they conduct a raid on an enemy target we've witnessed the combat tactics that a four-man patrol used during contact with the enemy la night we've learned how the SAS survives brutal interrogation after being captured you're not doing yourself any favors this is Charlie one name ready for pickup ready for pickup we've also seen how they escape and evade and use their survival skills to stay alive in hostile territory against tremendous odds but we've also seen the SAS in other roles such as providing high-level VIP protection we've looked at the training planning technology and tactics used by the SAS when in a pod regarding role shut it and we've examined what happens when the SAS is called in to rescue hostages in a similar scenario to that of the Iranian embassy siege all of these survival secrets are what makes the SAS the elite amongst all the special forces in the world you
Channel: Tompa531
Views: 1,752,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sas, survival, secrets, eddie, stone, john, macaleese, mac, special, forces, air, service, the, regiment, scenario, selection, full, episode, army, military
Id: RXaN3skrV_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2011
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