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this is Tate's best friend I've been around tight more than anyone else outside his family last five years he's lived in my house you know I've lived in his house we've traveled together who is Sartorius try to avoid that question you asked it twice who is the real date do you think that jail has changed when type was released I did crying quite heavily yeah well it's yeah I care about those brothers so it was an amazing moment to see them come out um you said that you had some exciting updates that have yet to be shared online yes indeed so you live a nice life you came here in a nice Ferrari if you had to say the top three qualities that you had to instead of yourself to reach that level what would you say those being two points are for you how exactly you meet and were you planning on being with him by the time he got arrested when he went in prison everyone's like oh do you think you'll get run up on if his cellmate starts trouble I feel sorry for the selfie how is your life changed since you've joined Islam is the incredible orator he speaks so well how did you do that how does he speak that word you were always the guy in the background why did Andrew choose you to be his closest when I started spending time with the Tates at first man it was exhausting would you take a bullet for him I've only ever seen Tate chill once and I can tell you the story I haven't told it before I've had consequences I've had people make threats against my family foreign [Applause] [Music] the podcast where we discuss business personal finance self-improvement and happiness today we have a very special guest Joel aka the Sartorius future Joe thank you so much for coming it's a pleasure brother thank you I really appreciate you taking this invite I know you're a very private guy if extremely private if I may say and today he's coming here to tell us a bit about who he is this is Tate's best friend to quotate exact words the closest thing I have to family that isn't family damn so this is a very it's gonna be very interesting he has some updates that have never been said before about Andrew Tate as well which we're going to hear as exclusive on the show so really appreciate you coming on here today brother I hope that we can talk a bit about the truth and about um your story where you came from why did Tate choose you out of everybody in the world to become this close to him and I know that Andrew is somebody who doesn't trust people easily I think that's the truth right so let's talk about satorial shooter who is Sartorius shooter all right brother so first of all to address the the Privacy thing I was always the guy in the background with Tate and I was happy with that yeah I was saying no consistently to you know podcast requests and the like I've changed that stance simply because I I strongly on a deep level believe and I see the positive impact Tate has in his various products and you know the communities that he's built I see the positive benefit Tate has on Humanity like it's a pretty big picture thing yeah and so while I prefer being private I mean yes I have fun on Instagram I show cars and lifestyle whatever but I haven't actually spoken that much over the last last few weeks I've changed that because while my privacy is important to me and indeed professionally it's not that useful for me to be you know out there out of Brotherhood for Tate and also out of a strong belief in in the importance of speaking truth I think it's a pretty important thing I need to speak up and because I've seen I've been around tape more than anyone else outside his family last five years literally hundreds of days he's lived in my house you know I've lived in his house we've traveled together it is my duty as a man who cares about Humanity yeah and who is committed in the fight against shaytan let's be real there's a lot of satanic agendas being pushed with all this liberal religion of wokism it's my duty to accept that I'll sacrifice the Privacy thing and come out and go loud so I'm going going very loud are you even sitting here talking to you I mean there are risks involved in there there are negatives but the positives greatly outweigh that if I can help tape you know my my brother from another mother in any way then of course I'll do that that's that's what that's what products are about right nice yeah I agree so who is Sartorius I try to avoid that question you asked it twice I'm Australian I grew up in Oz I joined the army as soon as I was legally able to started as a soldier uh went overseas they found out that I was good at languages I was brought into another specialist area I learned a bunch of other languages and then I saw a lot of the world which is great it did various tasks um and joined the private security sector which I've been in for the last 15 years and Middle East space so I've lived in Iran for two and a half years lived in Syria I've been to uh okay how's your fussy it's okay okay yes I do yes I do yeah yeah it's unusual it's a good party trick people don't believe it so yeah actually I just to have fun when I was in Iran because the way I look no one would think that I speak Farsi and the amount of times I I'd play little pranks for example I'd walk into a shop looking to buy a carpet you know traditional Iranian experience and they'd say you know in a playful way ah look this guy looks like he's got some cash let's give him a nice you know not nice price yeah referring to the fact that yeah yeah yeah but in first you think you don't understand so I'd play the dumb tourist and I'd okay this one's nice that one's nice and then right at the end I drop in Street fasting not formal fussy Brothers you know I may be a foreigner but I'd like a local price can we make that happen and just watching their face go wide I used to have a lot of fun with it definitely um yeah lived in Syria as well a lot of time in Iraq um a lot of times I've been yeah yeah fantastic so much history in that country and I really have a lot of Iraqi friends very close friends I really do feel for the the struggle that country's been through and I genuinely pray that life gets easier for Iraqis you know going forward has not been an easy few a few decades right 100 the worst thing is they claim that they came there to give them Freedom they just that's I mean that's a deep discussion brother yeah indeed I um I think the the military-industrial complex is real I think the the endless war phenomenon that we see is real and what hurts me is seeing desperately poor countries and non-combatants specifically in in desperately poor countries suffering as a result of you know the military-industrial complex and if we want to talk about zakat there's a cat that I try to give to or do give the most is non-combatants uh in in war zones I mean when I was uh we can talk a little bit about what I do I was I was evacuating our families out of um Ukraine when the war started bringing out dozens and dozens of families young children man young you know and they've got a backpack on the same backpack you'd see kids go to school in Dubai with but instead their whole life's in their backpack you know and children after children little ones babies women to me that's the saddest part of of war and I personally again I'm not going to talk too much about my background I'm not the sort of guy who needs to do that out of professionalism but I don't think there's much Glory or honor in in modern day War I mean of course I respect the soldier who fights what he believes in but when you see the repercussions of modern day conflicts and you see so many non-combatants the little people getting affected man it's heartbreaking yeah and so that that's the area that I try and give zakat to that women and children in war zones and also Tates Tates are getting a lot more public about their their philanthropy I've seen some of you you have a video recently where you were like feeding 2 000 people and apparently Andrew Anderson had donated in that yeah they've been giving a lot for a long time the only difference is now Andrew's like not go public he's been really active in many different ways but now he's I think also as part of becoming Muslim he's yes there's an argument that zakat should be quiet I get that but if you're a public figure and a role model for many and you're giving zakat I think you should show it because it inspires other people to do it and also he's actually hired somebody he's hides some somebody with relevant experience to go and find useful Charities to give to that's how he that's how committed he is he's hired someone full time and said you are now in charge of my charitable initiatives it's beautiful so you'll see a lot more of that from him amazing yeah so guys if you don't know zakat is basically the Muslim kind of uh charity thing that it's called zakat which is basically paying a portion of our wealth or our income over the year to Charities also it's interesting that you said about the kids because you know there's this quote which is like I don't know who won the war but I know who paid the price you know it's a video for all these kids you know so true because uh none of the day like you know Iraq and Iran Iran has the fourth most oil in the world and Iraq has the fifth and they had so much potential but then you know war and this and that and now they can't you know sanctions and it feels a bit unjust you know sometimes I think it's deeply unjust yeah and again I I I steer clear of talking about politics especially when there's a microphone in my face but uh what we can talk about is the fact that many many many like man if anyone's living in the west if you've got a western passport and you gotta you know you're not hungry you're doing well yeah and so whenever I see westerners or people in the first world complaining complaining about anything yeah they need to spend a bit of time in the countries where I built my career there's so many people including non-combatants women and children are suffering on a day-to-day basis again if you've got that Western passport and you're going to bed not hungry and and you know you have safety these sorts of things you should wake up every day and be aggressively grateful for what you've got and so yeah I really when my kids are a bit I've got an eight-year-old daughter ten-year-old son when they hit their early teens I want to take them to some of these you know in a safe way yeah really really really poor places and say look see that guy there whether whether we're talking you know somewhere in Africa or you know somewhere remote in India that individual could work their whole life and not have the opportunities you have so as someone born in the western world one you've got zero reason to be negative about anything you know and two you better achieve if you've been born with such opportunities you better fulfill those opportunities so that's something I'm pretty passionate about damn yeah honestly you should do that it'd be very eye-opening I think for them and me exactly help them grow a lot so why were you in Iran and Iraq I keep trying to talk away from me and you keep bringing him back I don't want to just ask about Andrew you know a lot of people might have got a podcast and just ask you for the test I'm trying to get I'm happy so I'm a trained um investigator and you're pursuing the line of questioning towards logical conclusion so Props to you mate so yeah I I was in the private security sector which means many things um in the past I've worked as a bodyguard I've worked as the individual who you know does Security reviews and comes up with mitigation measures for for Mega facilities for large projects so CCTV you know guard orders Access Control I've dealt with kidnaps uh dealt with many evacuations yeah Arab Spring was a very busy time for me and also a lot of Investigations as well so dealing with people who make threats like a private investigator okay yeah there's a bit of that yeah but now now I'm at the point where it's it's management so I will deploy to certain countries if I need to for example with Ukraine um you're there presently yeah yeah indeed but for the most part I manage different specialists around the world and it's it's very meaningful work I mean no there's not much I think people think like being a bodyguard or something like that is somehow glamorous it's not it's it's long hours and and it's pretty dull but when you do things like when you resolve a kidnap case you get someone back to their family when you conduct evacuations you get people out of War zones it is very meaningful so I'm very grateful for for that line of work yeah it's interesting because you say it's fulfilling and they did a survey I didn't interview it like I don't know there's a lot of people and basically they ask them what is your job now and they ask them what would be a fulfilling job and for the fulfilling job a lot of the people on the survey said something like fireman or a doctor or a soldier in the military and they found that this that the correlation between all these jobs was a certain level of pain interesting some struggle yeah it's interesting it's so interesting that we think that our whole lives were trying to avoid it but actually pain and sometimes what brings us the most fulfillment and the way I put it is especially as a man you know we need that sense of mission you know a bit of risk I think the key thing is we need quality problems yeah and I think that's the if you want quality problems dealt with with menu respect yeah that sums up all of those lines of work which are quite satisfying and if you bring in a bit of risk and if you bring in you know a bit of a bit of hardship getting out in the field you know not not eating right or sleeping right for a while then coming back you really do appreciate clean clothes yeah I mean I won't say Full Belly because I'm fasting because I'm hungry now but you really feel better yeah you appreciate the smaller things definitely and I think it's I'm very blessed to have meaningful work in my life I think it's a real form of wealth I know a lot of people who just have money but they haven't had that struggle they haven't had that sense of of Brotherhood and they don't have quality problems in their lives let's say again with respect let's say you're a Trader and your job is to sit in front of a screen and trade yeah I would never want that existence you give me all the money in the world what have you done what have you contributed you know what I mean I I'm very grateful for a line of work where I'm making a real impact on on the people that I serve yeah and the so brothers that I work with we go through some challenging stuff and then we have clear wins nice I I choose my existence over being a billionaire Trader any day nice and I like that you said it's about having quality problems because people think that a life without power is what they want but a life without problems the life of the happiness because Happiness is when you solve problems the term happiness I I take some objection with that I think this is My Philosophy yeah I'm all very overdue it I think happiness comes and goes I mean it's a mood and this is something Tate talks about very clearly as well whereas fulfillment that that's something to aim for us it doesn't matter how you feel I think discipline I often say discipline decisions daily and that's something I learned from Tate Tate puts in a certain amount of reps with a certain amount of weight every day yeah regardless of how he feels regardless I mean thankfully we don't drink anymore which I'm very happy about alhamdulillah but even before when there was all night drinking two hours sleep off to the gym as soon as you wake up well like just that that discipline doing meaningful work having people you you want around you none of this really to me ties into happiness yeah but it does tie into fulfillment so that's my goal I don't care about my mood I don't care about my emotions I want to wake up every day saying every part of my reality is is what I want it to be yeah humble in a very blessed materially Amazing Friends meaningful work I'm I'm fulfilled I know that I'm making the right decisions in my life so I I don't I don't use the word happiness yeah no I agree with that it makes sense a lot of sense just using that as like an umbrella but actually yeah you're right water chasing is not happiness because happiness just like a short-term freezing and you can get happiness you can get happiness from Hedonism you can get happiness from from unhealthy ways yeah you can't get fulfillment from drugs you can't get fulfillment from from Heaven the long-term kind of uh peaceful feeling exactly and that's what that's why I'm grateful to have discovered Islam if you're seeking a really fulfilling existence and you don't have a relationship with God you don't have somewhere you can go and forget all the problems of Donaire of the world and and speak to the you know what you perceive to be the higher force in the world and to have that extra element below the material on the surface then I think you're really missing missing a trick so I don't think it's possible to have real fulfillment without structure without strong faith yeah I really believe that yeah honestly because I remember for me as a kid I always said like I want to have did anyone have financial success uh personal and spiritual you know I think you need you need all three without spiritually you're living a life of malice and you're just waiting to die and you're missing you're missing out on a real core part of The Human Experience right I tell people sometimes listen you don't believe that God exists but in in if you're going to live a life and you know that having a God just outweighs not having a god 10 times why would you not just have someone there that you can believe in you know what I mean man show me a fulfilled atheist I'm yet to meet one true they tend to be pretty grumpy they're always pretty unhappy yeah and angry at the world and spending a lot of time on Twitter and on debates exactly exactly sure they're just fighting right so we're gonna talk about you're always the guy in the background and recently decided to come out I wanted to ask you why did Andrew choose you to be his closest interesting question um I I think with people like Andrew and I and indeed a lot of I'd say that the men who were you know really doing well in in all different areas of life there's a value economy yeah I'm not Andrew's friend because I make good jokes oh you know I take good selfies or something I add value to his life I had value to his life and he adds value to mine now if we want to break that down what are the different ways you can add value to someone's life typically it'd be practical value yeah I mean the way you've built what you've built you told me you bring you know people who come in and they don't know the city you show them the city you you introduce them to good people so you're adding value to them yeah 100 they then add value to you by coming on your podcast because everyone wins there's similar Dynamic I think with all of the the you know people at the Top If You Will in in their fields I added value to to his life in numerous ways um and he added a lot of value so I've learned a lot from Andrew he's added a lot of value to pretty much every area of my life yeah he is really he's an incredible orator he speaks so well he channels incredible insights it's a tricky one I think he has a very strong intellect from his dad but his dad wasn't just smart his dad was very intense and very clear on principles and very driven to find truth and so Andrew came in and his dad was very masculine very driven and Andrew's dead imparted that drive into his son and to both of them Andrew and Tristan Tristan has an incredible intellect as well true I really hope Tristan chooses to speak out more because his his insights in The Human Condition his view of the world is incredible to listen they're both very and very different in their their intelligence as well as guys but from an early age they had a role model who was very masculine very principled very driven for truth very much rejecting the programming of society their dad from an early age taught them governments aren't necessarily in your favor modern day culture doesn't necessarily want the best for you or you know all these different things so they almost I don't want to say took the red pill but they they from an early age they thought with their own minds as opposed to what Society was telling them to think and so at the earliest of age they were analyzing what they saw around them and you bring that into you know adulthood that's someone who has a lot of a lot of learning and a lot of insights to share and I really do believe I mean I don't want to say anything that's uh inappropriate but I believe Andrew has a level of insight that is so rare you could classify him as some sort of messenger I don't necessarily mean in a religious sense I don't say anything that's shirk obviously yeah but I think the amount of insights that Andrew channels has the real potential to help Humanity on a very deep level we have this religion of vocalism we have all this modern degeneracy especially now that Andrew has found Islam and is more and more reflecting on what what matters in life and how to live a good life and inspiring people and leaving a legacy on Humanity like Andrew has the the ears of the youth right and how you shape the youth is is how you shape Humanity you know these people will become Future Leaders so he's very much aware of the fact that it's now his duty with you know the insights he was given from his dad and all he's learned over the years and of course you know Guided by by his faith to leave a very clear and very positive impact on humanity and that's why I support him so strongly look I like Andrew he's my bro but the reason why I'm going public the reason why I will literally sacrifice pretty much anything in my life to support him isn't just because he's my bro it's because I see the importance and the positivity of his message and and how that has such an important role to play when humanity is at a real Crossroads there are so many different influences trying to push Humanity towards bless you know towards the generacy towards Hedonism you know push push away from traditional gender roles which I think are very important that leads to fulfillment as we're talking about that want to make men docile and cheap and make women masculine and inherently unfulfilled Andrew's words have the potential to offset all of that negative Direction yeah and I think it's very important that's that's why I'm here but to answer your question brother why did Andrew choose me I added value first practically in numerous ways I I have a very particular set of skills you know built over a long career yeah if you know that quote so I hope practically in numerous ways but then it became a Brotherhood thing and so he uses me as a sounding board for for many of his you know I mean Andrew's Andrew no one's managing Andrew people say I'm his manager no one is managing Andrew spend some time with Andrew no one manages him but what he does like is is to bounce ideas off those he trusts so I am that guy you know obviously Tristan yeah exactly exactly and so he values the the insights I have and the perspective I bring is risk I mean I have a master's degree in Risk Management really um yeah I've been to about 90 countries and worked in pretty much every active war zone over the last 15 years so I understand risk pretty well um and as someone who's you know in the past protected very high profile people I understand the physical security piece too so I can add value that way but also the Brotherhood thing and just having someone who you feel you can trust and you can really connect with and speak openly with he values that yeah and so I think that's why he's chosen me it was a very slow process yeah he actually admitted for the first year of our of our friendship he didn't fully trust me so he was doing his research on Me based on my mannerisms based on you know what I said how I conducted myself before he fully trusted me and I think all men should be like that yeah who you let Into Your Inner Circle was is a very a man should conceptualize they need to be very careful have a most important have a tight Circle don't don't have a lot of people in your home you know and really vet those friends so that you know you can rely on them to the end for me 100 hands down by far the most important action that had the most impact in my life was cutting out a lot of my friends awesome and how old are you I'm 20 now wow man see a lot of people don't realize that until it's too late and they're in their 30s or 40s like that's fantastic it's often the hardest thing to do because you know sometimes these are the people that you grew up with they might have been there for you during a lot of hard times but at the end of the day where you're going in life you have you have to know where you're going and you know they say show me your friends I'll show you my future other friends around you are they on that same Mission and how well are they doing at that you know what I mean fantastic I think it's a frequency thing too I haven't quite got my head around this but when I started spending time with the Tates at first man it was exhausting okay like that they don't sleep much I mean back then there was a lot of drinking train takes train three days three times a day as normal Max intensity like they just hit it all the time same they'll train the same muscle groups every day for like 10 days in a row which is this intense constant output constant work zero chill at first that was exhausting he's in great shape now he yeah that's it people's trying to say he takes steroids I know Tate Tate couldn't be bothered taking steroids yeah like you just know he doesn't take anything sir anyways he doesn't know any drugs so why would he why would he put why would he put like no principles most important you know like I mean he's not going to do something that's gonna worry about having he won't he won't be able to have kids later or stuff like that you would never risk that exactly on principle he'd never touched um any any forms of steroid but also Dame he couldn't be bothered yeah like literally he couldn't be he's got money to make he's got he's not going to measure out certain drugs and put it in his body wouldn't do that he's always working he's like Relentless exactly and bro with training too he smashes himself all the time Max intensity every day and he's naturally very muscular so of course he's gonna look good um but yeah those first few um times that I'd spend like a week with Tates I'd need a week or two to recover yeah exhausted whereas over the years I developed my stress capacity I I or capacity to deal with stress I developed my inherent hunger to win every day yeah I developed my ability to operate on little sleep and so I picked up my frequency so that now when I'm rolling with the Tates I don't get tired and if anything if I'm not at that level of frequency of output of training of conquest of learning of developing of winning every day I almost feel like something's missing so to your point yeah the friends you have around you the frequency they're at will either lift you up or pull you down and my example the tits is perfect I used to get tired I used to be stressed that's all gone now because I've been around those guys so much and they don't have any capacity for tiredness or stress I was there when Tate was in the midst of cancellation he was losing his social media he was losing his banking his payment processes his websites everything journalists were coming after him journalists were coming after his family zero stress bro I was there zero stress yeah like he was frustrated but he wasn't he wasn't concerned he wasn't stressed he wasn't scared unfazed he's like this is what okay this is these are the pieces on the chessboard what's my next move genuine resilience genuine stress capacity you know capacity to deal with stress when you're around that sort of thing it's going to pick up your ability to do the same so yeah selecting the right men for your your tribe your circle because we're pack animals we're not designed to be lone wolves getting that home together oh yeah exactly getting that high frequency tribe around you is super important for your own success yeah that's very interesting question would you take a bullet for him Andrew I mean look I'd prefer to um to resolve the situation before it came to that and that's I mean a lot of people when it comes to executive protection they think it's about you know bring bring out a weapon and shooting people if you are at the point where you need to reach for your weapon you've already made a series of mistakes Andrew himself he's a hard target he's pretty aware himself yeah I'm not concerned for Andrew's physics done exactly as far as principles go as far as people who are protected by bodyguards he's pretty switched himself and man's got hands yeah when he went in prison everyone's like oh do you think he'll get run up on what if your cell mate starts like if your cellmate starts trouble I feel sorry for the cellmate true Tate is is seriously he probably ran that prison that's even so interesting to talk about I bet he went in there it's really weird like listen you're gonna be this guy like he probably made like a bit of an army as I understand it he he's very good at building relationships and you know real recognizes real in places like prison as I understand it he was he was well respected and he built relationships well with the other people I was gonna ask you actually like were you planning on being with him in Romania by the by the time he got arrested and or like why weren't you there I didn't know they were going Romania okay actually I think as I understand it that was a just a quick decision to do that um for Christmas I think it was something right yeah exactly exactly um so yeah I've been to Romania a lot I've been in in their houses and this is why when everyone says oh they're trafficking this and that I've been with them in Romania I've seen women I've seen the parties trust me the only challenge that the Tates face in regards to women is getting women to leave there's no there's no desire or logical reason for him to detain anybody it's simply not real and so that's why the truth will come out my personal estimate is another couple of months at the end of the day this this investigation process has been going for pretty much a year now and I understand as a former guy who worked for you know the Australian military and right other areas of of my country I understand the investigations take time yeah but the truth is the truth the truth is the truth and these guys are going to be released and they are going to be found they're either not going to be charged because it's just the credibility of those making the allegations which is not there and there's a lot of evidence to show that their Tates didn't do this sort of thing and logically it just doesn't stand up uh or they'll be charged and then found innocent in in a judicial process you know that that's they are the only one we're expecting to see them completely free I believe I believe a couple of months I really do inshallah I really do because the truth is the truth man yeah and again I can understand why various judicial bodies in Romania would investigate based on the lies they were told but the truth is still the truth and the investigative process or the judicial process will demonstrate that the tax will be completely free all the haters are going to lose their mind but again the truth is the truth and inshallah I'd say my best bet couple of months sounds a bit weird the fact that they do this thing called preventative arrest and they keep someone six months they're allowed up to six months inside while they're just fine yeah it's kind of like guilty until proven innocent you know what I mean right yeah again I mean I'm not a lawyer and I'm not right in on it you know I don't communicate with their lawyers um I'm again I'm the mate I'm not in any official capacity representing them I'm speaking up because I care about these guys and I as I said I believe their message is incredibly important um on a personal level I think preventative detention is something that you could argue is is unethical but also professionally speaking I mean what right do I have to judge that country and its laws yeah you know that so that's it's not really something I need to comment on I do think it's a scary thought that you could be held right now we want the Romanian government to be happy with us exactly I think it's a scary thought that you could be detained for months based on lies but the reality is those two brothers just did three months in pretty you know in in a prison that's not exactly five star for something they didn't do personally I find that to be terrifying and and I give them a lot of respect for staying stoic and staying level-headed throughout the process but can you imagine doing three months in prison for something you didn't do true for something that came about based on absolute lies and audio requires are getting impounded and at the same time and yeah I mean yeah as I understand it the cars all that stuff doesn't matter what matters is clearing the name and the truth being known but um Man to answer your question I think the idea preventative arrest is pretty pretty scary but the truth is the truth and the truth will win and the brothers will be out soon inshallah the truth is like a lion no one has protected that's a quote from our sahaba of the Prophet anyways um so who is the real Tate and do you think that jail has changed him who is the real Tate okay so I mean as someone who's in his inner circle I know him pretty well the real tape when it comes to daily interactions is very respectful very logical never once have I seen him angry not once I mean he's he's pretty vibrant when he's in front of the camera but on a personal level he has such control over his emotions I've never even once seen him raise his voice at anyone ever he's very calm guy he's interacted with him right he's very very grounded uh very respectful I've never even seen him be rude to a waiter or you know somebody serving him on a jet he's a polite respectful individual that's the real Tate he's also deeply he's a deep thinker the conversations we have you know typically once the day's work is done and we'll sit around we'll talk about religion we'll talk about truth we'll talk about the meaning of life like he's a very introspective guy who's always seeking truth you know he's a very curious man who wants to understand you know life and The Human Experience as well as he can that's why I think it was inevitable that he'd find Islam because for me Islam is the clearest system with which to perceive The Human Experience and to live a good life there is another side of Tate where he is an Entertainer and he likes you know that the big statements and and he does seek out controversy I mean the man has mastered the attention economy yeah he knows how to bring attention and then to make people trigger and get them to talk about him yeah and so he's a also very much a chess player he views life as as a form of combat and he won't stop he could have a billion dollars he would still be wanting combat every day wanting challenge wanting Conquest there's no stop to that man's work ethic yeah so I'd say you're very respectful very grounded also a very capable Entertainer um but just fiercely driven for Conquest the main thing about Tate every day he wants to conquer every day he wants to push himself he wants the most out of every even every every workout he does he absolutely he crushes himself that you see him at the end of a set the man's in pain there is no moderate intensity for that man in any era of life and I think that's part of the reason why he's such a role model for so many young men he is walking the walk he is every single day giving his best effort on everything ever I've only ever seen Tate chill once and I can tell you the story I haven't told it before yes we're on a uh a catamaran in Croatia and you know lots of sun and talking and training we we bought dumbbells to bring onto the boat so we could train every day you know still online working all the day as the sunset was going down it was really beautiful it was so beautiful to the point that Tate put away the devices and just sat there and enjoyed the nature which is rare because usually he's busy after that he went and he sat on that um you know the the net at the front of the catamaran yeah where you know you can see the water and I think he was meditating about this other clip in other words and he jumps to the water was that the one yeah on that boat so he went and sat on that sort of trampoline on the catamaran and I think he might have been mad dating or something and he sort of lay on his side and he almost fell asleep yeah so it's the first time I've always ever seen him chill now naturally Tristan and I saw an opportunity so we We snuck off the back of the boat swam under the catamaran and just as he was falling asleep the one time I've seen him look peaceful and relaxed Tristan like crept up quietly and then splashed him and screamed shark sharks he woke up ready to fight so the one time I've seen him relax ever uh his brother and I absolutely punked him so there isn't much chill with the taste but that's to my point he is on all the time and he is working and conquering and training all the time so it's not a surprise that he's built what he's built in terms of his life and that he motivates so many young men to try and go out and build you know their best version themselves and their best reality as well nice before we stop talking about Andrew I wanted to ask you said that you had some exciting uh updates that have yet to be shared online yes one of those uh yes indeed so um I talked to Tate every day and I think the key thing to put forward is he understands his situation better than everyone right he is extremely positive now I mean in jail there was some there were some dark days there was some you know what's going to happen here now he's extremely positive he has full clarity that this is the towards the end of The Saga he has 100 conviction that it's only a matter of time and this is you know over the coming months not not years that his name will be cleared and so again as I can't speak about the the legal situation I'm not officially representing him what I can say is seen a change in Tate now that he knows that this whole thing is almost over now he's always known because he knows what he has and hasn't done but now he recognizes that the process is playing itself out to the point where he will be released and seeing that load off his shoulders where he knows that the truth is being recognized by all the different entities involved in in the investigation has really made him lighten up a bit I see him being a little bit more free and relaxed and and happy because he now knows through that dark time of prison and all that mess that the investigation process is reaching a point where the truth will be clear and and no one can debate that so it's very positive man the the Tate uh energy if you will is lighter than I've seen it in many months and and he is more positive than I've seen in many months which is which is great the truth is the truth the truth is the truth and now the people who need to realize that are getting to the point where after a very long investigation that that is the end state they're coming to right inshallah I mean so question them um Jewel you live a nice life you came here in a nice Ferrari you have some nice cars you know nice house you know you've made you've gone you've reached level of success that a lot of people aspire to reach if you had to say the top three qualities that you have to instill in yourself to reach that level because this uh you're a very inspirational guy without you maybe Without You realizing it but a lot of people want to live the life that you live what would you say those main three qualities are for you and it might be very different for you because you went down a military route and yeah a very rare route I mean yeah people who start their their careers as infantry soldiers crawling around the mud don't typically uh end up like this yeah and that's fair I get that um I think a number of things one I I was I was born um poor welfare family single parent family you know secondhand clothing all that sort of stuff that's why I enjoy taking my clothing because it's different to the secondhand clothing with that secondhand clothing smell that I grew up with and the clothes for me are a symbol of that poor kid manifest yeah definitely it's it's symbolic uh of of the progress involved so that deep hunger um and I don't know how to find that I mean if I was born with money maybe I wouldn't have that hunger but from a very early age I was angry at my situation and I knew I could do better and that's something I think Tate you know inspires in people young men who want to do better get angry it's okay to be angry get to the gym you know get boxing get that get that hunger to every day do the right thing is anger being emotional or do you think it can I think it can be okay I don't think it should be like a um you know so when you turn on you know the garden hose and it sort of flaps around it shouldn't be like that your anger should be a laser point if it is sustainable it's a slow burn fire that guides you every day so get in touch with that that anger and that positive anger that positive intensity to make your life better and all these these young guys who want to have a better life but they have time for TV or they have time for video games I'm 40 years old alhamdulillah I'm financially independent I have Accolade status whatever I don't have time for video games I don't have time for TV I haven't sat down and watched a full episode of TV for as long as I can remember if you're some young guy who wants to change your life you don't have time for these things even more than me what are you doing and so I speak quite openly against that I speak openly against things like pornography you'll wait a man's sexual energy if we can say this sure is power why would you waste it with something like pornography take that life force and channel it towards bettering your life towards building capacity to add value to society things like video games people want to shoot and drive on video games get your money right and go and learn how to shoot and drive in real real life why people are Outsourcing their masculinity to the virtual world I never understand if you want to have a lot you know sexual interactions with beautiful women doing in real life build yourself to be that man if you want to be a bad guy living a GTA lifestyle who's driving cars and shooting do it in the real world I don't understand how young men nowadays can Outsource their masculinity like that and I might annoy a lot of people here watching ball Sports what are you doing I can't agree with you no I mean I mean it like if you want to be a hero do it in your own life don't someone else oh look how well he kicked that ball yay he's amazing develop that capacity yourself I don't I do not understand the Outsourcing of your desire to achieve and do cool things as a man to the virtual world or to a football team build it in your own life they're sterilizing the happiness you know like by watching like they're saying that this team wins I'll be happy and if the spirit score is that's my team no it's not yeah they don't know you exist it's not real you know you don't know you you don't own the team you have no relation to them you know it's funny I heard the score with this girl she's like wearing a football jersey and watching the team play and wearing that same Jersey is like wearing scrubs and watching a episode of Gray's Anatomy or like a show about a doctor you know would you ever like wear skulls and watch the doctor there it is that's it so I think that's the key point be ferociously angry at your life situation and channel that daily that's right yeah and don't Outsource your masculinity build your own life I'd have to say number two is the right Brothers around you're so key so key and again when the Tates came into my life I had a job I had you know a few side hustles very quickly based on their level of output I picked up my level of output and then I had a whole bunch of side hustles and a whole bunch of businesses so it's you realize what is possible in terms of your output as a human when you have other high performing men around you so that's absolutely key how to find those men for me the War Room was hugely useful now I I speak openly about Tate's organization the Warren because for me that is the single most powerful and efficient way to find high frequency men who are specialists in their field who have the same belief systems as you who are pushing every day to better their realities in the war room and so I've actually I I put in a fair amount of time on you've been in the world probably from day one right I mean yeah and I helped build it I put a lot of I Mentor a lot of guys inside I put hours every day into you know voice notes back and forth of the guys inside I did what I can to contribute that's my brotherhood that's my tribe I contribute as much as I can and I'm actually now I devote a bit of time each day into answering DMS on Instagram but there's so many I can't answer them all so if people have questions about the War Room write to me with war room and then you question on Instagram and I will endeavor to respond it won't be immediate but I'll get there because I really believe in this Brotherhood the way I put it it's a bit of a funny thing to say on camera but imagine in a completely non-sexual way Tinder but for finding Brothers it's the best man in your area no no homo no homo in a completely Halal manner [Laughter] I'm not I'm not it's maybe we have to cut this out maybe it doesn't sound good but no no no in the same way that if you try and find Brothers manually by meeting people you'd have to meet ten thousand guys to find a few reliable Brothers sure the war room's done that for you it's been that filter of quality men who were already in the warm especially the guys who've proved themselves in the war room they are the top men that you will have in your city or in your country it's it's really it's it's powerful I went to Bangkok recently there were 30 or 40 warm guys there all of them hustling all of them training all of them with positive relationships in their lives and all of them pushing for more every day you get that many high quality men together working at maximum frequency to better their lives man the energy in the room's something different that the power in the warm is real and to your point about success once you've got your money right once you've got your Fitness right there are other levels to it a big part of that is Brotherhood is is Meaningful work is is having a day-to-day reality where every single component part of your daily reality is exactly how you want it I refer to as a custom-made reality now if you're working on that we're talking about quality problems we talk about customized you know pros and cars and all this fun adventures with the boys I know a lot of rich people who don't have time to go on adventures with the boys everyone in the warm is doing these things together nice man it's so powerful and a lot of people once they join the war room they say you know what I was lonely before this I had one or two mates who I caught up with occasionally now I have dozens if not hundreds of men around the world I can travel to any City and I find a guy who I can connect with he's got his contacts there you know he's got that local knowledge if I want to set up a business or I want to buy property if I want a good lawyer to help me you know structure my my finances properly it's all there the the power of the worm ties into my second point you need the right Brothers around you you need the right Brothers around you and if you think you can do that by yourself all right try the War Room has already done it you know it's it's very powerful so yeah the undying hunger to succeed and discipline decisions daily is point one secondly is that that Wright brothers around you and Warren delivers that a third I think now I don't want to sound like I'm pushing too hard for the dawa here but I think Islam is one of the most powerful ways to really supercharge your discipline as a man and let's face it in today's day and age especially for young men there's a lot of distraction you can access endless pornography on your phone and people can access drugs the hookup culture you you know you could have endless meaningless intimacy with with a new woman every day if you wanted to what's going to stop young men especially when the culture's saying hey go do it go take drugs go chase your head in his hedonistic Pursuits what is going to keep young men disciplined more in a more powerful way than Islam which says you know day of judgment every action you take will be judged if you are accountable to God you there is a very clear code a lot of people don't realize who haven't studied or practiced Islam it's more than what people perceive a religion to be so it is a structure and it is a disciplined way of life it's a it's a perspective with which to view your daily life and it's also a way to carry out your daily interactions with people that you know your daily routines even the act of praying regularly what a fantastic way to remind yourself about what matters and what doesn't to avoid you know all the distractions of Donia all the you know the complications of fitra that we have all around us so for me any young man who was really serious about being the best version of himself and living a very disciplined life and attaining success well above the material attaining that fulfillment where you know you're living a good meaningful life living on a straight path I think Islam has a very very important role to play in building that ultimate custom-made reality so they're the three points to answer your question that's really good to hear man and it's not refreshing to hear it from someone who's like obviously a revert and you know I think reverts and because I've spoken to a lot of reverts I think they have a a different way of viewing is Islam because I've chosen it and also as the Journey of a river especially if you're in the west Islam is not presented in a positive fashion it's the opposite so reverts from the West have seen something that's put forward negatively done their own research and actually decided hang on this is positive to the point where I want to be a part of this and I want to commit to it you can't undo shahada it's it's a one-way trip right in a positive sense and so I think the rivers who have interacted with it's really beautiful because they've consciously decided to give up certain things to make certain sacrifices and to live in as with a certain structure and I think reverts are very consciously aware of how fortunate they are to have Islam whereas if you're born into Islam maybe and you haven't been to take a conscious Journey maybe you don't know how how lucky you are right honestly those three points pretty much summarize what you would need to be successful interesting question which actually forgot to ask you just I'm really curious about now how exactly you meet Andrew okay so I had a task on in Romania I didn't know anyone in Romania I'd you know I I'd and how long ago was it sorry it's just five years ago okay I connected with him on social media so I said hey you know I just messaged him and said you know if you don't know anyone who can help with this situation uh he supported so I said I have a weapons and tactics training facility in in Ukraine I'd love to host you and your brother more of a as a throwaway comment than anything but was he famous at that time not really he had like 300K followers on Instagram and he said okay let's do it like okay bro yeah soon he's like no when can we do it and so he was really Keen to come over and train and through that process of putting him and his brother through some pretty intense days of of weapons and tactics training I saw a very heightened level of mental and physical capability I mean you put someone on a range you do pretty Dynamic live fire drills you know when it's safe to do so you can see someone's character pretty clearly yeah all right these guys are about it and then when we sat and spoke at the end of that it was clear to me that the insights they were channeling was so important that I had a role to play in the overall health of masculinity globally of of humanity right and I said to them back then your message is so important anything I can do to support with my network with my skills I'd love to do that and here we are so I'm not surprised that they I didn't know they get this famous but the importance of their message is what had me come on team so to speak and want to support them the cars you know the the lifestyle that stuff comes and goes man yeah it's limited how many how many cars do you need you know there's a limit to that but the having a positive act on society through the importance of Tate's message that to me is is what I'm here for did you ever meet us there or is that a pass away before you knew it no his dad passed away but I feel like I know he's dead because he talks about his dad so much yeah but I never had the uh the the honor of meeting him no question for you and it's very random like you are very masculine man is it manly to cry or is it bad to cry like funny one bro um I think it's healthy to express emotions and if you hold on to emotions you can get sick I think that's you know energetic frequency thing I adjusted my view of men crying based on my converting to Islam because when I when I took shahada the shake at my local mosque and man he's he's a masculine dude I'm pretty sure you know if he needed to he could he could everything he could throw down like he's a masculine he cried he shed a tear yeah I'm like this guy how many how many shahadas would have he you know facilitated but it still brings him to the point of crying and also in in the Masjid I've said this before there are people crying in there yeah because that their their connection with God is so powerful um so I thought you know what maybe it's okay to cry and when type was released I did cry quite heavily because there was just so much emotion there to see my brother finally getting out of jail so I think it's a good thing I don't think you should cry out of weakness get get the job done right now yeah well it's yeah I care about those Brothers it was an amazing moment to see them come out um I don't think you should cry out a weakness so I don't think men should be vulnerable I don't agree with that but if you are crying due to a connection with your faith if you're crying due to a connection with your brothers and something important happening I think it's healthy I really do yeah that's how I put that excuse the emotion mate this whole thing with the tapes being away has been terrible man on many levels one because it's my brothers and two because it's wrong I know who they are I've been around them I know what they have or haven't done I've been in their house to see them do three months of prison for something they didn't do to go down for for lies brother if that doesn't get you emotional what does you know what I mean so again I don't mean to bring emotion into this but but yeah that's that for me was a pretty good when they got out alhamdulillah what a beautiful moment man yeah I can imagine and when they finally get to Dubai man that's gonna be a beautiful moment soon inshallah inshallah I'm excited man I miss their videos about it I honestly went there when they went inside they were so long they're like I didn't hear any of like I didn't see any videos of them you know and so sad and even I she kind of saw some people like like obviously strong families deliver some people like can't I forget him but I'm talking about the next thing um and it was so sad to see yeah how quickly people were like not only forget you but even switch up or going against you yeah man it was interesting a lot of people before Tate went went on the uh Romanian funded unplanned holiday if you will before he was imprisoned wrongly as as history will show when we move forward everyone wanted a piece of Tate everyone and a lot of people contact me right because they know I'm close to Tate every day hey hey you want a piece of tape one around be around Tate want to speak to Tate as soon as he was down silence except for a few people and those few people have been well noticed by by myself by Tate and when Tate comes out obviously he's going to be even more famous anyone who supported him he will be showing gratitude because that's when you can see the real character of a person of course exactly and man again I don't want to give myself props but at no moment you should no I don't think so I think anyone in my position would have I've had consequences I've had people make threats against my family I've been doxed I've had all sorts of nonsense people trying to interrupt my my professional life all these things I don't care bring bring whatever hate you need to here's my brother I know what he has and hasn't done and at the end of the day let's say I get fired and canceled fine I'll train with my brothers I'll go to the Masjid I'll play chess you cannot cancel a man who has a strong relationship with God what [ __ ] he's sick call me nasty things on Twitter like I care I I can walk across the street and speak to God I can speak if I care you know what I mean there's there's power there so yeah I I believe I'm genuinely uncancelable now um so people can come at me with whatever they want I'm going to continue to support Tate because I know the truth truth is that simple and I think anyone else who is a true brother and has been around him they have the exact same mindset all right fine counsel me I'm going to stand up for what's true what I know to be true all these experts trying to analyze Tate most of them haven't even met him shame on you for thinking you know the man well enough to try and label him with with his negative titles having never even met him what based on something he said on the internet yeah when we know that he's mastered the the the attention economy and he did it consciously it was all short form Clips anyways like they didn't even listen to his long form to judge him you know and you walk around with Tate maybe you've even seen it how many men come up to him and women too saying your message has positively impacted my life oh it's constant yeah and so when I see people saying these negative things when the reality is everyone comes up to him and says hey man you've changed my life I yeah I have to speak up we all do you were talking about this the story when you met him uh that first interaction did you know that this person would become the person that he is today I knew he had an important role to play in offsetting wokism offsetting modern day degeneracy um and I knew that he would continue to build a following based on the positive words that is I mean there's a lot of people out there who speak about what's wrong with the world and this is where the red pill thing you know our relationships are no good Traditional Values are gone a man you know shouldn't or you know like the mgtow movement all these different things there's a lot of different people preaching different pills you can take the red pill but they call out the problems some of what Tate was putting forward is the solutions work harderism if you think relationships nowadays are terrible and you can't find good women work hard on yourself you know be disciplined crush it in every area of your life become a high level man and then you'll find a high level woman so I always thought Tate is putting forward the solution to many of the problems in today's day and age and now I I see Islam as the ultimate solution to many of the problems in the world everyone talks about taking the red pill why not take the green pill that's where that's where the answers are man you know I quite like that concept but to come back to your question a new Tate's message was important and I I knew I had a again specific skills that I could add to helping that to helping protect him and helping get that message out there I didn't know he'd become this much of a cultural icon but here's a cultural icon at this point he's bigger than one man here's a symbol am I surprised by it happening no the power of the positive elements of his message which is not 99 of what he talks about it's got nothing to do with women or negativity it's it's positivity right yeah exactly so I'm not surprised at all that it became this famous and he'll continue to be this famous because he has a very positive role to play for the Youth of today and for Humanity as a whole I have a question for me well I noticed when I was younger I like to relax a bit more you know as a kid obviously I like to enjoy meet friends go out you know and I've noticed as I become more of someone who ambitious and more older and I feel like I really have to be making good progress on my goals I've tried to always keep this kind of focus on my goals you know every time I was getting distracted I'd remind myself like you know I need to focus on my goals and I feel like this is kind of a thing that happens in your mind that once it kind of like switches on it's very hard to switch off because you're talking about relaxing and I was just thinking about it like I know that like now honestly like if I can if I spend like five minutes and I feel like I'm not being productive there's a feeling inside of me like what am I doing I'm wasting my time I need to get to do something productive and as much as that's a good thing um I also kind of wary of you know living a life where I'm like never able to like switch off for a second you know what I mean and I do feel like with that with Andrew as well but I feel like with him it's very much like he doesn't want to switch off like he's happy but for for me I feel like I was not innately like this yeah you know I I this is something that I've made myself I've turned myself into a beast you know that I don't know if I want to stay this way definitely and I think I mean we won't have our own ability to choose the way we want to live our life as long as you're doing consciously Andrew wants to work constantly forever and we'll do that for the rest of his life I I would say I've worked so hard in the past that I have had health impact on that of course because your job is like you know I I yeah I mean a lot of travel a lot of trauma I don't know about that I'm pretty comfortable in in Warzone there are safe ways to operate in dangerous countries so risk manage ways to operate in dangerous countries a lot of time not sleeping right not eating right you know a lot of disruption to to you know daily routines and so on um I think work high output be that maximum output man but you've got to keep your health right and so we want to chase you know I want x amount of productive hours I want you know build quality teams I want to make hit certain financial goals you need to conceptualize a health goal such as I need to get one massage a week and view it as important as any other area of business I need to train every day every week of course yeah I have to keep somebody going I got some issues from the Army days but it's a pretty serious injuries app do a certain amount of rehab if you need to for injuries and view that as you would any other task in your business world it is this productive because when you obviously when your health Falls over that's all you've got but everyone forgets that until their health Falls over so what I would say is maximum output maximum Hustle but include maintaining Health as one of your business you know key performance indicators one of the deliverables that you have to deliver when you feel good you do good like you're when you feel good you're able to work harder your mind is more clear and then things like sleep hygiene if you don't look at your phone for half an hour and for example do what I do read the Quran or read some sort of something that helps you as a person you will sleep so much deeper and you'll be so much more efficient the next day so healthy habits should be a part of your grind for success that's how I view it it's not I now I'm working now I'm relaxing and so they know things like prayer things like sleep hygiene things like studying Islam part of my daily hustle and a part of me being successful as a man it's not on or off it's on all the time and including things that help me stay healthy within that on all the time if that makes sense yeah I want to ask you like have you had many near-death experiences when you were doing when you were growing up doing I know obviously you can't talk too much about your job but have you had many near-death experiences or how close has been or have you always been like very able to like stay kind of no I I've made mistakes and I've been in situations where I thought I was going to die definitely um I mean I I saw the first shots of the Yemen war with my own eyes physically I saw them from the roof of the the um the facility that I was in at the time I've been in situations where I've made the wrong call and genuinely thought I was going to die definitely I mean people have died because of those calls as that happens um yeah I've been pretty fortunate um obviously I I've I've lost mates um and that's that's always that's that's something that'll get you reflecting on on life um pretty deeply um but as a general rule the people that I work with are you know we we are capable we keep each other alive um and again I'm management nowadays so something has to go very wrong for me to expose any risk nowadays but yeah I've definitely been in in the early stages yeah I've been in many situations where I mean I've been I've had artillery shells Landing uh in in a facility that I'm in and not being able to hear properly for numerous days afterwards I've had rounds hit the wall next to me and had you know I've been I've been in many situations where afterwards you see that there was a high likelihood of you dying yeah I don't I don't really speak about this stuff openly because first of all a lot of people have done a lot more serious stuff in the military than me let them have their War Stories and their Glory you know I'm I'm a private security professional so I don't need to carry myself and talk about a bunch of War Stories and things I'm grateful for my experience in the military and the stuff that I do have taught me a lot and also I like to be a person who brings value now not I used to be this or I used to do that and I have this story I have capabilities now I have a Global Network now I have a proven capacity to be level-headed even when there are artillery shells Landing you know literally on top of of me I I've got that demonstrated track record to be the guy who can make sound decisions under extreme pressure that's the value I bring now why do I need to talk about what I did in the past I like that but but also again I'm not trying to come across as some special guy with some mysterious past I'm not and I'm not interested in that I'm a capable person now and I I'm a capable professional now that's why you won't hear me bring out a bunch of stories yeah again with respect to guys who did no I like that though it's just that's not my style yeah it's interesting and that's uh quite a noble choice because it makes sense what you're saying like you don't want to talk about this and this experience in the past or like a lot of guys have done a lot more like I've got a lot of mates who look I I broke my body in the military I have significant spinal injuries which I carry to this day which is challenging but I've got mates who've broken their minds I've got mates who have broken their entire life why is this happening people like go on and like they do drugs or like maybe they sell some alcohol a lot of alcohol I I think I haven't really spoken about this on camera and I don't want to offend any of my brothers but I think when you were in shop ends of the military and you you do certain things that involve danger and death both death of your friends and death of you know the combatants that you're uh you know fighting against or you know worst case scenario non-combatants um I think afterwards you question why did that happen and typically speaking once you are out of the military you start to think hang on a second maybe all these Hollywood movies that tell me I should go off and fight maybe all this programming that you know it's it's our duty to bring freedom to various countries maybe it's not real maybe the military industrial complex is the reason why people go to war and again I don't know I mean I've lost a lot of mates and I I am grateful for their sacrifice because they did something they believed of course these were young men these are young men doing what they thought was right but when you get out of the military and perhaps you get a bit disenfranchised with the system and with the government and you think hang on why didn't why did I go through all that why did I see my mates die for something that in terms of the reason I now think well hang on why were we even in that country that is what breaks a man it's not the combat it's not the stress you know the questioning of the questioning of why did I do those things perhaps the meaning that I thought I had doing those things was manufactured and not genuine and I've lost mates so I've had injuries or I've been you know I've done things I regret for a meaning that wasn't actually real that's what breaks people's brains in my experience so interesting well it's think about it man yeah when you're when you're when you're going to a war zone as a soldier you've got your brothers around you hyped up you believe you're doing the right thing you'll kick down doors you'll do you do very aggressive things ten years later it's Saturday when they all come you start to think oh hang on a sec what was the point of that war yeah that War lasted for decades and and people what was the outcome what was the benefit to me that's what leads to PTSD and again with all respect to all of my current and former serving Brothers those men believe what they're doing they believe they're doing the right thing of course I think what hurts and what breaks brains afterwards is when they start to question wait a sec was that really the right thing and again I don't want to disrespect anyone here because I have a lot of respect for my brothers in uniform and veterans but that's that's what's that's a hard realization yeah you talked a lot about Islam and honestly the discipline like you said that you get when you in the religion of Islam like I know for me I see kind of late so after I still have to go back to sleep I'm not able to like stay awake until and like go to work at that time so yeah 9 10. but that discipline of like at 4am you know at the brink of dawn you have to get take out your blanket the room is cold you have to go in and wash your face wash your arms and now it's like you go back in the room and it's freezing you know but after you like dry off and you you start say Allah there's there's a very good feeling of peace and it's like nowadays it's coming out of the things of like intermittent fasting and the things like wake up at sunrise and meditate you know wake up sunrise and when the quietness and have a peaceful moment alone you know it's literally what it sounds we talked about ages ago so I want to ask you for you Jewel how has your life changed since you've joined Islam what different have you felt in your life and how long have you been Muslim for by the way a couple of months now okay although I studied Islam for good five years man 2004 when I first came to the Middle East I had people trying to get me to confirm so it's not a new thing for me it's been a slow process love to answer that question as to what's changed first of all something you said there um I think there's a real power there um you said there's an inner calm when you pray for me it's a I feel like I'm every time I go to the mosque I feel like I'm super charging I mean it's a bit of a metaphysics physical thing but yeah I leave refreshed and nowadays people who meditate or they'll do certain things to get that Islam has been doing it for thousands of years yeah fasting nowadays it's a fad oh you should fast Islam's been doing it for thousands of years even to the point where the amount of times I've read Because I try to read every day the amount of times I've read something either in the Quran or in you know Associated texts and going oh wow I've been thinking that for years and here it is written hundreds of years ago one example the idea of Nia the idea of the intent that you have in your heart when you approach a certain times I figured out about 10 years ago the the underlying intention behind you you do a certain task will dictate the outcome for example if you're chasing money and you're you're hungry for that money and and you'll you'll you know do unethical stuff to get it and you need it for unhealthy reasons you're coming from a mindset of scarcity your path to money is going to be a very messy one you might get that money but it's going to be a mess if you're hungry that for that money because you want to look after your family you want to earn value to society you feel look I am worthy of abundance your path of money will be a positive one yeah so the I I had realized how important Nia is that intent through which you approach certain tasks before I even read about Nia in Islam and then when I read about it I was like oh I already believe this but it took me 30 years to figure it out yeah I've had moments like that dozens and dozens of times as have my other revert friends they're like it took me 30 40 years to figure this out Islam figured this out hundreds if not thousands of years ago why didn't I just study Islam earlier does that make sense there's so much to be discovered there it's amazing so I'm really enjoying the more I read the more I want to read because there's this power there man it's genuine life value-adding power within you know the body of literature that Muslims study every day so that's very powerful as to what's changed in my life I find less of a focus on material gains and more on a more of a focus on how do I make more time to pray how do I make more time to read the Quran and and to have I really value the discussions that I have with my Muslim Brothers I've had so much support from people around the world um you know the people know who they are people genuinely wanting to help me find good guidance and learn it's a beautiful thing so I what has changed in my life I've gotten a lot less of a focus on material wins and more of a focus on how do I practice this Faith earnestly because I truly believe in the value that comes from doing so I am trying to structure my life now so that I have less hours of work and more time that I can devote to to my faith so that's one major change and also man just a feeling of gratitude every every I try to get the mustard every day I live across the road alhamdulillah it's pretty easy I just walk across um which is quite a beautiful thing we want to talk about gather Allah for the longest of time I thought it was cool to be across from the master The Voice respected Islam but now as a practicing Muslim bro I can it's it's 100 meters it's perfect and you hear the College of prayer exactly oh all right put the phone down walk over it's beautiful so yeah they're called to Paris so beautiful the voice that the London has it hits on a deep level when you're when you're practicing earnestly but yeah all the things that I've given up great so I don't drink anymore alcohol is poison good I can I can tell Tristan Tate sorry buddy I'm not having that drink because because it's because of my faith it's poison so I like that I'm not drinking I like that I have a structured day that involves regularly putting down the phones and and reminding myself what matters and what doesn't should be alone with Salah yeah exactly a time where your heart can be still I think it's very healthy we don't have a modern day we go inside the car loud music finish that this that there's no time for a reflection constant stimulus and constant pull towards Don yeah as opposed to being pulled towards that which is deeper and more meaningful in life you know yeah and and there's a good quote once Ron scholar says which is like you can chase the limited or the unlimited you know and and you know when you chase Dean like at the end of the day this life is short you know very short and that's where the real eternity is going to be special I'm still working on that because for me I feel like my daily life is a form of Utopia I I literally every area of my life from the relationships I have to the work to the contributions I make to society is so wonderful that every day in the mosque I'm giving gratitude so the idea that that there's an even better life after this I'm still reflecting on them you know because I'm pretty grateful with how I am that's good because you know a lot of the bad traits that silver has is actually the hell that they make for themselves you know so sometimes like if you're if you're a jealous person then that's a punishment you're giving yourself you're an angry person you used to punish when you're giving yourself makes sense so I think that you've maybe um reached quite the highest stage and like attributes wise yeah I've always been very conscious of how to interact in a positive way and man karma is real like it's if you put out negative energies to people it's going to come back at you that's really true it says in the Quran if you do one atom of good you will see it and if you do one atom a level of bad you will see it literally says atom like the word translates to atom isn't that interesting nowadays like you know everyone's talking about all this modernized spirituality the underlying truth is written in a more efficient way in a book that's 1400 years old you know that was the miracle of the Prophet like every other Prophet had a miracle like some like you know the other prophets could make uh a sticker into a snake or like something like that the prophets America was his book is Quran which is a channel that that age-old knowledge which is you read the you read something that's 1400 years old right it is so relevant to today I feel it's even more relevant than ever before it's incredible like with this workers and push this degeneracy this trend for men to follow modern culture and just become useless creatures who can't even look after themselves of their family there's a book that's 1400 years old which gives you a system with which to follow and live a meaningful life so you can reject all that modern day culture all the Hedonism or the rubbish and it's been there before any of us that's power man that's I think that's that is a miracle to your point so how has my life changed everything that I've cut out I'm happy that I've cut out all of the new habits that I've developed are very positive in terms of Salah in terms of all these things man I'm very grateful for Islam and even my kids I have them uh one week every couple months they fly over from the country they live and I have them because they they live with their mother my ex now I'd never push religion on kids I think it's up to them to choose themselves however I said Dad's going to the mosque you know if you want to join you can I didn't incentivize it didn't say there's an ice cream afterwards and and they both said yes I'd like to so took my my eight-year-old daughter my ten-year-old son we walked across the road we did the ablutions my son got completely wet so he had to you know change his pants get a bit too much water involved and they went in there and it was you know they prayed next to me it was quite beautiful um the first time ever first time yep and and afterwards I said how was that and I said it was good Papa it felt it felt nice that's cool and again I'd never push it on them it's their decision my parenting is such that I will guide you to make your own decisions in life I think that's very important your life is your life and you did by example yeah exactly very good but then the next day my son says when are we going to the mosque really you want to go against us yes I do the day after that my daughter says when are we going to the Moss puppet they loved it yeah again I'm not pushing it on them in any way but even as kids they felt the value of Salah yeah they felt that the the Beauty and the way you were able to tap into something bigger than yourself through Salah so it's that to me speaks to the power of it it's just every every single component of my life that I've either let go of or that I've adopted in terms of new ways of living is just incredibly positive so I have a very strong gratitude for for Islam and I'm I'm committed to continuing to learn and to practice as earnestly and as accurately as I can because I see the power in that I see the benefits both for me and the people in my circle and society as a whole through practicing Islam very literally and very earnestly yeah it's real like I'm ungrateful for it you know it's nice and especially if you go to the deeper meaning of salaam this book that you written about just the one prayer is just all the different elements of it and why you do each element like if you see the Allahu Akbar right it means a lot of the greatest and what do you do you do this you know and why you do this because it's a sign of submission so when you start to say hello open your submitting it the last thing you say before you understand so you're saying peace to everybody literally you're sending peace to literally every single soul on the planet any resentment that you have towards anyone any trouble that you've you've given yourself because someone's upset you or you're basically sending peace to everyone you know and it's literally the opposite of what's been told about Islam it's literally the complete opposite so if you analyze each and every like there's a there's also like when you when you stand up and say holy lie who you're saying with the strength from God I'm able to stand up you know it's very very very deep and bro I love it and even the things you're conceptualizing every day talking about the fact that shaytan is there and as you enter the mosque you're saying you know protect protect me from shaytan that's that's important you need to derive yourself because the evil does exist in this world and there are many forces trying to infect your mind infect your your your routine to limit you as a person it's good to to say please help me you know Guide Me Away From Evil right man there is so much pure logical sense in all the different routines and structures in Islam it really is built in a way to make you the best version of yourself and if you think you can do it better all right fine good luck to you or you can tap into something that is centuries old that now two billion people are following there's value there yeah again if you're arrogant enough to think you can figure out the best way to live a life by yourself good luck to you I have studied and consciously chosen Islam because in my mind it's clear that this is the superior way with which to approach both perceiving The Human Condition in life and living out your life it's so clear to me absolutely I'm going to send you after this there's one very good one called and I'm gonna say it too but anyways to to move on I wanted to ask you you and Tate all often say that the West is a failing Society oh yeah so why do you say that I mean look Tate was screaming this uh five years ago when I first met him right yeah I need more time to practice my Arabic fails Society I think people need humans need dogs people need Dogma people need guidance and they're going to get that guidance from something external to them now it can be their government if we're looking like a communist system and the government tells you how to live and you must view the leader as if he's some kind of God it can be Culture worship these celebrities worship you know or you know Hedonism it your your guidance in life go to Coachella yeah exactly you know your your religion can be chasing Hedonism it can be chasing immediate fulfillment but I think the most important way to or the you know the truest the most powerful way to find guidance find that Dogma for life and how to live life is from religion something that's hundreds of years old and I think anyone who practices any religion earnestly is going to be a better human and therefore Society will be a better Society than if you're just you know being led by your own desires and your own selfish needs the West has become a largely Godless place and because we have no accountability to a higher force people are just free to go and chase their hedonistic Pursuits and be selfish and entering each other like rubbish because you know they don't believe in the day of judgment do whatever you want and so that's why you see increasingly polarized societies you see high divorce rates you see broken families you see higher rates of people living on antidepressants all these things are a sign of a Godless society and you know a broken society and that's why we can see Middle East you know Dubai that's becoming Europe that is the safe place where you want to raise your kids that is the place you can walk down the street and not worry about personal safety or you you can put your kids into school and not worry about certain sexual agendas being pushed on them this part of the world because it is a society driven by faith with anyone depending of respect for a higher power accountability and leaders who think that way as well I think it's very important to have leaders who are strongly religious people because if you have a Godless leader he's just going to do what's best for him right you know so I I think the West is a failed society and one of the first things Tate said to me and when I realized that this guy has insights to share he said what we're seeing in the west right now which is leading this failed Society is the way a man and a woman interact is being interrupted you know the natural order of women and men interrupting interacting is being disrupted that will lead to disrupted families disrupted families lead to disrupted communities disrupted communities lead to you know disruption at the societal level that's where you get the failed Society if you interrupt the way a man and a woman interact if you confuse traditional gender Norms if you if you fight against the sacredness of the family unit and you you have for example laws that incentivize divorce all these sorts of things that is on the macro level going to interrupt society and that's what you see happening in the west last question then before we wrap this off how do you deal with death and losing all those friends how how is this because for me are very an experience that I feel both my grandparents are alive on both sides like two two my mom my dad you know I don't don't really have anyone close to me really that passed away and I'm really I have deep fear of that day I don't know how I'm gonna deal with it I will ask you because you've probably experienced a lot of your parents are alive yeah no they're alive um but I'm sure your grandparents yeah I I've definitely experienced some things that I'm not going to talk about um because I just I wouldn't be no of course but like my advice for like someone else yeah so what else I mean in the past I just get very angry well you know why not find out I made a diet or you know been killed in in action or you know something had gone wrong I'd get super angry but now I I would I would turn to Islam yeah it's a hard thing to swallow but I genuinely believe that we all have a life path that is mapped out for us some of those life paths are long and and peaceful some of them are short and intense right and man bad things happen in this world so I'd reframe it instead of being afraid of of death I'd be conscious of the fact that death is coming and therefore you need to do the best you can every day and there's no there's no guarantee for tomorrow and that's why I like the concept of Memento Mori of a skull um and I know that perhaps it's Haram so I need to read more into that but I have a lot of Art in my in my house that are skulls because for me that reminds me when I see that one day I'll be dead Memento Mori remind everyone don't be afraid of death let it let the let your awareness of death inform how you interact for example you see you're afraid of your parents dying so make the time to see them when you see them give them full Focus don't be caught up on on a phone keep in mind people you love could be dead tomorrow so give them your full attention make them prioritize them keep in mind you could be dead tomorrow so get the most out of this life today and be the best man that you can today achieve the most give back the most you can to your people today so I think yeah fear of death can be a healthy thing if you enable it or if you use it to motivate you to be the best person you can and get the most out of your interactions with your loved ones every day I like that I like that too I keep that thought in mind because you know for us in Islam I don't know about the scar thing I've checked on that I think it's fine but for I think as long as you don't worship it yeah yeah so for us in Islam big big tradition is going to the graveyard yeah so very big tradition in Islam is they say like every Thursday you should go to the graveyard and my relatives are back in Africa they go every morning like my dad he goes once a week by the marriage is Africa they go every single morning and not interesting yeah and when they they well they obviously now they have some family there and stuff but even if you don't as a practice like going there like for me and I go there if you go to the river in Dubai you'll see there's a lot of benches a lot of like sitting around you see a lot of people there at all times you know and people come and sit and they do like a prayer for them it's multi-fold the benefits they say like even there's meditations that's like uh love and kindness meditation you know when you try to show love to someone it makes you feel good so it's an energy thing it's a positive energy so when you sit there with the dead people and you pray for them that they even though you may not even know them but you pray that their families are okay and they know they're lost well and that they're gonna be okay in their afterlife it makes you feel good and then also obviously as a reminder just that one day I will end up right there you know like you can I sounded like I can even picture myself like because I've been to many funerals and it's very recommendouslam to go for the funerals right so we go whenever someone in the community Islam very strong sense of community right so whenever someone like Community or in the local mosque dies everyone's there at the funeral and you know when you see the the ritual Islam is very beautiful like you see we actually have the actual barrier that happened in front of us so we see the the body go inside and then the sand we throw the sand and we all actually help to to do the burial you know that's beautiful yeah and it's you sometimes you think like you will literally end up here very soon you know so that's super interesting I didn't know that I mean there's so much to learn I thought I before I reverted I thought I understood Islam pretty well now that I'm practicing I know nothing man there's so much to learn and that's beautiful and I think Western Society typically doesn't have that I think you're crazy with that if you go to the graveyard I think you're crazy but also I think that's part of being a Godless Society I think if you are in touch with your faith and you if you're in touch with your Humanity you should be grateful to your forefathers you should be conscious of the fact when four mothers you know you should be conscious of the fact that people put in a lot of work to make you who you are take talks to this your forefathers fought off bears and things to enable you to live in such Comfort true so I think it's a very positive thing to do I think it's a wholly positive thing to do and people don't do that in the worst you don't really talk about death man like I've lost people very close to me and in doing that include you find out there is a lot of death in this world but in the west people just people try and ignore it yeah again to me that's part of being a Godless Society if you're in a society that is founded with faith you should talk about it you should pray for those who have come before you you should remind yourself that you know one day you're going to die so it's up to you to get the most out of every day that's really positive man I thank you I just learned something yeah the more I can help man say it's like the chord the more you know it the more you realize you don't know and it's true for all of us like especially with Islam my goodness I honestly feel like I like what I'm doing work-wise because I I have numerous ways to to support people I mean even in the world I give a lot back to the guys I know help them you know level up in life but a part of me would be happy leaving all my professional stuff aside and just studying Islam because there was pure power there man there are so many insights so much guidance age-old insights there if I retire one day and you just don't see him anymore it's because I've gone off to just devote my life to studying Islam yeah there's so much there man I objectively speaking there's so much value there that I I wish I had more hours in the day I know I'm I'm working to make make it so that I have more hours every day to learn more about Islam yes thank you so much for coming on here we had a really good talk and it was actually very interesting normally when I said she is just more of me asking questions but this was actually like a nice conversation I even learned a lot from it myself so I appreciate this my brother it was great to see you bro it was great to have you and props to you man 20 years old I was walking around in the jungle with a pack of my back like look at what you've created keep doing what you're doing man so it's really impressive I appreciate you about it and you're you guys like you and Andrew are giving me a chance to you know make these videos and stuff so I don't take it for granted you know fantastic and when is our brother there'll be much more like everyone who's put in energy and put their own name on the line to support Andrew and to know that he's positive and he's truthful we're going to try and I'm sorry our lord said he is innocent you know so whatever they want to put on me they can put on me brother thank you so much brother have a good day guys if you watch this video and you enjoyed it please smash a like in the description write all Jews links as well uh links to the telegram the War Room everything leave a comment anything you learned anything you have to say would love to read those take care guys have a good one peace thank you
Channel: The Ahmad Mahmood Show
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Id: RNpYPyyHQy8
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Length: 81min 49sec (4909 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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