SARS-CoV-2 Variants | UK + South African + Brazil Variants

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hi ninja nerds in this video today we're going to be talking about the sars kobe 2 variants before we get into this video though please continue to support us by hitting that like button commenting down in the comment section and please subscribe also down in the description box we'll link to our facebook instagram patreon account go check those things out all right ninja nerds let's get into it all right ninja so in order for us to understand these sars kov2 variants we first have to take some time to talk about the original d614gsars cov2virus and talk about its kind of replication lifecycle and then once we do that then we'll talk about the variance and what are the genetic changes or mutations that we're seeing that kind of contrasts from the original sars cov2 virus and how those mutations may make the virus a little bit more fit in the sense that it increased transmissibility increased viral production increased viral replication and the question is is there increased lethality severity mortality associated with these variants as well so let's have to kind of take a quick kind of stroll through the replication or life cycle of the original sars so there was a primary protein that has become the most kind of concerning protein on the virus what was the name of that protein it's this red protein here do you guys remember it's called the s protein we commonly refer to it as the spike protein or s protein this is primarily the one that's of concern it's the one that whenever they were making vaccines it's the one that we're primarily developing an immune response against okay that spike protein is expressed on the outer part of the virus but you have to remember again that this virus is an envelope so this blue structure there just represents the envelope which is kind of like a phospholipid bilayer then what's important is inside of that virus you have a bunch of proteins this purple protein is called the nucleocapsid okay so again you have your spike protein and then you have this blue pro this blue structure here which is called the envelope and then you have this purple structure here which is kind of your nucleocapsid and then inside of that nucleocapsid is going to be the genetic material and in this case this is the rna but particularly we call this single stranded rna and it's a positive sense single stranded rna that we see inside of this sars cov2 virus the original one the one that was primarily responsible for the global pandemic what we know from previous videos is that whenever the spike protein in order for it to actually help the virus to get into the cell it has to bind to a particular protein that's expressed on cells in our body and the primary one that we saw a lot related to this was the respiratory tissue particularly like the alveoli remember within the alveolar you had the type one alveolar cells the type two alveolar cells we were seeing a lot of actual infiltration of that virus into those tissues how did it get into those cells though is the question and if you remember the spike protein had to bind to this pink protein here on the cell surface called an ace 2 protein and that ace2 receptor h2 protein would bind to the spike protein and activate this process but then the next thing had to happen give this green protein on the side of the ace ace2 and that's called tmprss2 it's a transmembrane protease and what this does is is it cleaves a particular part of the actual viral proteins that helps to engage and bring the virus into the cell so again once the virus has its s protein bind with the ace2 and use this transmembrane protease to cleave a particular site on the viral peptide it then causes a receptor-mediated endocytosis which brings the virus into the cell inside of like a little vesicle okay once inside of the cell you'll have to release that rna that single stranded rna out of that vesicle and into the cytoplasm where it can then interact with our ribosomes what we need to do is take a look at this positive sense single stranded rna and kind of take a look at this genome a little bit there's a lot of different genes that you can see on this rna strand that we're going to read translate with the ribosomes and they make proteins and a lot of these like this blue one here this may give rise to particular types of molecules such as like polymerases like you have rna polymerases and you have replicases these may be proteins that are actually going to be coming from this particular gene from a particular open reading frame then from another reading frame this may give rise to other types of molecules called proteases and the whole significance of these is that these rna polymerases and replicases are important because they help to take the rna here and make more rna so that we can make more virus the proteases break down specific poly proteins that also help within making protect particularly activated viral proteins then you have this other one here we're going to save this black one here because it's the most ominous this one here on the side this brown one may give way to particular proteins that are expressed on the virus that we're not super super concerned with we've already talked about a lot of these we're going to abbreviate them but they're like the envelope proteins okay the nucleocapsid proteins and there's even other ones these little brown ones there could be what's called hemagglutinin esterase proteins these are proteins that again can be kind of exposed on the virus as well but these aren't the ones that we're super concerned with the one that we're most concerned with with respect to the sars cov2 virus is this gene that codes for the spike protein that codes for the spike protein and the reason why i'm kind of taking the time to mention all this is that the sars cov2 variants are experiencing mutations in this particular gene and these mutations alter the structure of the spike protein that in some way it may help to increase the viral entry into the cell or particularly evade the immune system and that's why it's a concern we'll talk about how and what those mutations are but again the whole goal here is that these genes will express rna polymerases so that we'll take some of this single stranded rna and we'll replicate it and we'll create more single stranded rna so now i have a bunch of single stranded rna then i'm going to take these proteases which are going to break down large amounts of poly proteins which are going to also give way to particular viral structures then i'm going to have my spike protein and what was the color of my spike protein just to be consistent with the diagram here this was that red protein there that was the main one and then we're also going to give way to some of these other proteins and what were these these were like your envelope protein and we're just going to represent this like blue in this case maybe you have a blue envelope protein then you have an n protein which is the nucleocapsid we'll just represent that as purple and then you even have the uh hemagglutinin protein and again that could be a different color as well but again the whole point here is what i want you to understand is that from this sars cov2 genome we made spike proteins and we made more single stranded rna these are the two dangerous things that we're worried about what happens here is that from this we're going to take the rna and all the viral proteins and then ship this to what structure we're going to take all of this stuff here and ship it to the golgi apparatus once we send it to the golgi the golgi is going to start packaging all of these molecules into a vesicle and out of this vesicle you're going to start forming parts of your virus and so we'll kind of quickly put together here let's say that here's our envelope okay here's our nucleocapsid here if we were to draw another one there and then here we're going to have the primary protein that we are really concerned with here is these s proteins coming off okay and then again what's inside of these viruses if you're making tons of them you're making a lot of this single stranded rna and then again this would all be kind of packaged into a vesicle by the golgi and then what would happen is this membrane this golgi membrane would fuse with the cell membrane and then release this virus out of the cell and then go and infect other cells in the process it's going to cause virus particles to build up in this cell and eventually destroy this cell so this covers our basic life cycle or replication cycle of the original kind of sars cov2 virus primarily putting an emphasis on what the particular portion of the sars-cov2 genome is the part that expresses for the spike protein there is becoming we're seeing particular concerns and mutations that are being occurring right here in that spike protein changing the sprite protein morphology could potentially eva lead to evasion of the immune system and increase infection replication production and spread of the virus how that's the next question we have to address all right so we understand now that kind of the general very basic understanding of the replication of the sarsko v2 virus right again the original one what we now have to understand is how is these variants particularly seeing mutations within the spike protein causing a change in the life cycle the replication cycle the infectivity the transmissibility and how it like how is that different from the original sars kov2 virus okay so first thing we have to understand is what these variants are and we're giving specific names to them the general name for this first variant here b117 is actually going to be the one that originated kind of in the uk so we kind of call it the uk variant and it's starting to become one of the more prominent viral variants and may be becoming the most dominant one globally in the future the next one is b1351 this is the south african variant and we're seeing some spread with this one but again it originated kind of the south african region and we're seeing some spread globally and the last one here that is the vira a variant of concern is p1 and this p1 is the one that kind of originated in brazil and again we're not seeing a significant amount of spread of this one but again still potential that it could spread globally but again these are the variants of concern or vocs as we say it what we need to understand is is what makes these variants are these variants a concern and that comes down to these particular mutations and that's what i want to kind of spend a little bit of time on talking about the science the genetics the immunology and stuff behind it so the first thing that we have to know is again this is all relevant let's imagine that if we were to kind of zoom in on just that gene so again we're zooming in on this particular genome here and this is just the spike protein gene just this entire length here from this portion here to this portion here this is the spike protein gene okay and it could be longer we're only really focusing on a couple particular portions that we're seeing mutations in within that spike protein gene and it's a pretty long genetic sequence the first one that we see a mutation in is n501y this is the particular mutation we're seeing it's basically a substitution between amino acids uh within the 501th amino acid of the spike protein we're seeing a substitution now that's not the important part the important part is what is this mutation leading to if we look here this first one here the first portion where there's a mutation in the spike protein gene the n5o1y when there is this mutation it leads to a substitution and this substitution leads to a change in a particular part of the spike protein now something that we haven't talked about in our videos for the stars cov2virus is the spike protein structure it actually has three different components if you will one component is the s1 component here in the dark red then the one in white is the s2 component of the spike protein and this last like little kind of like ball on the top is called the receptor binding domain these are the three portions of the spike protein now what we're seeing is in the spike protein gene if there is this particular mutation it changes the structure this kind of like substitution and amino acids leads to a change in the structure of the receptor binding domain and just a little change but what does that change in the receptor binding domain do let me explain let's imagine that we just zoomed in on that spike protein particularly and it's going to bind you so here's the two portions here we're going to kind of have this portion here this portion here the receptor binding domain is actually the particular part that interacts with the ace ii receptor so the receptor binding domain interacts with this particular portion of the ace2 receptor this mutation in the original source cov2 variant particularly to the uk variant increases the entry binding and kind of endocytosis of the virus into the cell so that receptor binding domain the mutation increases the affinity or interaction between the s protein and the h2 protein and increases the entry of the virus into the cell what would that do if you increase viral entry what would that do well now you have more virus coming into the cell if you have more virus coming into the cell you can technically increase the viral replication then and if you increase the viral replication what could that potentially do you could increase the viral infection within the particular like area of wherever this infection is occurring in this case the lungs then if you're particularly infecting that cell with lots of viruses and you're replicating and making more virus that can increase the viral production so now not only are you taking in more viruses you're replicating more viruses you're infecting more cells and you now have the ability to produce more virus that could be a potential problem why if you have more viral entry more viral production more viral replication what that might mean is is that you have more viral load within you and that higher viral load it would be easier for you to just kind of sneeze cough you know cough on some surface or directly onto a person and then hit one of those areas of the mucous membrane a higher viral load means that you might inoculate the individual with more virus that could potentially increase the transmissibility of the virus so that may be one particular concern is that you can therefore increase the transmission of the virus beautiful but the whole primary thing to focus on here is that the concern is that this mutation in the receptor binding domain will increase viral entry more virus coming in more replication more potential infection of the tissues that's invading you can produce more infect more cells and then spread more potentially all right the next mutation that we see within b117 or the uk variant is particularly a deletion you're deleting an amino acid 69 and 70 within the s protein and now if we were to kind of highlight that particularly here this red portion here there's a deletion hv 69 70 and this would be like if you really want to know there's these are amino acids you just have to look at their single letter abbreviation like for example h is like histidine and v is like valine so there's a deletion in those amino acids now again let's say here's the s1 protein here's the s2 protein here's the receptor binding domain that deletion changes a particular structure within the s1 or s2 peptide it changes just a little bit of it and that is could be potentially a problem why you know whenever antibodies are produced whenever you generate an immune response so let's say that you and you get your cells get infected generally your immune system will get activated and eventually your plasma cells will produce antibodies those antibodies are going to be generated against the s protein well the antibodies that you generate let's just say for example you've already received the vaccine the maduro of the pfizer vaccine you've produced neutralizing antibodies to the s protein for the original sars cov2 variant or you've been infected with sars kovi to the original one and you now have a natural production of antibodies the concern is is that these antibodies that you've produced whether it came from the vaccine or whether from from natural immunity that this portion of the antibody that binds with this s protein because of that small little mutation that virus might not and that antibody may not be able to bind to that portion of the virus viral s protein specifically that may lead to the worry is evading your immune system evading the neutralization of antibodies so what is the concern with this the concern with this deletion is that this may lead to evasion of neutralizing antibodies and here's the thing though let's say that you do evade let's say that in this person who has been vaccinated so again this would be vaccinated or natural kind of immunity and you generated these antibodies that are going to be directed against this s protein and it's a small change from the original one other quick thing these antibodies you know how many amino acids it takes for these to interact it takes about six amino acids so in order for an antibody to bind to this particular antigen it needs about six amino acids to do that here's two things i want you to understand we only made a two amino acid change that's the first thing it takes about six amino acids for that actual antibody to bind with so this interaction may not be as strong but there still could be some interaction with these antibodies that you generate from vaccination or natural immunity the second thing is this s protein is a big son of a gun so even if you aren't even if there is a mutation in this small portion here you still have many other areas that the antibody can bind with so that's the important thing but let's say worst case scenario your neutralizing antibodies somehow don't work on this s protein guess what we have though and this is why i think it's very important to understand your immunology we still have our memory t cells and our memory b cells i don't think that these variants are going to be able to bypass that system so because that even if there is an evasion of the neutralizing antibodies and we'll talk about this a little bit later the question is is our memory cells which ones t cells and b cells are they enough and i truly think that they are so that's the next thing that's the next concern okay all right one more mutation and you know what's beautiful about this is that if you look here at the b117 look at the n5019 mutation it's present in the south african variant and the brazil variant so all of these potentially have this this mutation this change that we're actually concerned with okay so this next one that we have to talk about that we really only see in the uk variant is this substitution at the 618th amino acid of the s protein and there's a substitution between p and h so and again you have to look at the single amino acid abbreviations but again it's p 6 1 8 h so what is the worry about this particular mutation the worry is is that again it changes a particular structure in the s1 or s2 peptide portion so here's s1 here's s2 here's the receptor binding domain the area that we may see a change is in the s1 s2 portion why is that a concern let me explain so let's say again we only focus on that actual portion here binding so we have the receptor binding domain that's binding here and then we have the two portions here the s1 and the s2 remember the receptor binding domain is the part that we're we really want to focus on with the ace2 interaction but remember this protein here it was green over there but we're just calling our orange for you know keeping this consistent with the mutation it was that tmprs2 that transmembrane protease do you remember what it did it led to cleavage of a particular part of like the s protein that helped to increase the you know receptor-mediated endocytosis taking the virus into the cell well these mutations from this p618h mutation it may increase the activity of this cleavage site if you increase the activity and interaction with this enzyme and you have this increased cleavage what is this going to do it's going to bring more virus into the cell so the concern here with this mutation is that this may increase the cleavage activity so it increases what's called furin cleavage sites and the concern with that is that it's going to increase viral entry into the cell i want to talk about this last mutation that we only see in the south african and the brazil variant so okay real quick so real quick recap with the b117 or the uk variant the primary mutations are in these three and what was the overall consensus this one increases the receptor binding domain ace2 interaction increased viral entry the deletion potentially changes a spot on the s1 s2 peptide and potentially may evade at neutralizing antibodies the p618h increases the activity of the fury and cleavage with the trmprs22 protein that increases viral entry to the cell the south african and the brazil variant guess what they both have that n501y one so again it's the same process increasing the viral entry what do they have though that's different in comparison to the uk one this pink one the e 484k mutation and again it's a substitution here and again if we look at it here on this particular portion of the gene it's this e484k so at the 484th amino acid you're having a substitution now where is this substitution and why is it a concern we've kind of already hit this so it's going to be a pretty quick recap again what is the structure here s1 s2 receptor binding domain now if i'm a little bit particular just a teensy bit more specific the receptor binding domain has a particular portion of it that really is kind of coming in contact with the ace2 it's the most intimate contact point between the receptor binding domain and the ace2 and this is it's it's called the receptor binding uh motif if you really want to be specific what we're seeing with this mutation is that there is a particular change in the structure of the receptor binding domain but particularly within the receptor binding motif that's a part of the receptor binding domain what the heck does that do well let's talk about it all it does is let's actually color code it here what do we have here this is blue we said this right here you're going to have very intimate interaction now between the receptor binding motif of the receptor binding domain and increased interaction with the ace2 what will that do increase viral entry into the cell if you increase the viral entry into the cell what is the problem and the fear with that we already talked about it if you have more virus coming into the cell it's a simple process here think about it more virus coming into the cell okay that virus is going to replicate make more rna make more proteins s proteins in this case so it's actually color coordinated you're going to make more s proteins if you make more s proteins more rna and you combine both of these together what are you going to do you're going to make more viruses we'll just represent it like this okay if you make more and more and more viruses guess what that's going to do that's going to go and infect more cells cause damage to more tissue cells and increase the viral load within the individual which can do what potentially increase the transmission of the virus so this is why there is this fear of these viral variants now i'm not going to lie to you there is certain research out there that says that the transmission of the virus with these variants is increased okay so maybe up to potentially 30 to 50 percent so that is a lot but here's the thing i i don't think we have enough research on and that's the question i think we need to kind of have a little bit of understanding is is okay yes you can have increased transmission of that virus these variants but what if it's asymptomatic what if it's mild cases you're not getting a lot of those moderate to severe to fatal cases that's something i don't think we know yet i do think that if you think about this the more viral infection you have within a population there is just going to be a higher incidence potentially of fatality but within a general population i don't know how much more fatal these can be i still think that if you have been vaccinated or that have you already been affected with the original stars kobe 2 i still think you're going to have enough memory t cells b cells and for the most part neutralizing antibodies the only thing i will say and i'll explain it a little bit later that i think could be debated is if you were infected and it was a very asymptomatic or mild case maybe you didn't generate a powerful enough memory cell response or a powerful enough antibody response if you were infected with a hyrule high viral load from one of these variants there could be the possibility that your immune system won't be strong enough in that sense if you think about it to fight that variant off but again i still think that we have protection from these variants if you're being vaccinated and if you had have the infection you also should have some general immunity and again we'll talk about some other ways that you can optimize your immune system but this i think kind of gives us the genetics behind the viral variants now what i want us to do is talk about the immunology is vaccines and is the natural uh kind of immunity that we developed if we've been infected with the original saurus cov2 variant enough to battle off these variants the question is and this is something that i would want to know and i hope that something that you guys were thinking about is again if we've been vaccinated with what well the big ones that are out there right now is the moderna and the pfizer and again there's also other ones out there like the astrazeneca oxford vaccine the johnson johnson's coming out the nova vacs there's a lot of different vaccines but these are primarily the ones that most people have received with respect to the original sars cov2 virus before these variants really started popping up the question is if you were vaccinated would you still be able to get infected with these these variants and here here's why i would say for the most part no okay you have to understand just the basics again we've already talked about this before but the basics of how these vaccines work remember these vaccines have a lipid nanoparticle and they have mrna that gets taken into the cell once it's taken into this cell what happens let's say that this is just some type of host cell it could be any cell that's taken into your body this vaccine once it's taken in it releases the mrna and you guys remember what we said the mrna will then bind with what it'll kind of hop on to our own ribosomal system and when it hops onto the ribosomal system what will it do it'll translate this mrna right so it'll translate this mrna and when it translates it it translates it into a portion of what well the main thing that we're trying to code for for this mrna is portions of that s peptide okay so portions of that s-peptide now what happens is pieces of that s-protein will then do what will then get expressed onto our cells and primarily the one that we said was the big one here is the this pathway the mhc2 pathway so what's going to happen is this s-peptide part of it's going to get expressed on this mhc2 molecule these mhc2 molecules are only found on what cells this is only happening on apcs antigen presenting cells what are the antigen presenting cells this is macrophages this is b cells and this is dendritic cells we understand this right once these mhc2 complexes present that piece of the s-peptide that activates your immune system what type of cells you guys remember these are your t cells but we should be specific these are your naive t helper cells these naive t helper cells will use their tcr to interact with the antigen and their cd4 molecule to interact with the mhc2 complex once this interaction occurs what happens it starts releasing cytokines a bunch of different cytokines and what these cytokines do is it causes these naive t cells to start proliferating and making more t cells that are primed and able to recognize that s-peptide if they ever come into contact with it again in the future right so these are going to be my memory t cells the other thing that we know what happens here is that these t cells will also again release more cytokines and these cytokines what will they do they'll go and activate another set of cells and these cells are called b cells these b cells from these cytokines will get converted into very interesting cells called plasma cells plasma cells will then start producing what types of molecules they will start producing antibodies and these antibodies are going to be particularly primed that if for whatever reason we are infected with the sars cov2 virus and that s protein gets expressed again we will have antibodies that can bind to it so so far we have memory t cells that we've built up and we have plasma cells that we've built up and we have antibodies that we built up now here's one more thing the b cells whenever the b cells actually like whenever they're stimulated from these cytokines they go two pathways one is to become plasma cells there's a particular name for these we call these effector b cells but we don't really call them that we just we call them particularly plasma cells are the effector b cells but whenever these cytokines stimulate the b cells we cause these b cells to differentiate into what's called memory b cells and these memory b cells present particular types of like antibodies on their cell membranes and guess what these antibodies are primed for if you ever are exposed to the sars kobe 2 and that s protein binds onto that little part there it's going to activate the b cells and the b cells will activate your immune system what are these little b cells called these are called memory b cells so we have memory b cells we have antibodies we have memory t cells this other pathway is the kind of like you know controversial pathway but again it's a small pathway not as significant where a piece of the s peptide can get presented onto m h mhc1 molecules and whenever that's presented these specific types of cells called naive cytotoxic t cells will bring their cd4 protein to interact with the mhc-1 and their tcr to interact with that antigen when this interaction occurs they become activated and they start releasing cytokines and these cytokines what they start doing is is they start causing an increased production or replication of proliferation of these naive t cells into kind of primed and ready to roll cytotoxic t cells so that way if ever in the future a virus the sars-cov2 virus infects a tissue cell and exposes a piece of that s-peptide on their mhc-1 complex these cytotoxic t cells are ready to go now this same kind of process can occur in somewhat a similar way when someone's infected they generate a very similar kind of immune response right here's the question is this immune response strong enough are able enough to battle off that actual these variants well here's the thing let's say worst case scenario we take for example here you have the virus right the virus leads to kind of the what's the problematic portion of the virus the problematic portion we said is the peptide okay the s1 s2 and the receptor binding domain let's say we take for example you take that example of where there's a small change in like the s s-pap tied small changes i still think that these antibodies are going to be able to be effective against this s-peptide from any of the variants there might be a small reduction in efficacy but for the most part i still think there's going to be effectiveness here with neutralizing antibodies again we need some more studies rcts to really confirm this i'm just making my kind of own hypothesis here based on just the basic concepts of immunology so with that being said i think one of the big things is what modern and physical vaccine does and what your natural immunity does is you generate antibodies that are designed to neutralize the virus is that going to be effective i think for the most part it is and so that leads to this question we know that these moderniser vaccines they have pretty good efficacy somewhere around like 95 percent was around their efficacy would there be a drop in efficacy because of these antibodies these neutralizing antibodies that these vaccines help us to generate i think yes i think there could be a minor drop in efficacy but i don't think it's enough that it's going to drop below like 50 percent where the vaccine is still not effective again you only need the vaccine to have about a 50 efficacy for it to be fda approved i still think that regardless of these variants i think there will be a drop but i don't think it's going to be enough that the vaccine still won't be effective and here's the here's the reason why i would back that up even if the neutralizing antibodies weren't good enough well guess what else you have let's say that this as peptide uh the virus the sarcov2 variants infect a cell express a piece of that as peptide guess what else you have that can come and try to eradicate it besides the neutralizing antibodies now you have these cytotoxic t cells which will come to that cell that's infected with it now you have these memory b cells that when activated will help to do what will help to produce more antibodies well these memory b cells can become activated and kind of eventually get trigger more antibody production and then you'll have more memory memory t cells helper cells come to the area and also help to fight off this infection so even if the neutralizing antibodies weren't as effective you still have memory t cells and memory b cells that should still be good to fight off that sars kov2 variant whichever one it may be another thing that's really important here is that these modern and pfizer for the most part i believe it's moderna and they are looking to make small changes to their vaccines and so their booster shots will account for maybe these small little mutations uh within the sars cov2 virus so again the booster shots may be something that also will help to increase that efficacy again trying to make sure that you tailor the s protein within that mrna a little bit uh so that it kind of can help to accommodate for these sars cov2 variants so again there's another way that we can have that so i think that kind of answers the question that at the end of the day is vaccines still effective yes and i think that they will also kind of their efficacy may drop but i think it'll go back up with the booster shots and the second thing is is our natural immunity enough if we've been infected with the original enough to fight off these variants i think yes it is but again it kind of comes down to that that point of how many antibodies and how much memory cells you generated that may be dependent upon how severe your infection was but again that's that's just hypothesis on my part the last thing that i want to talk about here is prevention what is something that we can do what are the things that we should do to kind of prevent ourselves if by the worst case scenario again we're infected with star's cov2 virus whether it be the original whether it be the variance it should still remain the same it shouldn't be really any change and i think the ways that we prevent this primarily comes from again making sure that you're this is obviously common sense washing your hands making sure that you're quarantining and isolating if you become infected okay and here's the big thing we already talked about this we had a video what else do we think could help to optimize your immune system vitamin d taking vitamin d is a big one another one is vitamin c a little bit and zinc and the last thing here is very important make sure that you are getting vaccinated okay these are some of the things that i would say and again also going off of this wearing your mask okay wearing your mask quarantining if you're needing to washing your hands making sure that you're kind of still trying to maintain that six feet distance and then optimizing your immune system with these natural kind of vitamins and minerals i think and i hope that this answers our under our questions about the sars-ko v2 variants iron engineer so i really hope that this made sense i hope that it helped i hope that maybe cleared up any confusion on that sarsko v2 variant topic and engineers we thank you we love you so much for always supporting us and helping us ninja nerds as always until next time you
Channel: Ninja Nerd Lectures
Views: 90,030
Rating: 4.9691629 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Nerd Lectures, Ninja Nerd, Ninja Nerd Science, education, whiteboard lectures, medicine, science, vaccine, pandemic, uk variant, NEWS, sars, brazil variants, south african, 2 variants, cov, COVID-19, coronavirus, VARIANT, health, south africa variant, mutation, virus, brazil variant, SOUTH, current SARS-CoV-2 variants, Covid Vaccine, coronavirus vaccine, covid variant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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