Sara Bareilles - I Choose You (Official Video)
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Channel: SaraBareillesVEVO
Views: 23,961,238
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Keywords: i choose you, i choose you sara bareilles, sara bareilles, sara bareilles i choose you, choose you, sarah barrellies, choose you sara bareilles, sara bareilles love song, brave sara bareilles, sarah berrelies, sara bareilles - i choose you, sara bareilles choose you, i choose you sara, love song sara bareilles, i choose, love song, brave, gravity, she used to be mine, ingrid michaelson, colbie caillat, official sara bareilles, official video
Id: xjE5D9cHiOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Mon May 05 2014
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Such a beautiful video. My gf and I teared up to this.
I have a weakness for cute proposal videos. I like seeing the person's reaction and then them hugging afterwards. I WANT LOVE.
Yeah, I'm crying a lot right now.
Aw it's videos like this that make me wonder if I'd rather propose or be proposed to. Both would be so nice...
I teared up a little :) so sweet!
I don't tend to be very emotional at all, there's hardly anything that will actually move me to tears. This did.
Also, I love this song so much, I'm totally planning on singing this song to my fiance at our wedding. Now I just need to practice it somewhere he can't hear me, since I want it to be a surprise.
so cute!! awww.