Sara Bareilles - Brave (Official Video)
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Channel: SaraBareillesVEVO
Views: 124,190,629
Rating: 4.8995934 out of 5
Keywords: brave, brave sara bareilles, sara bareilles, say what you wanna say, sara bareilles brave, brave song, i wanna see you be brave, be brave, sarah barrellies, fight song, i want to see you be brave, say what you need to say, motivational songs, brave by sara bareilles, amidst the chaos sara bareilles, love song, gravity, she used to be mine, ingrid michaelson, colbie caillat, official sara bareilles, official video, alternative, pop, Brave, Epic
Id: QUQsqBqxoR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2013
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I’ve seen her live twice. Once at an intimate acoustic show in Milwaukee (~200 guests) and once at a club in Chicago. The first show was right before this song came out, the second show was just after this song came out. Both shows were amazing. She’s extremely talented, and Blessed Unrest was such a brilliant album.
why is this a guilty pleasure lol Sara Bareilles is a very talented singer who makes great music
Omg love song too wow
Title: Sara Bareilles - Brave (Official Video)
Duration: 00:03:58
Size: 86.70MB
Quality: 1080p
Audio stream
Size: 3.65MB
Bitrate: 131.33kbps
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