Santa's Toy Reviews - Episode #10: Cara Dune (Vintage Collection)

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oh hello star wars fans hey welcome to another toy review as we uh unpackage uh the vintage collection figure for cara dune you know this is a difficult item to get hold of these days uh due to some of the things that have happened of course in social media and so on but uh we've got the vintage collection cara dune right here and this is in the if you'll notice it's in this uh carbonized graphite pack so one thing about this grap graphite pack is the photos on the card appear great when they're lit but if you're looking at them just straight on they kind of dark right they're kind of dark let me show you a couple other examples just to prove the point uh we've got here uh the cards for uh two other carbonized graphite uh figures here's the imperial death trooper look you can barely make him out right he's barely coming out but if we sh if we change the light you can make him out there uh and you can see him in the figure but even yet it's still a little bit dark but this is you know it's a black uh molded figure so of course uh the you know the armor is black and all of that but still very hard to make out unless you get the light just right here's another one it's a remnant storm trooper and again you can kind of see it but it just straight on it's a little dark if we turn it and get the light on it boom it pops right so there you can make it we get the same thing with this cara doom figure and i've gone ahead and separated the pack off so that we can take a look at this card and i'll just set the pack down there and just bring the card up so you can see it this card is you know the figure there is is pretty dark if we turn it and get the light on it boom it pops right you can get the figure really nice so you can see cara doing there uh her hair swept over to the side uh looking uh quite aggressive right she's a fantastic figure and uh there's some of the other uh carbonized figures you can collect uh so here we've got uh the remnant trooper the death trooper cara dune and the mandalorian we've got three of those four right here so uh here's uh here's the figure in the in the pack and again i've got it separated so i can pull off the the front right i can just pull this pull this front off and we can set it to the side uh along with the packaging the paper work right all that can go and then that's just the standard paperwork and inside you'll see and i want to bring this up uh let me bring the card back up and show you all a couple things about this card that there's a warning on here choking hazards small parts not intended for children under three years old and this has a four plus uh signal on that side so this four plus label here uh one thing that's neat about that in these carbonized is that it's black it's black on uh it's white on black if we look at it on the other the standard cards let me pull this one up here from moth gideon all right so here's maf gideon we look at the corner see this is a gray circle with the white four plus right there on that corner if we look at it again on the carbonized the carbonized uh they don't have that circle on there right it's just a it's a the white on the black uh so it's very nice uh there you have it so uh that's one point and uh that is a choking hazard under uh three has to do primarily with this little pistol right here if we pull this pistol out and just so you know if you if you don't follow these things uh choking hazard for uh small children uh the the real easy way to look is if you take a toilet paper tube just the tube on the inside the roll that you take that tube if something fits into that tube then it's a choking hazard so you can tell this pistol it's quite small nice amount of detail on this guy but uh it is uh well within that size to be a choking hazard so uh the other part of that is oh good luck not losing it right if this thing comes out and falls in the floor somewhere uh or into a toy box or something like that it could be difficult to find uh one thing you could notice on this is it's got a little bit of a wood uh tint to the handle uh they've got a site there on the top it's a good amount of detail uh and this even the silver part there on the on the gun itself has a little bit of etchings and stuff in it very nice pistol very nice pistol and then there's another weapon in the package let's go ahead and pull that out uh it's uh more of the long rifle like you saw at the end of season two when she's going through that hallway with the finnick and uh and oh there you go and boca tan right oh they were kicking butt uh this is more that long rifle and here you see it's got those two uh two ammo chambers attached to it it's got a little handle here for grabbing right on top uh as well as the pistol grip there and of course the rifle butt uh it's got a nice sling to it that you can wrap around her arm or uh put it on her back that way uh one thing to note about this rifle though uh it's it's very rubber here look at this right this thing is very rubber it's it's soft uh malleable and it's it's kind of tough to keep even straight right it wants to have a curve in it because that rubber is so malleable uh so just a word of caution there uh this rifle uh it's got an again a nice amount of detail to it and such but it's you know because of this soft nature of the rubber it won't get brittle of course but the other half of that uh the trade-off is it's hard to keep it you know in shape oh it wants to be bent all right so let's get to the the main attraction here let's pull carrot dune out of the packaging here and uh get her out and uh there we can we can put this to the side we don't need that uh so here's carrot dune here we go folks there she is uh we've got uh her hair swept to the side we can move it to the side so you can kind of see right her hair swept to the side and uh of course uh that signature tattoo right on her cheek there you go you can see it right there she got that signature tattoo on her cheek that kind of laser vision focus that she's gone she's kind of giving you the stare down there uh even oh it's hard to see but even her eyebrows are kind of furrowed oh she's very aggressive uh of course her tattoo here on the arm uh and her armor it's kind of got again because it's that carbonized it's got a little bit of sheen to it and i know uh the color correction on the cameras make it tough for you guys to see but uh it does have a little bit of a beaut blue hue to her armor so it's that classic cara dune armor and let's see if we get it in better lighting if you can see there you go there you go now you can see it's that you can see that blue pop out it's got that blue and you can see it's kind of uh got the sheen to it so uh that's the carbonized that it's got that kind of sheen and there you have it a couple notes here again with all vintage collection they've got these pegs in the bottom of the feet so that you can pose them on things uh and then uh the from an articulation standpoint the the shoulders here uh again you've got a little bit of a armor uh impairment there making it hard right making it hard to lift her arms out but there you can see they can move out and as well as the elbows are always really good on those vintage collection figures right so the elbow and the wrist those are all very very articulated they work great and then we've got uh here at the waist you can you can give her certain movements here at the waist all right so very nice she's got that movement and then uh at the hip so uh what i've noticed on these vintage collection figures is the hips turn in and out like this really well it's tough to get them to go up uh so to get it to like raise her knee uh is is very difficult right it wants to turn not raise so i can right you can raise it but it's tough to get to like that 90 degree angle it doesn't want to go um it's just the way that that that hip is built and then of course the knee uh the knee is great you can bend it there and then uh as with all of them they've got a little bit of a rocker on these feet so you can point the foot down you can point the foot up see that that's great uh you got a rocker as well as being able to turn it so uh great articulation on these the amount of detail as i mentioned when you see her here um her eyebrows are furrowed uh the the eyes are really well done the paint in there she's focused laser focused uh it looks like cara dune uh so the image looks good the armor uh we've got that blue sheen on there i know for you guys you're having trouble the color correction on the camera makes it appear black that's got to do with this screen back here and all that but but if i get it just right you can see that blue color as well as some of the detail like on her armor and like uh the the gun belt here the gun belt is great we got a place to put that pistol right there oh and we'll talk about that in just a moment uh and i've got this leg all all jacked around we've got uh here a couple of uh uh extra shells to put into a rifle right or into a big shotgun uh you've got that the one thing to notice here when we'll talk about the pistol next is she's got that pistol grip uh that's common on these where you can put that finger right into let's see if i can show you guys yeah you can put that finger right into the weapon so let's take the pistol and show you all how this works all right so we take the the the arm we can move it up and you would normally see that and then slide the pistol in and then that finger goes right into the hole just like that like it's made for it oh nice job hasbro so there you go you can see you're holding that pistol and you can see that finger going right into the trigger uh the trigger hole there and if i turn it let me just get that get her finger put through the hole uh there you go yeah if i turn it this way and put it up you can see her finger actually sticks through that hole right there so uh very nice she's got enough uh she holds that pistol and it just like that you would normally see that like she holds that pistol all the time and uh you could even extend her arm out like that and have her with that pistol and because of the articulation that's available you can even put it more in front right so uh that's very good very nice uh now let's take a look when we take this pistol out and put it into the holster uh and you gotta let her let go of it again that finger goes right into the hole and she wants to hold the pistol that's a good thing that's a good thing so we can put the pistol well i gotta turn it this way so you guys can see i put that right into the holster and it's got uh the the sight on the top kind of fits around the front of that holster and it works like a nice pinch so it pinches onto the holster really nice right so it's holding on there you can see it really well right that's fantastic fits in there uh they've done a nice job of molding all of that uh they fit to go together perfectly then of course we've got this uh rifle you can hold it there so let's let's uh try to get her to hold this both the pistol grip as well as that extra hold and so we can we can uh put her arm into here okay here we go oh there you go snap that right up and uh there she's holding she's holding the pistol grip now we want to uh turn her arm turn this arm and have her grab hold of the handle up there as well and look at that there it goes boom she's got it she can hold that just perfectly just like you had in the show and again you can kind of see how that's that's warped right look at that gun how it's been uh so uh that's a that is an issue now i told you guys about that being really rubbery you can see what i'm talking about uh so uh again you can you can pose it you can uh work it straight in that rifle and uh putting her in the scenes like we had her in season two finale there you go that's fantastic look at that that is wonderful i love it uh so here we go that's uh our review of the vintage collection cara dune carbonized and uh i'm thrilled to death to have her is a an addition to my collection uh part of my mandalorian collection and i think she's critical uh she's she's uh heavily involved in both seasons we have to this point and if the mandalorian goes on another 10 seasons who knows i doubt it but anyway if it goes on another 10 seasons she's still going to be critical to that first two season arc and this is going to be something people will need for their collection and i can mention like uh political uh controversies aside the character is part of the show the character is part of uh the lore and it's something that collectors uh who are getting the figures aren't so much concerned about the politics of it all you want the character to be able to stage uh photograph and to put into your collection so uh i really don't understand why the demand is high for the figure why they don't allow uh fans to purchase uh it's it seems like a big mistake to me uh but that's that's santa i'm more concerned about the toy about the collection about the figure than i am the politics of the actress so that's that's oh that's me but you know i certainly understand folks that are angry uh and i get why uh but you know you don't have to buy her for character and if a lot of people didn't want to buy it then they wouldn't make them because of demand but i understand hasbro doesn't want to have anything to do with the political side of it they don't want to deal with the protests and all that kind of stuff and that's kind of what's led to the decision so i like it at all uh you know i'm i'm not here to tell you one way or the other but uh i am thrilled personally to have her part of my collection and a huge thanks uh for the help i got in getting her character here at it uh so that is our review of the cara dune vintage collection carbonized figure i hope you are having a wonderful day and until next time we see you all friends merry christmas everybody bye
Channel: Star Wars Santa
Views: 53
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Cara Dune, TVC, The Vintage Collection, Review, The Mandalorian, Hasbro, Kenner
Id: 1K3gaN63E1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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