Santa Clara County moves to the Orange Tier (Tier 3) in the State's Framework | 2020-10-14

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[Music] so [Music] good morning my name is corina herrera public information officer for the santa clara county and today we're very excited to announce that we've gone into the orange tier so thank you to the community and everybody who's put in their part and before we continue we will be taking off our masks during this segment so that you can understand this better and the asl can translate so as i mentioned we are very excited to open up more things we're going to be going over details today we have indira fonseca who's also a public information officer and she's in charge she's a manager of the where they are in charge of answering questions so when you call and ask questions she oversees a team and we're happy to have her here today to share some information thank you indira for coming here and uh sharing the details about tear orange and what that means for us in our community thank you corina um absolutely um so i work for the call centers and supporting our call center so any questions that we see from the public or businesses we most definitely answer those questions to the best of our ability or we get back to our businesses and we're happy to support we're happy to support our community um at this time there are a lot of changes we under now that we are in the orange tier which is great um this definitely reflects our all of our hard work as a community all of our businesses you know being in compliance with our directives so we really thank you for that thank you and so let's start with uh the tier um and the protocols and what that means what changes is there to our social distancing protocol now that we're in tier orange absolutely so there are a lot of changes under the orange here which are good changes for some for a lot of our businesses we are able to have more activities and businesses open up or have looser restrictions so with that being said there is a new social distancing protocol under our revised risk reduction order so all businesses must complete a new social distancing protocol meaning so businesses have already some most of them have already submitted a social distancing protocol meaning they they would receive the green check mark at the now with our new revised social distancing protocol um that are all businesses must must submit within 14 days from our order uh going live which is today um they have to submit a social distancing protocol because our a lot of there have been a lot of updates um businesses can find that social distancing protocol on the same web page which is covid 19 prepared dot o-r-g there they can find all the information the guidelines there is a how-to video on how to submit the social distancing protocol some things are similar but some things are updated just like one of the the big updates has been the capacity limitations and just to keep in mind one of the call centers which is the business call center we are fully staffed and happy and ready um to assist you on submitting your social distancing protocol but definitely it this is a reminder that this is an updated social distancing protocol and that must be submitted for all businesses in santa clara county nice thank you and speaking of capacity and changes um i know you know we're really excited to get out at least a little bit right and still stay safe can you tell us a little bit about the changes within the capacity limitations yeah so that is one of our biggest updates um in the social distancing protocol and just in general um capacity limit we have moved on from density limitation uh to capacity and capacity limitations apply to every room or area in your facility which members of the public spend time or engage in regulated activities i can give you an example of the entities that are are subject to capacity limitations some of them are indoor museums zoos and aquariums indoor gyms and fitness facilities indoor dining facilities indoor family centers indoor car rooms and any facility hosting an indoor gathering including places of worship movie theaters and private residences if your business does not fall into this criteria it is not subject to the health office or capacity limitation but you should still follow and limit the number of people in your facility to ensure social distancing a minimum of six feet apart and to help you determine the capacity limitation we understand that this is a big change we also developed santa clara county now has a capacity limitation calculator that will assist businesses and the public and determining what is the capacity limitation of that room or area the website for that is dot o-r-g forward slash covid capacity and like i mentioned our business call center is ready to assist you um to determine that as well thank you so now you heard if you have a business or any place that may be able to open you can look uh at that website and for those of us who will be going to enjoy some of these businesses and going indoors uh we get to keep in mind that it doesn't mean that we're all gonna be able to go in there's still limitations so we may get to weight our part you know still maintaining safety right you mentioned the six feet apart wearing our face masks probably except when we eat i'm assuming otherwise but for indoor gatherings an example would be if you are attending a ceremony a religious ceremony you cannot take off your face covering if you are indoors if you are outdoors of course you can remove your face covering if you are at a diet outdoor dining place you can definitely remove that to have your food or drink but there are restrictions which is why i encourage you to visit our website to receive further guidance for individual directives as our dining directive has changed there is now an indoor dining directive and guidance for our businesses here in santa clara county that they must follow and just to um a briefer just to touch back on our capacity limitation part of the requirement is for businesses to post this capacity limitation for the public to view so that's really important that's really important for businesses to keep that in mind and make that information accessible to the public and we do have a template for this on our website as well thank you indira and i know i've already had different questions about the 100 to 200 so now a 200 limitation where before it was at 100 for the outdoor gatherings but they're still specific guidance around that and it stays the same right so initially it was for ceremonies it is it is still for ceremonies and uh religious events and cultural and protests so we are that is still in place um it's just the amount of individuals that can be at that gathering has increased but they still must adhere to the directive and the guidelines so an example would be they would have to still submit a social distancing protocol and post the capacity limitation for that event the person holding that gathering would have to be in charge of gathering the information of the attendees if that for contact racing efforts thank you and so i know you mentioned a little bit about the directives um and a few changes so can you tell us a little bit more and to what directives have changed um absolutely i can give you some examples um we have updated several of our directives now that we are in the orange tier so we invite you to visit our website to receive all the information or updated directives um some examples would be our dining guidance like i mentioned we did we did have outdoor dining directives now we have dining in general and we have general guidelines for dining both indoors and outdoors that businesses must follow but we also have specific guidelines for indoor dining from you know staffing to customers to employ employers businesses that they must follow and we also have an another example would be gyms and fitness facilities we are santa clara county is now in line with the state directive um and again if you if anyone has any issues interpreting that information would be more than happy to assist you thank you and um for further examples also you can visit our website where we have our information scc.or forward slash coronavirus thank you so now you've heard community uh we're in tier orange our next here is tier yellow however keep in mind that if we don't follow those distancing protocols six feet apart still wearing our face masks we can easily go back right so absolutely we want to make sure that we follow we stay safe we stay healthy we continue to open up our county as you know we all want to so continue to wear your face masks continue to you know stay safe stay home as much as we can still however you know there is more opening so we're able to go out enjoy our community a little bit more go and dine indoors you know enjoy a meal um still within our families you know but we're able to go now to some of these places that will be opening up now that we're in tear orange um indira thank you so much is there anything else that you would like to add and let our community know before we end today um absolutely um i would love to remind um well first of all thank you um you know for our you know everyone's colle uh collaborative effort you know we all have uh responsibility to each other and i think that you know our us utilizing things as space coverings and social distancing really do at the end of the day allow us to move forward and um and i want to remind also the public that if these metrics continue to improve the county would be eligible to advance to the framework to a less restrictive level as you guys have as everyone has seen if these metrics worse and of course the county could also revert to a more restrictive level which is why it's very important to emphasize that even if um activities are allowed to uh user discretion um sometimes it is just simply not recommended um we are all in this together and hold our responsibility to each other and also to a vulnerable population if you have someone in your home or you know just loved ones in general that are part of that vulnerable population please keep in mind that it is up to us to keep them safe so but on behalf of santa clara county we thank you for your continued efforts and uh or continue to fight against covet 19. thank you indira so now community as you've heard let's feel good you know we've all brought our community to where we're at in tear orange you know from you watching this to our children you know going through distance learning at home those of us here working hard on your behalf we've all done this together and so we are one you know step away from going to or from orange to yellow and then eventually taking us out of this pandemic so let's feel good we're doing good we're at yell we're at orange soon to be at yellow hopefully um keep doing what you're doing and we'll continue to do what we're doing you know working hard for you all um and uh let's enjoy um and stay safe at the same time keep in mind that there are you know holidays coming up and we are mindful of that that doesn't mean we're going to be able to go back you know and do what we how we did things before we still got to stay within our homes um stay within our you know immediate families change a few things here and there however you know we'll be able to um enjoy you know indoor activities um maybe a zoo uh maybe you know a place of worship where we were a little bit you know we weren't going because maybe we weren't on the list or we weren't able to make it on the list now things have opened up we might be able to you know go do some of those things so thank you you know i'm really happy and i look forward to you know getting to that tear yellow soon uh thank you indira again for making time and thank you for tuning in here remember we're here every monday wednesday and friday at 10 a.m continuing to provide information as we go forward here in our county thank you again and hope you have a good week you
Channel: County of Santa Clara Public Health
Views: 177
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: __DydNoYRh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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