SANS DFIR WebCast - Introduction to Windows Memory Analysis

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- [AJ] Hello and welcome to the SANS webcast Introduction to Window's Memory Analysis. I am AJ Boyle and I will be moderating the course today. The instructor is Chad Tilbury. Before I turn the time over to him, I would like to cover features of the interface for those who have not attended a SANS webcast before. The screen is split up into three main regions: The participant's list, the direct message chat window, and the white board which has already been loaded. The participant's list has several columns. The first with the little hand indicates someone has raised their hand to ask a question. To raise your hand, click the hand button right below the participant's list. The next column is a yes, no indicator. You can click the toolbar button with the green check or the red X to indicate a yes or no answer to the question from a moderator or the instructor. The next column is the microphone. If this icon has a yellow background, someone is talking. The microphone will be locked, so only one person can speak at a time. If you have a turn to speak, you can click the microphone button in the audio section. Do note that the illuminate software will buffer speech, so if you experience network delays, playback will speed up causing the chipmunk effect. The next column is the chat indicator. Anyone who is typing in the messaging entry box will have a yellow background here. I will cover how messaging works in a moment. The next column with the pen icon is the white board editing indicator. I have disabled white board editing for participants. The last icon before names is application sharing, which has also been disabled for participants. Finally, the list of names you see are your classmates, moderators, and the instructor who is also a moderator. Let me explain how the messaging system works. To enter a message, point your cursor at the entry box below the main window. Before sending, use the dropdown to select who the message will go to. Valid choices are all participants, only moderators, and only selected participants. You can select the names of other students, the instructor, or moderators to send a message only that person, but do note that moderators will see all messages, both public and private. As mentioned, the white board already has the slides loaded, the instructor will advance the slides as he moves through the course material, and it will automatically advance for all students. If you experience technical difficulties during the class, please send an e-mail to or notify your moderator. Thank you for your attention. Now let me turn the mic over to your instructor, Chad Tilbury. - [Chad] Hello everybody. Hey I actually have two computers going, so I am trying to manipulate both my keyboards and mouse at the same time. We'll see if I can get this hack situation going a little bit here. Let me know, give me a thumbs up or hand clap or something if you can hear me okay. Very good, thank you very much. See a few of you, fantastic. Well I've got, I've hacked the system a little bit because I've got a presentation with an intense amount of animations in it and I'm hoping I'll be able to use that. I realize that given the fact that we're going across the undersea cables for many of you that it may not be the best option, but we'll see how it works out. As long as everyone keeps happy, I'll stick to this. Otherwise we can jump back down to the kind of cast version of the slide. Before I get too deep, I do wanna mention hopefully you noticed when you came into the webcast that there was a link to download the PDF of these slides. So worst case, grab that pdf, you can follow along in that way. Well I don't wanna spend too much time on introductions, but I do wanna say thanks to AISA for getting the word out, and sponsoring this webcast. It looks like we have a great showing here. I have to admit that I'd probably prefer to be in Australia giving this presentation in person, but well it saved me a long plane flight anyway. And I see I have quite a bit of friends I've seen before on here, so hello to you and hello to any new friends in the making. One thing I do like to point out is that, feel free to ask questions as we go along and as well as shouting answers out to the, to the chat room, that's probably the best place to do it. I'll be keeping track of what's going on in the chatroom and that's actually why I have two computers up and running, so I can watch that chat and kind of get a good pace. Now, as I said, memory forensics is actually one of my favorite topics and I'm very happy to kind of present this to y'all tonight. I won't spend a whole lot of time on introducing myself, but I got my start in the Air Force with the, an organization called Air Force Office of Special Investigations and I've done a wide variety of forensic type of cases, but really my specialty is in incident response as well as counter espionage. I currently serve as a incident response consultant. I've spent my time over the last few years doing a large number of cases varying from small to medium sized businesses all the way up to Fortune 500 companies facing things like a lot of our banking theft hacks or APT type intrusions. And it won't surprise you, I'm also a SANS instructor and I wanna just point out that I have my contact information here, so if you have any questions or comments or war stories to share, please feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to hear from ya. So we've got a lot to cover tonight. The first thing is why do we care about memory forensics? And over the last decade or so that I've been doing forensics, I haven't seen anything close to the value of a technique like memory forensics. It's raged onto the scene, really starting around 2006 time period, and I believe it has made a revolutionary change over what's available to us and in a large number of investigations. Now, a lot of what we'll be covering today is going to be focusing a little more on kind of the intrusion type investigations or malware type of cases you may be running. But just keep in mind, memory forensics is so important because memory is the, really its the critical choke point that we see on a computer system. It is the bridge that everything passes through from the disk all the way up to CPU. So we can get virtually anything out of memory, from the standard URLs or web traffic that might've been going on in the system to open network sockets to, in some cases, complete copies of registry keys and values. A large amount of information on hardware configurations, even be able to find things like web USB keys or Google Devices may have been played from that system. One of the really interesting places of research that's going on in memory forensics is this idea of passwords, particularly as we get into the world of full disk encryption or encrypted volumes where you may actually need to go back to a memory image in order to get that information. And of course the final thing that I've got up here is this idea of malware. And malware is really probably easiest to find in memory, which if I had one object or one artifact to actually look for with inside a system that's been infected with malware, I would almost certainly pick the memory image. I'm gonna drop out for a second so I can get my pointer set up here. Just give me one moment. Well, these slides we're gonna be talking about are really about doing the analysis, but I didn't want to sweep by and not cover kind of the most critical part of doing the analysis which is really the idea of first we have to get our memory image So we're not gonna spend a lot of time on it during this hour. I did wanna point out one of the newer tools that's come out regarding memory image. Does anyone actually use this tool? It's called DumpIt from MoonSols. The reason why I've pointed it out is because it is by far the easiest memory accessing tool you're gonna run across. It literally has no options. Wherever you run it from, it will show you how much memory you have to dump, it'll ask you if you wanna continue, and it'll just dump it to the extreme location that you ran the application through. It's a fantastic application to throw on a USB thumbdrive and may be deployed throughout your environment or given your instant responders. Literally all you have to do is walk up to a system that's up and running, plug the thumbdrive in, run one executable, it'll dump the memory image back to the thumbdrive, and then send it back for analysis. It's a really really neat tool, freely available from the MoonSols website. Now this is really an introduction to memory analysis. We could get really deep in the weeds and this slide is, what I call the one slide kind of down and dirty in that. While we don't really need to understand a lot of these objects in order to use some of the new tools that have recently come out in the memory analysis realm, I really hate to have anyone actually running a tool without at least knowing what's happening underneath the hood. I think that's a critical thing. We just don't want people punching buttons. Really want you to kind of understand what we're seeing and why we're seeing it. So while I don't wanna go into the depth that you'd need say to bring WinDbg and start tossing memory yourself, I do wanna just cover just a couple of the key artifacts or pieces of memory analysis that we'll be taking advantage of. One of the things that really stirred me to make this presentation is the fact that now we finally have some incredibly robust, incredibly easy to use memory forensic tools that make all of these, or give us access to all of these objects now in a very nice, easy to use interface unlike we've ever had before. So, we no longer have to necessarily draft up into WinDbg to see this, but we should at least know kind of what we're looking at. So the first thing we have to do when we get out memory image is we have to find some context. We have to be able to tell where all the other objects are, and that usually entails finding some sort of an artifact or a kernel reference that allows us to then trace to the other memory structures that we're gonna be interested in. In Windows, the most popular thing to find is this idea of a Kernel Processor Control Region, or KPCR. Now this was relatively easy to find in the XP days in that it was at a fixed address within memory. Once we got into Vista, Windows 7, 2008 world, all of a sudden it started moving. And some of you may be familiar with address space layer randomization, well that actually affected our memory analysis tools as well. And that's why when we, when we get down to seeing the various tools that we can use, you'll notice that there's a wide gap between operations systems, that different tools actually support. Some of that is because every operating system, even every server stack may actually confuse or make it difficult to find a good reference point and actually be able to go and pull out all the other memory structures we care about. So the first thing we do is find context. Once we find that context, we can piggyback off of that in order to identify critical things that we care about. One of the most critical is gonna be this idea of Executive Process blocks or the idea of finding the running processes that were in that memory image. Those running processes will then allow us to find what we call the Process Environment block, which is going to show us the loaded DLLs or loaded libraries for that process. We'll also be able to the parse what we call the VAD Tree. That VAD Tree keeps track of all the memory pages or memory sections that now are, that belong to that process. And then there's a lot of other artifacts that we'll see as we go through here. Things like file handles for instance or threads. But also the final thing that we really wanna focus on, this idea of these kernel modules with the ability to kind of patch the kernel. We commonly will see these as drivers. And of course our memory analysis tools will need to go and pull the information of those kernel modules out so we can identify which drivers have been loaded so we can see if maybe any malicious ones, maybe part of the problem on that system. The next step after we identify where all our key components of memory are is to really kind of dig deep. Now we could probably do a standard memory analysis just with steps one and two, but if we're investigating kind of more advanced malware, we're gonna see that advanced malware can take steps to hide itself, even in memory. We're gonna see that it's almost creepily easy for malware to unlink itself from the process list, or unlink DLLs so they won't be identified as being loaded in a specific process. So we're gonna need to again find kind of key signatures for all those memory structures, and our memory analysis tools, it isn't just gonna simply search all of memory for any kind of outliers that are out there. Bring them up allows us to kind of include those in our analysis. And then the final piece will be for us to, of course, then use our brains. It'll be pooling all this information together, hopefully in a nice, user friendly way so that we can very quickly parse through an intense amount of data looking for kind of the key piece which will help us solve what happened on that system. So if you were familiar with standard forensics, you'd think of a file system. Standard forensics very often is concerned about file systems. And of course, the key things in a file system are files. And so we spend a lot of time concentrating on allocated files, unallocated files, metadata about files. If you wanna take that analogy into the world of memory analysis, instead of files think of processes. Processes are by far the most important structure within a memory image. So one of the first things our tool are gonna do are go out and find those executive process blocks, and they're gonna look like this. Actually the executive process blocks are tracking memory in a doubly linked list. You see that we've smss.exe and lsass.exe and service host. Do you notice that there's a forward link and a back link to all of this? That's our doubly linked list that we simply find, we start up and follow each link in order to identify all the processes running, or at least all the processes that haven't been somehow manipulated by malware. And then I've blown up the lsass.exe just to really represent this idea that each one of those process blocks is gonna have a wealth of information that we can use to identify whether it is legitimate or maybe evil. We'll see things like the process ID, we'll see what it's parent was, we'll see where it was sitting in memory, we'll have timestamps associated with processes that can be very useful. In addition to a wealth of other things that you'll see shortly, like our DLLs that are loaded and our threads that are part of that process and handles to files or pieces of the registry within Windows. But think of that process block as kind of a structure that holds kind of all the information we may need. You can almost think of it as the metadata structure around a process. So as we go through this presentation, I'm gonna introduce some of the newest kind of tools available. I've picked the freely available tools primarily because that opens it up to the widest audience view able to go out and grab these and actually play with them. And the simple fact is we are very lucky the free memory analysis tools out there are really best of breed and it's amazing the capabilities they give us. Without these tools, like Redline for instance, we'd literally be back in the Stone Age. We'd literally need individuals that, that can code an assembly and that are complete Windows internals experts to be memory houses. However, with these tools all of a sudden, they've really opened the field and allowed kind of the rest of us who aren't, who don't think in Hex, to actually be able to do memory analysis. And I start with Redline because I think it is by far the easiest tool to actually use. It has the best interface and it's a fantastic tool for really starting to learn what can find in memory. It has the best support of any free memory analysis tool, you know in conjunction with its kind of sister tool, which is called Memoryze. We see it as support for just about any memory image you're likely to run into, both 32 bit and 64 bit, which is kind of a neat distinction with this tool. It's put out by a company called Mandiant. They do a lot of kind of instant response type of work and they've kind of built in a lot of these heuristics and ways of quickly identifying malware. And they also included kind of a quick and dirty walkthrough, almost like an idea of a step-by-step way to identify what to look at first, then what to look at next to that. And in addition to being easy to use, it also has a great ability to kind of be extended. It has some built in signatures, although I'll admit, the number of signatures built in are quite small, but the nice thing is you can add your own. So as you find malware working on a new environment, you can create signatures for that and continue to search for that in any additional memory analysis that you do in the future. So I highly recommend that you take a look at Redline if you haven't already. It's download address was at the bottom of that last slide. So once we start on memory analysis, very commonly we'll start looking at processes. And while we're looking at processes, I'm starting to try to identify ones that just might not be right. I'm looking for the evil ones. So what we're seeing here on this slide is all those things that you might consider looking at in order to identify the bad from the good. So for instance, what's the process called? Is that something that you're used to seeing on that server product or that work station? Is it even spelled correctly? Sometimes as we'll see, a slight misspelling could help it kind of hide in plain sight. What path is it running from? If I see a binary running from something like Windows System 32, I'm probably going to trust it a heck of lot more than if I see a process running from a temp directory or under some sort of a user app data folder or something along those lines. So just simply seeing where it was running from can help us identify maybe those outliers. Also identifying what process spawned it. Was it spawned by the proper process? And some of this comes with practicing knowledge and knowing, for instance, that svchost.exe processes are always spawned by the services.exe process. If you see one that's not spawned by services.exe, well that's a problem. So being able to recognize kind of these patterns can really help us. We also get an ability to see what the original command line that spawned that process was. We can see the arguments, we can see if it makes sense. If it actually looks legitimate. And then the final thing that I see a lot of people kind of not pay as much attention to, is this idea that every process has a timestamp associated with it. If we happen to get lucky enough to find a malicious process, that alone can be enough to help us blow open our case because all of a sudden I have a malicious process and I have a start time. I know when it first appeared on that system. As such, I might be able to leverage that to then go to my files system analysis and start to identify everything else that happened around that time or my event log or my registry analysis, really tying all of these individual artifacts with their own timestamp together and looking for things that happened about that same time. So start time can also be very very helpful. So let's start with an example. So this is an example of sobig worm. Sobig worms spread through email attachments and network shares. And as you see on the left we have Redline, and I've run Redline on a memory image that's been infected with sobig. We see along the bottom a list of processes and then up top on that you see Investigative Steps. Those investigative steps are actually that guided analysis that I talked to you about. The idea of kind of being able to just walk through kind of a series of steps that will help you hopefully identify what shouldn't be on the system or identify whether there's a cause to me concerned about whatever you're looking at. Now when we look at the processes, you'll notice that one, well actually two are what we call Redlined, in that they have a red marker next to them. This means that they have a very high what we call malware rating index, meaning that the software believes that these are likely to be malicious processes. Now the Memoryze.exe turns out to be a legitimate process. That's actually the program I used to acquire that process, so if you see Memoryze.exe very commonly that's going to be the memory acquisition tool. It could also be something like DumpIt or Win32DD or WinDD or whatever memory dumping tool you typically use, you may see it here. And the reason why it actually gets Redlined by the tool is that if you think about how memory acquisition works, you need raw access to memory. And very commonly the way you get that on our newer systems is to load a driver. So a driver has to be loaded, it has to be loaded at the kernel level, and it gives raw access to an application. Now that's very similar to what malware tries to do, and as such it kind of get flagged along with the other piece of malware, which actually turns out to be winppr32.exe. So if we didn't know that winppr32.exe was bad, we might look a little deeper into it. And this is kind of the details page that we get when we click on a process. And just looking at this, because I have a little bit of experience, I can see all kinds of evil just from the process details here. Thought I had some arrows that would pop up. Well first of all we have our malware risk index of 100. Redline rates applications or processes from zero to 100, with 100 being the most evil or the most likely to be malicious. So the fact that this has 100 risk malware risk index, all of a sudden makes me think hmm, at least Redline is fairly convinced that this is a bad process. Oops. Well for some reason my pointer isn't coming up, but the other items which would make me a little bit interested in this are if you look at the path, notice that this executable is actually running from the Windows directory? That's not a guarantee that what we're looking at is malicious, but it's a little anomalous. Most of our processes are likely to be running from the Windows system 32 directory. There are exceptions, of course. For instance, the explorer.exe process runs from the Windows directory, but an admin might see that and say, hmm, that's a little interesting. The other really key one that I would recognize is the SID, notice the security identifier done there. Those of you that are Windows jockies will see that that's actually a SID for a user within a user context or a user security identifier. Now, of course, users can spawn processes and often do on systems, but at least I know now that if this process is purporting to be something like a system process, it doesn't have the right security identifier to actually back that up. That's another item that at least might tell me that, hmm, I might wanna look a little deeper into this process. Now we had that big long list of processes and what to look inside, or what to actually focus on when we're trying to identify anomalous processes, but Redline actually thought of something pretty clever. It thought well, if we have all these kind of rules of thumb, for instance, the fact that svchost.exe should only have a parent process of services.exe, or should always be running from the Windows32 system directory, or should always be running under the system context, not a user security identifier context. We know all of these things. Why don't we just package those up and create something called a malware risk index? So it's kind of a heuristic check that looks for a large number of things. It'll even look for items like command shells being spawned from specific processes as well as if you're familiar with DLL or load order hijacking, it'll also do some rudimentary checks for load order hijacking, which is kind of one of the newer things we've seen, kind of more advanced attackers use in order to very very cleverly hide their malware. If you're not familiar with it, do a search for DLL load order hijacking, there's some great blog entries on that out there. You can also do things like search for evidence of code injection. If you're running it on a live system, it'll even do digital signature checks. So it will go in and verify the digital signatures of all the executables that have been loaded into memory. And finally it will do what we call kind of least frequency of occurrence checking. It will look at how many occurrences of each DLL have been loaded. And if it's a very low count, that could indicate that it's a little bit anomalous or it may not be something you wanna trust. We'll talk a little bit more about least frequency occurrences shortly here. So let's see another example, let's see an example of a piece of malware that's commonly used by someone like APT or an advanced attacker. Instead of really being incredibly advanced from the stand point of how it hides itself in the file system, it actually takes a very rudimentary approach, which turns out to be very effective in 99 out of 100 cases. And that's the idea of hiding in plain sight. The idea of trying to name itself and keep all of those tactics that we talked about so far as similar to the original as possible so that an instant responder just easily glosses over it. So here is our process list for this piece of malware. Now does anyone actually see kind of what looks malicious in here? I'll be honest, I actually didn't catch it the first time I was reviewing this memory image. I kind of blew right by it, yeah you see some of this .exe with all caps, that actually turns out to be legit. Looks like Justin has nailed it. It's right there, it's actually not svchost, and one of the reasons why hackers love svchost is because there's usually about four to six of them running on any given system. So it's really easy to just add another one in and it kind of just blends in. But in this case, the attackers actually instead of naming it svchost, which its real name is, they just transposed the two letters so we're seeing that scvhost.exe. And here's our particulars related to it. And I was looking at this, once I went through all the processes, I didn't see anything that jumped out at me, and then I said well, since I know attackers often will use svchost, let me at least look into one of those. So I kind of looked down the row on each one and when I got to this one I did identify that something was off, for instance, look at the parent. The parent is explorer.exe. Now that is a dead giveaway that something was run under kind of a user context. Because explorer.exe is your GUI. You wouldn't expect a system process to typically run with a parent explorer.exe. The parent process path is also C:Windows. Which is kind of interesting. Well actually, that's not interesting at all because that's where explorer.exe runs, but it was actually it's an application path is system32, so that's it. That makes sense. And then of course we see the security identifier is under kind of a user context, which you typically wouldn't expect to see on a standard svchost process. So I looked at all those and I swear, I still didn't catch it. I was still looking at it like, I know this one's bad I just don't know why. I was thinking about things like well, okay so svchost, we know it's in system 32, maybe you know they did some sort of replacement of the original DLL, you know trying to maybe circumventing Windows file protection. Which we all know is relatively trivial to do, but then I was thinking that would almost certainly make the system very unstable, because svchost.exe is such an important process for so many things, so I was still beating my head around and we'll actually shortly here how I found it, but the moral of the story is there's actually always more than one way to find things. Justin found it immediately. Yes, dyslexic accuracy, nice. I like that. (laughs) But absolutely, but one of the things that I really like or tried to always make for myself as I'm doing forensics, is a backup plan. I never wanna have to get perfect every time I iterate over kind of a review. I always want to have enough processes and enough checks in place that if I miss something the first time, I actually catch it with some other tool, or some other kind of technique. And we'll see what techniques I use very shortly here. So here's the various things that I kind of found as interesting. You can't tell from this, but actually the start time of this service host or this scvhose.exe process, was different than the rest of the svchost.exe. That means it actually started after them and very commonly one of the things that you'll see, you'll be able to tell, is whether the process started or boot or whether it started after boot. And you can tell that because you'll see a large number of processes all started near the same time, and the rest started in incremental times after that. And as such, this one happened to not start at boot, it started sometime after the initial boot, which is another red flag that something was up. So another way that we could have found that is by looking at it visually. Now we have way in Redline to view hierarchal processes. And if we look at this, we'll see everything running under services.exe, including all of the legitimate svchost processes. Look where our scvhost.exe process is run. Look at it this way, it's very much of an outlier. Something doesn't fit. And these should be the things you're kind of looking for, the ones that just, hmm, why the heck isn't that svchost process with the other ones? Well, in this case, it's because it's not named svchost, and it was actually spawned under a user context in explorer.exe. But in this case, the hierarchal view shows you that. And we'll see the volatility has a means to do this as well as each binaries responder tool actually added this capability in November of last year. So most of the tools that we cover, well actually all the tools we'll cover in this presentation actually now have this capability to do things hierarchically. So kind of a neat way to very quickly look for anomalies. So it turns out the processes are really important. They're just one little sliver of information available. There are a heck of a lot and in some cases thousands of other pieces of the puzzle that are all part of an individual process. So we have that big executive process structure. It's going to have pointers too. Things like our loaded libraries, things too like handles which you can think of as pointers to system resources, any files or registry, keys or values. We may also see things like mutexes. Mutexes and semaphores are used by processes in order to maintain meek access to a resource to make sure that they don't compete for a resource that maybe can only be used sequentially. What malware often uses it for as a means to mark it's territory. We'll see that malware commonly will will send a mutex so that once it compromises the system if another piece of malware, like another kind of similar worm tries to compromise the system again, it will first check for that mutex because the mutex or it's also called mutants, the mutex or mutant is not, is on a system, it will just silently die, making sure that it doesn't repeatedly comprise this thing's system, taking up too many resources and eventually causing it to maybe crash. This is the old problem if you remember way back to the Morris worm that did that. And then the final thing we might look for is things like network sockets. Network sockets are interestingly enough tied into individual processes and will be able to leverage that, to view what kind of network activity a process is doing. So let's go back to that Sobig memory image. You remember that it Redline that winppr32.exe, we saw it was running from the Windows directory and had a user security identifier related to it. The reason why that malware risk index was rated 100 by Redline is this. It turns out that Redline recognized a couple of commonly known mutants for that piece of malware. Now, taking a look at these, you're probably looking and saying hmm, I don't think I would have recognized those and I'll be honest, I wouldn't have recognized those. That Sobig is a little, I think it's 2008ish. So I haven't seen Sobig in a longtime and I certainly wouldn't have been up to date on what the individual mutant was for that. However, the great thing about this tool is it has some built in heuristics, so I didn't have to memorize what the mutant is for Sobig, it actually found it for me. In this case I got lucky, it found it, said it was a malware risk index of 100 and made it very clear that I should focus my efforts on this process than many of the other 40 or 50 processes that were on that system. Looking at a different piece of malware, Conficker. So again, running Redline on Conficker we get a malware risk index of 100. You'll notice that the rest of the process details are actually legit. This process is legitimately called services.exe, it's running from the system32 directory where we would expect, it's parent services.exe, it was actually started to correct time so everything is legit about this. Even the security identifier you'll notice looks like a system security identifier and not like a user context based shit. The reason why everything looks legit is everything is legit. In this case, Conficker injected itself into a legitimate servicehost.exe process, in effect camouflaging itself. However, Redline identified a couple of mutants that were well know for Conficker and then elevated the malware risk index in that case. Now again, I can't say I would have visually recognized those mutants myself. Here is the output of opening up that servicehost.exe process and looking at the specific mutants that are tied to that process. Now, while I wouldn't necessarily maybe recognize those mutants, one of the things that really is nice about Redline and also memorize when we get to it is it has something called this least frequency of occurrence. Most of your elements, our memory structures that you'll see within this tool can be sorted by their level of occurrence, how many times they're referenced throughout the memory image. Ones that are referenced very few times tend to be more likely to be malicious. The idea goes all the way back to what we call the root kit paradox. This is an idea that malware wants to run but it also really wants to hide and also the fact that malware should be the least common thing on your system. By definition malware should be anomalistic. As such individually relied upon, especially kind of mutants or maybe it's just like registry keys it's added, or drivers, those should really only be referenced by the malware and by nothing else. As such their occurrence rate should be much smaller. So in this case, there are about six very small referenced mutants, three of those six turn out to be evil mutant related to Conficker. Those two that Redline found and then that third is actually a randomly generated mutant, it's based on the process ID. The Conficker just creates this on the fly. So actually three out of the six mutants were actually bad, so just focusing on those, maybe grabbing one doing a Google Search might have led us also to Conficker, even if the initial signatures weren't built in and that's important because I don't want my analysis to only rely upon signatures because as we know from the Ami virus, that kind of problem, if you're only signature based you're actually gonna be missing a heck of a lot. So having techniques like LFO to go through the sometimes thousands of pieces of a process and sort them by order occurrence and looking at just or focusing on the ones that actually occur the least actually is a very very powerful concept. The next tool I wanted to introduce to you, Memoryze. Now Memoryze is essentially the same as Redline. They both use the same backend analysis engine. They just have two different kind of GUI interfaces. So Memoryze was the original kind of free GUI memory analysis tool. It's unclear whether Mandiant is gonna continue to support both or if they're gonna move all their development into Redline but in effect, they have the same analysis engine, they just have two different front ends. So Redline is the newer of the two and I think it has a much more kind of understandable front end. The front ends of Memoryze is something called Auditviewer. So you actually have two pieces when you go to download Memoryze. You need to get Memoryze and Auditviewer in order to use it. It also has the malware rating index, it also has the least frequency of occurrence. So essentially the same idea and just a little different way of looking at it. And it's actually more built for reverse engineers. It was kind of a team was led by a guy named James Butler and Peter Silverman, two extremely smart guys who were really kind of legends in the field of memory analysis and I think this first, like at least Memoryze to me, you can really see it was a tool that they made for themselves, they made for people that immediately understand the kind of internals of what's happening in memory and then Redline was a subsequent effort that said well, hey let's open this up to the mere morals out there and give them a little more usable interface, at least in my opinion. So here's what Memoryze looks like and this is getting back to how I actually found that scvhost.exe. So I was scratching my head, I knew there was something wrong but I just didn't know quite what it was. So what I did is I started going to the handles and I got to the loaded DLLs section for that process and I saw this. So I sorted by occurrence and I thought, but I still didn't put it together that it was named scvhost. My eyes just still saw it as svchost but I started looking a more and I said well if it is actually scvhost there should be much much more, many more occurrences than a single occurrence. I should expect this to be occurring 50 or more times because servicehost is all over an operating system. So the fact that there was only one occurrence, made me look at it deeper and I finally got the big slap in the back of the head, said oh my god, it's actually misspelled as you guys picked up pretty early in the game. This is a great example of us layering this idea of options. I don't have to be perfect, I just have to continue to work through my process and even if I miss it in the process with, something might be least index of occurrence or my heuristics or my known signatures may be the key that unlocks it for me. So then we're getting into network artifacts. Network artifacts or sockets are actually tied to processes. These for a long have been a big part of instant response. We can often get some very valuable information by looking at what network connections have been going on. If you think about it, similar to malware wants to run and wants to hide, malware also wants to communicate. It often doesn't do malware much good to compromise the system if it can't link back to it's attackers or it's commanding control server. So as such we usually get very lucky at finding network based artifacts. One of the great things about memory analysis is that we're not only gonna find evidence potentially of the current network connections that were happening when we took memory image, you can find evidence of residue of old network connections that are just being literally marked as unallocated and are floating around in memory but our memory tools are smart enough to search for those and pull those out. So when we find network artifacts, what we're really looking for are again, anything anomalies. We're looking for strange ports, just like we used to, an idea of looking for anything that's communicating on a strange port or maybe listing at a port that would indicate maybe some sort of a backdoor. Certainly identifying things like the IP addresses or domain for these connections are going to. Are they going out side of your network? Should they be? are they going to things like known blacklisted IPs? I can't tell you how many IPs I've thrown into Google from a memory analysis engine and seen immediately that they link back to something that's been blacklisted by Conficker or timed back to, I don't know, something like the (mumbles). Then I already have a nice piece of information that tells me probably what my malware really is on the system before I even get to that point. The other key thing is that while identifying backdoors are great, commonly what we're seeing now in more modern malware is most malware I've seen is speaking it out now. Doesn't really open up a port to listen. It typically will be beaking out to the commanding control servers, mainly to evade things like filtering and to look like legitimate process going out on port 80, or SSL for instance. So that's why looking for these old processes or network sockets that are sitting out there when we identify that we can help to the commanding control center. And then finally, should this process really even be communicated. Sometimes you'll see a process, I don't know, like services.exe or Lsass.exe that's actually communicating with the network socket open. Well that should be a big red flag that that shouldn't be an issue. So if we look at these, this network listing here, this is actually Metasploit. This was a meterpreter module. Those of you that have dealt with Metasploit know that it is designed to be extremely silent. There are very few clues that meterpreter gives us when running on a system. But one of the really interesting things is that we just got lucky and one of the network connections for that meterpreter process actually identify it and we see that there's a port 4444 which should be kind of a clue of something that looks a little strange and it turned out that that was tied to a servicehost.exe process at process ID 1012 that had been injected in with the meterpreter. So even the most stealthy of malware can sometimes be undone by things like network artifacts. That kind of leads us to our next tool which is HBGary Responder. So Responder is a commercial product that HBGary's had for a longtime. They recently, I think about nine months ago, release a community edition. It's a GUI tool. It's a nice free interface and it's obviously not as fully featured as their commercial tool, for instance, it doesn't have additional VNA which has a lot of built in heuristics and signatures. It has interesting things, we'll see that it'll automatically try to recover URLs, the domain as well as usernames, passwords and even memory mapped files like images or documents that relates to a process, which is kind of a new feature. It does have a big limitation that it will only work on images of six gigs or less. So just be aware of that and a link for this tool is here. So let's look at HBGary and in particular, I'm gonna look at Z botter Zeus. So Zeus is an interesting piece of malware. It is not stealthy by any stretch although, if you're looking at it from just the system perspective as a user you'll probably never have an idea it's running but in a memory image, man, Zeus sticks out like a sore thumb. So looking at the network artifacts we see that a strange port, maybe 29220 is an uncommonly seen port, could be legit, maybe not. Since it's tied with an svchost.exe process that kind of makes me look a little deeper into it because I know that often malware will want to play or kind of utilize svchost to camouflage itself. I looked at the internet history for this process and found the following. You see the highlighted items. For instance, I saw an interesting IP that was embedded within that process. What really got me was this idea of the 75.bro, wasn't quite sure what that was. We also see maybe some banking site information. Now it's used as a credential stealer and or kind of banking site Trojan. So that makes sense. You could do a search on 75.bro or the IP address. It ties back to Zeus almost immediately. So that was a really neat indicator that helps me very quickly figure out what was up with the system. So that same memory image though, one thing I like to point out is that these tools, while they kind of do the same thing, they're all cleared differently. So if it's an important case, you're just not finding something, consider actually running the same memory image through multiple tools. Some of them do, well, all of them kind of have their pros and cons or what they do best. Now for instance, I find that the Volatility project, it's network scanning or network socket scanning is probably the best of breed and as such, I ran the same image through Volatility and it actually came up with some old connections and in fact, we actually see the connections to that IP address and we actually see the ports they're going out to. So we've got servicehost.exe beaconing out to a foreign IP at port 80. Hmm, that is a classic indicator of kind of a outbound beaconing of a commanding control server. And we don't that with any of the other tools, actually volatility was the only one that found that (mumbles) which is kind of interesting. So now we're gonna get into code injection. Now code injection is interesting in that the most advanced malware out there is commonly using code injection. We're seeing it everywhere and it's an incredibly simple really and effective way of cloaking malware from the files perspective but interestingly enough, while it's probably one of the more effective methods from a file system or from a user perspective, it's actually incredibly easy to find code injection from a memory image. So the way DLL injection works is we see a couple of Windows API functions there. Commonly, something with administrator or more importantly the set debug privilege within Windows will go out, target a specific process, will allocate space within that process, load malicious payload in there, commonly something like a DLL and then run it and it runs under the context of whatever process it was injected into. Very nicely kind of hiding under a running process. So you run a process list on a running system, you don't see anything out of the ordinary, you don't see that winppr32.exe that we saw with the Sobig malware. An alternative to DLL injection is something called process hollowing. With the way this works is that the malware starts a new process, hollows it out or carves out whatever code was part of that original process and then just stuffs it's code in. So it's using kind of the overall process container to run new malicious code. The good news is that there are techniques that have been developed out there that make code injection really easy to detect and all these tools that we'll talk about have the ability to search for it and to identify it. And really the way to doing is they're looking for memory pages that belong to a process but are unnamed and marked as executable or commonly read write executable which is an uncommon thing for a memory page. Then the final thing you can look for in these pages is to take a look within them and see if they contain something like a DLL or an executable. So I think Justin asked, how does meterpreters migrate, inject itself into another process? Well very simply what it does is it either uses an exploit or just something like escalation in order to get admin privileges. Once you have admin privileges on a system, injecting yourself into any process is fairly trivial. So then it's literally just pick the process you want, go through the process I just described and now the meterpreter is running directly within that process. So let's look again at Zeus. So Zeus has a ton of DLL injections. So here is one variant of Zeus. As you know there are a lot of variances of all these malware but malware in Zeus will copy itself to a specific file within system32 directory. It will not only inject one process, it injects almost every process. Then it creates an auto run path or entry in order to maintain persistence against reboots, creates some additional directories that throw some of the files in. It has a very well known mutant that we could look for and it does a ton of hooking. It is very much a kind of a busy piece of malware. And of course Zeus is, as we've mentioned before, is a credential stealer. It's looking for everything from protected storage to certificates that you have on the system, to any passwords and usernames on a user system and it is extremely effective and extremely pervasive out there. So let's imagine that you're looking at a computer, you think it might be infected by Zeus, you're not quite sure but you decide to grab a memory image and load it into Redline. Now as you see, the pro tip, Memoryze has something interesting. Any process that it sees that is likely injected will actually be shown in red. Hmm, I wonder if this computer is actually infected? (laughs) Actually enough, also Spyeye. If you're feeling with that, Spyeye does much of the same kind of techniques. It injects into just about every running process available. So this is an obvious and the real question here is, man, where do we start? It looks like every single process is injected. And we might start up at that svchost.exe because you see that actually has a number next to it. That's the malware rating index. So that is the item or the process that Memoryze believes is probably the most malicious. And we can look within there and we can actually see the memory section. We could also just export out that process and all those memory sections and start to do our analysis from that perspective. So Memoryze makes it incredibly easy. How about Stuxnet? I think everyone's probably familiar with Stuxnet. Stuxnet is largely thought to be one of the most advanced piece of malware we've seen in the while. It was the malware thought to be targeting the Iranian nuclear reactors. So here's an image with running Stuxnet and this is actually a HBGary product and looking at it you may see something anomalistic. We see actually three lsass.exe processes running. Anybody wanna guess which one is the legit and which ones aren't? To be honest, at this point it would be a complete guess. You could guess the lowest pick and that is actually the case here but that's not always the case. So it turns out that these two processes are the illegitimate ones. These are the ones that worked, installed or initiated by Stuxnet, hollowed out and then it's code was actually placed within there. And as you could see there are memory analysis tools quickly show this anomaly. One way we could tell whether which ones are legitimate or not is if you look at the additional information about the process. So for instance, the loaded DLLs of the legitimate ones we see here on the left and of the illegitimate. You notice that there is much fewer as you load the DLLs on the malicious lsass process. You also might notice this. One of the DLLs actually doesn't even have a name. It's what we call an unnamed memory section. This was a name that just HBGary's product gave it. So it's just a memory, looks like it has a pe file port about executable and it's at this address. That's a great example of an unnamed memory page that's siting out there tied to a process which is almost certainly malicious. So one of the most advanced piece of malware in the world and we found it in maybe a minute or two. Which leads me to the final tool that I want to introduce, Volatility. Volatility is probably my favorite of all the tools. I think Redline is a fantastic tool for everyday analysis but when I'm getting down to hardcore analysis, nothing has the flexibility of Volatility. It's an opensource based framework. As such, there's a wealth of different plugins for the framework. Up until very recently, it only worked on XP systems. With the new version that's now been expanded to a wide range of Windows related systems, one of the only drawbacks of Volatility right now is that it only currently has 32 bit support. Now 64 bit support is in beta, it'll probably out by the summer I suspect but just keep in mind that if you have 64 bit systems, you won't be able to run Volatility on them unfortunately. Now if you want to play with Volatility and you don't want to go through the process of installing and configuring it, keep in mind of the SANS SIFT Workstation. You can download it freely from the SANS computer forensics site. Actually has it kind of preloaded with a lot of the most popular plugins. So the only downside of Volatility is that it's a little bit of a learning curve. It's not GUI based, you have to kind of understand what the plugins do and you have to have a little more knowledge of what's happening behind the scenes of what those memory structures and items actually are and how they interoperable. Once you get there, it is a fantastic tool. My favorite plugin for Volatility is called Malfind. It's actually written by Michael Hale Ligh who wrote also what the Malware Analyst's Cookbook. Fantastic tool. It essentially goes and tries to detect code injection. So running this on Stuxnet, you see the command line at the top. It immediately finds those two lsass process that we saw before. You'll notice that they are paged, execute read write. You look on the right side of each process. You also see how it tries to give us a little bit more information, exactly what's in that process. Those of you that are used to doing file signature analysis on this will notice that MZ header is the file signature for portable executables. As such it looks like this is a page that is unnamed, just part of a running process and has a loaded, it was marked as executable and has a loaded DLL or portable executable file and all very strong factors indicated as malicious. The other cool thing that Malfind does is it dumps them out and you can see the location, it dumps to location. So then we have these to actually take a deeper look into to run strings on or maybe to upload to something like virus total or to run against our own antivirus product. Interesting enough at Stuxnet, Stuxnet's been around for a longtime and I was shocked when I ran it against virus total and like two out of 43 antivirus defenders actually found it. And if you look at that Comodo entry, the reason why Comodo found it wasn't because it was necessarily Stuxnet, it was because that the executable that was in that memory page actually was packed with UPX which is a commonly used hacker for malware. Can't explain why. I expect they're getting better and better each month but this just shows you that memory analysis can often find things like our traditional defensive techniques may not immediately. So putting it all together, we have all these items that I talked about. I know I'm going kind of rapid and rapid fire here. We only have an hour. I'm trying to stick as much as possible to that hour. But the bottom line is how do we actually put it all together and the way I've got this presentation is going through the steps in the order that I would typically look. The first thing you do is you identify processes and review them. Now that's a given. If you find something that's anomalistic just paste on the parent ID or the process name or the process command line, well hey, that's the easy way to find it. Next step might be look deeper into these processes that you just aren't sure about. Reviewing things like their loaded DLLs or their handles. Of course, the problem with this is that there could be a thousand or more of those and a lot of them aren't recognizable to the average mere mortal. But doing things like digital signature checks and they're built into Redline and memorize when you went on a live system can be helpful. Also least frequency of occurrence is, I think, a life saver. And that's why I like those manual tools so much is because they have that capability. They're the only ones that have the ability to do LFO kind of out of the box. Next step I would do is something like looking for evidence of code injection. So we saw how that works and how powerful that can be. Then look for network connections or ports, looking for anything anomalistic, maybe looking for streams within the process for any HDP or FDP connections or any type of IP or domain name that we can do. Sometimes you can use things like regular expressions to do that or you saw the HBGary tool that automatically pull that information up. Then I would look for signs of hooking. Now, we don't have enough time to cover hooking. You'll notice that there is a bonus section, the end of my slides that cover kind of how these tools actually identify hooking. Well, hooking is a very common to rootkit and is also relatively easy to identify using memory analysis. To be honest, it's the easiest way to identify rootkits is identify what they have hooked on a system. And then finally, you probably have a series of processes is if in fact this system we're looking at is in fact intruded upon or has malware, you probably have one or more processes that you still believe may be malicious, the final step is to export them out. One of the great things about this tool is you can literally just export out the entire process or individual memory sections and then continue to do our analysis. So AV runs strings against them or eventually, pass them to someone like a reverse-engineer and put them into something like a disassembler and try to review the code and identify what it's doing. So there are some resources that I want you to be aware of. This is a definitely Windows memory analysis 101 class. I've tried to keep it at a high level but also I wanted you to realize kind of as Chris is saying, this idea that it really is nothing to fear. Really, it's getting to the point where for much of the malware you're likely to come into, if you get a good memory example, you have a pretty darn good chance of finding it. Do you wanna learn more or I can't say enough about that Malware Analyst's Cookbook. It's the best book I've read in the last couple of years. I think it should be on everyone's shelf. Fantastic, it actually has a quarter of the book just related to memory analysis, specifically Volatility memory analysis. So if you wanna learn Volatility, probably the best book available. James Butler and Greg Hoglund. James Butler actually was involved with Redline and Memoryze. Greg Hoglund, of course, with HBGary and the Responder product, they wrote a book on rootkits which is a great one if you're interested in those kind of more advanced malware and then the Windows Internals book is a must have when you're trying to learn what all of these things, like executive blocks are and process environment blocks and all the things that I glossed over due to time and list investigation. Oh, I'm sorry, in this presentation. And then finally if you're familiar with the SANS courses we have a pretty robust curriculum. Our 408, 508 and 610 courses all cover different elements of memory analysis at their core fundamental levels. So if you're taking one of those or you have taken one of those probably know about that. Here are some links. I won't leave this up for too long because I'm pretty much out of time but get that PDF. These links are fantastic for really getting your feet wet in memory analysis. Many of them go through step by step how a given memory sample was analyzed. Also the tools, the Memoryze and HBGary tools as well as Redline all have good user manuals. So don't forget to look at the user manuals, this can be very helpful. And then volatility has a great wiki if you look at the bottom reference there under the link. And as mister Parker mentions, we do have some classes coming up. These is the forensics 508 is gonna be offered as a mentor based course out of Sydney. So if you're in that area definitely look that up. We'll be teaching 408 in Singapore in March and then in Brisbane in the May timeframe. So we're starting to kind of ramp up our forensics curriculum in Asia Pacific, love to see you at one of the courses. Of course, if you have any questions about this presentation or about the classes I'd love to answer them for you. Here's my email address. Don't forget that we have the bonus section. And I'll stick around for questions. I realize that some of you I've been told around your lunch breaks. Lucky you, I'm about to go to bed but I'll stick around from questions. I did see one question that I didn't forget, was actually asked by Justin and he asked, said he mentioned rootkits in hiding. Is it possible that malware rootkits to affect a memory dump? How trustworthy are the live memory dumb on a compromised box? And my answer to that is that a live memory dump is typically pretty trustworthy. Everything in our field is measure countermeasure. And so every time we get an edge and I think very much in the memory analysis part, we have an edge right now. These tools give us a distinct edge over malware creators. However, there has been research and there is a proof of concept for a technique that would be effective potentially against taking memory dumb. If you're interested, it's called Shadow Locker. What it does is something pretty clever. It monitors processes and memory and if it sees a process sequentially accessing memory, it will assume that that is probably a memory dumping tool and will try to page itself out. So it'll page out the malware, most of the malware to the page file, hoping to actually evade that live memory dumb. Now I don't know if any malware in the wild that's been discovered with that, unless there's just something running around that's very custom. I don't that there is anything, at least that we're aware of that currently does this but it is something to think about and while I didn't have time to cover it here there is a new cutting edge of forensics and that's this idea of live memory analysis and I didn't mention it. This idea that typically when we think of memory analysis, we think of running it against a static memory image that we took from a system, we then put out some, drive bring over to our friends at Workstation. However, the better or more robust way is to actually doing a memory audit on the system that's running. The reason why is that you get access to the page file among other things. You can also do things like digital signature checks that you can't do from a dead memory image and you have a better chance of heuristics and anything actually catching something. So that's a little bit, very much in the cutting edge. I think people are still gonna have to get really used to that. The best tool for doing live memory analysis is Redline. And I actually have a post up on my blog at, you can do a search on Redline, there you'll see that there's a post on the pros and really there's not many cons to doing live memory analysis and that's where I see things moving and that has a very good chance of defeating that shadow walker technique of paging out because it's also taking into account the page file, which can be very useful. And I think I answered the question about what tools would do live memory analysis. The only tool that I know of are Redline and Memoryze. Redline has a really neat feature. You can dumb your Redline to a thumbdrive, run it on the command line so you have a much smaller footprint on the system and you'll actually do not only a memory audit but it'll also do a memory image so you get the best of both worlds. You get like a complete memory audit as well as the memory image, then you come back and import your memory audit back into Redline and you can do your analysis then offline and it's a much more robust way of going about. That's where I see a lot of research moving. Any other questions? Well, I appreciate you all coming. This is a great showing. As I said, I'm excited. I guess it's a little, just a few weeks and I'll actually be in Singapore so I'll be kind of nearby. If you're in Singapore, I'll be giving this presentation live, actually, in Singapore at an ECCI event that's tied to the SANS event. So if you're in Singapore, hit me up and I'll give you the details. It's also on my blog and I'd love to meet you in person. And again, thanks to AISA for giving the word out. And thanks to you all for taking the time. So find the bad guys.
Channel: SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response
Views: 18,674
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: windows memory forensics, volatility, digital forensics, incident response, yt:cc=on
Id: SjDH_vTuefM
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Length: 73min 8sec (4388 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2013
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