Saniflo Macerator Plumbing Installation Instructions

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so finally it has arrived today we are installing our Santa Flo macerator unit in the basement basement that's that's a big word we'll call it cellar it's pretty narrow and tight down there it's an old space that doesn't have a lot of headspace and so we've got plumbing coming from different corners of the house all heading to the septic tank right now I've got pipes everywhere in that basement it's hard to navigate they're all running along the outside walls so I'm redoing all of the plumbing and sewer system in this house and I'm gonna run it all into this machine in the middle of the home so that I can have a functioning septic system this is a macerator pump there's two units in it that are independently and it will take care of all of the waste and garbage that goes into your system and pumps it out to that septic tank with ease and it takes all the stress and pressure off of the home system so I am really happy to have it here the only thing we had to do is get an extra vent and these its own venting stack that's the only inconvenience but since we're gutting this house in rebuilding anyway I installed that already now we're gonna hook up our plumbing because my new bathroom needs to be connected to this thing before I can have my first shower and if you're not sure what I'm talking about when you're watching this there's a link in the description with a playlist for all the new awesome man bathroom that I made with it gorgeous shower I just can't wait to use now I've got to get this thing opened up find out if I've got everything that I need so do the install okay so I gotta go shopping wow this is important that's a lot of reading okay it comes with a lot of different fittings and gear clamps that's great looks like it has all the conversions necessary to attach your existing plumbing lines to the unit it has awesome power supply well and that is a 14 gauge needs it needs it's holy circuit now this this cabling are already connected to the pumps yes okay so I've got to find some where I got to build a mounting unit that I can put on the wall to put this close by and other than that okay my plumbing connections are gonna be good they've marked the one that's preventing wow this is gonna be really simple this is actually gonna be very DIY am I on Versailles doesn't show you how to go through this all right I'm gonna go read through the book we're gonna get this taken to the basement I'm gonna run to the store and pick up a panel so I can mount my electrical controls huh and then we're gonna start installing this thing for you hopefully we're gonna have this put together in the next couple of hours loving my santa flow you know the beautiful thing about this is it allows you to have plumbing in any part of a house and you don't have to worry about the slope or your your your plumbing systems that's you know limitations that you have in your home this sucker here look um sewage I think it's like 50 or 100 feet vertical let alone horizontal so if you're in a single-family home and you've got one of these units you can run anything anywhere and you can so we're gonna actually add a wet bar to our front living room we're taking all of the plumbing including the plumbing from the island it's all going to be diverted into here and I'm gonna have one pipe pumped up hiding in the ceiling out of the way that'll make it possible for me to insulate my basement walls awesome now thanks to our friends over at Santa Flo I have been using some other products for years and they actually reached out to us and asked if we wanted to do a collaboration I said yes because I was desperate to get one of these units in my basement so an answer yes it is a sponsored video this time surprise surprise right the channel is growing and happy to do it because this is one of these companies that I love listen one thing on this if I'm gonna be endorsing a product it's because I've been using it for years and I love it I don't like to change my mind because of dollar signs but santa-santa flow is one of these companies that just it's a it's it's a problem-solving company everything they sell solves a problem and I just love them for that so let's just get to work now no well I'm tripping over this thing I should just mention this this is you know from in viral cleansing for years we've been using negative air and we've also been using HEPA filters inside our major construction job sites just because it I like to have clean air quality where I'm working I don't like to wear a mask as much as possible what this does here is when you're renovating your own home especially in older houses you put one of these air filtration units it near the door to the separation from your work to where you're living right you always have a separation area what this does is this is a massive cleaner it takes care of all the particulate right it's also a HEPA filter in here and it takes care of the VOCs which is awesome so all of the new products that you're installing your eyes off gassing and so what this does is it it eats all that up as well it's amazing it doesn't add any kind of chemicals or smelling agents to the air just cleans it it was made in designed for use for the military so they could be protected against different kind of chemical attacks this stuff is off the chart quality viral cleanse I'm gonna put the link in the description because if you're not cleaning your air when you're renovating a house god only knows what you're putting in the air and what your system making susceptible to your families I recommend filtering your air all the time so I just want to make it perfectly clear before we go further in this video that I have never installed any santé flow products I have been a big fan of their technology for years I've used them on sites where other people have installed them but I've never done it myself so when we had the opportunity to switch the entire house over to this macerator unit so that I could really clean up my my basement sewer lines and just get everything installed with the proper flow rate and venting I was like yeah let's do this right ah so we're gonna go through this from the perspective of someone who's never done it before and you can learn from all the mistakes that I think along the way as well the idea here is pretty simple though I mean it is it is straightforward plumbing it's a lot of these Quick Connect Sister situations right the products they come with all these fittings that you need so this is your 3-inch intake and they've got where let me just bring this over we've got all the gear clamps in the bag okay to make all the fittings these are all stainless steel they're good quality so you're not gonna have issues with these down the road it provide the adjustment okay for the that's the outtake okay this is the discharge valve area here um in the book they have really good pictures every single scenario it's very good color I'd you know they show you every opportunity for where you can connect they have intakes on the side as well all these little places here that you can put things in on the back is where the vent is now these units need their own venting very important that the unit and this is key you can't cheat you're very important this unit stays at atmospheric pressure okay it will not function otherwise because it has an alarm system setup and that's what this is this goes into the alarm system with the control panel that's already attached we're gonna hang our control panel off on a wall here but this just snaps in place it's plug and play alarm system so if the water level gets too high it creates pressure in the system okay and then the alarm will go off if you cheat and you try using one of these little cheater valves we all seen these right little screw in the top a lot of people use these in underneath kitchen sinks and old houses from the 60s or they didn't have proper venting you know the old days they used to vent just underneath the kitchen window off the back of the kitchen sink unbelievable so then you get that sewer gas in the driveway when you're walking into the house so when guys renovate they cheat and they throw one of these on apparently it's acceptable in some situations but in this one it's not don't get creative follow the instructions and this will work very well for you this unit here of course has a discharge pump and that's here if you need to get access for maintenance that's to macerator units and the reason I got the one with two is because if I'm gonna put the whole house on this system if one of the mase Raider units fails I need to have the system up or operating while I'm getting maintenance done I'm gonna place an order for service or for Parts I need to have it operating still so it takes turns okay the unit has its own control panel like I said and it'll take turns if one of them fails it'll just go work on the other one as a reserve it's really plug and play and then all we have to do now is connect our three-inch existing line from the bathroom we're gonna bring it down into here we're going to connect this to our new vent that we ran out through the roof and this is our discharge pipe oh this is fun so in the book they've got this great chart and it shows the unit and the vertical capability up to 30 feet all right so if you want to make a bunker in your cellar and be a prepper you can use one of these it also at 30 feet high it will also go 32 feet horizontally but it's 6 feet high it goes 360 feet horizontally which is crazy so I mean that is that is really awesome I think I got that number right 3 feet up 3 66 feet high sorry it goes 320 that means you can use this unit to build a carriage house because one of the rules where we live anyway and if we build a second building on the property it has to share you there the the well or the septic this makes you can share the septic you can put one of those units in the other building pump it over to the same septic tank that is phenomenal so there's a lot of flexibility here now say in a flow as a whole it's a huge company they got all kinds of products that ranges just from having a toilet with a pump on it that'll discharge into your system ok so if you're if you're out in the country and you've got your your septic set up you've all seen that big black pipe running halfway across the wall you need to be able to pump up to that point and then back down into that line they make toilets that have individual pumps they have showers that have pumps so you can put a bathroom in a basement they have much smaller units okay that you can just put two or three fixtures on this is designed for a whole house and they have a single motor version as well okay if it's a little smaller situation like a cottage the point being if you have a problem with your plumbing or you need a creative solution to extend your plumbing services in your home or out of basement bathroom get in touch with these guys all right you can go to your local Ferguson's or your woolsley if you're in Canada and contact these people we're gonna put a link in the description to contact Santa Flo directly they got great technical support and they can help you if you have trouble during your installation as well so all that being said we are going to start running some pipe and show you how easy it is to assemble all this so one other thing that they have here is they have a bunch of one-and-a-half adapters that go on these stems okay and they come already capped so if you're planning on a renovation and you want to add something later to the system you can install this to the system now and then when you're ready just slice that off stick your pipe in put on a clamp and go alright so this is brilliant I'm actually going to just put one of these on every one of these stems if I'm using it or not just so I don't lose them great for future I mean holy cow they've really thought of everything haven't they now one of the other benefits I should mention they have the side intakes this system here does not require the busting of concrete to put in the bathroom because you can have a masonry unit like this and you're going to use one of the small pumps if you want to add a bathroom and it can pump it into the side it's more than enough to do that and then let this unit take care of it from there and pump out all the way step oh you got to love the flexibility of that some what I'm curious about is if you're watching this video are you planning on doing a addition to the house are you gonna looking to put a bathroom in your basement do you just want to change over your system because it's antiquated and you don't have good flow and you're always getting clogs and frozen pipes and anything like that I'm really curious in the comments section below why you're interested in doing a unit like this I've been really helpful and then we can hopefully be able to give you some information and help you with all your decision making process so the way they send this unit they send it so that you have to pick the input your supply lines okay the vent is already marked here it's got this little red label so we're just gonna peel off that plastic and go with it the discharge does not have a cap okay so we can just grab our ring it's a little small that looks like the right one there we go alright so we're gonna put our discharge on what I want to do is just finish completing all the installation of prepping to convert to the ABS so we're gonna finish all my fittings first and then we'll convert now my 3-inch line I'm bringing him back here okay and so I have a PVC saw in the shed but before I get to that I'm gonna see if this works if I can just cut in if it's made too sensitive or not oh boy okay no you're not using a knife to open this up so we're gonna need our PVC saw I'll be right back you can tell just by looking at this bad boy don't use it very often but man when you need one it sure comes in handy let's take a look at this this is going to be a one and a half inch intake yeah that was some thick pipe you're not you're not cutting through that with a knife Wow it's gonna be burr here a little bit there's probably gonna be better options for tools you can always use your Dremel and with a little cutting blade on it anything with a fine-toothed action [Music] [Music] [Music] all right ah so just see her wear this made design for a 4-inch intake different plumbing codes depending on where you live so if you have a four inch intake code you're set with this machine where I live it's a three inch and so this little piece here converts from four to three with the use of a coupling and that coupling is the same diameter as this pipe here so we can put that coupling in and get her down in there okay whew and throw in one of these rings right here I can create the compression right there and I converted the three-inch which is perfect okay so here we go we're gonna cut this open now this is just tape shut I want to get rid of all this packaging and tape clean as you go so the vent is going to require fitting as well so these things here designed to go all the way to fit down to one and a quarter pipe so if you have old copper in your house that's one of the quarter drains I'll still convert to that nice like it's incredibly flexible it's just not the easiest stuff to cut definitely want to watch your fingers here yes sir that's a new blades you okay so we're gonna put that fitting here for the event there we go get that word for that we want that for them we're gonna need that one I'm gonna need that one and what I'm gonna do so I'm taking the rest of these rings and I'm putting them all in storage so I don't lose them for future consideration and I'm gonna take this I'm gonna stick this one on for future consideration I'll keep all that in the storage in the same place just so I don't have to worry about where to find it later okay so now we're going to tighten up our clamps secret here is make sure you're in between the ribbed areas here okay when you're tightening you don't want to be half on the hatbox you won't get proper compression so when you're getting close just make sure that you're not sitting on a ridge all right that we were actually creating equal pressure on the same flat surface yeah that's it don't go overboard driving crazy like this you're going to strip this thick note then you're gonna be in a world of hurt okay this one that goes right underneath here same thing right up into that Ridge there we go now this is a little bit flexible accordion-like which is awesome so if your angle your pipe isn't perfect it'll still install no problem we're gonna get this one on this is our vent yeah okay this one attached here this is the discharge again make it a nice on that flat surface there we go these are all extras for now we really only have one pipe to install at this point after we do our kitchen renovation we're gonna redirect a line from the kitchen and hopefully from our new bar in the other room eventually it'll all come into here so we're just going to leave that ready to go for now we're ready to go today whoo-hoo all right so we're just going to add a few pieces of fitting and pipe here to connect the existing line now word of warning when you're doing waistline maintain your building code so I have a nice long sweeping elbows don't use those short ninety's like you do an event system here we go that will go in here nice just a quick tip here when you're marking this stuff just take a knife put a score on the pipe and pull it back out again don't forget I haven't glued this joint together yet okay so there's my score so that's fully inserted into that sometimes when you score you'll see that you only got a quarter inch when you have to glue it it'll seat the whole way that's my full 3/4 so I'm fully seated when I do that I'm gonna take just a little bit of pipe off to guarantee my slope because that was almost to level here we go I just took a quarter inch off my measurement was just to exact last time and the fitting I'm gonna drop it in and then turn where I want it to go okay now of course I've always got the flexibility to make this adjustment in connection awesome my OCD is gonna kick into place so I'm going to want to hold it straight up while I measure the distance to the other pipe 23 and a half I'm gonna run up and down the stairs and we're done in that part just a little tip here take the back side of the knife not the blade and just give it a quick rub deeper okay all this pipe you don't want to have a little piece of ABS curled up inside the pipe cuz it'll grab paper and debris as it goes along it'll cause you a bit of a problem I recommend using the blue PVC glue because I find it gives you just a little bit more working time than the yellow at the end of the day when you're doing this alone and you don't do plumbing every day of your life having a little bit extra working time is not a bad thing make sure you glue both sides this is like a solvent and it's actually going to start melting the PVC then I roll the app activate for a little while a few seconds a little that glue set up perfect Oh hot and humid in the basement ah I can't wait to get that new furnace and air conditioning system installed but one thing at a time so we're just gonna work left to right here and now it's connect time to connect our event or I just got a measurement of 45 inches my thumb there now the cool thing about this pipe is it's full of print so once you measure you can just get a mental mark of where to put it it's on the bracket next to that get nice and convenient and I'll pull up my little cutting tool and it has one tooth on it and there we go that convenient no burrs it's perfect every time I just love it no this is not a glue joint down there it's just a clamp so what I'm going to do is I'm going to glue my elbow on it now before I get it set up in there here we go so now we're ready to stick that in and I'm gonna aim that towards where it's gonna go okay we're gonna finished in the rough before we connected down here just in case I got to make an adjustment 9 inches to there let's do that sort of the pipe the heart of this is I got a regular 9 d for venting okay so the pipe can go inside either side or I've got a street 90 and one side is the same diameter as the pipe so you can use this in tight cutting spaces to connect pieces together without having to cut a piece of pipe in addition that can be super handy that's what we're gonna use over there like that location alright did you do okay great my vent is now connected one thing to do is just tighten on that last gear clamp down here okay well we're getting there so next step is to start working on the discharge pipe we're gonna put that one in with a clamp we're gonna add our check valve check valve is really quite as simple here let's see if we can show people what it is so it says here on the side which directions the flow so the flow opens the valve okay when it's vertical and then there'll be a back pressure and it will close the valve from the top side a little submarine hatch there okay that's all it is now the itself comes with two different gaskets don't try to combine them - there really does for two different sized pipes this will work with inch and a quarter or inch and a half pipe you just need to use the different ring so we're gonna use the inch and a half and we're gonna take this gasket and put it on our pipe make sure we water flow go in the right direction there install that and we'll push it up as far as we can and then just put on the ring and that is all there is to it it's compression fitting it's all plastic so don't over tighten with with vice grips just go hand tight if you get any leakage at all then go grab a pair of pliers and give it just a little bit of an eighth of a turn that's that's it if you go too much you'll take that circle and under pressure because of the thread right because it'll it'll go and it'll go oval and when it goes oval you'll break the seal and then you're having a more mess so when you over tighten plastic fittings you get an oval and then it leaks most people when they have that happen to go oh it's not tight enough they tighten more and they make it worse and snap and they break it so the key is with plastic hand tight and then if it leaks then go a little bit of pressure avoid the oval that's a nightmare we're gonna connect this now we're gonna leave the picture showing which way the flow goes just so that if it suits your consideration of anybody's looking to buy the property they can see that it's installed in the right direction all right there we go we're gonna go with twenty so we'll put our fitting on just like this over this way we'll slide this in okay liking that buh-bah get some on the hair as well it's nice to get it everywhere and we all are gonna try to come square off this good no the discharge pipe needs to go up to a highest point and then come back down to enter into the pipe that we're going to the pipe we're going to is on the other side of the room so we're actually taking this discharge all the way around and we're going to consider that height to almost the floor we're going to get on the other side of the tree here so we're gonna put a couple of elbows and then we're gonna go horizontally I don't know 30 40 feet we're not even at 25 percent of the capacity of this pump so there's no concern as long as we get higher than than where we're entering into the line you don't want to come straight across into the line you always want to have that downward flow into the line so we're going to go up to about six feet and then our waist line is set at four and a half so when we get over there we'll bring it down piece of cake we just got to connect a series of pipes and fittings to get over there that's going to take a few minutes we'll save you all the boring details let's go take a look at how we tie into the line so whenever you see it clean out you know that you're gonna need a male thread okay now this is just a three-inch male thread and this is a conversion piece to convert to inch and a half diameter that's the size of the line that we're running all right so then it's just a matter of cutting the fittings to finish connecting the pipes piece of cake the only difficult part here is opening this bad boy up okay that wasn't so difficult we're gonna do a preemptive strike I'm gonna connect the fittings here first before I open it up here we go yeah now I'm ready to go perhaps yeah that's a good idea no you're smaller coming out cassia okay I can all right and switch nasty I don't think I can get that on any tighter nope you're gonna want to use a 45 angle here bring it up to the ceiling and then level that off good mm-hmm piece of pipe here lift that there and then we just use pipes and connectors and connect the two dots piece of cake so we're going to connect the electrical panels now there's two one of them is the operating unit and then one of them is the alarm no this has a red in the yellow light so one of them says hey there's something wrong with the unit this one says hey there's something wrong with the power supply and it'll be operating on battery which comes in the unit it's a sone self charging that's kind of cool there's a reset button and that's it this whole unit is again plug-and-play you just mount a couple screws on the our panel then we just hook it on and we will connect the supply line right here to the bottom great nice and simple okay so in order to mount this we want to mount this low enough that I can take the screw off and remove the panel right makes sense it's only one screw good so you have to sort this out so let's get it mounted so we're gonna leave ourselves a little bit of flexibility here looking level it's nice when things are all level it just looks tidy and organized and professional it's really difficult to tell down here because my floor joists sure level all right so let's take the top screw off and see if we can open this out well that was easy yeah cool so there is nothing for us to connect inside the unit this is just for maintenance this lead is already connected and it goes to the alarm and it's plug and play all three of these lean wires are power supply two for the macerator one for the pump and then this here that's your power supply so what I'm going to need to do is install a power supply box here so that I can take some live power over and then make my external connection just like plugging up a wall receptacle now I'm going to suggest just for simplicity that you get your own breaker to the panel for this and I do have a independent line behind me that was already available so we're gonna use that and we are going to just identify the breaker and use that as our on/off switch if we ever need to take the power off but I don't think that'll be required unless there's some major service work getting done so we will put this back because we don't need to disrupt it beautiful I just wish one of these days they'd make these screws and set them at a depth that was like consistent 3 and 3/4 okay I'm gonna put the alarm up here out of the way so that I have room to put my power supply underneath three and three quarters there we go find the holes let's get this one done first there we go that makes sense there was a protective cover over the cap didn't plug in that's it okay so then what I'm gonna do because all it does is push connect it doesn't have any security system I'm gonna take all this wire and I'm gonna mount it on a screw just to take the weight off the connection so won't accidentally to come undone and set the alarm off there you go that's a lot better we are going to take all of these lines and take those zip ties off and we're gonna reconnect put them somewhere a little bit cleaner but this needs to get connected as well this is for our alarm believe this or not and this is why it is so vitally important that you have your own vent line for this machine right to the roof because it has to stay at atmospheric pressure in order for this to work this snaps in and you're done now the entire alarm system is completely connected all I have to do now is connect power Wow as awesome and clean up all of these pipes and hoses you know there is something to be said for zip ties zip ties will make a job like this really organized and then I just love them here we go so now all I got to do is put a box bring my power over a couple grommets let's get some electrical tools so this is a leftover power line going to the Edition that we haven't reconnected yet so I'm going to use it for the macerator for now I'm going to run all brand new supply lines over there it's in good shape and we just there we go my green light says it's on I used Mac's helped me out and we're just testing this this would actually go beeping make a noise go red if there was power in that line so I'm really comfortable that I got the right one so comfortable yeah here we go we're gonna do a test when in doubt you can ground it out don't recommend doing this if it was live it would spark and melt and blow some stuff up be really cool so that's how we know it's not powerful go ahead and lick it at this point if you wanted to you're fine all right now yeah safety second right here we go so I've got a regular box welded box and I am going to screw it to this surface here all right so there's nothing keeping us from doing that what I'm gonna do is I'm going to wire this box first and then then we will screw it on after okay so I want to have what supply lines coming in now we are going to just back off the ground screw right here a little bit good of course this was a live circuit at this point you don't ready no on the way to the hospital do not fool around with electrical unless you have some experienced folks but if you do let me tell you wiring something like this is about as simple as connecting black and white make sure your ground is connected to the screw in the box all right let's get the other end here [Music] now the only reason I'm connecting it out here like this instead of installing the wall first we're at a tight spot and I don't think max would be able to get a camera angle of the connection if we did it the other way around we're gonna do is we're gonna strip off just a little bit more of this cabling it's not really enough there for us to get a good connection okay I want to connect this one on a marette to the other ground screw let's press these together so it was more like a solid cable of course when you're putting wire in a box you always want to have the sheathing extending past the the safety bracket that way when you tighten this up you can keep the wires from pulling out the purpose of the demonstration I'm actually going to pull this wire all the way through so we can make all of our connections on camera to help any of you out just in case you're going to try to do this at home there we go all right now we can make all these connections and we'll pull the wires back and then tighten it all up and then screw the ground in the back in a minute so first is first ground the ground hold the wires together twist the Caplin I know it's that easy you know it's funny because I've had a lot of electricians on the channel making comments and some of them are positive and some of them are not so positive it's funny when I teach certain aspects of certain trades people is tend to get their knickers in a knot they don't want people knowing how to do stuff silly I try to tell them you know you're too expensive to hire they're going to do it themselves anyway you must learn how to do it safely here you go okay the guide tell me one of the electricians men you come in the other days I can't tell them how to do it it's too dangerous for homeowners we go I said well I don't mean to be rude but your electrical license covers residential commercial and industrial applications to be an actual electrician but you got to be Dibble though why are almost everything in the world said all the homeowner really needs to know how to do for most applications is be able to hire a 15 amp circuit and connect the blacks and the whites you don't need a degree from University for that my lord anyway here we go all connected okay so now I'm just going to grab a couple screws and mount it on the wall Oh guys we have got a fully wired functional macerator unit right now the only thing left to do is throw a couple of electrical staples on my watch supply line obviously this needs to be stapled to this panel hoorah now let's go through this one more time we have our three inch waist here that line has its own venting we have a vent line specifically designed for the mace Raider that's connected our discharge is connected brought in to the line we have it up and over and coming back down into the line might have our alarm set up our line is wired that's not gonna fall out because we took the weight off our power is now connected the only thing I have left to do is flip the breaker and I want to go to the store real quick I want to buy a solid plate to cover for this okay I'm not putting a switch or anything on this but I do need to protect those wires we're gonna get a steel cover that screws right into these holes they exist and that's a great way to finish this up so right about now I'm sure a whole lot of you who are electrically inclined out there are going whoa what the heck are you doing putting a 110 line to a macerator with two motors yeah you're right I check the instructions again because when we power this up my alarm is going off which is why I yanked the wire up I'm like hi check the instructions Buffalo me Oh for the love of God I just totally missed the fact that this is supposed to be powered up at 220 now that requires a heavier gauge wire that requires two breakers that requires both the black and the white to be live and that requires me to find a double 20 GE breaker hard to find the good news is is I had a double 40 in my panel so I just gonna kick in an extra sub panel so that I could run this wire until I get my new panel installed all right so emergency diverted I come across and I've bought myself the proper wire and I'm going to finish off this video installation with eating a little bit of crow I'm fixing my mistake it's okay you know when you're working hard on your place you're gonna get tired you're gonna miss something along the way this secret to life is when you know you screw up go back and fix your mistake not a big deal all right here we go so this is the proper wire for a 20 gauge or 20 amp breaker it looks a lot alike it looks almost identical to the wire that's in there now it is a little thicker this is a 12 - not a 14 - the 12 refer to the gauge the smaller the number the bigger the wire alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove all of this okay so we got it all back together again whoo the funny thing is you know in my race to go and get my wire I forgot to get the cover plate still got to get that not a worry I've got a whole year before I got a call from my final electrical inspection in the meantime we'll make sure all of our systems are working great and that'll be about it so if you want to see the other video that we did in this basement it's awesome and if you're finding these videos helpful and you think maybe you're empowered and you're more comfort do renovations at home but you just got a little bit of concern left feel free hit the join button become a member of our channel get access to help ok I've given out my phone number and special emails for consultation and help advice i'm--you 9-1-1 at your home renovation problems so feel free to join us it's only 5 bucks a month and you can have the confidence annoying you're not doing this alone alright and if you'd like to subscribe to the channel and get notifications every week where our videos come out don't forget to hit the thumbs up button that tells youtube that you guys like our stuff and if they know that they'll share with the world and we can help or people and if you want to see this click the link right here we got a few videos and a whole basement series here all the different mechanical systems that we're upgrading as we go along so click that I'm sure you'll enjoy for intermission raiders you'll love to see what we did was jacking up the house and hot-water tank too
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 299,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, upflush toilet, saniflo upflush, basement toilet, saniflo installation, home renovision bathroom, upflush toilet for basement, upflush toilet and shower, saniflo upflush system, saniflo upflush toilet installation instructions, basement toilet pump system, basement toilet installation, basement toilet pump, basement toilet without digging, saniflo installation instructions, saniflo installation guide, saniflo installation pipework
Id: dWTkrLWiM3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.