Sandi Patty All The Best LIVE

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hi I'm mark Lowry oh thank you thank you oh please thank you be seated no no really it's not my night I've had my night this is sandy Paddy's night you know I met sandy years ago at a little country church in southern Texas somewhere near Gorman I was ministering in a revival there and they asked if a little girl could come up and sing before I did my concert I said oh okay okay what are you gonna say you know you're there's their guest and you don't know what's coming up onstage you don't know if it's gonna be on pitch in the pocket have any passion but when she hit the stage I'm telling you my heart fluttered I'd never heard such high notes dogs came running from miles and I want you to know I took her on the road and the rest is history would you please welcome my friend sandy patty the joy - Carly praise the Lord of Heaven and praise the Lord Hawk raising ball his mighty power razor for or nations praise Allah let there be joy Oh Lord let's meet joy hard it's the praise of his people can't win he knows Jesus Christ is gay let me talk three beep by I - OH competition all their singing is your name singing your name is your name Chris Oh of all eternity he's understand Oh you amen we have come to celebrate the fact that God loves us and he promises that whenever we gather together in his name that he will be right here in our midst the crowds have lie street to see this man he's just a carpenter's son and he's meeting fools strength yet many need and in his eyes eclipses that sees the heart oh man he knows his father's fine he speaks his father's words when he comes here you know the chorus singers they there is power there is they're asleep in when my have fallen through have you ever felt like that and when my strength is fear and when there's nothing left to do but just depend on and the power and as we call upon you your strengths through our weakness to show we can know the master's plan we can extend the master's hand and there yesterday there is hope there is as creator my leads yeah last is it god is good god is good I want you to say hello to these wonderful musicians behind me right over here on the synthesizer he plays some of the strings and the horns and the percussion little Nintendo if he gets bored I just a little bit everything Nashville Tennessee mr. Rowland mains give him a nice head and over here on this lovely lovely Baldwin grand piano our musical director keyboard virtuoso and you know just all-around really nice guy please give a warm welcome mr. Steve bucks and later on in the evening a dear friend of mine Brian Moxxi will be joining us and he was here with me last time and what a what a great person he is we've been travelling together for a number of years and he just gets better and better and I tell you what when you see him come on stage do me a favor and just you know platform because he kind of likes that so if you do that that was just make him feel nice right at home and and I tell you what I am especially thrilled tonight because some of my family is here and so I'm excited about that my mom and dad Ron and Carolyn paddy are right down here would you guys stand up and my beautiful 11 year old daughter who just graduated from elementary school Aaron helvering Aaron would you stand up and the youngest of our bunch Sam Sam is stand up there just go right ahead turn around could you turn around things yeah I grew up in the church my dad was a minister of music all of my growing up years and my mother was a wonderful pianist and we would go to church and sit on the front row like every Sunday morning and every Sunday night every Wednesday night I think we went to church about eight days a week but I remember my mom would the piano would be kind of down here on the on the floor and it would be facing this way so she could see my dad who was leading the singing and my brothers and I had to sit right in front of her left hand now this was very significant because she could pretty much land planes with her left hand and so she'd be playing away and my brothers and I would start you know messing around or something and so she'd just get down to the lower register of the piano and just snap her fingers at us and then just go right back playing is just amazing but you know those wonderful hymns that I learned as a child have really become part of my heritage as a child of God and I just want to sing some of my favorite hymns for you and if I start singing one that you like I'd love it if you'd sing with me this I remember my grandma Patty's favorite I come to the garden still you and the boys i falling on you I love the words to the second verse listen he speaks and the son of his war that the birds there and the that he came and he walked with me see and he tells me and and the joy we share as we take just a closer granted Jesus seat daily walking close to me walking clothes let it be dear Lord do Oh sing the last night let it be do you know this friend Angie to Oh - yeah everything to learn let me hear just the ladies sing Oh what peace we often forfeit what needless pain we bear singing everybody sing all because we do not carry everything too see the last line one more time to the Lord in prayer watch me too now take a big breath because we're gonna hold it a really long time beautiful job give yourselves a hand great job everybody you let me know when you're going to sing somewhere and I'll come here you that's just wonderful there are a few people that I can count pretty much on one hand that have dramatically impacted every area of my life and I am so blessed to have two of the greatest parents in the whole world they are just they're loving and supportive they're healthy they're great grandparents they're the best fact I think my dad said if he don't having grandkids was so much fun you'd have him first but it is such a privilege that they could be here tonight and my dad and I have been singing a song ever since I've been about 16 and I don't think dad we've ever put it on video before we've put it on recording but I don't think we have ever put it on video before and I I know you guys have retired and you're just in the Gulf and all that but I'm going to tote I just I would just love it if you and mom would come up here and let's sing this together my mom Ron and Carolyn patty well we're gonna we're gonna stand over here by mom because she always makes us sound good well dad how many years have we been singing this but you're in since you were in high school however long that's been well I remember yeah two three years but I remember when I was a little girl and you would sing this song with someone in the choir and I just couldn't wait for the day till I got to sing it with you so it is just a real special my pleasure my pleasure who starts you start the by will tell he's still telling me what to do I love it the Bible tells me of God's love and his great wisdom always yet every little precious child is a testimony to amiracle stupidness ours and to hang but when god save my soul cleansing me it's a miracle Oh Oh my this great me sir Oh Oh Sam come here come up here buddy give Sam a nice hand you hear let's just sit down here for a minute hey well you know as I have tried to do with all of my kids I tried to find a way to tell Sam his story so I started telling him this little story when he was just a couple of days old and we still tell it to each other sometimes don't we see him and Aaron who was eight at the time drew the front cover of the book that we finally made out of Sam's story well those of you who are kids here tonight or for the rest of us who feel like kids this is a story that reminds us that God hasn't forgotten us that you still matter to him so we begin by saying with the opening line once once upon a time there was a little boy named Sam Sam lived up in heaven and Sam loved to slide down rainbows and swing on the stars and jump on the clouds and have picnics on the moon one day Sam went to God and he said God what's it like somewhere over the rainbow and God said well Sam it's not as wonderful as it is here but it is very special it's my creation why do you ask Oh God you know what I wish I wish I could go there and visit I wish I could live in a big white house with a big backyard with lots and lots of kids and lots and lots of love and God said well Sam I think I know just the place next time you slide down your rainbow there'll be a wonderful surprise waiting for you well Sam could hardly wait to go find his rainbow but before he did he reached his little arms up to God and God picked him up and Sam squeezed God's neck so thank you God then he noticed a little tear in God's eye and Sam said hey don't worry God I'll be back and God said I know you will Sam now off you go go find your rainbow so off sam went in search of his rainbow and when he found it he sat on top of that rainbow he closed his eyes and then he pushed with all his might and down that rainbow he came well do you know where he landed right in the middle of a big boy house with the big backyard with lots and lots of kids and lots and lots of love and that's how Sam came to live with mom and dad and all of his brothers and sisters and everywhere Sam went throughout his whole life he reminded people everywhere that one day we'll all go back over that rainbow and we'll all live happily ever after it's hard for me to believe that onna was once five jus now 17 she'll be a senior in high school she she did get her driver's license last year stay out of Indiana for a while she does really well on the straight roads it's those turns that just really get her and I tell you what she is one of the eight joys of my life I've watched her dance ever since she's been about three years old and she's danced with this production and that production she dances with with high school and she really feels like that God has given her that wonderful gift and so that has been such a high point a blessing in her life you know when you're 16 and you get a driver's license that's a pretty high point to so many wonderful things have happened to her and yet so many things have happened in her life and have caused her some pain last year at this time when I was working on a new record I got a call from Anna who had gotten a call from one of her friends it said four of her very best friends were in a car accident and one of them went on to a better life I tell you what that's a at the heavy thing for a 16 year old have to work through but through it all she has found her strength in the Lord she has danced with her life and she's been such a joy and blessing to me many times in concerts I simply just have to talk about her because she's involved in doing so many things but it's so neat to tonight to be able to say would you please welcome my daughter on a hill Vereen Oh here in my arms I can feel the breath of love surround you a life so pure how you will grow and a million dreams will dance pastor one day I will tell honest I'm moving through you have been a joy moving in Hey I have loved you in the morning light of God but he reached from heaven to sweet Mary the flame of life son carried to me and gave my soul of man moving through you Oh one holding you yes I I have Oh Oh time oh joy in unison I love you Oh all the word my god some wonder consider all the world I see the star I hear the Rolling Thunder bypass through world uh you this way you know this chorus sing with me sings my song why How Great Thou art sing it Oh oh great and when I feel that God his son not sparing sent him to die I scarce can take giddy then on the cruel to take my Shobha you what a song How Great Thou art and no one sings it like sandy Patti hi mark Lowry here again have you enjoyed the video so far I certainly have sandy Patty's changing clothes right now re powdering her face and drying her hair because she's like me we sweat a lot when we perform some artists never sweat you know because they don't work that hard for you sandy and I put in one hundred and twenty-five or twenty-six on a given night percent and so therefore we sweat now I have learned that if you put deodorant on your face before you apply the makeup you don't sweat as much but you know I figure people buy a ticket they buy a video they need to get their sweats worth but she's backstage changing her clothes and I want you to know you're in for a lot more fun right now sandy Patty's going to show off her piano technique it she's better than me that she's no Dean ho well I have seen some of you throughout the evening let your eyes wander over in this direction a little bit I've seen you you've nudged your neighbor and you said boy can that guy play that piano yeah yes indeed and Steve Cotterill was saying that the choir has done many of your arrangements and sees a wonderful arranger and songwriter and and as you already can tell a wonderful pianist and I you know I just I think this is such a neat crowd that they would enjoy this and I know my mother would because you know she's a quite a pianist and I would just like to feature you on this on this next is is that oh is that a ride with everybody so you just I mean let me just introduce you ladies and gentlemen would you please make welcome maestro Steve Potts okay okay stop you what little party we're gonna have Church now is that alright with you now I'm not talking about Church you know I grew up in church and I love Church nothing wrong with Church but I'm talking about charge you know where if you want it matt brien come on come on up here then ready to have some church already now tell you what we're gonna need your help okay this half for the audience over here including this half of the choir when I point to y'all you're gonna be my half when I point to you all I want to hear you say yeah what about sang it girl oh that's good Ohio and hear you say sing it girl come on now you gotta say it with some attitude all right so on the count of three let me hear you one two three that is so good all right now this half of the audience over here you're gonna be Brian's section okay now when Brian points to you I want to hear you say Amen okay now you just been out there sandy sandy Kenny you know I want to teach them the way that I knew it when I was a little kid the way I was going I want to teach them how to say Amen is that okay with you that okay with you now I come from my home my home home home Church is North Chicago is in North Chicago Illinois and the name of the church is Mount Sinai institutional Baptist Church of North Chicago Illinois now we have a good time I'm gonna give you a taste of how we say name it from my home home home Church and it goes something like this you Damon now just a couple of seconds you're going to be doing that Thompson taco flinging a man just like that alright so I'm a count of three I want you to do that a man just like that and I don't want you to stop until I put my hand down okay here we go what amen when Jesus took all your sins away but since that day and Oh yeah god bring you me you now do you feel yeah baby oh thank you ride mixie hey hey Brian you know what everybody just check your heart rate real quick you know what I think we just went aerobic hey and I'm counted to get count who you all are a fun bunch to spend an evening with we got to do this more often Wow I'm gonna I need this little chair here I how many moms in the audience let me hear your hands if you're a mom you know what there is no greater joy in my life than being a mom there is no greater source of frustration in my life than being a mom you know what I mean you know I have to tell you though every once in a while there are these just fabulous days where the kids will wake up in the morning and they'll get dressed in school clothes that they've let me pick out for them to wear and they'll get up in plenty of time to make their bed before school I'm talking the sheet and the comforter and they'll come down into the kitchen where I'm whipping up some pop-tarts and what do you have a problem with that and after breakfast I'll overhear them saying to one another as they get their backpacks on their way out to the car you take the front seat today no you take the front seat today no please you take the front seat today and on the way to school I don't have to slam my brakes on one time to remind them why they should have put their seatbelts on and then I wake up and there is realities staring me in the face do you moms feel like that all you do some days I say no I feel like all I do sometimes is just say no no no no no no no no no stop stop is ever gonna stop it I'm not gonna tell you that again do you need to go have a timeout do you need it I'll think about your happy attitude alright here are your two choices you can mine me or get a spanking stop skating in the living room a skater for the dog's head tuck to the hand cause the face don't understand these are the days my children have the audacity to come to me and say mom we have had it with you being the mom and so fine what are you gonna do about it they said we're gonna be the mom today is how fine when you're the mom today send me to my room alone yeah but I tell you what in the midst of the craziness and the chaos there really are some wonderful moments some days I have to really look for those wonderful moments but you know they're there one of the things that I have tried to challenge myself to do is write down or say out loud okay I'm trying to be so sly that I can't there write down or say out loud to somebody five things that have brought me joy at least five some days it's more some days it's not quite but you know what it does for me it just helps me see the world differently on my list of things that I'm thankful for might be some things you might not expect for instance I'm thankful for all the piles of laundry because it means my loved ones are near say it's all about changing the perspective a little bit I'm thankful for the mess to clean up after a party because it means I've been surrounded by friends I'm thankful for that lady who sings really off-key behind me in church because it means I can hear it's all about perspective I'm thankful for these wrinkles that I'm getting cuz they don't hurt it's all about perspective I'm thankful for those clothes that sometimes fit a little too snugly because it means I have enough to eat perspective people on it came up with I'm thankful for my curfew because it means someone cares about me I'm thankful for all the homework that I have to help with after school because it means someone needs me and you know I would just like to add a little side note we did get an A in science and math this last semester yesterday I left Indiana and came out to to California and my family was going to join me today so that meant I was by myself on the airplane in the hotel room didn't have to share the remote control with anyone and I got on the plane thinking and I'm gonna have some quiet time I'm really excited about that so I sat down got out a book and that baby started crying you know that baby that baby's been on your airplanes so I'm thinking okay find the joy I'm the joy I'm thankful for that baby that's crying because well today it's not mine but it does wonders for me when I when I make a choice to change the way I see something it's like that old saying you see the cup half empty or half full this past holiday season I was so challenged to take a look at the Christmas story through the eyes of Mary as a mother now she gave birth to the Son of God the King of Kings the Lord of lords Messiah but she gave birth to her firstborn son she wrapped him in swaddling clothes she laid him in a manger she heard his first cries comforted him and I got to to thinking about the many events surrounding the Advent season through Mary's eyes I started writing some thoughts down that became this all devotional you know whether it's Christmas or whether it's Mother's Day or maybe you're not even a mom I don't know but there's something every day that God has for us in his word I just wanted to read you a couple of these entries maybe you can relate Luke 1:28 says Mary you have pleased God an angel appeared to Mary and said hey guess what you're going to conceive and give birth to a son and oh yeah by the way don't be afraid okay I realize I am paraphrasing here now my daughter turned 16 last year about the age of Mary when she received that life-changing news not hey Mary you get to get your driver's license today or hey Mary you made the show choir group at school but the angel said Behold or listen up you are going to conceive and give a birth to a son God has found a favour with you you have pleased him he thinks you are up to the task you may be afraid right now and I want to calm your fears and tell you that you don't need to be afraid just trust in God how many times in our lives are we given an impossible inconceivable task perhaps it is in these times that we too need to hear the Angels say to us don't be afraid God has found favor with you he wouldn't ask you if he didn't think you could do it today you have pleased God and on into the story after Mary hears this news from the angel she says how can this be after feeling understandably afraid and overwhelmed and receiving the Angels comfort to not be afraid Mary did what we all do she began to ask questions excuse me she said how can this be you see Mary knew the facts of her situation from her perspective she knew she'd never been with a man and from her perspective what the angel had said had to be impossible but as always we cannot see the situation the way God would see it he already knew how he was going to intervene but he allowed Mary to ask questions we think God isn't big enough to handle our questions often we genuinely question because we only see things from our perspective it's okay God can handle the questions in fact I like to think that he welcomes them when we question he knows that we are diligently searching and knowing that we are diligently searching he delights in knowing that we will find Mary new probably better than us other moms knew what it was like to be entrusted with a life and yet knowing that ultimately it belonged to God while she rocked and held him on that silent holy night I'm sure that many thoughts were racing through her heart someday when this night is over and the star has fade and the Angels fly I look at you with one dreaming of this first when I heard you cry take your tiny feet and with just will cause the blind someday you will walk strangers tonight stay with me someday they will call you saying come on the people light and life devar Oh you will speak the world touch the hearts of man as you know touch speak in mr. prison doors okay we all will be set free you some way you will walk but tonight just stay a while with me my son let me still as Mary rocked him and held him on that silent holy night she knew that she had this moment but she also knew that all too soon it would be something Davi Belarus in Jerusalem that day the soldiers tried to clear that Narrows but the crowd pressed e2c condemned to die on cow he was fleeing from a beating there were stripes upon his back and he wore some song I the scorn of those who cry for he's dead is one of me Oh having okay school what is slumber party he pulled me Oh God yeah yeah Maury tell the via dolorosa Oh and as he hung on the cross he said father forgive him I heard him say please yet in my heart I feel guilty I know the truth the dad was a mind to pay how could it be right that it happened in this way a fallen ensign why my sweetie but why is your body and we D it should've it should've been women day it should have been my that was all my heart okay it should have been my head it should have been mine it should've been see it should have been whoa my heart that was four okay but it was your yes you're where the names with a cruise sometimes it causes me to tremble I dream were you there when they crucify in cold lady hums there as they return to pray and light was shining everywhere but Jesus Connie get off my nothing and as the game and to raid around began to share and they were so country but boys who's an angel spill me they're shouts propane the not bad who will call him who will all him prints please I know and he we that's a one I will you Hey I will you could I just have a couple more minutes of your fine would you care who I tell you what thank you all so much for a wonderful wonderful evening you have blessed my heart so very much tonight you've given of yourselves one of the things that I have watched my mother do especially since my brother Craig was in an accident about 15 years ago when he was in the hospital we didn't know if we were gonna have a tomorrow with Craig and so every day my mother would go into him when he was in his coma and she'd say Craig I love you today you know there's something really wonderful about just being here today and giving all that you have to give today I don't want to lay down at bed at night and have any regrets and he'll think well I wish I the red Sam this may be one more story here I wish I'd have talked a little bit longer with Aaron with all the lights off we were laying on her bed together at night we're taking maybe a little more time to rub Ginny's back I want to live every day as though it might be the last and give everything I have to give what would be different about my days I would do that if today we're the last of all days would it change how you feel who you are would you rise for a moment above all your fears become one with the moon the star would you like what you see looking down did you give everything that you could have you done all the things you've wanted to do is there still so much follow your dream to the end of the rainbow way beyond one part of go open your eyes to the colors find the true beauty life would you live in the moment like when you were young when time didn't travel so fast being free in the presence enjoying the now not time to avert you for your dream way beyond one particle open your right to the car you find the true beauty lies you probably say all you wanted to say but doesn't it strike you as strange have we'd only be killed if today with the last of all day if today were the line god bless you you are so very loved today good night me - for now and like hey come John is the night this not me we miss what a wonderful evening I know if you're like me you've enjoyed it and listen if Sandy's in your area go seer you can check out our schedule at Sandi patty dot-com or if you're like me just call her at home she won't mind you are you washing my behind a filthy Pig it's a feast me get cricket what are we doing guys we're gonna shut up she's making a wonderful culinary delight I can't wait where's that he is difficult you created your hair soon but not in my car also not in your car school - dude that's professor he's all keke we can't find another yo the stress of it she's a Leon it'll cook Ginny this is what we do on a Saturday night here stitching sorry I you
Channel: Joff Mejia
Views: 393,553
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Id: bAeFe3PwAQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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