Sand Battery Vs Water Battery: Real Data Comparison For Free Heat Energy Storage!

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kind of trouble am I going to get into today see good morning everyone and welcome back so in my sand battery videos there were hundreds and hundreds of comments about using water instead of sand there was lots of math involved and people uh kept commenting that water has a higher specific heat than sand does and a better water capacity or a better heat capacity than Sam does and how water works so much better than sand I understand sort of the chemistry that they were referring to so let's you know give this a shot so after a couple of false starts um I have some data and let me walk you through my experimental setup here hey if you like this content uh make sure you hit the thumbs up a liking to subscribe and hit the notification let's get building so I got two metal paint buckets from Home Depot I painted them both black and filled one with sand and one with water and then I took my Data Logger and plug put the probe down towards the bottom of both and put them out on matching tables in the backyard of my place here in Central Texas and I let them bake for a day and a half so we've got a Apples to Apples comparison the Sun hits them at about 7 7 30 in the morning and it crests over the house about six o'clock so these things get about 11 hours of Sun approximately um so I've got a graph that shows the heat climbing on both of them peeking and then cresting back down now there were two different numbers that we were expecting or two different pieces of data that we're expecting the highest temperature recorded and how long that heat was retained once the sun had gone down so here are some quick fun numbers the maximum temperature achieved in the sand was a hundred and two point five Fahrenheit the maximum temperature achieved by the water was 96.8 so all things being exactly perfectly equal the sand got hotter now the average temperature for sand was 68.7 and for water was 67.5 so the sand held at that temperature an average data set of a longer period of time and just for reference you can program those data longer data loggers for how frequency the how frequently they take temperatures I had mine set to two minutes so every two minutes it's recording the temperature so I can see a really good swing down in the middle of the night and then up in the middle of the afternoon and then the rest of the afternoon once the sun goes down and crest so I'll put the data up a graph here on the screen and let you to take a look at it that's pretty interesting yeah 7 P.M so this starts at 7 pm it heat hits its peak coldness around three and then sun comes up and it starts to climb the blue line to sand climbing climbing climbing climbing climbing climbing hits its peak at about four o'clock in the afternoon and then starts to drop again now if you notice it's Peak so that this is day one and then this is day two over here this is about noon on Monday so what's interesting is if you look at the equivalent time between 24 hour period both of them are both of the of the jugs are warmer than they were the day before so they really are they are retaining heat as opposed to 24 hours before that so here's day one and here's day two but not really markedly any better than each other so they kind of crisscross back and forth between sand and water and then this is day two here about noon on Sunday so this is what the Data Logger information looks like out of this really neat little logger that I bought off of Amazon so we've got maximum temperature minimum temperature and then these are the individual logs every two minutes and so I get to have a true Apples to Apples comparison
Channel: Texas Prepper Projects
Views: 5,006
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Keywords: Sand Vs. Water Battery, Real Data Comparison For Energy Storage, Texas Prepper Projects, Sand Battery Experiment, Water Battery Test, Sustainable Energy Storage, DIY Thermal Batteries, Eco-Friendly Heating Solutions, Solar Power Storage, Renewable Energy DIY, Home Energy Experiments, Green Living Projects, Solar Battery Comparison, Energy Efficiency Testing, Off-Grid Energy Solutions, Sustainable Living Experiments, DIY Solar Power Storage, Green Energy Testing, TPP&x%
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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