Racial segregation in San Quentin prison - Louis Theroux - Behind Bars - BBC

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out in the general population of the prison inmates get yard time for just a couple of hours twice a week other than showers and meal times these are their only moments outside their cells a chance to socialize and make allies escorted for my own safety by lieutenant eric messick i was in west block yard where most of the inmates are doing time for parole violations tell me what you're doing over here you're just relaxing for the white guys are you the white gang that's right yeah are you would you be part of a uh is that the same thing what is it i can't read it what does it mean what does it say barbarian brotherhood barbarian brotherhood do all the different races have different areas yeah that's like the black area over there the norteno area over there white area over here yeah indians over there we keep it segregated how come because we don't want to program with a clear line pretty much yeah white power you know ain't programming i mean on the out in the outside world people tend to rub along you know different races get along more or less and so how come inside it doesn't work like that so we don't mean just for no confusion so we don't get confused between races and stuff we just stay away from them racist we just don't want to live with them you know i don't want to live with them i mean is there someone here who's in charge no one's going to say that no one would say that would go the whole why wouldn't anyone say that because then they would high-profile us and then put us in the home after that someone's are most of you here on violations almost at least 50 percent of the jericho's meth at least the white guys robin pharmacy probably pharmacy robbery really yeah how many 31. 31 what counts really yeah how long do they give you i'm on a 90-day observation i'm still not sentenced yet yeah so how long do they but with 31 counts how long might how long could they give you uh 38 years 38 years yeah you look quite young how old are you 13 19 yeah how did you hook up with these guys yeah you take care of our own did you spot him because he looks kind of new you know did you spot him and think it will you know we'll look up we'll look out yeah yeah we work in the kitchen together we try to take care of everybody yeah we're you
Channel: BBC Studios
Views: 11,931,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, Louis Theroux, Video, Prison, Cell, Law, Prisoner, Behind, Bars, Racial segregation, San Quentin, Robbery, Crystal Meth
Id: VyVmoCWIOrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2009
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