Samsung Galaxy S23 FE 一個月後評測:A54 vs S23 FE vs S23+ 完全反映價格?內附相機比拼、效能速度、電量測試!FlashingDroid 出品
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Channel: FlashingDroid
Views: 46,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Galaxy S23+, Galaxy S23 FE, Galaxy S23 FE 評測, Galaxy S23 FE 香港, Galaxy S23 FE 測評, Galaxy S23 FE vs A54, Galaxy S23 FE vs Galaxy A54, Galaxy S23 FE vs S23+, Galaxy S23 FE vs Galaxy S23+, Galaxy S23 FE 相機, Galaxy S23 FE 效能, Galaxy S23 FE 速度, Galaxy S23 FE 電池, Galaxy S23 FE 電量, flashingdroid, flashingdroid 評測, Ray Ma, Ray Ma 評測, S23 FE 評測, S23 FE 香港, S23 FE 價格
Id: 975GVy5HUrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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