3 Levels Of Samplings: How To Become A Master Sampler

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today i want to talk to you about the different levels of sampling and walk you through the beginner advanced and expert level sampling techniques and how to do them [Music] now first i want to say that the techniques that i use in this video are valid no matter what skill level you're at i routinely use beginner techniques when making beats and so if you do too it's not a bad thing always do what's best for the music even if that means that you don't get to show off the fancy skills and techniques that you've learned alright so let's start off with the beginner sampling techniques the most basic one that you can use when you're trying to make a beat using a sample is looping this is when you find a short segment of your entire sample and you just play that segment over and over again it sounds simple but there are some really helpful and important ideas that you need to know which i will cover so start off by looking at this sample here this is one that i found off of vinyl frontier which is a great resource on youtube for finding samples and as you can see i put it into the fl studio playlist now the first thing that you're going to want to do to loop is to find a part of the sample that actually sounds good when it's repeating over and over again typically this will be a sort of longer phrase that works when repeated so let's take a listen to what we have here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this section here sounds a bit better to me and actually think i found a part of the sample that would work if i were to just loop it over and over again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'm going to see if this would work by grabbing my knife tool and just isolating that one little segment there so i'm going to make my cut right here and at the back part as well at this point i'm just going to delete everything that i don't need and then just drag this all the way to the beginning of the playlist [Applause] [Music] now currently the project bpm is set to the default of 140 which is not going to work with this sample if i were to take a listen to the sample playing with the metronome on [Music] so it's a bit off here so what i'm going to do is use the bpm counter and just click along with the sample i'm going to nod my head to get a feeling of the rhythm of the loop and then just click every single time i hear a beat and hopefully that gets me to a closer bpm that would work with this loop [Music] all right so apparently 78 bpm would work better let's go ahead and turn the metronome on and just take a listen again [Music] [Applause] so that sounds much better and looking at what i've cut i actually have a bit more of the sample that i actually need as you can see this is a one bar loop but i actually have a little bit more right here so let's go ahead and truncate this end part and see if it sounds good when it's actually looping [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so as you can see what i'm trying to do here is get this loop to fit perfectly on grid so it actually loops around seamlessly as of right now i think this works pretty well right now the bpm of the beat is 78 but i feel like i want the beat itself to be a bit more up tempo so i'm going to bring it up to 81. but as you can see as soon as i start playing on the bpm the loop itself changes its length so what i'm going to do is double click on the sample here and change the mode to stretch and now what happens when i change my bpm is the sample length stays the same [Music] so it sounds cool so far now when you're looping you can also do a variety of simple techniques like stretching and pitch shifting for example if i were to double click on the sample and bring it down 500 semitones [Music] we have a pitch down version of the sample now also if i trigger the stretch feature up here and i stretch this over a longer period of time [Applause] [Music] we now have the sample playing over twice the length this can be helpful if you just want your sample to fit in a very particular space but i actually like the sample better when it was just a one bar loop so i'll bring it back here and by the way i also want to mention that if you take your loop and you notice the timing of the sample is a bit off you can see if i were to zoom in on this sample we have this plucked string hitting here a tiny bit late [Music] it's not flush with this grid line right here now this might not necessarily be a bad thing having these types of imperfections can make for an interesting sample but i could definitely adjust this if i wanted to here i'm using new time if you don't know how to use this i really recommend watching the video i made a while back on getting started with sampling where i cover how to use this tool and this can be really helpful for very particular situations like this one here if i want to take this pluck and have it be flush on the grid i can just drag it over easily like so and change other ones as well if i wanted to anyways we have our loop set it's sounding great now it's time to just go ahead and build around this loop and maybe add some effects onto it just so it sounds a bit better [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so that's the core idea of this beat built that's how to sample at a beginner level next let's move on to intermediate level sampling for the beginner level what we just did was that we found a big segment within our sample and we played it over and over again for the intermediate level instead of finding one big piece of our sample we're just going to find multiple smaller pieces and sort of rearrange those pieces to place something else now we definitely could do this from the playlist we could just grab our knife and start making chops all over the place and then we could take our pieces and start to try to move them around and rearrange them like so having said that i would argue that this isn't the most efficient and effective way of sampling at this level the reason being is because it becomes far more difficult to experiment and try out different ideas there's just a lot of dragging and dropping in order to preview what you have and there's just better ways of doing this like using a sampler for example ones that come with fl studio are slice x and fruity slicer i have a full tutorial on how to use slicex if you're interested a free option that i used in the past was momentum that has a few additional features personally i use serato sample currently but for the sake of this tutorial since many of you are probably using slicex i'll just use that so let's go ahead and throw our sample into our sampler and with most samplers they will give you an option to create slices or chops with your sample so i'm going to go ahead and create a bunch of slices and see if i can come up with my own creation a good place to start if you're new to sampling is to just put your slices on these larger transients like you see [Music] here basically what i'm doing here is i'm chopping on different notes throughout the sample which will allow me to more easily create something musical now this isn't the only way you have to chop or slice up your sample but it's just what i'm doing here and this part usually takes some experimenting but i think i have a loop that makes sense using a handful of these pieces from the sample here [Music] all right so this sounds cool now just like what we did with our beginner level sampling we can also use the same techniques here if we wanted if you remember what we did was we stretched and re-pitched our loop in order to fit what we're making we can do this exact same thing at an intermediate level as well but with the individual chops instead meaning we can take any of these chops that i've used here and re-pitch them and stretch them if need be that's actually exactly what i did in order to get this chop right here to fit better this is how it originally sounded [Music] as you can hear this chop didn't really fit well rhythmically so in order to get this slice to fit better i took this one very specific chop and i stretched it out so it was far slower and as you can see inside this menu in slice x we have these abilities like we had with our beginner level sampling we have the ability to re-pitch right up here we can also stretch using the time multiplier knob and that's exactly what i did i basically stretched this out so it's a little bit longer and it actually fits with what i'm trying to build you can hear it's actually playing the exact same thing but just slower so it actually fits [Music] you can hear after i stretched it out that piece just fits a lot better so as you can see the same techniques are still at our disposal when we're doing intermediate level sampling we're just doing them at a more finite level within our individual chops and just like with the last example let's go ahead and start adding our typical elements into this beat like our drums and bass and whatnot [Music] and one thing that you may notice here is that i actually ended up using yet another sample in this beat as well i have this drum break from the guys that beat batter that i ended up using i just brought it into fruity slicer [Music] i typically use fruity slicer more so for my drum breaks just because it does a pretty good job of detecting your slices automatically using these adjustable dials right down here and just like with our last example if i wanted to i could easily build my own drum pattern in this exact same way by moving around these pieces in this drum sample and just creating my own rhythm it's the exact same technique so that is the intermediate level where we take our sample and we split it up into smaller pieces and we begin playing around with the timing of each of these pieces and the final level is the advanced level again just like our last example the ideas that we've learned so far apply to this exact same level of sampling as well we'll be breaking our sample into smaller little pieces and we can pitch shift and stretch them out and rearrange the timing of these pieces to play what we want them to but the difference here is that not only will we be playing with the timing of our pieces but also the spaces of these pieces so before we were manipulating our sample only in terms of the timing but this time we're also going to be manipulating our frequencies and the depth and the stereo qualities of our sample as well so let's take a look at this example here once again i'm going to start by chopping my sample into smaller pieces and find the different pieces that i like to create a musical loop just like i have showed so far now what i'm going to try to do is to take yet another part of the sample and layer it on top of this so i'll duplicate my sampler in order to create yet another layer but first i want to manipulate the space that the sample sits in i'm going to go ahead and reduce some of the frequencies as well as add some reverb to really push it back and now to program this into the beat and notice just like i mentioned before we can still use the same techniques from the last two levels here what i did was i stretched this one piece out so it fits in you can see it says right here time stretch negative fourteen percent and i also re-pitched it you can see up here minus six semitones so let's go ahead and create yet another layer i'm going to go ahead and duplicate this once again but this time i'm going to go ahead and re-pitch the sample up six semitones again using the techniques that we've already learned this time i'm going to play around with the different space that this layer sits in i'm going to open up an eq once again and really limit what frequencies this sound sits in and as you can see i also added some padding effects to play with the stereo space and just come up with a very small layer here since we're already starting to run out of room with this loop so i hope you're getting a feel for what we're going for when it comes to advanced sampling we're no longer looking at the sample as a stagnant piece of music we can begin to really take it apart at a very small level and create what we want and that's exactly what advanced sampling is taking your sample apart at a smaller and smaller level and manipulating these small parts with different types of tools to create a finalized idea so once again let's turn this into a beat [Music] [Music] there we go we got a full beat on our hands so those are the different levels of sampling and again i want to reiterate that just because you can do advanced level techniques doesn't mean you should do them every single time there's always going to be a time and a place to get a lot more simple and straightforward with your techniques do what's best to produce the best possible song in the end because no one really cares what techniques you use to get there and if you enjoyed this video like and subscribe head over to betterbeatmaker.com if you want some advanced help with your production the link to my free drum kit's available in the description box below as well as a link to the discord to join my producer community and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Navie D
Views: 63,480
Rating: 4.9470763 out of 5
Keywords: Sampling levels, How sample in fl studio 20, how to sample in fl studio, how to sample, how to sample tutorial, navie d, how to sample like a god, how to sample fl studio, how to sample a song, how to chop a sample in fl studio, sampling fl studio, how to chop samples, sampling basics, sampling tips, sampling in fl studio, sampling tutorial, how to sample beats, sample tutorial, making a beat, how to make a beat, fl studio tutorial, fl studio, how to make sampled beats
Id: J26gMaNUj0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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