Sam Hunt - House Party (Alternate Video)
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Channel: SamHuntVEVO
Views: 58,764,263
Rating: 4.7760968 out of 5
Keywords: house party, sam hunt, house party sam hunt, sam hunt house party, house party song, sam hunt house party with lyrics, house party sam hunt lyrics, country music, house party country song, houseparty
Id: 1FhRhzAWzLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 22 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Would have expected Chase Rice
If she spills her drink....that would be....a sticky situation
Why do I feel like they didn't even ask her to be there, and she just showed up.
NGL I clicked this thread being like "the answer is obviously Chase Rice" and I was pleasantly shocked to see the one and Only Baylor.
She just showed up!
Hmmmm yeah that is a person I do not recognize tbh
I searched far and wide in the comments to see if someone brought it up and they didn't...
I love it when my worlds unexpectedly collide like this. Btw Baylor has a really good cover of Sam Hunt's "Speakers".