Salvation is from the Jews: A Lecture by Roy Schoeman

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[Music] my intention actually isn't I mean this is not really about my witness testimony but as a kind of introduction to the main talk I and also dr. Hawes kind of introduced it so let me just spend a couple of minutes on that I I'm Jewish my parents are both German Jewish Holocaust refugees I say I'm Jewish by the way but I was baptized in 1992 so I get scared that I'm like not a member of the Catholic Church and and of course the talk will become clear on why I'm using the present tense when I say I'm Jewish but anyway my parents are both German Jewish Holocaust refugees my mother my father left Germany right after Hitler came to power there was a short period when the Jews are actually being encouraged to leave as long as they left everything behind my mother's family was less fortunate they fled to France they were in Paris when when Paris fell to the Nazis and my mother was actually arrested and put on a train to a concentration camp but escaped and made it to the United States and where my parents met and married and I went up growing up my whole world was Jewish I was very Jewish I was quite devout and I even though this became more devoutly Jewish or more enthusiastic about about God and and Judaism in my high school years and at the end of high school I actually spent that summer living and traveling with a Hasidic rabbi you know the hassid's I'm sure you must have Hasidic community should I get closer yeah okay right down the street with a Hasidic rabbi in Israel and toyed with the idea of not going back to the United States and starting University in the fall but entering Jewish religious life in Israel but I did come back I started MIT I lost my faith at MIT in part under the influence of the pseudo-scientific materialistic worldview that religion is a medieval superstition and science has all the answers and anything that science doesn't have the answer to today it will in five years that's a pseudo scientific view it's not a truly scientific view because the essence of science is you start with the evidence and you draw your conclusions on the basis of the evidence and if you have a theory that's disproved by the evidence you have to throw away the theory and find another theory that fits the evidence the truth is that all of the evidences for the Catholic faith and the those who I mean for instance I don't want to go too far off on this tangent but there's lots of physical evidence that strongly suggests the Catholic faith and certainly contradicts the materialistic worldview some examples are the miracle of Fatima that was witnessed by 80 to 100 thousand people including atheists and skeptics and hardcore communists who are just there to scoff and so forth you have the medical miracles at Lourdes which to be approved by the Medical Bureau there there has to be documented physical evidence before the healing after the healing there has to be no natural explanation for the healing it has to be permanent and so forth you know you have although you have a Shroud of Turin for which there's no scientific or no materialistic explanation you have the automa of Guadeloupe for which has no materialistic explanation so in fact a song a truly scientific viewpoint would have to throw out the materialistic worldview right so that's why it's actually pseudo scientific to say and what this materialistic worldview does is it says we don't care what the evidence is it can't be true so we're going to dismiss it and that's the opposite of science GK Chesterton has a quote rightly or wrongly those who believe in miracles believe in them on the basis of the evidence and rightly or wrongly those who disbelieve in miracles refuse to believe in them on the basis of faith so anyway nonetheless I lost my faith in MIT that was all a big digression I after a number of years of by five years designing computer languages as Dr Haass said I left MIT majoring in linguistics including computational linguistics so design computer languages I went back to school to go to Harvard Business School about five years later I did well enough there that they asked me to join the faculty so I found myself a newly minted professor of marketing at the ripe old age of twenty nine and that's really the start of where my witness testimony begins because all my life I felt there has to be a real meaning and purpose to life and someday when I'm older I'll come to know it as a child I thought that would come from coming into a personal relationship with God which I honestly thought would happen at my bar mitzvah you know when the Jewish boy turns 13 and there's a ceremony in the synagogue where he enters religious Stolte hood when it didn't happen on my bar mitzvah it was I was crushed but then pretty soon I thought the real meaning of life would come when I got a driver's license or when I left home or if I got into MIT or if I got into Harvard Business School or when I started my career and so forth but here I was already more successful in terms of secular career than I ever expected to be you know being this hard Business School professors pretty heavy stuff but there was still no meaning or purpose to life but there was nothing more to look forward to that could give me and I could hope would give me a meaning and purpose to life so I fell into this kind of existential despair and in that despair and I had long since stopped believing in God I was just walking alone in nature early one morning when I received the most a spectacular grace of my life from one moment to the next the veil between Earth and heaven dropped and I found myself in the presence of God seeing my life as though I had died and was looking back over my life in the presence of God and I saw in an instant everything I would be happy about and everything I would wish I had done differently I saw that when I died my two greatest regrets would be all the time and energy I had wasted worrying about not being loved when every instant of my existence I was held in an ocean of love greater than imagine that exist coming from an all-knowing all-loving God and the other great regret would be every hour had wasted doing nothing of value in the eyes of heaven I saw it was all true we live forever every action has a moral content that is weighed in the scales and and recorded for all eternity that every moment of our life has the potential for a moral action even if it's just the prayer that will essentially benefit us for all eternity in heaven and every opportunity that we waste and not take advantage of will be a opportunity loss for all eternity and I was at the time a professor of marketing or Harvard Business School right so everything was cost-benefit analysis and maximizing returns and all of that stuff and so I couldn't help thinking of it in those terms during this experience because I had no religious orientation so it's not like you know I was fitting this into the Baltimore Catechism or anything so I realized in this you know experience I thought that the problem was that here all my life I had been selfish I didn't realize how was the problem I thought the problem was all my life I had been stupidly selfish and working for things that won't matter at all a hundred years from now and if I want to be smart and selfish the only thing that made sense would be to put all of my time and energy into working for things from which I would be quite literally benefiting 100 million years from now right it's like I was working for monopoly money instead of gold coin so I left this experience I mean my whole world had changed because I knew I saw in this experience that everything that had ever happened to me have been the most perfect thing coming from the hands of an all-knowing all-loving God not only including those things that caused the most suffering at the time but especially those things that had caused the most suffering at the time I saw that all my life I had been like looking at my life in the rearview mirror saying to myself if only that hadn't happened then I would be happy today or if only that hadn't happened then I would be happy and I saw how nothing to be further from the truth that everything that had ever happened to me had been the most perfect thing that could have been arranged to happen to me there was never any reason to be anxious about anything and there was certainly no reason to be obsessed with not being loved when every instant of my existence I was watched over and loved far more than I could ever hope by an all loving God who was watching over me and paying attention to me and protecting me and arranging things for me and so I were the only creature he had ever created not only had he been arranging everything that happened to me every moment of my life but he had been aware of how I felt at every moment in my life and in some sense rejoiced with me at everything that made me happy and commiserated with me at everything that made me sad so I went back home to Cambridge happy for the first time since childhood determined to do nothing but pursue this experience and find out who this God was and how to worship Him during this experience I prayed to know this God's name I couldn't put him together with the god of Judaism who I know it was the god of Judaism but if you read the Old Testament the picture of God that emerges is if one much more distant and judgmental than this so I prayed during this experience let me know your name so I know what religion to follow to worship and serve you properly I don't mind if your Buddha and I have to become Buddhists I don't mind if your Apollo and they have to become a Roman pagan I don't mind if your chrétien and I have to become into as long as you're not Christ and I have to become Christian and I literally I literally prayed that so he didn't tell me his name I obviously wasn't you know ready to hear it but when I got back home every night before going to sleep I would say a short prayer to know the name of my Lord and Master and God would revealed himself to me so I would know how to worship and serve him properly and a year to the day after the initial experience I went to sleep I felt as I were woken by a hand gently on my shoulder and led to a room and left alone with the most beautiful young woman I could ever imagine I knew without being told that it was the Blessed Virgin Mary when I found myself in her presence all I wanted to do was throw myself on my knees and somehow honor her properly in fact the first thought that crossed my mind was I wish I at least knew the Hail Mary but I didn't so the first thing she said to me was she offered to answer any questions I might have for her so I wanted to ask her to teach me the Hail Mary but I was too proud to admit I didn't know it so the first question I asked her was what's your favorite prayer to you now her initial response was a little bit coy she said I love all prayers to me but I was a bit pushy maybe that's because I was in New York too and maybe not but I said you must love some prayers to you more than others and and she relented and she recited a prayer to me body was in Portuguese and I didn't know any Portuguese so all I could do was make the effort to remember the first few syllables phonetically in the next morning when I woke up write them down phonetically and later when I met a Portuguese Catholic woman I asked her to recite all of the Marian prayers in Portuguese if I could identify it and to the best of my ability it was identified as Oh Mary conceived without sin pray for us have recourse City on now I asked her about four or five other questions and she answered them very graciously I'm I mentioned one of those other questions now I'll leave at least 15 minutes at the end for questions and answers and everything's fair game including this so and I'll just answer us mentioned one other question I asked her which was more of an exclamation than a question when I would find myself in a presence I was just overwhelmed number one I was overwhelmed by the love that flow from her which was put me in a state of ecstasy greater than I ever imagined could exist just to feel the purity and intensity to love coming from her but I was also overwhelmed by her grandeur by her gloriousness by her exaltedness so I just kind of stammered out how can it be how is it possible that you're so magnificent that you're so exalted that you've so glorious happen to be and she just looked down at me sort of pityingly and she shook her head gently and she said oh no you don't understand you don't understand anything I'm nothing I'm a creative thing I'm a creature he's everything so anyway after after the questions and answers she said she has something she wanted to talk to me about she spoke for about another 10 or 15 minutes and and then I went back to sleep and when I woke up the next morning I knew it was Christ in the initial experience I knew who the Blessed Virgin Mary was I knew I wanted nothing more than to be as fully and completely a Christian as possible I didn't know what that meant I didn't know what the difference between a Protestant and a Catholic and I really couldn't do anything except open a local phonebook and find a church to go to which is a Protestant church but when I got to know the pastor a little bit I shyly asked him about the Blessed Virgin Mary and when he answered without the respect that I knew was due her and that's an understatement I knew this was no place for me and so basically to cut it cut it off you really never mind cut it short knowing who the Blessed Virgin Mary was led me pretty pretty directly without too many detours into the Catholic Church now when I became a Catholic when I entered the church it was always a little puzzled when cradle Catholics would come up to me and throw their arms wide and say welcome to our church because I couldn't help feeling that if the Catholic faith is true it should mean me who was throwing my arms wide saying welcome to my church because if the Catholic faith is true the Catholic Church is nothing but the continuation of Judaism after the coming of the Jewish Messiah and everything about Judaism was to prepare for the biggest event in never mind human history and creation history which is the incarnation of goddess man and at that point everything changed and the the relationship between the special relationship between God and man which had been restricted to the Jewish people for the purpose of making possible the Incarnation was opened up to the whole world through the church through the sacraments of the church and through faith in Jesus which was always the intention so really it's one in the same religion divided into two phases right the pre messianic phase which is Judaism and the full-blown coming to life of the religion which is the Catholic Church I'm going to go back and I talked about that theology let me tell you my plan for the next 40 minutes which is in a moment or two I'm going to go back and talk about the theology I was talking about about the relationship between Judaism in the Catholic faith the role of Judaism and bring about the Messiah and then I will talk about the role of Judaism in between the first and second coming of Christ and the role of Judaism in relationship the second coming of Christ and using that role of Judaism between the first and second coming look at what's going on in the world and and has recently gone on in the world and tried to tie that in to this kind of economy of salvation to precede the Second Coming so I guess I'll kind of start at the beginning oh no let me let me take a short kind of pause here and make a little tangential a little tangential discussion or mention something first of all despite despite my hair dude I'm not here to sell books but you may have noticed that I do have my books downstairs and I'm not this actually not a commercial interruption to sell books but you'll see how it ties in I have I have two books down there salvation is from the Jews the role of Judaism in salvation history from Abraham the second coming that's the theology that I'm going to be talking about the other book is honey from the rock sixteen Jews find the sweetness of Christ which is sixteen Jewish Catholic witness testimonies now most of the conversions in there are miraculous like sort of like mine have the only church approved apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rome in the city of Rome to this day for instance was when she appeared to a virulent ly anti-catholic atheistic Jewish man in the middle of the 19th century Alphonse Rattus phone in a church in son Andre Adela Friday and he instantly fell to his knees weeping he received the grace of seeing the horribleness of sin and of original sin and his actual sin and as soon as he regained his voice the first words he stammered to his friend who had brought him there was taking me to a priest I have to be baptized right away so anyway so but the reason I'm bringing this up is because I want to read a couple of quotes from other Jews who have entered the Catholic Church just to underline this sense that the Catholic Church is the continuation and fulfillment of Judaism and it's not a rupture it's not a change god forbid it's not a different and distinct religion it is the fulfillment of the same religion so anyway a couple of quotes Cardinal Archbishop Lester J who was the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris until he died about eight years ago now he was also Jewish convert and here's a quote from him I explained to my father that baptism would not make me abandon my Jewish condition quite the contrary it would lead me to find it to receive the fullness of its meaning I did not have the feeling that I was betraying my heritage or abandoning anything whatsoever just the opposite I felt I was going to find the import the meaning of what I had received at Birth I did nothing more than begin to enjoy the heritage that had been promised to me now all of these sentiments are shared by every Jew I have ever read about or met who has entered the Catholic Church I'll just read one other okay he's kind of a personal hero of mine because he was a Hasidic Jew Charlie Rich by the way this is a non-commercial introduction these are prayer cards I had made up I'll have them downstairs they're for free see I'm at least half converted [Laughter] and they have pictures of Jewish Catholics on the front and on the back they have quotes from them and prayers for the conversion of the Jews so this is Charlie Rich was a Hasidic Jew in New York he tried to commit suicide several times when he lost his faith life had no meaning and and this is what he wrote after his after his baptism it would have been in vain to have been born had God not been good enough to extend me the grace to become a member of the mystical body of Christ that the Church of Rome is without the life Christ as there is no life at all it is for heaven we have been made and for no other earthly good thing I became a Catholic so that I may in that way be happy not just for a few years but forever and ever I became a Catholic so that I may in that way get the grace to one day participate in the joys of the angels and saints in life to come one can never come to an end of enumerated the blessings conferred upon one by the grace of being a Catholic can the mercy of God be made more manifest than than the grace extended to us to become a member of the only true church it is being a Catholic that matters and not any other thing the world has to offer however good and beautiful it may be the Church of Rome gives us God himself it does so in all his fullness a greater gift and God as a human being cannot hope to receive we received the gift God Himself is when we receive Holy Communion to become more intimately United with God than the church enables us to be by means of the holy sacraments we must take leave of this life right which is really just Catholicism 101 so to speak the by the way after his his his okay I'm sorry I'll tell his story in like two minutes it's a very cute story he tried to commit him suicide a number of times one time he was living on a walk up on Lower East Side which was the Jewish ghetto in New York at the time with his mother and one day he I mean he was he tried to get as I said about three time tried to kill himself one of the times he picked up rat poison at a hardware store and he was walking home he came home with this paper bag of with rat poison in it planning to go up to his room and take the rat poison and kill himself because life had no meaning right without God so he walks into the his apartment and his mother's in the kitchen and he's on his way juris bedroom but his mother calls out Charlie Charlie come into the kitchen I just made some bagels for you have a bagel so he figures what the heck I might as well make her happy I'm about to kill myself so so he goes in the kitchen and has a bagel and she says you know Charlie Charlie have another one I made him just for you so he figured why not right so he has a second bagel and then he goes in his bedroom takes the rat poison and lies down on this bed to die and he wakes up violently ill a couple of hours later it turns out that the baking soda in the uses leavening in the bagel was an antidote to the rat poison so anyway so anybody his conversion came about he was walking around New York City after another unsuccessful suicide attempt trying to hang himself when it was a it was like an August day this is late 50s it's before there's air conditioning and the only cool places were empty churches right dark churches so he walks into this empty Catholic Church just to get out of the heat and sit down he sits down under a stained-glass window of Jesus stilling the waters he looks up at the picture and he says to himself if only it were true and he hears this voice say it is all true and he felt Hebrew he instantly received the grace of faith he fell on his knees again weeping and almost immediately went to a Jesuit priest afford him to ask him to baptize him and in those days the Jesuits were willing to that's another story but I had some problems in that direction but I write in that department so and he entered the Catholic Church he tried to find a place in religious life for a number of years but was turned down by all these religious communities and I he ended up living with the Jesuits in New York City as a contemplative living with them but never becoming a member of the formerly the community as a contemplatively Sacrament exposed 12 to 14 hours a day for the rest of his life and he died in 1998 at the age of 99 so anyway so that was all kind of a digression but if I didn't talk a little about these converts I'd never sell any copies of this book so anyway let me get back to the theology and actually I'll start at the beginning because the story really begins at the very beginning in the garden Eden right when God originally created man he created him to live in a state of uninterrupted intimacy with God and bliss from his creation for all eternity when man chose sin that initial relationship between God and man was ruptured and man fell but God knew at that very moment actually before that very moment that someday he would not only restore man to that initial intimacy with God but to an even higher state through the incarnation of the second person of the Most Holy Trinity as a man of some future point in time now if the second person of the Most Holy Trinity was going to incarnate as a man at some future point in time it would be among a particular people in a particular spot in the world I had a particular point in time even in the womb of a particular virgin and of course that people would have to be prepared they would have to be separated out from all the other people on the earth they would have to be taught about the one true God about the seriousness of sin about the need for redemption about the future coming of a redeemer they would have to be given enough divine revelation to identify the Redeemer when he came and they would have to be given enough revelation to provide a foundation of theology that would allow them to make sense of what was happening and to spread the gospel to the four corners of the earth after the Incarnation took place and that's what the Jewish right there were chosen one could say I've almost at random from all the people on the face of the earth to host the incarnation of God as man 2,000 years in the future from that point in time now and also by the way it was a little bit of a digression if they were going to be chosen separated out and given this divine revelation over 2,000 years they would have to be given mechanisms to stay separate for 2,000 years right while all these tribes were slaughtering each other and intermingling and intermarrying and you can look at the history of the Jews you can look at the restrictions of Judaism given in the Old Testament and you can say hmm these laws given to the Jews in the Old Testament did a pretty good job of ensuring that they would stay separate for 2,000 years until the Messiah came you can even look at some characteristics of the Jewish people and wonder whether God might have put those characteristics and the people to enable them to stay separate right as it's not me st. Stephen said right you've always been a hard-hearted and stiff-necked people right slow to believe the prophets but all of those traits which resulted in some sense in their condemnation at the time of Jesus we're traits which serve them well for 2,000 years to keep them separate and to maintain their ethnic identity so anyway that is in a nutshell in some sense you could say the story of the Jews role in Salvation history in between the creation of man and the coming of Christ now that opens the question okay what about after the coming of Christ did they exhaust their role in salvation history when the when in bringing about the Incarnation or did they still have a role in salvation for the period in between the first and second coming of Christ now we know from three sources that they did have they they do have a role in Salvation history between the first and second coming of Christ we know it from a scripture we know from history and us Catholics who know it from the Catechism of the Catholic Church so let me let me go into that a little bit we know we know that what I'm just trying to decide where to best spend my time we know for one thing that there will be Jews around until this time of the second coming and we know there will be a conversion of the Jews to precede the second coming paragraph 678 of the new catechism of the Catholic Church says quote the glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by all Israel okay let me repeat that the glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by all Israel the second coming has to be preceded by the conversion of the Jews his recognition by all Israel that paragraph in the Catechism references two passages of Scripture you know in the in the in the footnotes to it it references Romans 11 now let me read the passage because this is really Romans 11 is is the motherlode of theology about the role of the Jews in between the first and second coming of Christ and at the end of my talk I'll go back to Romans 11 on more length let me just read a couple of lines from a now quote Israel failed to obtain what it saw it the elect obtained it but the rest were hardened as it is written God gave them a spirit of stupor I said should not see and hear such should not hear down to this very day let their eyes be darkened so they cannot see okay so the failure of the Jews recognized price wasn't only due to their own stubbornness and hard-heartedness but as Paul says God gave them a spirit of stupor eyes I should not see and ears that should not hear down to this very day let their eyes be darkened so they cannot see and then Paul goes on I wanted you to understand this mystery brethren a hardening has come upon part of Israel until the full number of the Gentiles come in and so all Israel will be saved okay so this veil has been cast over the eyes of the Jews quote until the full number of the Gentiles come in and then all Israel will be saved now what's this business of the full number of the Gentiles coming in we know more about that from the words of Jesus himself in in in Luke chapter 21 shortly before its crucifixion Jesus is prophesying over Jerusalem and he says quote the Jews will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations and Jerusalem will be trahn down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled so that you have that same thought right until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled and then Jesus goes on and says and there will be signs in Sun and Moon and stars and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world for the powers of the heavens will be shaken and then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory okay so let me go through that Jesus is laying out a timeline right he says the Jews will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations literally fulfilled in 70 AD right though the temple was destroyed the Romans took Jerusalem the Jews were led away at the point of the sword into slavery dispersed among all nations the Jesus goes on to say in Jerusalem we trodden down by the Gentiles literally fulfilled Jerusalem was in Gentile hands continuously from that point on until 1967 ad went for the first time in almost two thousand years the Old City of Jerusalem returned to Jewish hands and then Jesus immediately goes in - well first of all then he says into Jerusalem will be drawn down by the Gentiles and then until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled so he's kind of making an equation of Jerusalem returning to the hands of the Jews with the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled and then Jesus immediately goes into the description of the second coming right signs and Sun and Moon and stars and upon the earth distress of man and perplexity of the roaring of the sea and the waves for those powers of the heavens will be shaken and then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory right so he's laying out this timeline fall of Jerusalem dispersal the Jews return of Jerusalem to Jewish hands the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled then the upheaval to precede the second coming and the sec coming Wow okay so the the third the third indication we have of the role that there's a role of the Jews to play in salvation history in between the first and second coming comes from the history of the last 2,000 years because in fact I will argue that the fact that the Jews still exists as an identifiable people isn't itself a miracle and unprecedented human history and I'll read a quote from Benedict by the way in a moment where he says exactly the same thing and we have two aspects of the history of the last 2,000 years it suggests a continuing role of the Jews to play in salvation history one is their continued existence I mean you read the Old Testaments full of the Hittites and the amorite and the jebusites and the Canaanites and so forth you know all more numerous and powerful than the Jews but you know none of them are around anymore and the other aspect of this mysterious history is in fact anti-semitism itself the animosity the hostility directed towards the two is almost continuously for the last two thousand years I mean most ethnic groups have been hated by someone else somewhere in the world at some point in time but not a lot have been hated everywhere in the world by everyone they've been among at every point in time so and actually Cardinal lustige a says in his in his there's a in his autobiographical book choosing God chosen by God that the basically anti-semitism itself is an indication of the Jews continuing role in salvation history but I don't have that quote word-for-word but I do have Benedict's quote word-for-word so let me read that this okay for is this is from his book God in the world which is a book length interview so let me first read the interviewers question to Benedict it's quote although the Jews have lived 2,000 years in exile their religion has not evaporated this is a phenomenon without parallel in the history of mankind my question is whether the development of the world a hole has not some mysterious connection with the Jewish people Benedict's answer that actually seems to me to be quite obvious that this tiny people who no longer had any country any independent existence but led their life scattered throughout the world and kept their own identity that the way the Jews are still Jews and still the people even during these 2000 years when they had no country is an absolute riddle this phenomenon in itself shows us is something else is at work here you can see in this way that there is something more than mere historical chance at work the great powers of that period have all disappeared yet Israel remains it is quite obvious that the Jews have something to do with God and that God has not abandoned them a hand in hand with this belief goes another that Israel still has a mission to accomplish today we know that while history runs its course even this standing at the door in other words the Israel's failure to accept Christ fulfills a mission one that is important for the world in that way this people still has a special place in God's plan that's from God in the world I have compressed that quote so that's why the syntax didn't quite work but I just want to give evidence that this isn't just my mishegoss excuse expression but it's you know it's it's you know it's it echoes the words of Pope Benedict so let me just touch on this this aspect of what anti-semitism tells us about the Jews continuing role in salvation history let me actually get at that by talking about the two most virulent illustrations or examples of anti-semitism in more or less our time and that is Nazi Germany the Holocaust and the attempt to exterminate the Jews and frankly Islam's theological and in some sense politically implemented hatred of the Jews let me start with the Holocaust now we are I mean we know from what happened in the newspapers you know over Holy Week I mean we're living in a period of incredible you know mass media attacks on the church and on the faith and and on the Vatican and so forth and one of those attacks has been that somehow the Holocaust in Nazi Germany and you know the Pope Pius the 12th was sympathetic or he wasn't you know didn't do enough to save the Jews and so forth and that he was kind of secretly sympathetic with the Nazis were actually in some of the accusations not so secretly sympathetic this plenty of historical evidence oh that's totally untrue I mean I don't have time to go into that but you know they're they're good Catholic sources I mean it's it's ludicrous and right after the war the entire Jewish world was unanimous and his praises of Pope Pius the 12th the only voice that spoke out forcibly against Nazi Germany in and a cabinet Menem member a cabinet minister of Israel Pincus Lupita's wrote a book where he said that by his estimates Pope Pius the 12th was personally responsible for saving between 750 and 800 thousand Jewish lives and so forth so this is all one big calumny but part of that calumny is that somehow Nazism was based on Christianity if you look at the forces that flowed into the Third Reich and flowed into Nazism you can see that the opposite of Christianity they're all directly diabolical and it's important to look at these for a moment because we see those same three streams that flowed into the Holocaust emerging today from the very of course the very same from the diabolical source those three streams that flowed into the Holocaust were occultism or Satanism sexual depravity and eugenics and it's very spooky when you look at some of those details and and then you look at contemporary you know history first of all occultism or Satanism Hitler's first springboard to public prominence was an occult Society in Munich called the thule society THU le fool was a dramatic version of the Atlantis myth you've heard of the Atlantis myth from the New Age Atlantis was supposedly a continent in the Atlantic Ocean where the people were highly developed and had these superpowers could travel through the air and mental telepathy and so forth this continent sand wouldn't meet the waves of the Atlantic but before it sank this super race fled to the mainland Europe and from there some into Asia and they intermingled interbred with inferior races and lost their super powers but if the purity of their bloodlines could be restored by selective breeding they would regain their super powers this is the source of the Nazis Superman myth of the re n blood supremacy of all of the attempts to restore the purity the Orion bloodline so they would regain these super powers which he had lost when they fled from Atlantis or thule as it is in the germanic myth and interbred with the inferior races and this thule society named exactly after this myth which they didn't take as a myth but took us genuine history with Hitler's first springboard to public prominence he was a member of it he was obviously an occultist no less of an authority than the chief Exorcist of Rome father Gabriele Amorth said quote Hitler was without a doubt personally consecrated to Satan the head of the thule society in Hitler's day was a occultist named Dietrich Eckart who boasted quote I have the quote the moment who boasted I have about Hitler I have initiated Hitler into the secret doctrine opened his centers of vision and given him the means to communicate with the powers now what's initiation for the point of view the occultists initiation is opening their centers of higher vision inside themselves so they can communicate with the spiritual world what is in fact is the introduction of demonic entities into the person who then do open in some sense centers of higher perception in the person so they can communicate with the spiritual world but it excuse the pun sure as hell isn't the unfallen spiritual world it's the demonic world and this head of the thule society boasted he initiated hitler opened his centers of vision the means to communicate with the powers those powers were clearly the demonic powers I won't go on with that but the the third right was totally permeated with occultism the SS was set up as Anna called Brotherhood Himmler was never without his copy of the Bhagavad Gita which is the Hindu scriptures on him Himmler was convinced he was the reincarnation of a 10th century German King and he used to commune with this 10th century German King to get his orders initiation into the SS had a call to Nisshin rights yes it's just anyway it's I'm sorry again it's not commercial it's all in the book this you know like I a hundred pages on this but I got to go on because I you know I got 17 minutes so another stream I'm gonna mention this now because I see that the youngest member of our audience has temporarily stepped out I don't know if he was sent out or not but I'll take advantage of it and talk his sexual depravity and I won't spend too much time on it but how can I put this the third the Holocaust the third right what the Nazis did was totally dependent on sexual depravity because because to essentially dull the conscience to that degree to get people to behave as East you Lee I say how to behave to be SS men or concentration camp guards or something they had to be coarsened by being you know drawn deeply into mortal sin now a official of the Berlin sex Research Institute at the time of Hitler's rise to power Ludovic Lance said quote over 90% of the early Nazis were homosexual the Ernst Roehm who was the head of the brown shirts who bully you know the irregular army who bullied Hitler's way into power he was a overt homosexual the brown shirts themselves were started after World War one as a explicitly homosexual unit of I apologize for not being able to not know in German but of the FRA corpse a the this kind of irregular army made up of discharge World War one veterans throughout no jobs and just kind of you know formed that way the original the first meeting place of the storm troopers High Command was a permanently reserved table at largest gay bar in Munich the bratwurst political tavern Hitler had released from prison a convicted Petr ass named Baldur von Schirach to be the head of the Hitler Youth people never mind but people yell at the Catholic Church for you know being tolerant to pedophilia you know never mind but I mean imagine that when I discovered this I mentioned to my father I thought this was like you know rocket science and he just looked on me funny and said what do you mean we all knew that I mean cuz you know he grew up in Germany he said you know everyone knew that the Nazis were homosexual the the newspapers would carry these articles warning parents don't let your sons get essentially initiated into this in the Hitler Youth don't let your sons end to the Hitler Youth and get initiated in this way anyway I will move off that for obvious reasons welcome back and go on to the third leg of these diabolical forces straight from hell that led into the Holocaust and which we're embracing of course today which is one reason I'm talking about this and that third leg is eugenics now Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany January 30th 1933 within a few weeks he set up the let me find the name here my notes the expert Committee on questions of population and racial policy to develop a eugenics program they a few months later passed the law calling for the compulsory sterilization of carriers of hereditary diseases which is defined as including feeble-mindedness alcoholism and epilepsy under which program about 400,000 people were forcibly sterilized the they instituted a program to euthanize disabled children at birth the the doctor or Midwife had to check off one of two boxes whether the child should be allowed to live or should be put to death under which program over a quarter million new children were killed at birth and there was a continual flowing back between Hitler's eugenics Institute and experts and Margaret Sanger's birth control League they were one in the same group of experts group of policies philosophy programs and so forth the director of the primary German eugenics Institute the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for genealogy and unit was a dr. Ernst Rudin who was a frequent contributor to Margaret Sanger's birth control review you know that the birth control League was just renamed plain Planned Parenthood at a certain point in time you know it's the same organization as Sanger board member named Lothrop Stoddard had written a book in 1920 called the rising tide of color against white world supremacy it was a overtly racist eugenics text that was used as the primary eugenics text in the German school system so much so that gurbles complained to Hitler that it was inappropriate that a foreigners text should be used as the basis of the German eugenics program and that foreigner who wrote that text was a Margaret Sanger birth control member Margaret Sanger herself in her birth control review in April 1932 published a plan published an article called planned for peace it was her plan for world peace and let me read a couple of bullet points from her plan for world peace one to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring to to give certain genetically undesirable groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization 3 to apportion farmlands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives with the future citizens safeguarded from hereditary taints with 5 million mental and moral degenerates irrigated with ten million and ten well I mean we could then turn our attention to the basic needs for International Peace in other words concentration camps in other words take everyone that she thought was genetically inferior and give them the choice of being sterilized or working on a concentration camp for the rest of their lives so they wouldn't be able to reproduce I mean the the the equivalence between basically Margaret Sanger and what she was proposing in those days and the Third Reich programs is inescapable so basically okay let me get back to kind of the main the main thrust of what I'm talking about which is which is I basically have two reasons for bringing that up one is because of the times we were living in and the other is because it leads one to ask oneself why should the devil be so intent on exterminating the Jews which was the you know such a main thrust of the Holocaust if the Jews no longer have a role to play in Salvation history they're irrelevant isn't it plausible to think that the devil's attempt to exterminate the Jews was because they do have a role to play in salvation history and if there were no Jews around that unfolding of salvation history could be aborted and the devil certainly knows Scripture we know that from the temptation of Jesus's temptation in the desert so maybe the devil was his plan was that there no Jews around and there's no conversion of the Jews it can be no second coming now let me just in about 5:40 for about five minutes touch on another element here which is Islam and in fact there was a tremendous interplay between Islam and the Third Reich for instance the chief mufti of Jerusalem the Haj Amin al-husseini had to leave the Middle East he had to flee the Middle East because he tried to stage a pro-nazi coup in Iraq which failed he fled to Germany he was put up in Berlin as a personal guest of Hitler given a salary of 20,000 US dollars which was incredible in those days he set up an all Muslim unit a division of the SS called the Han jar we're all Muslim who destroyed most of the Christian churches in Bosnia he was on the radio every week on you know Nazi German radio exhorting Muslims to take up the fight to exterminate the Jews he his condition for cooperating with Hitler was to be given permission to exterminate all of the Jews in in Palestine when Hitler won that part of the world and he was given that permission and so forth and so on and in fact one would think that if if the Nazis were serious about racial purity they should have been prejudiced against the Arabs also but in fact they embrace Muslims as ourian's and I'm not asking don't ask me to explain thing about the logic of that because I can't find any logic for that except of course that they were answering to the same master now let me let me explain that a little bit which is I'm really sorry what seems to be confusion is really trying to get this into you know an hour so so forgive me for the jumping around but I I don't want to I don't want to lose a necessary block okay good so the there's Islam is unique in world religions it's very interesting to look at Islam because Islam is the only major world religion which came about after Christianity purportedly as a result of divine revelation and which contradicts of Christianity right the other world religions by and large came about before Christianity the way God worked with mankind was different before Christianity the role of revelation between God and man and between the whole spiritual world including the fallen spiritual world and man was different before the incarnation of Christ but but Islam came about as a result of divine revelation of Mohammed right around the late six no six century seventh century and he received as he went to the cave he received this revelation from who he was told was the angel Gabriel it was written down you know as the Quran what he said was written down in this secondary Islamic scriptures called the hadith and this divine revelation directly contradicts Christianity it says I mean the the the contradiction is is overt it says for instance I denies that Jesus died on the cross it it just read it like three verses to give an illustration from the Quran a chapter four quote they declared we have put to death the Messiah Jesus son of Mary the apostle of God they did not kill him nor did they crucify him the only thought they did they certainly did not slay him the teaching in Islam is that Jesus did not truly die on the cross it was it was just kind of a what the word a kind of a an illusion that was produced and somebody else died on the cross the Quran chapter 4 verses 44 to 51 says quote Allah does not forgive that a partner should be ascribed on to him whoever ascribes partner hasta Allah has indeed invented a tremendous sin this is a reference to the Trinity in verse 171 in the same chapter it says quote people of the scripture do not exaggerate in your religion or utter anything concerning Allah except the truth the Messiah Jesus son of Mary was only a Messenger of Allah so believe in Allah and his messengers but do not say three cease it is better for you Allah is only one Allah far is it removed from his transcendent Majesty that he should have a son okay so these are absolute direct bull's-eyes at Christianity denying Christianity right so there there can be no question that the source of the revelation that came to Mohammed was gone or was the angel Gabriel there are three only three logical possibilities one is that I'm done the first logical possibilities the source of the revelation was God that there was no revelation at all and the the Islam is a human origin or that the source of the revelation that there was revelation but it wasn't coming with God it was coming from fallen spirits who are pretending to be God now as Christians we can't possibly believe that it came from God because it directly contradicts Christianity I will argue that is implausible that it was a human origin if you look at the biography of Muhammad the history of Mohammed who he was it was illiterate he was on school the Quran is very lofty Arabic poetry and prose far beyond what he could have come up with on his own even the theology of the Quran is far beyond anything one could have expected him to gnaw on his own the third possibility that is in fact a diabolical revelation pretending to be divine revelation to me seems you know conclusive now everywhere you look in Islam you see a first of all let me just make two little softening x' one is if what I'm saying is true Muslims are the primary victims of Islam right I mean in other words they're not the culprits of the victims so this has nothing to do with Muslims or how precious their souls are to God or how much God wants them to see to see them in heaven or anything like that I mean they've been horribly if this is true they've been horribly duped and sort of like tempted very strongly into this false path but it's not a condemnation of them in any sense the other thing is everything I'm saying is from above coming down it's the downward direction that the source of the revelation I'm arguing is the devil that doesn't mean that when the individual Muslim prays to Allah is praying to the devil we don't know that right what's coming up from the human soul you know is a mystery that is not determined by the source of the revelation behind the Coronet okay so one has to make those two distinction I mean this you know kind of two things clear or else I mean it would be horrible think that every devout well-meaning Muslim when he prays is praying to sing I mean if his hearts in the right place it could easily be to God however that doesn't change the fact the source of the revelation it seems to me is extremely tainted to say the least now everywhere you look in Islam you see what looks like exactly what you'd expect Satan's aping of Christianity you nobod wants nothing but love from human beings although wants nothing but submission the Christianity elevates free will and and and the free giving of love to God you know as the point of everything you know the point of all of existence and Islam has zero respect for free will and zero respect for love Allah cunning careless of mankind loves them and Allah couldn't care less about free will an example of that is you are for life a Muslim if you recite the necessary phrase even if you're reciting it totally against your will because somebody is holding quite literally a sword over your neck saying recite these words or I'll chop off your head if you say them you are as much a Muslim as any other Muslim in the world for the rest of your life free will your intention totally irrelevant to the process of becoming a Muslim and the everywhere you look it's really interesting and and I wish that John had invited me to give three one-hour talks but he didn't but everywhere you look marriage in Islam versus marriage in Christianity the law between man and woman in Islam the man love between man and woman in Christianity lost love versus lost in Islam love versus lost in Christianity everywhere it's this mirror image but I'll only have time to mention one mirror image which is as I've been saying early in this talk the second coming can't happen until there's a conversion of the Jews and in Islam the second coming can't happen the day of resurrection can't happen until the Jews are exterminated so you see again a very precise caricature of of Christianity and let me read that let me read that verse if I can find it here here it is the day of resurrection will not arrive until the Muslims make war against the Jews and kill them and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree the rock and tree will say o Muslim a servant of Allah there's a Jew behind me come and kill him and I firm in a job you know in Iran explicitly talks about this that you know that they basically he's working for the second working for the second coming he's working for the day of resurrection and he knows perfectly well that the Muslims have to wage war against the Jews and exterminate the Jews for the day of resurrection to come and he talks about this in his speeches I mean it's not anyways it's not speculative at all so again this I'm kind of gonna I'm gonna finish up the I think that what we see in in happening in recent times and in the current times could easily suggest that things are kind of coming to a head we one of the things that have are characterizing the last 50 years in the present times is this first the Holocaust and now this this Islam based push in some sense to exterminate the Jews we we we have that line about the Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled and Jerusalem is no longer drawn down by the Gentiles and so I'm just going to go back to Romans 11 I'm totally lost right now so I'll go back to Romans 11 back to the theology and and just basically tie it up with Romans 11 so let me just go back to Romans 11 and read some verses because Rome is 11 explains why God arranged salvation history this way in other words it explains the interplay between Jew and Gentile in the period before the between the first and second coming of price so let me start at the beginning and read some verses and talk about them starting at the beginning of chapter 11 the st. Paul speaking of course I asked then has God rejected his people by no means I myself AM an Israelite a descendant of Abraham a member of the tribe of Benjamin God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew okay so the election of the Jews somehow mysteriously continues Paul goes on what then Israel failed to obtain what it sought the elect obtained it but the rest were hardened as it is written God gave them a spirit of stupor I said should not see any or said should not hear down to this very day let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see I talked about this earlier the blindness of the Jews their failure to recognize Christ wasn't only do their stubbornness but was a mysterious part of divine providence Paul goes on and starts to talk about why God blinded my god failed their eyes so Paul says so I asked how they stumbled so as to fall by no means through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles okay through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles salvation could not have flowed properly to the Gentiles if the Jews had all followed Christ let me continue with Paul and he'll explain why this is the case Paul continues now if their trespass means riches for the world and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles how much more will their full inclusion mean for the if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world what will their acceptance mean but like from the dead so let me go back to that they are through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles their trespass men riches for the world and their failure men riches for the Gentiles what's Paul talking about you see if you read the book of Acts the very first church council and don't have well anyway the very first church I loved that anyone know what the first church council was when it was and what was called to determine and what was the question that it had to determine right and circumcision was another way of asking the question do you have to be Jewish to enter the church right that's what was going on there in other words the mistake that the early church was wrestling with was do you have to be Jewish to even qualify to be a Christian or can we allow Gentiles in if they don't first become Jewish circumcision of course being the act by which they would first become Jewish if they were men right so the question was is Christianity only for Jews or is it also for Gentiles now this danger you can see where it came from because Jesus was Jewish all of the Apostles were Jewish the 3,000 people who converted a Pentecost were all Jewish it certainly looked like Judaism I mean Christianity was for Jews that danger was stopped in his tracks by the Jews failure to enter the church because pretty soon everyone entering the church were Gentiles and pretty soon the church was visibly Gentile and no one could any longer make the mistake that you know this is first and foremost for Jews but imagine what would have happened if all of the 5 million Jews around the Holy Land in those days how to enter the church it would have been all that much harder for you know first of all to realize that the church is also for Gentiles but even if it was also for Gentiles it would have looked like Gentiles were second-class citizens in the church and speaking as a Jew the Jews would have certainly been sure that Gentiles were at best second-class citizens in the church but that all that was avoided by the Jews failure to enter the church right so what st. Paul is saying is trots out through their tests pass salvation has come to the Gentiles but if their trespass meant riches for the world and if a failure men riches for the Gentiles how much more will their full inclusion mean in other words if their rejection of Christ was a gift to the church how much more of a gift of the church will their acceptance of Christ be right because as Paul said if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world the reconciliation of the Gentile world to God through the church what will their acceptance mean but light from the dead now this life from the dead I can't help but put together with the dogma of the great apostasy you've heard of the dogma of the great apostasy the Catechism of the Council of Trent says that there will be three signs which must precede the second coming and one of them is to call the great apostasy of why spread falling away from the faith and this this dog this Dogma actually is based in part on Jesus's words when he says when the Son of Man returns will he even find faith left on the face of the earth for if men do this when the wood is green what will they be like when the wood is dry and so this when Paul says what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead in the images in my mind this flows into the teaching of the about the great apostasy the wood being dead and the Jews flowing into the church just before the Second Coming being the final revitalizing force that completes the church and prepares it for the second coming now let me just read the the next passage from the Romans which is his image of the olive tree which is his central metaphor describing the imput interplay between Jew and Gentile in the church between the first and second coming Saint Paul says if the root is holy so are the branches but if some of the branches were broken off and you a wild olive chute were grafted in their place to share the richness of the olive tree do not boast over the branches if you do both remember it is not you that support the root but the root that supports you you will say branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in that is true but even the others if they do not persist in their unbelief will be grafted in again for God has the power to graft them in again for if you have been cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted contrary bind to nature into a cultivated olive tree how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree okay so you have this image that st. Paul is presenting of like the olive tree of salvation and the roots are in Judaism and but some branches were broken off those are the Jews who rejected Christ to make room to graft in wild olive branches so there are the Gentiles but if you're one of those grafted in wild olive branches don't boast over the cut off original olive branches because God has the power to graft them in again and when he does how much better will that they be suited to the tree because they were originally a part of it don't shoot me this isn't me saying it's st. Paul and then a st. Paul finishes up explaining the logic of this so let me read the end of that chapter lest you be wise in your own conceits I want you to understand this mystery brethren a hardening has come upon part of Israel until the full number of the Gentiles come in and so all Israel will be saved as regards the gospel they are enemies of God but for your sake but as regards election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers okay the Jews are enemies of God as regards the gospel they reject the gospel but that's for your sake that's for the sake of the Gentiles but as regards election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers in other words you know the love of God through the election of Abraham still continues Paul continues for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable just as you were once disobedient to God but have now received mercy because of their disobedience so they have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they may also receive mercy for God has consigned all men to disobedience that he may have mercy upon all okay so this is the logic of it think about that if the Jews okay before Christ the Gentiles were disobedient so to speak they were out of relationship with God so when they were brought into the church they knew it was a sovereign gift of God it was a sovereign grace of God it was nothing they earned this tremendous gift of salvation but the Jews hadn't gone through a period of disobedience right they were in this relationship with God if they had gone straight into the church they would have felt you know we deserved this you know they would not have attributed to a free sovereign gift of God but they would have felt it was due to something they deserved by passing through a period of disobedience it becomes evident that their salvation too is a sovereign gift of mercy this is exactly what Paul is saying right just as you were once disobedient to God but have now received mercy because of their disobedience so they have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they may also receive mercy for God has consigned all men to disobedience that he have made may have mercy upon all it's logical right I know we covered you know I mean I've been racing through but anyway so this is this is you know this is basically this is the whole picture the I'll just close with a little bit of an abrupt transition the reason I'm doing all of this is primarily to encourage at least prayer for the conversion of the Jews if not actual evangelization of the Jews now the evangelization of the Jews you know not talking about walking around with sandwich sports but most Catholics you know have Jewish friends many actually have Jewish relatives you know or in-laws or Trice and or certainly co-workers and so forth and Catholics tend to be shy about evangelizing they're shy that they'll appear triumphal istic they're Shia they're will offend somebody now without offending somebody you can always be first of all you can always pray for people's conversion and you can always be ready to identify an opportunity present by the Holy Spirit because very often I'll just give a little lost rivet of example when Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ movie came out I got an email from a Catholic woman who said her Jewish next-door neighbor had asked this Catholic woman would you go to the Passion of the Christ movie with me so I have someone there who can explain it to me this Catholic woman emailed me to ask me am I allowed to do that right so clearly the opening was being presented probably by the grace of God probably by the Holy Spirit it was probably God you know God welcoming this woman to open herself up to Christianity in the Catholic faith and the Catholic kind of cloud over their shoulder I don't want to offend anybody was blocking that process so you know if an opportunity arises make use of that opportunity now the best opportunity is just to let non Catholics know what you have the Catholic faith okay in other words you know just let them know for instance if you show up to work happy because you just received communion and everyone else is glum you know and they say why are you so why do you look happy don't be shy about saying because I just went to Mass and I just received the body blood soul and divinity of God you know well who wouldn't be happy if you got bad news you know that you have a terminal illness and you're taking it more calmly than your coworker would ever expect you to take it and they say how come you're not you know more distraught you know don't be shy about saying you know it's it's because you know of the redemptive value of suffering you know what's awaiting you if you live well and if you die well and you know the gods behind this however unpleasant and maybe you know just don't be shy about about reflecting your faith because I can't be offensive and that can't you know that's not overbearing but everybody will know it's the truth I mean people you know I know this from before my conversion you know you know it's true you're blocking it out you don't want to hear you don't want to admit it to yourself but on some level you know it rings true I'll just close I think in the 52 seconds I have left with Edith Stein's conversion you all know either shine by the way a one of my player cards know this is something that's free so you can't excuse me you know of trying to peddle something but one of the prayer cards I have here is a Vida Stein and I'll close by reading the prayer on the back but Edith Stein's conversion came about at the first stage of a big first stage of her conversion well she was visiting a friend of hers whose Christian a young woman tremendously in love with her young husband the husband died in in war and eater Stein went to visit her and console her and EDA Stein couldn't understand by her friend who had just lost her much beloved husband was less distraught over her death his death than she was and she knew it has something to do with his woman's Christianity and he she knew there was a mystery there that someday she would have to penetrate okay that's the perfect example you know and that's the ultimate me of evangelization so anyway I will close with the spray of us on the back of this prayer card which is a prayer for the conversion of the Jews you know church approved it was a postulate I'm at the first Vatican Council ok postulate M is just Latin for petition it was a heartily endorsed by the Pope of the council Popeye's the ninth was signed by virtually all of the council fathers and it was an invitation to the Jews to enter the church because what's happened unfortunately is that especially since the Holocaust everyone has gone very shy about evangelizing the Jews and very shy about praying for the conversion of the Jews and you most of you know about the brouhaha when Pope Benedict the sixteenth reintroduced the Trinity and liturgy for Good Friday and the more the more the blunter prayer for the conversion of the Jews and so forth but let me read this prayer for the conversion of the Jews from the first Vatican Council that's the 1860s I'm inviting you to silently pray along and I well it's on the back of about half of these prayer cards I'll have plenty down there for anyone who wants me the undersigned Fathers of the Council humbly yet urgently pray that the holy ecumenical council of the Vatican come to the aid of the unfortunate nation of Israel with an entirely paternal invitation that finally exhausted by wait no less futile than long the Israelites hastened to recognize the Messiah our Savior Jesus Christ truly promised to Abraham and announced by Moses thus completing and crowning not changing the Mosaic religion the undersigned fathers have the very firm confidence of the holy counsel will have compassion on the Israelites because they are always very dear to God on account of their fathers and because is from them that the Christ was born according to the flesh would that they then speedily acclaimed the Christ saying Hosanna to the son of David blessed be he who comes the name of who comes in the name of the Lord would that they hurl themselves into the arms of the Immaculate Virgin Mary even now their sister according to the flesh who wishes likewise to be their mother according to grace as she is ours amen thank you [Applause]
Channel: International Institute for Culture
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Length: 75min 14sec (4514 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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