Saltbox Stitcher [Episode 2] Americana ?

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[Music] [Music] hey floss tube it's Carol the saltbox stitcher how are you it's been a while but been on vacation we took a staycation went to the beach we're about I don't know 12 miles from the ocean and so we decided we just go stay out there for a little over a week and I had family come and they stayed got too much Sun but it's all good so you notice I said hey because when I first moved to Florida people would say hey meaning hi and I would think yeah what I thought they just wanted my attention but obviously that's a new way of saying hi so happy fourth of July for those of you in America that celebrated Independence Day happy Independence Day so hopefully you're getting lots of stitching and good eating and maybe some fireworks and all that so but I thought it was interesting how hey and hi and then how words kind of change because when years ago I used to say Americana and I collected a lot of Americana I loved Americana and to me that was what is now called patriotic so I'm not sure what to call it and for those people and other countries maybe maybe Americana is not the right word but I don't know I've always called it Americana so I have so much to show I hope I hope you all can last because it's like crazy but first of all I want to thank you I have been overwhelmed by the response I've gotten from philosophy I just had no idea comments started coming in fast and furious I'm not a techie so I my husband said well I'll show you how to you know you do the answers on the computer and all that in the past I email I do everything I learn either my phone or my iPad so I started answering comments through his computer which is how I'm videoing and it's totally different time being and I don't type very well so you know I couldn't double-click for a period it didn't automatically start a capital letter with the next sentence and so I got like crazy confused and so there were comments that I answered but somehow they never showed up so if you got a comment if you made a comment and I didn't answer you I'm sorry I read them all I tried to answer them all I have gone back a couple times to see if I've answered them all so I really appreciate it I appreciate the shout outs I just I just could not believe it that was like so crazy my husband said he's told me he said I'll take out for a steak dinner if you get 500 subscribers I haven't gotten my steak dinner yet cuz I think it's like time for about 4 of them anyway thank you so much and there were so many people like our floss tubers that gave me kind shoutouts and flannel jammies and kitten stitcher and you know she's my BFF and the primitive stitcher and Steph and Pam and just on and on and I just really appreciate it I am still just like reeling I'm like overwhelmed so gonna try to continue this whole thing and do another one so we'll see if it turns out good I don't know so anyway the first thing I really wanted to do was show you some of the things that I have stitched and sewn and things like that that I've done over the years and I have decorated patriotic for a while I love red white and blue love red I mean you just I'm sold on red I paint my whole house and my bedroom is patriotic we have an eagle wallpaper border in there and I just I love all that my kitchen is red white and blue and so you know I've collected a lot of that kind of stuff over the years so I thought I'd show you some of the things I've made and then I'll move on to things that I've taken off the walls because most of my patriotic stitching is in other rooms so I will eventually get to all this I've had so many comments about my wall I have a fairly small house and this is my dining room and this is where I keep all my extra dishes for the holidays and all that kind of things so it's a very functional room but yes it's filled with stitching on all all the walls and so but most of this is samplers and most of my patriotic Americana whatever it's another room so anyway the first thing I want to show you I said I was a novice rug hooker so I have this one little tiny rug and it's not finished I haven't blocked it or finished the edges but it's um it's just a like a flag and when I get it done hopefully sometime I'll put it on the wall so love it it was the very first thing I ever hooked and I was hooked so anyway the next thing I want to show you is this was actually a I think this was a kit and years ago my sister and I went to a retreat it was called the Liberty Gathering it was in Liberty Missouri it was a just an unbelievable collection of teachers and designers there was rug hooking there was cross stitch quilting folk art painting basket weaving everything and you you found your own place to stay and then you just signed up for classes and so a lot of times even if you didn't take a class you were able to buy a kit from other classes so it was wonderful it went on for like five years and I think my sister and I went to three or four of them so this was one of the things I did right side up here this is a it's it's wool I don't even know if I can get the whole thing in it's an eagle pillow sits on my bed and it's um it's all wool and it's just applique down there it has like ticking on the back and it's just loosely stuffed with fiberfill so that's fun and I love it I'm back I also did this pillow I did this a while ago and I actually traded a friend of mine for stitching I mean quilting and this was embroidered and this was by a Cal that they were called I did my best or I'd done my best and like these are all French knots in here so I inverted the whole thing unfortunately some little person in my life tore a couple of the buttons off so I need to replace those but this was called freedom angel and like I said my friend finished it all for me with into the pillow which was fun this is another one that it was a pillow that I did and I think this was by stitches from the heartland I think I'm not 100% sure I don't have the pattern anymore I actually think somebody borrowed this from me and I almost want to stitch it again because when I first stitched this and it's just on homespun when I first stitched this the way we did it was you know you stitched around the edge and then you frayed the edges of the linen is there anybody in your life that forgets the decorative pillows aren't to be used as back supports because I don't know why they look at a pillow like this and they drop behind their back and it's like no that's a decorative pillow that's just to look at so I think I've just about got him trained but anyway so right here is right up to that stitching and there's no way I can you know fray it anymore because I'm right at the stitching and it you know it's really cute and it was easy to do and even though I don't have the chart I think I could copy it from my from my own stitching but that was fun it's hard to see in the pillow but it actually has some green and then you have the green in the alphabet and all that so that was fun and let's see I'm dropping stuff so hold on okay the next thing and I'm embarrassed to say this is bit on the wall and not really framed this was called sweet land of liberty Oh anyway it's called sweet land of liberty and this was a pattern by heart in hand and I did this quite a while ago and so I just need to take the time and I've done some framing I don't do my reproduction samplers or anything that's very big but I could do something like this and and it would probably be fine so anyway I gotta figure out where to put stuff hold on okay so that was number one this came off the wall this was one I did frame myself this is it's a grand old flag and this one is it's a black bird design pattern oops but it's by Maggie banana me and I don't know if you're familiar with her but she does a lot of wool beautiful beautiful thing she's from Missouri I've taken classes from her and she does she does a lot of wool applique penny rugs and that kind of thing and you can search her name country sampler in Wisconsin they do carry a lot of her kits and things like that so she has some books out - the name escapes me I want to say one was like I don't know buttermilk or something I can't remember but anyway that's this one so that was fun to stitch I framed this myself and it turned out okay it was a frame that I had I had ordered from Hobby Lobby I think for something else and so it's a little bigger than I like I don't generally like that big a more margin but it was one of those it works so let's just do that the next one I could not find the pattern for this so forgive me this is I did this a long time ago this is Congress cloth know if you can see it's a it's an even weave I actually liked stitching on it and I know it's called Congress cloth because I actually still have a piece of it that's I don't like 26 or 28 count and this was one of those that had multiple things I don't think it was cross-eyed Cricut maybe I'm heart and hand so if anybody knows you know maybe they can put it in the comments but that was fun you know alphabets Flags this next one this other paper and this one is another one this one is one that I had matted I had it I did it a while ago and I actually liked the matting on this because it's red you know so and I love that house just love it and this whoops this one is by the city stitcher and I know mischievous stitches thank you again for your shoutout I love it she she mentioned City stitcher and I was also familiar that City stitcher does do quilting patterns so you can still get them I if you Google City stitch or you can pretty much get a lot for pet it's a quilting site since a lot of her patterns are quilting but yeah and it was fun it's red house red house flag alphabet what else do you need the next one a couple people have talked about this recently and this one is one of my favorites this is summer in Holly Brook holly berry I want to say Holly Brook but it's Halle Berry summer in Halle Berry Farm and I love this piece love the bunting love the flag love the dog hey this is really one of my favorites and this is the pattern it's by Stacy Nash and there's a there's four of these I actually don't have the spring one the pattern but I have done the winter or Kris I think it's Christmas and Halle Berry and I am currently working on Halloween at Halle Berry in fact when I went to the beach that was what I took with me because it's easy to do you know that fill-in stitching and I'm working on the house but hopefully in the next couple videos maybe wanted some more time for fall I'll show you a few more things that I've done that are fall or Halloween ish so um but I did the Christmas one these borders are lovely they're little intricate and you know it takes a little counting but they're they're really fun this next one was one that I actually had a somebody asked me what this was they said I saw it on your wall and I wanted to know what it was and this one is and this one's called Liberty house and this is by Brenda Gervais with a needle and thread I love this frame I've had a couple things done with this frame I I'm not sure who makes the frame I've had them custom framed and love it with the Stars I don't know if you can see it very good yeah what the Stars love it love it love it love it this was a little bit of a challenge for me and it's kind of hard to see this is really a more of a true read whatever it was whatever it called for and I'm not sure um country redwood maybe it was too orange my my skein was too orange so I had this dilemma okay what's the perfect bread for this house and I have a good friend really good friend she's like my linen and thread go to expert she's worked at multiple cross stitch stores and she's fabulous it knowing linens knowing counts all that kind of thing so I said Ruth I gotta find the perfect red for this house and she said oh well we'll have to think about that so she woke up one night and she said Carol so she decided she said oh I know what it is it's schoolhouse red so and there's multiple schoolhouse Reds you can get it in Gloriana and I think our general art has the schoolhouse red it's kind of hard to tell here but for this house schoolhouse red perfect so I'm very happy with it I actually took I think I did like I don't know I I took out parts of it more than once trying to find the perfect red but love it now I'm happy gotta have stitching friends to help you in those crisis moments okay next one and this one love it love it love it love it love it this is um oops I didn't take another bag this is Liberty 1776 by little house needle works I I love it and I actually they have some really nice patriotic americano you know there's one somebody showed it recently I think it was mama Jim in the Joan and Kelly show and she showed it it has the Pledge of Allegiance and I just love those I just there's a couple of my have in my stash that I really really want to do so just love the colors it's just primitive bear again same frame you like it once you like it place okay so the next thing I want to show you and I'm moving along pretty fast here so if you got to stop and laugh for a while or something okay so I wanted to show you some of the smalls I have and I don't have as many as I'd like to have I'm always conflicted you know it's like oh I have these big projects and I get started on them and you know they're gonna take 4-6 weeks and I'm like well maybe I should stop in the middle and do a couple smalls but I don't just keep working on the big thing so I've tried to make myself I started at Christmas and I tried to make myself just stop and I have lots of kitd things that I want to do and they really usually don't take it very long maybe four or five nights and depending on how you know how much stitching there is you can get them done pretty quickly and so you know it's like okay I need to just set aside the big project and then do some smalls and finish them because I love them I have two doubles one is an oversized one I just love him I mean I love to see him sitting around if you've been on Instagram and by the way my Instagram is cbw quilts and anyway if you've been on Instagram there's a couple people out there that have these fabulous fabulous displays of patriotic smalls and I got to do it I think mama Joan has been Joan and Kelly they recently did a huge parade of all of her patriotic smalls and so many of them I have and I have them kidded so I have no excuse all that said first this is the first one and I told myself I would have all these patterns right here let's see if I can get oh that's one thing when you do floss to there's a lot of like you got to prep all this stuff you got to have places for it yeah stack it up so it's kind of challenging sometimes anyway this one it's in that most recent or not most recent a recent black bird book which I'm gonna come to later because it's one of the things that I have kidded ready to go but the pattern when I got it was reward of merit this is it but it's in that book it was very fun I loved it it's very fun so I like to do these the cording I just like the finished look of it it's kind of tailored and I'm not a I'm not a real frou-frou person at all less is more for me but I did want to put just a little bow when this is actually a button but it has an anchor on it so I thought it was kind of appropriate so sometimes that's the fun part is once you have them stuffed and this is stuffed with sawdust once you have them stuffed you know then you and you know doll him up a little bit so that was fun okay the next thing and this is a plum street and this was done for soul sisters which was a club from country sampler it says peace love and purpose I had to change a few colors on this you know they send you a kit and so you know a couple of them I wanted those flying geese quilt flying geese to show up and I love all the quilt stuff on the on the house and the flag and I just love flags anyway and this one I just put a quilting cotton on the back since you like to see the back that was the back of that other one I've collected a lot of fabric over the years I have a whole fabric room so I just go to the one shelf that's patriotic and pull out whatever I want but anyway this one's just a blue but I took it's called snug snug tape and it's it's a type of I don't know it's not what's it called it's like a rayon type binding type tape and I braided three pieces and then I just put that on okay let's get real a lot of people say how do you attach all that on your piece don't tell anybody it's just mine it's a lot faster and Eileen's glue sticks really well it dries clear just don't tell okay because I know it's not real proper so anyway that's that one love it love it love it love it and this one I did a while ago this is a fact I saw primitives I was watching primitive stitcher and her latest video she says this on the wall framed and I thought you know that's one of the wonderful things about floss too if you went into a shop they probably would not have multiples of these stitched in you know like one framed one into a small but on floss too you can see the same thing finished in so many different ways that it's really really and kind of inspiring you know but this was it one and this is just fiberfill and I've kind of gotten away from using fiberfill and the reason is for me I don't know if I do something wrong but it tends to get this wing kind of effect you know where the corners kind of like folk out and I'm not crazy about that I like it to look more just flat or straight I guess that's really how to say it but this is so cute and this is a Lizzie Kate land that I love that's been around a while but it's fun the back flags okay the next one this isn't really patriotic but I love this and it kind of I put it in the basket with them this is the pattern this is scarlet house and I wish I knew the name of the pattern but I don't love a big house white red love a big house the next one this is kind of funny I was watching the Joan and Kelly show and she showed this piece and she had it in a small when she mine has walnut shells in it so anyway she was showing it and then she showed the back and I was like oh my goodness we're sisters but the exact same thing on the back of the odds was a kid it hit me later I was like oh that was a kid so no wonder we got the same backing in our kit anyway I know don't say it I took it says old flag station I took a rusty pin cuz it looked kind of plane up there to me can you see it I'm sorry I'm kind of like that and I took a rusty pin and I just took three little tiny pieces of wool you know I don't know did you have anybody in your life that was so er you know my mom used to put pins in her I guess for when she needed it she'd always have three or four straight pins right there oh I mean just in her shirt her apron you know and my mom's pin cushion usually had just stop what was this old button with 25 different colors of thread what was that for now we do it on purpose anyway there's the pattern it's called the pin keep it was a kit by oh Linda three and three and I'm not sure if this but that pin keep patterns is the name of the company and then the old flag station is the name of the piece a lot of these are about the same size so I need to expand my horizons do some smaller and some meter from this one I actually showed you last time I had started it for mania and I think I had part of the flag done so this one I stuffed with sawdust did the cording add a little bow and um you know a little rusty star so that one just has some homespun on the back somebody else showed this recently on a video but I think my fabrics a little bit darker so that was fun and the next one I'll show you I'm just racing right through here so this may not be as long as I thought this one is track for friends and it's not patriotic but I started during mania whoops there we go track their friends and Silver Needle has a club and I think it's called circle of friends maybe circle of friends and it's not in the it doesn't start in the calendar year it usually starts like in the fall and you get like five kids and so I did this one and this ribbon stuff came with it and now you see why I don't so this is sewn and you know I didn't do a super super great job but put the little beads in between and was kind of tedious anyway I wouldn't have glued this because anytime you have ruching or anything like that you you have to stitch it on but I thought it turned out cute and I I think I just had the border and maybe one flower started when I did mania so that's that so then I thought I'd show you a couple finishes that aren't finished finished there I finished stitching this one is salute to Abigail and this was originally a dying to stitch prim sisters club piece and I forgot I think I want to have this framed not me frame it that had it framed because I really like this one um I'm not sure if it came in a kit so I'm not sure exactly I'm sure it's the called for I think it might be mink I don't know by arnar it's an R in our fabric for sure and the the the kit came with silks and the the red that came with it was called Madeleine's locks this these are silken colors it was very orange and so I used a different silken colors in the burgundy I think it's what I use and it actually has some kind of purply do it you look some of these flowers along here there's some kind of perfume but anyway it was pretty variegated but I thought it turned out okay it's got two colors of blue and then the red and white or parchment color yeah yeah I think I want to have it framed the weird thing was I finished it and when I finished it the lighter blue is what for the four and the J in July 4 and it was so light the strand that I used it was kind of late and I was stitching and I thought oh yeah I'm done you know the next day I looked at I thought you can't see that it looks like cool I suppose didn't you like anyway so I went back and read stitch those to the J and the floor I'm much happier with it so doctor Nucky but that is also in that book that had that same this one and I'll show you that book in a minute so that's salute to Abigail so that's that was a whip in fact it was it was a piece that in my stitching group everybody was like oh I love this let's all stitch it together so a bunch of us started some people were like hmm not gonna do this border this is too much so some people gave up on it I personally was like no I'm gonna finish it but I had put it away for a little while and then I got it out recently I really liked to stitch during the season so like when I was at the beach and stitching Halloween and Halle Berry Farm and was kind of like not as fun as if I was doing a flag so you know Christmas time comes I'm decorated for Christmas I I want to stitch Christmas and I may not finish it that year but I still like to stitch in the season I puts me in the mood I guess I don't or it's just weird but another one that I showed you during mania was this one by la-dee-da softly walk and I think I just had a little tiny bit of the border done and so I finished that one and I did change the bottom design I guess I'll call it cuz on the pattern it's like a tle color but and and it would have been fine I just wanted it a little little calmer and this is another one that I think I'd like to have framed and the reason is because I did this one which is also a la dee da let me live in a house by the side of the road be a friend oh and these aren't really patriotic but I just want to show you my progress I had done this in the fall last year and they're kind of companion because they are about the same size so I thought it'd be kind of fun to have them framed you know similar and hang them together so that that's this one this is Anna grader by Scarlet house and I had the pattern not last time in my last video but I didn't get it out but I finished that another one I think I want to have framed the bigger alphabet is all eyelet stitches I like to do them but they can be tedious I mean they can have they take a little bit longer because when you're doing I like stitch you really should start an end to where your hole in the middle of your eyelet stays open and so you know it's really easy to just kind of like go right across and cover the hole from the back but they should you should be able to see the hole you know I like to hold it up to the light see if I can see it I love the colors on this I think a black frame will just be really nice so I don't have a local framer that I send stuff to so that'll be one that I'll you know probably have to send away some of the ones that I'm getting framed and then I finished Liberty welcome I think I showed this in progress last time I am really learning this whole up down sideways thing I love this piece one of the things I baited when I was first doing it you know when you first start on this house it's very similar to the color of the linen and I was like oh oh is the house gonna just like disappear and you know ghosts outs disappear and you wouldn't be able to see it so I actually tried a couple other colors I did like a row or two I was like no I'm gonna go back to what the original and I'm happy I did because I think it really turned out nice and it has you know a little bit over one stitching it's supposed to say this work wrought by me and then Paula had her piece do work but I did see BW in 2018 when I do over one I use I use a hoop because I just the way I stitch I stitch in and out when I do over one and I actually have the black bird designs anniversaries of the heart I think you're probably all familiar and I'll show it at some point but I have all the over one stitching left to do on that and I need to just say okay every whatever day it's gonna be my over one day and just sit and do it you know at the time I was like well I'll leave the over one on this one cuz I don't know who's you know you're supposed to January and whoever's special to you you put their initials or their name February March etc so you kind of go well you know how many birthdays and whatever month and so what am I gonna do here or what am I gonna do there and so you think well I'll make that decision later and then pretty soon the whole things done and it's like hmm now I gotta go do all that over one not looking forward to it but I will because I want to finish it and I've been working on it for a few years probably since it came out so probably more than a few anyway one of the thing I want to show you before well no I have some whips and then I have a couple other things I want to show you um one of the things I wanted to show you I had somebody ask about a piece that's in I didn't get it down I should have but it's um one of the pieces that was in the introductory video and it was this one handwork primitives think of me 1837 this was a kid and I bought it early 2000s started it and I hadn't really graduated to stronger readers I think I was I had really good eyes I could do cross stitch for a long time you know and then you get kind of like the o LD word and your eyes are like what my dad used to say my eyes are fine I just need longer arms because you know the further you hold it out better you can see it said anyway I hadn't graduated to stronger readers and so I put it away for a while because I really was having trouble seeing it the linen was a little bit difficult to see and it was a higher count I Reece not recently within the last three years or so I got it back out and I was like you know I like this someone finish it and of course I had stronger readers by then and didn't take me any time at all so it's another one though that's just sitting in a frame and I need to cuz I have the frame I just need to frame it but yeah yeah think of me somebody asked a couple of people I think asked comments about it and this is I think it's still available I think I did look and it was still available somebody else asked about my project role and this is it now I have a long arm quilting machine but it's a gamble it's huge it's got a 12 foot table it's in our family room so which is not one of my sewing rooms I have to okay anyway so this one I actually quilted on my sewing machine because I wanted straight-line quilting and the gamal I can't do straight-line quilting I can but it's not straight because it doesn't have feed dogs so anyway I did this on my sewing machine and this is black bird design fabric this came out of a while ago I think they were like the first ones to really come out with sampler fabric and it's it's taken from antique samplers that they have and for awhile every line of Moda quilt fabric that the blackbird design girls came out with they included at least one color some of them so at the time I was working at a quilt store and so I thought you know I'm gonna collect that because it may not always be around which it's not I think you can still get some pieces I told somebody if you go to quilt shops dot-com it's a search engine and you put in blackbird design or black bird cross stitch fabric or black bird sampler fabric there may be a few that have come up in fact I bought some like real dark blue and some dark green because I thought you know I might need that at some point so anyway I made this and I just put a ribbon on it and I put my pieces in here my bigger samplers so that I don't have to like fold them in ten million pieces 10 million folds and iron it over and over and then when I go to stitch group or I just and maybe not working on a piece I can put and I just tie ribbon I kind of like to have a ribbon that you know I could attach but I just couldn't find anything I really really really like so anyway I'm gonna show you a few whips and some of these are pitiful pitiful this one I saw somebody was working on this and I love this piece love it love it and I'm going to eventually make it into a small see you my start beautiful so anyway I knew that I wouldn't frame it that I'd make it into a small so that's why I didn't give myself much margin and there's a couple colors in here I may change the color for these vines and leaves is is a pretty forest type green and I think I'd rather have a little bit more muted maybe yes like an endive or something like that so that's a whip that I need to get back to this one I just started today I think I had an hour just know I didn't even have that long 10 minutes to stitch before I went to the grocery store so yeah it's it's I'm calling it a start okay people it's this I love this guy you see that cute somewhere I used to have a couple Uncle Sam's and no you live in the same house for so long and you're like did I get rid of it is it in a box somewhere no you know just like cute little statue things this is another one that I started it's a start I told you um this is Abigail my granddaughter thought it would really be fun to pull that right off of there it's Abigail Harrison of York County this is an R&R reproduction pattern and the colors are great I didn't I thought I had them with me I don't anyway it has you know it's like got this really pretty blue and and green really pretty you can see so maybe I'll have a little bit more progress on that next time I talk to you this is a chassis and me I had this kit for a while and I've got a little bit done on it need to finish this really need to finish because it's small a lot of things with Liberty on them when I used to go to that retreat the Liberty gathering was in Liberty Missouri famous for Jesse James and the jail he was here interesting it's outside of Kansas City and I went for three or four years with my sister and gosh it was so fun so fun but they had a lot of things that designers chessy and me came blackbird designs I mean just quote designers yeah there were a lot of different designers and a lot of them design things it said Liberty and obviously it works they couldn't it wasn't just you know for that retreat but it was kind of special at the time because it was in Liberty and showed you those okay so the next thing I was going to show you it's just a few more things I have kidded that I want to do this is heritage sampler by plum street somebody Amy loves toads I think I think she just finished this and had it framed and wasn't gorgeous I've had it kitted since I came out I need to started that would be fun this one I have loved this since forever in a day ago an American sampler by Plum Street and I really want to do this my sister started this when we were at the beach and I was so jealous because I thought you know I have mine I'll get it I wish she'd told me we could both worked on the same thing but she did really good she finished all of this top thing here she's on a roll looks really good love it love it love it love it love it so many of these are ones you've seen this one and this one actually has like three-dimensional wool blossoms or flowers so I have quite a bit of wool so I'm gonna do that love it I have all these beggars by thread work primitives that's all kitted I may start that like tomorrow this is a fourth but I could start it on the fifth right I think so another one by thread work primitives about that and it's a good size I mean it'll go good with my basket my dough Bowl you know because it's nice to have some pin drums and some square and some rectangle and long skinny ones and short fat ones like me this is another one this I'm really ready to start whoops stand up lady Lady Liberty and I actually I had the sterling linen buy picture this Plus and I'm not a fan of dying or over dying or spritzing with walnut after I've stitched something I'm just like so afraid that it's gonna bleed or you know something you know big splotch a brown or something which I if I intended to do that it would be fine but something like this I don't want a big splotch a brown on her face or whatever so I went ahead and I tea and coffee died at the Sterling so that I'd have I mean it already has modeling but I added kind of a brownish tinge to it so let me use it we'll see how it comes out a lot of people have shown this one Here I am again one stitch in the season love it so cute this is another one this was this is a Stacie Nash it was a country sampler kit I love all these different motifs just kind of like hanging out there that's fun and this one land of liberty my heartstrings sampler II sweet land of liberty and then this is that black bird book that I said I'd show you sweet land of liberty so I've done this one and I've done this one and I have this one kidded to do and I want to do this one and the other one I've done which is what was at the beginning I didn't I didn't get it off the wall I'll show it to you next time what's this one and I put my mom's initials and my her maiden name initials and my dad's in the year they were married it was kind of fun doing that whole seeming two pieces of linen together so almost all of them in that one so I had somebody else one more thing I'm gonna let you go one more thing somebody asked me like organization how I organize stuff one of the things I do is I ring my ring my floss and I either make or buy these little tags and then I write in pencil what it is because if you have 12 of these sitting around ready to go and you have no idea and so many of them are same colors I delay balem so I started doing that when Iced having multiple projects so it just it's just a quick thing and I use them over and over until they're more now just erase and put on a new the other thing I do is I try to keep a journal of what I'm stitching now I haven't updated recently because you know I was gone for a week I only live 12 miles from the beach but you know it's just nice to go stay you know back to that word thing when I started talking about hi and hey you know when we first moved here I tell people I'm gonna take the kids today and we're gonna go the ocean and they look at me like you're going the ocean yeah Atlantic Ocean it's 12 miles you mean the beach yeah okay I mean the beach so you don't say I'm going to the ocean you say I'm going to the beach so hi hey Ocean Beach but anyway I write down a journal I tried to journal what I'm working on every night I mostly stitch in the evening once I've you know done dinner and dishes and all that stuff I'll sit down 6:30 7 o'clock and I'll stitch till 12:30 or 1:00 1:30 something like that once in a while I stitch during the day like on Sunday so I think I mentioned my last video I was watching it and here I say oh I know I stitched this on a Sunday and I thought and you haven't told him why so what difference does it make if it's watching this what day you stitched it well the point was on Sundays you know we go to church then we eat out so I don't have to cook and then the rest of the day cuz I don't cook Sunday night we just kind of scrounge and so the rest of the day say two o'clock on I stitch so I stitch almost 12 hours on a Sunday 10 hours whatever and so I get a lot more done on day the rest of the time during the week I do have my long arm quilting business so usually three or four days during the week I am I'm at my machine quilting gives me the money to buy all my crusted it's crazy um anyway that's kind of all I have I just want to say thank you thank you thank you you guys have just amazed me I I had no idea that I would get the response I'm just like kind of a dot and I stitch a lot and my daughter hasn't even watched the first video all the way through because she couldn't stop laughing my husband watched we watched it on the big TV you know and here's my face and I'm thinking first of all did your hair cut so I did and second of all you need a little color and your skin got a tan and third all you got too much eye makeup we're so critical of ourselves so when somebody else comes through and says you know your videos are great and I loved it and I want to sit outside your house look through your window it's just kind of it's kind of bizarre it just can't quite grasp the response I'm I'm really blown away overwhelmed and so thankful because you guys have just welcomed me and I I really had no idea I I thought if a few people watched it it would be fun yeah it's it's crazy it's crazy but I'm loving it I'm enjoying it it's um you know it's a motivator to get things done and and get him stitched and finished so you can you know do another one I'm hoping my next one I'm gonna do and I'm gonna call it legacy because I've always already thought there's a lot of my samplers this was mostly patriotic Americana and all that but a lot of my samplers that I've done that I could show you you know I thought it'd be kind of fun to show those so I'm sure there's something that I've written in my notes that I forgot to say but you know the memory isn't what it used to be so thank you thank you thank you have a great fourth of July I was telling my husband earlier today I said you know I just have memories of the perfect fourth of July meal would be a cookout we used to say barbecue now everybody says grill another one of those words anyway we used to cook out corn on the cob homemade potato salad baked beans and for dessert strawberry pie and watermelon I said if I could sit down and my mom stay well neat that again I would be a happy camper so I'm trying to replicate it today we'll see so with all that I just want to say thanks again and have a great fourth keep stitching love you [Music]
Channel: Saltbox Stitcher
Views: 16,375
Rating: 4.9554658 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: YSPqf-vgyRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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