Salmon Fishing BOBBER Downs!! - What HAPPENED To This FISH?

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there he goes he's going there he goes there he goes there he goes oh no oh it's a bright one too oh I got a dimer You Gotta Die I got a diver oh man we're double the punches I have not laughed that hard ever I know I got tears real gears cheers in my glasses oh no he just came off no wait I suck well Alex welcome back to another episode of Addictive Fishing we're out here doing some fall Chinook fishing um just coming out to play around just me and Big Dave we're gonna take the boat down might jump to a couple Rivers I don't know might just stay here we're gonna see how fish it is and hopefully we can find a fish or two and show you some big bright Chrome Chinook stay tuned baby [Music] I know you're concentrating now but something's gonna happen there's no way that one of these plug rods can go down and your face doesn't do something you are not that good at poker player watching I'm watching him addicts I'm not looking at the plugs I'm just looking right into Nick's Soul right into his eyes when one of these things go down there's no way he's going to be able to contain himself focused in right now oh it's got official it's swimming around with it I don't know [Music] you like really Tangled her up there boys oh and it's got a big crazy line twist holy macaroni gonna break foreign feels like a Chum [Music] oh my God [Music] stretch out yet this morning you get a stretch it bud I gotta do my stretch oh god well right now the position run we're way above this fish so he's got all this current he comes over this soft he kind of slows down but every time he pulls out this current there I'm tricking him right there you go there you go tricked what is it what is it so curious It's hard to tell but some of these Chums are thinking it's gonna be a big like semi-colored up buck [Music] [Music] all right there he is addicts good way to start the morning huh buddy all right pretty cool looking fishy almost looked like a Columbia River Thule yeah there's old spots on them and stuff beautiful beautiful all right good job one dude way to start us off yeah I lost one and then I got one yeah oh am I fat it's flat there you go guys flat bobber oh my God crazy that's when that fish grabs that bait and he comes up with it and he gets gets the tension of your weight your bobber goes flat all right guys we're in a new hole got a nice little deep fast hole right here we're thinking there's gonna be some bright ones in here so getting set up give it a shot [Music] [Music] thank you all right we're getting them the chum let's get a look let's jump big big jump big jump deal look at that Rod look at that Rod look at that rod got him got him [Music] all right guys here we go I'm letting pop-ups get a couple on me because I think I got a couple on him the last time so here we go oh I'm getting bit again who does that Alex did you guys see the poor sport dude I was getting a bite and casted right on my bobber and scared it away you told me to look at that oh oh getting a bite finally oh [Music] you got it I swung the right way and everything hey hey I'm throwing it again that's pretty much just a little piece of fish on there he is [Music] I got you out of the hole you finally had to pee I went up I peed one on for him guys he's got him out of the hole I just walked back and I stood right in your little spot back there his spot now is why I'm catching your little baits in there to put it on and I cast it right where you were casting and look I got one I got one oh it's a nice one tonight it's a mix it's weird you would in you know in my mind I would think that like co-hosts are with cohos and Chinook or Chinook but you get into spots and you'll catch a Chum and then the next casual catch a Chinooks pretty cool you know what else is cool big day come on come on man that's a nice fish ooh that is oh my God wait till you see the other side it's got a literal hole in this face oh man marvelous hook just pop right out but check this fish out this is a perfect example of how strong these fish are people go hook and release them whatever this fish has been attacked by Seal been in a net and it's still eating I mean you can see his gills through his Gill plate look at that that is wild whoa right under the eye I mean a hole right through the side of the fish it's wild that's crazy they're they're a tough tough creature that is for sure I mean they have one Mission and that's to get up here and spawn and do their thing [Music] all right addict what a crazy fish huh and a really nice fish I mean it's a high quality fish it's pretty fresh fish and but you can see on this side he's been in the Nets too like this fish has literally survived a seal the net and Big Dave wow he's lucky that's a crazy fish all right all right guys well we pulled over here and we started bobber fishing Nick lost one in the back just took the plugs in here we worked them back and we're in we're in and he is going out the back of this hole Maybe okay he's right on the end of it he's trying to keep this Rod real smooth real smooth wiggle it around a whole bunch and they fill that hook in there and start bucking again oh boy oh boy that's a good fish yourself wow it made it worse it made it way worse well guys this fish is staying in the back and we're trying to figure out a way to not leave this hole really wanting to go down there he goes he's going there he goes there he goes there he goes you gotta get around the tree oh it's a bright one too oh no you need to get clear to the right he's under this tree right here oh my god oh we gotta we gotta power him out of this I'm gonna have to just put the wood to him here addicts because we only have one shot to get them around this next one oh my what's he doing he's right up in it oh you're gonna run out of water hang on everybody okay he's right down in this little ditch okay he's out of the trees oh it's a night it's a dimer out of the trees look at that oh man oh God gosh too bad we had to leave that hole guys but oh wait a second no way oh tree oh big tree right here so I'm letting this fish loose right now see we gotta steer him around all these logs there we go now I'm engaged again I'm tight again yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go all right oh he's right here [Applause] foreign [Music] there might be a few on this side another amazing amazing specimen as you can see there's still this I mean there's just a plethora of bright fish dark fish I mean it's there's a lot of fishes real mixed bag Chums co-hosts Chinook but this is an absolute perfect specimen beautiful very hairy tail you see the tail still real nice and shiny um see those fish this fish is going to be a great fish for our future so we're gonna let her go and go do her thing gotta go yeah that was crazy we were mid-talk we were in the Hall of us feels like it's Chum I love this Rod dude I'm telling you addicts this is one of the best salmon bobber rods I've ever used I've used a lot of good rods dude I I just like the link and the action and heavy you can just put the wood to them but it's still got a nice light tip this is the 962. oh yeah baby promer oh it's a nice Chanel oh it's a Dandy well it looks just like the one we got here you jump out and I'll hand it to you you fight it and bring me the fish and I'll grab it oh it's a nice one guys yeah that's what I was thinking here here take your fish Bud all right in the nose It Hurts So Perfect too just right in the schnauzer oh he's got it such a beautiful day there's spots on his head dude that's so cool look at this beep oh it's caught in his little tissue here ow he bit me nice guys beautiful here foreign [Music] man what a good fish oh look it's our pet yes the pet ran away from its owner what a fun day buddy oh my god dude what a fun day not many days we get off just to go hang out as friends and this is this is special for us and hopefully it's special for you guys too man this is a lot of fun so hopefully we got some more coming at you this time we're going to get Sean on one the goal is Sean yes and then free-for-all way over there that'll work that's fine that's it let it run all the way back to that tree okay got it yeah buddy yeah boy yeah boy he did it trick them out buddy that was so cool and he was just reached up and he's like he looked away from his bomber and was messing with this and then it bumper went down oh boy I think we're in maybe the wall of chrome yeah keep that tip down just go smooth and even real low low and slow kind of like how I like to cook my meat on the barbecue oh there goes the game hog again there he is there he is guys remember what he said as soon as you hook one Sean every man for himself there he is out there thrashing the fish wow oh it's a DND go ahead and jump out here you go Nick nice Sean what do you think Buddy you heck yeah all right buddy yeah all right [Music] what's going on dude did you see that I was crazy I was trying to get a piece of candy out of my pocket another secret little candy here addicts a little mamba root shoes are the real deal taking a break from finding a fish here I can promise you this is not what Sean just reeled it ah do you see him trying to attack me now he just wants me to get closer [Applause] are you kidding me dude hey you just dropped my [Applause] he left my other pair of pliers on the bank and then he just threw these ones in the water oh dude are you kidding that's my good rod right underneath I see it you got the pole now I'm gonna get the pliers you just take carry on Pitch I gotta pick all this stuff [Applause] there you go Alex beautiful little chummer well look at all the little spots on this dorsal that's crazy have you got him yet almost guys Dave literally threw my pliers in the water and then he threw my rod in the water and still didn't let my fish go oh my God he's a man he's the man yeah oh my God God phew got the pliers and the poles that was great you've been you've been you're really throwing a lot of stuff in the water lately yeah I know yeah maybe I'll put all this twitching jig in there and catch him oh you're oh oh my God he was on there [Laughter] when I went to real messing with my rod there's some of your emotions come on man oh there he is there he is there he is oh my goodness all right guys we got a situation Sean's fighting one here Nick's back here was just getting ready to let out we got one on here too we got one on here too oh God yeah I don't know what to do I'll finally get this one out oh what's up Alex we're just trying to get out of here Nick couldn't even get a square rod in there he is ladies and gentlemen big old brats plug in his mouth that one's actually pretty easy I can probably get that one there he goes double that was sick awesome that was awesome we didn't even get all three rods in give me that thing we're gonna get one that's it oh my God well he just came over here look at this he just seen him he's a swam yeah you know he's just coming right at me I got my rod in the river like instantly look at this he's just swimming he thinks he's free see my bobber in the water the fish is in front of my bobber not behind it he is in front of it he feels that way look at my brother's not even bent look at my rod same bit yeah he's he's in front of that bomber oh oh you never even had him on [Laughter] that was a funny thing oh he just pulls up a naked hook he was I was waiting for all the suspense dude a few moments later oh my God I have not laughed that hard ever I know I got tears real gears tears in my glasses oh that was funny you've been thinking the same thing I'm just really I thought it didn't happen here's what I'm saying oh I would have never heard the end of it it was there it just shot over here and you just stopped I saw it shoot across I'll give you the fish I understand that but the rest of that suspense my weight was dragons oh my stomach dude oh there he is did you miss him oh my God I'm swimming up already I'm about to do it again I just got to get them out of the fast you just gotta come over here a little bit see look my rod has not been at all look how straight it is look oh no I think I got you you're an idiot you didn't tell me he was clear up I just replayed the footage I said he's way over there still roll the beautiful footage dude that fish is still over here we'll just do them together let's just do them together you're in my barber that is skill right there boom wait a second wait a second guys whoa what did I just see oh I got a real one on like a big one yeah well I don't know I just looked down there it looks about big whatever you want to take a look let's see I can't oh I can't lift him up he's bit oh oh my God it's huge it's huge guys all right I'm gonna get over to this what are we gonna do oh oh oh okay he's he's waking up I gotta go back down here see I lift on him and I got tied him he did not like that he liked it up in that soft water though all right guys I I really was giving Dave a hard time about that last fish but this if you see that once you see the size of this fish you're going to understand about what he's done with this fish literally we hook that thing clear in the back and as soon as you hook them if you get that Rod tip down low in the water they pull into this current and they'll just get out of the current to the softest spot for them and that's what he's done he's literally just held this fish by us while I've motored up and down this thing as long as you just go easy on them the second you start pulling and wrenching on them is the second they start to freak out and Dave's done an extremely good job of keeping this thing calm and keeping him swimming up here otherwise we would be how big those fish look at this guy he's dead it's a big one you know even if we were open right now there's no way I'd kill this fish oh never mind even if it was bright I don't even bromer this one would be going back it's super important we don't have many fish to have big genetics and I've released multiple you know high 30s and 40s and in my opinion the smaller ones eat better anyways this one oh my God whoa wow that is a big boy big one what a beauty guys [Music] all right all right guys well we he barely I mean we let him he just kind of swam we let him revive because it's just big fish man just such a cool cool kept him right here in the little Cove though and I motored up and down trying to find a spider spot though old line one time he was super energized that was fun what a stud dude beautiful day on the sun you know doesn't get much better than this spending time with friends Outdoors catching fish yeah and we got like a couple more holes left maybe yeah and the cool thing guys is like I don't know it's not always about harvesting fish or taking fish home it's fun to go out and do this and and see them big ones like that so run away special so all right Alex let's go catch a couple more and go home and get Sean to bed he's not feeling good eating a sandwich with 2 000 milligrams of sodium yeah buddy all right man [Music] oh yeah here he goes here he goes guys well our first pass through Nick had two bites I had one they're winning oh watch that one it's going down though right there Chum is it really sure oh it's a silver yet oh my God that's a brand new little snook huh [Music] I don't dare do it again guys I don't dare do it again look I did it showed you and look it's still swimming up yeah this is right here he is [Music] No Hands guys look no hands oh wait there all right oh Dave's gonna double swing the miss oh yeah look at that oh no Dave's gonna unclip him there you go all right there he goes guys nice one Nick yeah Beauty I got it we're good all right there he goes nice nice all right guys we're doubled up Dave's got one seano's got one what do you got Sean oh nice Chum Dave literally hooked one a mile and a half down river [Music] okay well you're really power tricking them right now dude I like this move bring them on into the landing Zone is that going down [Music] yeah it's a snow gear boys yeah big nut shakes too it's a good fish here I got him out there now go cast oh but now he's trying to go down river he's right where I hooked him now I think he's he's back over there you gotta look at him nope I don't want to pull up on him because he's going to go down this chute oh this feels this is a chinook I think you need to let you let's take a we know this is oh he's coming oh Mom oh my God for an acre oh dimer well not a dimer but a big one oh man oh I got a dimer You Gotta Die I got a dimer oh man we're double the punches huge
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 37,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bobber downs salmon fishing, Bobber downs, Float fishing chinook, float fishing kings, Fishing, Salmon fishing, Fall salmon fishing, River salmon fishing, Weird fish, Wounded fish, Gnarly fish, Fishing vlog, Vlogger, King salmon fishing
Id: Zq7_di5U1NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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