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[Music] there he is got him got him maybe maybe yeah it's a giant I'm telling you right now it's a giant oh my God he's going way down bro he's out of the hole I swear to God go go ahead we'll just we're gonna get him going through hey Alex welcome back to another episode of Addictive Fishing it's early in the morning we're out steelhead fishing just getting baited up go ahead and beat me up Dave all right brother here you go all right what do you think about this babe buddy there you go that's right Alex that's a lobster and today we're gonna feed the steelhead the most expensive meal they've ever had in their life we're gonna be using Lobster we're gonna put it on plugs we're gonna put it onto jigs we're gonna cast it raw we're gonna try everything we can to catch a steelhead why are we doing that though David well I tell you you know my first steelhead I ever caught was on a crawdad tail and we're kind of figuring you know crawdads lobsters you know they're they're they're they're they're real close I tell you you know we got these things brined up and they smell delicious wow I almost want to eat one right now but our buddies from Maine we're in town they gave us some lobsters we had a great idea to come out here and try to catch a steelhead on him and I truly think we could be here yeah so stay tuned this is going to be a blast come along with us leave a comment down below if you've ever caught a fish on a crawdad or maybe even a lobster let's go at it [Music] sweet it's gonna run like that it'll actually give it a little weight forward right there take that down there we go [Music] oh here we go fish fish fish he's on the lobster he's on the lobster are you kidding me right now oh my god oh he just broke you off the whole plug it was huge okay let's get back in there you keep me are you kidding me he broke your whole plug off dude it was a monster the bug's gone dude he broke the plug oh my God if you didn't check your leader I know it it's Midway up the leader like two feet up it was big dude well addicts it's a little somber mode here for me that was the craziest start you could have ever asked for we baited those up and put them in the water and they were in the water for under a minute literally I just put it in I happened to look over and I heard something and that Rod was just fish fish fish I don't know what happened man just all of a sudden it was like taking line taking line and bang and big heavy fish so you win some you lose some but on the good note Lobster works so far check for the lobster and a check for the steelhead not a check for Nick and Dave like we want to catch one on our first couple trips through here oh here we go fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish foreign oh my god oh he's going crazy he's going crazy he's going he's ripping me oh my God oh my God don't get us off the hole oh my God you're gonna miss Robbie we got a mess hold on hold on hold on hold on okay go that thing hit it so hard it broke the line again dude did you see that attic that was a crazy fight in the history mankind oh my god dude I just lost her's on fire dude we haven't even been fishing 10 minutes dude I'm telling you oh my Lord come on girl deep breath okay that was crazy oh my God that bite was something else dude that is what we talk about when we talk about plug bites that is like look at this thing just pissed off at the world Adrian yeah yeah probably that was probably a big huge Buck sitting with her or something dude I'm telling you I don't know they're just hot this morning let's get this thing out of them leave a comment down below how badass that just was that was the craziest start to the morning you've ever seen I I'm not kidding you guys are gonna see that footage obviously that bite was something else oh here we go fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish that is why we plug fish for that bite right there it's it's probably the coolest bite in all steelhead fishing is watching that Rod just get dumped and that was the the upper echelon of that so stay tuned we're gonna get this fish out of the net get in the boat we're gonna go back up and pull some plugs through here again let's see if we get another one baby come on all right there it is oh that thing's got it this thing's got a pretty good palette dude he likes high-class food there it's a lobster yeah oh look oh my God is there something hanging out of its mouth still I can't wait to go try this again I can't wait to put a big chunk on a ball oh I'm gonna do it right now I'm so excited I'm so jacked right now that was the craziest start to the morning come on Alex back in our positions chaotix here we go chunk of lobster I'm just gonna thread it on my hook and then I'm gonna wrap my egg loop around it I'm actually gonna go around it twice to try to suck it all up oh my God look at how perfect that came out Alex you cannot tell me that's not catching one right now look how round I got that thing oh my God got my little Advantage bead hook right there I'm telling you right now this is getting eaten I just it's not even a question for me I have that much confidence in lobster considering we just caught 200 or a hook two in a row on it was crazy here we go first cast the old Lobster Rooney I'm gonna go inside pass it's going down baby [Music] trout oh my God hey it's not like lobster too though trouty Lobster too I guess guys God I thought it was Steelheads God addicts I thought that was it round two fight Lobster oh I almost just got a magazer I'll do that again that was so close almost got that in my hand I had a hole to the phone I was trying to hook it on to that like I was right here look at this if you play a ride like this out of my hand I'm out of control Alex that's twice today already he's trying to kill me all right guys so back there in Big Dave fashion and pop-off fashion we in our little debacle Lobster's on fire dude and uh broke both blades off the problem what are you gonna do now well I'm gonna have to uh use one big Dave horsepower here he's he's got a little exercise he's got his uh two-stroke fired up here and he's gonna row these plugs down because we no longer have a motor so here we go I don't know foreign [Music] just below that stick I mean like it's barely below oh boy you want me to burn down there no it didn't have to no I'm gonna get him right over here I'm gonna get out of the boat I got lobster tail fish baby let's go what's up Lobster balls lobster dinner son Dave just called it he said right in there and my bobber disappeared somewhere right in there [Music] right now have you ever seen such a thing just a straight piece of lobster come on man yeah nice oh my gosh look at that just Chomp the lobster nice little box right there where is the hook he ate that right in the beach he was wanting an expensive dinner high-class fish there buddy all right Alex good job brother yeah awesome so cool dude look at the sea lice on his back Sean oh right on it look at that long tail wow got some scars too yeah a little mayor yeah got a little look he's got Lobster hanging out of his mouth awesome all right addicts even though this is a hatchery fish this is one of our brood stock fish here we're just gonna let this baby go go up River maybe another angler can catch this fish this is a great little fish though man this would be a good one for the table yeah buddy all right here he goes dude [Music] foreign getting rebated here I'm gonna let Dave get a couple through there just missed one away on the inside guaranteed fish [Music] all right guys we got him on plugs with the lobster we got him on straight Lobster and I'm gonna try a bead just gonna put a big old chunk of lobster right on the bottom of it and if they bite the bead it should pull the bead down if they just bite the lobster that meat should stay up on my peg there so let's find out what happens oh my God inside hammered let's see what he ate go up there okay well maybe a trout then guys maybe a trout them you didn't disturb our bait foreign Alex what are you guys thinking about this Lobster episode you guys gonna put it into Your Arsenal or I think Dave's gonna make it a staple this was this was all Dave's idea I got to give it to him we had these lobsters and he's like I got an idea and it is absolutely work it's crazy there's not very many fish around and so like when we're when we're catching them on Lobster it's pretty damn cool so it's exciting but let us know Down Below have you ever done it are you gonna do it and do you think we're gonna catch any more I think we got a couple more in US Lobster time baby batter up batter up Here Comes The Lobster ball the steelhead's gonna hit it out of the park we'll see we'll see [Applause] there he is got him got him Lobster balls Lobster foreign [Music] this is awesome pretty cool it's a beautiful fish it's a hatchery fish but we're gonna let this fish go go do his thing like I said maybe another angler old ketchup yeah yeah yeah maybe you'll swim up for every 20 miles and someone will get lucky all right all right all right hey buddy oh he's swimming with us he's trying to get back into the Cradle oh it's so cool how they just sit here look at this he's just chilling by my foot it's awesome later dude thank you [Music] oh my God dang it he stole my Lobster man he stole my Lobster there you go you're all remaining now you can catch the one you just missed all right Lobster Ball USA oh that would have went in the tree you would have loved it okay this is gonna go down be ready please you're ready I'm just I'm worried about my my just real first my boot if you fall over you fall over again though catch it I don't care you need to be going down I let that one eat for like two seconds maybe there he is still there all right guys I missed him next time takeoff rebated grabbed a different Rod put in a chunk of Lobster on and here we go tricking them up too foreign [Music] I mean we have been committed to this like seriously committed and and we fished every hole we have with with lobster and to actually catch four or five steelhead when there's very few steelhead in the river it's pretty crazy like no joke it works it works it's like the real deal guys he's got a leader in his mouth look you can see the boys yeah yeah yeah right there yeah maybe maybe yeah all right come on I'm up I'm back I'm back everybody we're all good what I can't oh my God look at this another leader oh what beat right here just came out of his mouth double bead pink Jesus oh look oh a t-stop that's for Brandon Brandon oh t-stop action and a BNR soft bead let's get this dude unhooked sweet that is crazy great I can't believe it the Lobster's working hey are are we Lobster fishermen then oh this is great all right let's uh let's pull over here maybe yeah okay here I'm gonna pull the anchor you don't go for the boat dude you wanna you know you stepped on probably a rock cause your boot okay it's a little story behind his boot addicts well we bought a pair of boots and I wouldn't let him use them yeah it was the only parents he said if I wore those boots he wouldn't go fishing with me so we're still stuck with this guy here's the problem there's zero felt he went down there and he almost went for a swim we need a break so we can go and go to the store yeah but we're gonna let this beautiful Hatchery fish go it's an absolute beautiful good table Fair fish but we're gonna let him go let him swim let another angler catch him and have a great day Dave you are the man dude later dude all right all right all right a little inside a little inside well let's just try it let's just try it [Music] gave me a couple calves now I'm gonna catch his fish there he is I told you I was gonna steal this fish just pick my pocket you guys gosh oh it's huge oh my God I'm in something or it's huge oh oh it's you look at that oh put it down put it down put it down I'm gonna pull this over right now I was joking around and then all of a sudden it just got real oh my God he's gonna fool me oh he's gonna fool me go go go go go no he turned he turned it's a giant I'm telling you right now it's a giant oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God he's going way down bro he's out of the hole I swear to God go go he's all the way start reeling go right on them oh my god dude this thing just do I have a salmon God you want me to go to the other side of the river hey should I go the other side maybe it's soft over there yeah that's probably our best shot all right that's right he's going across too all right so we're just trying to get over here in this softer water we were you know we were on the fast side of the river and it's not good taking a big fish down like this we're gonna try to find some softer water and get over here didn't really want to blow across our hole but oh this is this is a much better spot to lay on them right here I'll just tuck into these bushes oh my gosh oh he's big oh he's big big okay we got to put him over in this go get me out of there Dave get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here [Music] oh my God he's got me in and I see him in there hold on don't make any noise he's out he's out it's not even as big oh it's big never mind no it's big oh God he's going down no get him on the motor get on the motor oh my God he goes out of this we're screwed we're losing the fish giant Hatchery fish I'll get behind him he'll swim up there no get out of here we'll just we're gonna get him going through here it's gonna drive my neck there you go it'll work come on I'm gonna try and find it drive by netting right now get ready look at that boys oh Jesus we're gonna crash everybody [Music] I can't believe it unbelievable dude [Music] we're chasing brother oh that was we're chasing right there man that is what I'm talking about that is why we still had fish right there that's why we come out here day in day out and grind this place man it is ah that was crazy and then fly out of control and crash it was even better he's big look at that piece look at the peak on him so Alex for those of you that might see this oh this fish right here I don't know if this will air before then but for those of you that have come to show and see this fish this is the fish you're gonna see probably in our our at our booth yeah we're gonna bring a whole fish we have another one that's going to be paired up with it we got a hand in a buck to show kind of what we do here and how big the great quality these fish are so thanks to this man oh my God I love it baby good job that was crazy here's the craziest thing guys this is my biggest fish of the year and I caught it on a damn Lobster [Music] all right we're gonna wrap this video up right here what an amazing day it was the craziest day I've ever seen we caught fish on Lobster Lobster let's let that sink in for a minute yeah I mean literal balls of lobster to catch this giant giant steelhead it's amazing and and thank you for doing this thank you this is awesome and thank you guys we love you thank you for the love and support don't forget to follow along next time you go fishing make sure you be safe fish hard nobody panic yeah baby foreign [Music]
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 44,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: addicted fishing
Id: iNChm7BZ-oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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