Salford Gangster 'One Punch' Doyle Tells His Story

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foreign s to find out who my latest guest will be and don't forget to click the Subscribe button and the notifications button so you're notified for when my next podcast goes live so if I was bullied in the day in the dormitories where you slept at the end of the bed the other bar that come off I would set the bar off in the middle of night and screwed on now but I'll set the bar off at the end of the bed and do the kid in halfway through the night now in a matter of no time I had to be sleeping in cells because I was untrustworver to sleep in dormitories they've got to attack whoever attacked me the doorman went out come back with a gun holy because they knew that the Massey firm was all capable pulled the gun a massive firm right yeah again there was already the doorman was had an onslaught Bowl to death put a van through a couple of their clubs shot a couple of doors off with a shotgun one of the most exciting things I've ever did in my life well I had a shotgun mentally knew that I'm also be sometime in my career I almost shall be end up with a life census so why not begin it young I was ready to I've surrendered to myself you know what was going to be coming there he sets you with abusive you burn your testicles off they'll cut your lips off to pull your teeth out foreign good to see you nice to be out very known in Underworld very popular name um just out of prison spent nearly 30 years over inside very well connected but yet notice you're here today to tell you too it's an amazing thing I believe I'm connected to friends yeah you're looking well thank you so I always go back to the start of my guests well you grew up and how it all began well it All Began in the 50s when my mother it was a young Jewish girl big breasts standing at a bus stop she met my father who was a big Irishman the super heavyweight and then the [ __ ] I couldn't tell you what year it was but I know it was in the 50s then the next thing that happened was we by the time removal is 25 she had seven children six Lads one girl the girl's the oldest then between them both things never clicked I don't know why but man this bill for went with my mother three went with my father I went with my father become a Christian the Catholic past Milwaukee Community not so than the other four become Jewish yeah so we even know your mother is Jewish makes you Jewish I become a Catholic now my father had to bring up me Michael and the sister Lorraine yeah so when my dad in them days I don't think you could get social nobody had any money so my dad had to go to work then come on from work and he had to go working again as a personal bodyguard gambling was illegal so we it did that as a job when he went out at night time Michael who's one year older man he was about eight I was seven and we stayed burger and we knew he was in our gymnastics don't ask me why but we uh we started Burger in places shops nobody had any money we were just to get what we ever wanted Sophie's sweets cakes whatever we started Burberry shops then we started to go for the money then the next thing that happened was we kept on getting caught hanging about Manchester at three o'clock in the morning two o'clock in the morning at seven years eight years of age the police would pause and Pringles home even at that he was getting good items by him when he got home you got another good item so that carried on then before the age of nine the pl because we was uncontrollable and the dad couldn't keep us in the house when he went back to work I was put in care now the Care Homes was how can you describe it military woman yeah it was like yeah somebody becoming a gladiator will have to be talk how to be a guardian angel so we named days when I say military one at eight years of age I had a pair of boots sharp punks a jumper with number 80 on the back and using house units one hand's distance stand to attention stand at ease you would Max through every Corridor stop stand to attention again you're slept in dormitories then you was more or less cause there's been two world wars you're there you I think they are the attitude to treat you to go over the trenches you still have that mentality you know what in the 60s late 60s early 70s everything was yes sir no sir I will sir did you struggle I was at just survival mode straight away it was how can you say it it's um it was my sister believe it or not he was 10 years of who was 10 years of age who was like a mother figure to me she she was the way she still is she still sold me off now yeah she must be the only one then Paula yeah he's funny because she was the one that adds the battles and everything this day or baths well yeah yeah exception what was coming it's a part of uh obviously by the time go out it was institutionalized but that was the part the path of life it where it doesn't after a week or two weeks it's painless it's painless you you have to accept because you're only Young you you accept what's coming on the corner do you become numb to that life from a very young age damn in later on a lot later on I've been in a system where people big powerful men have burst out in tears and the system will say to a man up and even at a young age of eight years of age you have some manual you have to be ready for what comes you can't um hide in the shadows you've got to face what's going to come and even if it's faithful or whatever when did you start getting the reputation of one punch like when did you start learning how oh no what do you call you that when I got put away um uh eight years of age you would you was learning to push back you wasn't there to be punched that's the first thing you accept don't forget this is the Catholic Catholic of blue school and I was the only it in the South Africa blue School dark skinned black Air and those guys I knew I wasn't I had support because I was only small and stuck here and I was the youngest in the place I had to not only pawn shop I had to bring another man down so if I was bullied in the day in the dormitories where you slept at the end of the bed the other bar that come off I would set the bar off in the middle of the night and screwed on now but I'll set the bar off at the end of the bed and do the kid in halfway through the night now in a matter of no time I had to be sleeping in cells because I was on trustworth to sleep in dormitories they've got to attack whoever attacked me now I couldn't no this most probably give me a path in life to bring a man down to My Size because I think in all my life I've never pushed down I've always had support sure so this is just a learning curve how how to handle it how to more or less drink your own blood out no surrender and where young kids now I mean young kids are big powerful Lads now and it wasn't in them days now all my time in the reform schools I never see one that knock another light out it was all about punching with speed I'm blasting the distance to the other kid give in there was never no Knockouts your if another man fell to the floor you'd be forever kicking them forget them queensberries our generation which was a new generation before us they would was drilled the same way to go over the trenches Our Generation learned something new and that was the f word f u we want you to do this F U and that's what it was about we wasn't there to be mocked off with and that's that was the big difference in the generations before you we were sought with different we that would if they asked us to go over the trenches we will most probably say FU but I'll go after you see this cruise see when they beat you up did it meet you I thought it is straight away you're hating the foolish you wore before that yeah yeah he he's like you're genetics yes sir no sir I'm what believe it or not what how how can I explain it what you learn anybody that's been through what I've been through and gone through the system to learn to turn the other cheek and what I mean by that is where in the early days as a as a child if you hit back you finish you'll be screaming for your mother the cop is even when they used to run away from the reformed schools and even at the age of 12 we was there pinching cars getting away sleeping in cars now one day I was arrested at 12 years of age and when it was lasted about 12 years of age I had 300 pound in my pocket which is like three grand now if not more so the the cop is what it's in this is 12 years of age the cop is what it's a null where I've got the 300 pounds from so obviously I said a story from my own house hoping they'll give it back to my dad yeah so then you give me a little slap then they give me another slap then I slap back for Fu I'm going down with a fight you slap back 12 years of age they said come on Paul we're checking you back so you reform school what was already in they coughed me up behind my back as I was leaving the cell I could always fire him back every time he hit me deformed me back in now I think this changed my life they threw me back in and pounded me and pounded me for about five minutes let the cell covered in my own blood you caught me even caught me under the eye it was covered in it they had to tell me it's hospital now but when they left the cell I go sat on the seat thinking wow wow how fantastic is that two big cocklers couldn't finish me off so I'm thinking now if they couldn't finish me off how can anybody in these reform schools I'm not on about screws I'm on about the other Lads how can anyone do that because I knew I was capable of taking the points from now onwards so that made you tougher and more confident that you could take anything I knew and I knew then if because 90 percent of my fights when somebody would put it on me mentally I used to think so myself I'm in trouble I'm in trouble where because I'm looking up I don't want to cry I don't know they're looking down so I know they're gonna come in on me so I would Onslaught them straight away I won't allow him to set the second breath I won't allow them to set the second word I'll be in on a straight away and what do you call it so I knew I could take a punch that when people talking later on in life one of them I was one hour in everybody one punching everybody to me that was the bonus my heart and what I was capable of was receiving more than anything else when did you get out of Boston because of my aggressive behavior and because of the system then realizing that on a daily basis I was defending myself attacking other kids whatever like going out even one time I ran away from the reform schools a fitness time was about 16. yeah I was I run away from the reformed schools we robbed a couple of warehouses like what did you get oh fantastic story as it happens I go up to Warehouse in the middle of Salford as I used most pathetic thing you've ever heard as we go up this Warehouse with these I was like no I was about 14 I was with these kids I was 16 from your own neighborhood yeah as a common only even that now when I was with these kids we robbed the well I was they was doing what kids do smashing the whale I was up right I go in the office to see what was there massive old Victorian safe so I'm looking in the drawers I see a key about four inches long and I even at a dumb age I'm thinking nobody can be that stupid except for that key to fit the safe yeah so then put the key in the safe It Works open the safe these three and a half gone there short they're safe yeah could these kids would have sort the money off met being a lot older and shared out between a lot of them whatever so I put the key back then where it's next to the air well as we was getting out no I put the money in my Underpants so these kids can't find it so as we was leaving the place the police are there they chase us down the liver banking to let the dogs on us avoid the dog another animal lover boy the dog copies done me in again took me to hospital full of blood I go to hospital up four years of age do you want to give me a need over bottom now I'm thinking that they would find the money as they drop me Underpants to give me a needle could I had a couple of stitches off the beat and what the police give me then I said look I've got a big birthmark on my bottom can I just check out this needle at the top of the bar so when he did that I go back to the police station because then now we want a big quiz they found out these three and after I'm missing these kids because it was a lot like it is now you you'll never get Associated nobody knew nothing to say that was unheard of and everybody received good items everybody so these kids were screaming they've had no money they've not seen anyone ever so they was right they haven't done it anymore and they haven't seen any money now they because I was covered in blood it looked like I've already took my kick in he said where's the money pass I don't know what you're on about did you asking the wrong person right so my father come because I'm going to go back to the reform schools my father come and he said to say goodbye to me as I'm going gonna go away again and I said to him Dad I've got this because it's a waste of time me taking it back give me the three and a half Grand he said Paul's God for your own sake don't say anything you'll get yourself Immortal I'm gonna hide this now and those buzzing for him no doubt we bought new copies that television or whatever how was that let me know leaving your dad and stuff is that hard for you or you just saw in the system then and so numb towards life that it's just a normal experience for you no because if you've got okay how can you explain it if you've got a picture of something like I suppose it's part of the region people look at Jesus Christ and there's people there that have never met the person we're worship Him and it's like somebody saying to me that's your father so we're inside my head that's somebody special to me even though the 10 years I was away I never had any visits that was something special to me now in then those the Victorian days he was allowed one visit out every month so that's when we used to go out then towards the end well to say 1782 use uh wearing long tanks again it was a totally different settle but there was still a lot of fighting between the lads how's the communication with your friends and I know that you build a strong relationship with people with everybody just out for themselves or everyone's okay how can you explain it now the reform schools what I went to where in especially I got sent to especially in it and this is why I know that criminality is more or less genetics because when I got sent to this special unit they said to me your brothers are in a now I said who's my brothers he said gladly away in the special unit for kids that are excellent struggle yeah I was in a special unit and this was the first time I met my brothers now when they was getting a visit of my mother yeah they said to my mother you've got another son in there Paul he never gets any visits will you um give him a visit now that was the first time I seen my mother could I when I left my walls at us over two years of age so that was the first time I seen my mother so then after that for about four weeks then because I had a fight with this female murderer right again 50 50 this time it was posed for a punch they did they couldn't send her anywhere because of what she did this was the only special unit whatever so I got sent at to um Elizabeth prison there were you engaged and I was only in there then you've got Senator Kurt Levinson which was a Detention Center because they wouldn't allow me to go out no Detention Center the train and train and train three times a day now that got me into training burpees press-ups that I love to believe or not good lavington now I was in there for a while then I got enormous you would spend three months in Kirkland then go home but you wouldn't with me you sent me back to the another reform school Saint Thomas Moore's now I asked could I go to uh with Farm schools what my brothers was in they mother's left a special unit ended up out with foreign schools themselves and they said no that them with Farm schools won't be able to control you so they knew the system knew I had some sort of problem some aggressive mannerism who was it senior mum for the first time I wasn't I mean it's like being a probation officer um the picture I had on the wall wasn't the father what about your brothers were you happy that you'd seen your brothers or when um don't forget I was never taught to court I was uh the first charge I was put away at eight too young to go to court you couldn't be in court for 10 years to uh to use age at 10. I run away I think I was about 10 and a half 11 half I run away from the reformed schools slept in toilets around Manchester I've got five o'clock in the morning this is our barbaric is five o'clock in the morning I'll come out the time that's while I was sleeping what was locked at night come out the toilets got us first they've got a milk ball from a shop started drinking that was my first charge gave the cop is seeing the drinking the milk bottle drinking the milk shivering and that was my first charge that's my it's sad as well that 10 year old kids like homeless in this cellular try to live that that wouldn't happen no but back then was at a shop shop treatment or something I used to get it was that that was that robotic the kids who stick up at a certain time you still dressed the same but the screws used to kick [ __ ] out them get on the police yeah not only the place they will hand coffee behind your back they would do three like everybody gets it everybody gets it now what the um what do you call it these um obviously your your genetics yeah your genetics Paddy genetics I don't know if you come from Vikings Mary Queen of Scots got the 20 000 Spaniards over to find the English so it's all fighting material or that of genetics in Ireland so with the Irish are fighting genetics and that's where part of my genetics have come for so when the system brings you up to be a guardian you're fighting every day willing to go on the battlefield so at the end of it when you're coming out the reform Schools are they doing is cut in a chain and when you're you're out in the outside world apart from the one day's on leave is a new world summer I've never puddled in the sea I've never really gone and enjoyed summer did you see when you got your home leaves as a kid where did you go yeah you you went through the blocks of flax in uh Manchester man sold for that early on when I got put away with um all two up and two down houses the full room kitchen two bedrooms yeah then when I got when I was coming to know me over the years they all got pulled down and there was all blocks of flux so you went on home leave you got into most of the bay train at 10 o'clock and you had to be back at the station at five o'clock so when you're talking once a month you're talking about six hours out so are you oh you did was spend it in your block of flats so see when you've done your ten years now what did you do when you came out well that's a good question because that was the start yeah of the journey yeah that was the start of your journey but it's to give people an understanding of how you end up involved in the leafland this is why these interviews are so powerful is because people need to get an understanding of why men become the men that they are from they're off environment from the broken home and fighting your whole life to then survive and been on the streets homeless at 10 lap did it also follow you in Rage as well Paul that you thought [ __ ] it like did you ever feel not loved as well where that becomes an effect in your life from a young age not because you don't cry over that because you don't know nothing if somebody had that and lost that then you would cry for that but if somebody hasn't had that there's no tears you've accepted you realize that you would look at a person without verbally exchanging and I would know straight away what his attitude is with his eyes so I would go on with the onslaught but it sounds stupid but that's how you are you become become aware in your old Nets you're you're telling your own selfish story what is about to happen when I come out the reform schools I didn't know anybody I've been away all my life I didn't have friends no it was the same as my brothers they've been away all their lives one of them is to say he's good on the planet it still is he never he'd come out the reform school Wayne and he won't talk to when he never talked to anyone who is about 27. why is that because of the way the system prayer he was in himself the system more or less starting to say nothing apart from yes sir no sir I will go over the trenches sir and that's how it brought you up but it was an army of them now these I remember seeing a documentary about um what's what's he called the big fighting rod in London Lenny McLean yeah yeah and the kids had to fight with Dave those two the most aggressive in London they was caught up in the reform schools and that's why the abandoned reformed schools yeah so it was brought up with the same mentality condition and tough men yeah and there's the reform schools the only way to describe it is in the film scum remember the films yeah where they wear big Embrace and they wear boots yeah and it's kicking off all the time and you're getting done in that's exactly where that's exactly what it was like but it was getting you ready for a world of violence and it would say if I'm going out I'm bothering places I'm at the age of 14. I've got three and a half hundred pounds in my pocket where the normal kid would never see that and see uh what if I I've had thousands I'm not coming out to be a window cleaner I'm not coming out to be a britwell I'm coming out to be a villain I'm I couldn't read and write I didn't know what vowels was I couldn't spell those dyslexic so nobody's going to give me a job and um so I'm coming out so I come out not to my brother's doors the local pub what I started to drink in we're still living with my father the block of flax and then I got at least under from the age of eight I come out just before May 18th birthday like I said I'm not someone above his door we started to drink in the local now in this local I was ready for the outside world starting to fight one or two fights then that was the first knockout I did yeah then the next thing is I was beginning to get a reputation people realized he was coming down every time somebody seemed they couldn't believe how was the kid with this reputation at 11 and a half Stone not because in my head I knew that I was capable because of the beating from the coppers that I was capable of taking punches I knew the other person whoever punched me was also these Knuckles on my head didn't bother me right and then I wasn't even buffered to put my chin down I knew they was in trouble as soon as he stayed but I was knocking everybody out but to what's the big six forties now six foot was a massive eye in them days yeah but I was because it was stocky I was always like fall to the stone it's very well is to pull the bird in them days all he had to do was wear a t-shirt and it's unbelievable because they had out of good physique not blowing me on school but 30 years waist and I was 14 Stone and that was before studs come out I've never took a stud in the life I've never had to but people were just 11 stone as swole Stoners so I was fighting with white as well so then I started to get an application what the in the local where I was at there was another aggressive who went through the system like I have another aggressive young firm which was read by Paul masse I don't know if you've ever heard of him yeah yeah beautiful kid who's got by Paul masser now Paul masse had a gang that worshiped him Robin Mason the McDonald brother very well-known kids around Salford yeah now they was at community at its best that did you before before he was sweaty there would There Was Out Burger in all that then he went to the next stepping stone and the next stepping stone was where in them days if somebody was to get wages they would go to the bank to pick up the wages or a shopkeeper was to clap money all day they would go to the bank to put the money in the United States yeah we would be there waiting for them things to happen and we would be robbing them and that's where I got involved with them because I was more or less because of a reputation as they was to grab the money and we had any superheroes coming I was ready so what do you call it to stop them coming along and yeah yeah see because everything through a young age do you become Fearless at a certain age in your life well you can handle getting punched you can handle and I think you can handle doing robberies like they just does it just become so easy because all this [ __ ] that you went through from as a kid yeah but it's not only that I mean you call Fearless then you think to yourself right this is what I am this what could lie ahead now what could lie ahead in them days for there was no shootings forget about people being shot that that never happened for a couple of years afterwards in fact we was one of the I was one of the first to get shot up but it was um with a shotgun I had pallets at the bottom of my legs but in those years all you would get is a good idea for mother firms that's all you would get you'll get good item from the police yeah you'd uh most probably have you you realize you might have got to the snatches spend so many years in the prison so you are accept what could be coming and as soon as you've surrendered to what could be coming the more Fierce you are and the more uncaring you are so even you started getting a reputation of being a man who could fight see when people seen you do you then become a Target and be tested more because you were smaller than the man who was six feet six feet one in Enders because I had a reputation and because I was young and now when I had a reputation I had a following most of my life either forward right so these kids who how can I say these kids who are capable and I know the way the mannerism are I'll be ready to attack them first that I'm not going to wait for them to attack me I'll most probably a verge of them anyway so I would be attacking them first so my reputation Rose so when these on the odd time people would want a screen or once a one on the odd time but normally when I used to go in a place and there used to be four or five Luts the already already known we wouldn't we could be in the place too many extreme minutes why wait for them we'll do the onslaught first and I realize and that's been the path of my life years on could you read situations well Paul because of being on your own for so many years said how did you read situations where and read people well Spar survival yeah you've come become aware you're like you've got hyenas around you no say the likes of me more so Paul masse you liked me Paul masses people with big names they become what I would call a front runner yeah now what I mean by a foreign that there and it could be 20 30 whatever I will steam in knowing the hyenas are at the back of me will be steaming in afterwards so that's what you do you go in as a group so you're well aware of the situation now this was right before before weapons come out but you'll be on slaughtering and now there was a like where we we stepped the road of criminality we started to do whatever is the we took over our reputation group because of my violent attitude all of them was the word money I had the pleasure of having a fight and that's what I was clone to do I knew I could fight I bought at the beginning everybody was like that to me Adam getting older and having all these kids with reputations fight everybody got died when you heard you you've just done is this is that you've only been seconds now my reputation grew grew and Greek so I would go into what they call it go into clubs the dorm and then would want to have it I would knock the doorman out my friends there would do all the rest and we will steam clubs around town Manchester then was run by a firm called the quality Street they are there they started the Union off where all the doorman got together and there's one dorm another problem they all had a problem yeah so then we we have day water to calm down to show us what they're capable of they come to Manchester lands coming to Salford is stupid if you start if you're in a pub in Salford in them days and you're from another area you stood out talk about how big you are whatever and you come in and you had a bit of a problem everybody in that pool would attack you makes no words even the women the old women the old men will be hitting you with bottles it was a just a no-go area for other people Salford in them days now we was in there when Prince Charles was getting married the day of Prince Charles getting married five or six big heavy weights part of the firm that was connected that wanted to teach yours because it had been a many surround Manchester come down they come in pulled said there was six of them five are still at the bar one come over to where we was me Massey makka Navi the whoever robbed me so they come over to us and said what was one guy come over he said I'm sick and tired here so what do you code what you're doing you're messing about things so could you call Matt Carr told him to F off the f word for you it happens these this is what our generation is we're doing now what these other firms are capable of if you don't mind what the police are capable of if you the sister then this guy played my car we then email the friend a chapter five doors at the the five big guys at the bar the guy who did the party and ran off master and his firm chased after him pitched him up and beat him up picked him up through him at a bus yeah more or less the police come to join the policing now I'm in the pub bowling I have been seen they get charged with a section 18 and attempted murder now the day of the call in day of the trial they're all going not guilty obviously right the day of the trial then the wife brings the deal spooned in in a wheelchair and says I have to address this my husband every day because of these bastards blah blah blah they get a girl to get five years because they're only young kids five years in them days was Ash they were very I was 21. round about a massive Navi and matka the sky they was um around about 18 19. yeah now I was the one with the reputation of the fight at their criminals Massey was one of the most criminal minded because you would what I mean it's not fighting statue but his game he was a top five or six screws by himself he's like a Jimmy Boyle exactly the same it's Fearless now when but he had his firm around him he had a firm of viennas that was the worst on the planet now when they got the five years and the wife said I have to dress my husband yeah Massey who got the five years while he was doing the five years yeah he appealed then this guy who was in the wheelchair four months after he made the film could he was a martial art expert doing Kung Fu in the field I'm actually exactly unless he gets the team takes the tapes of core and said this is the man that has to be dressed every morning jumping in the air force kicking somebody in the egg how can that be so Massey won his appeal then when Massey come out we all clicked together again then Massey had a knew what used to happen now I've always been involved with United Manchester United going away fighting smallest fighting with other fans was the Bulls now if I was to explain in the 70s what used to happen is used to be able to pay to get in grounds football grounds so we unite it being the biggest supporting club in the world don't know about basketball Rangers but being the biggest supporting Club they used to set 20 000 plus to every away game right now ninety percent of the people 99 of the people you talk about being a hooligan they just think that is another fan pulling his hair down and volume in yet you know to be screaming for his mother whatever now it wasn't about that if people like me used to see it as a graft where you would you had football specials there used to be 1500 on a football special not you oh that week it will be in the papers around them surrounding areas the United are coming to town they're going to let the place whatever we used to go there during the week Source out where the jewelry shops are where it's worth jumping over the camera looking for places with money so when the football special pulls up you'll have 6 000 Hoagies from the surrounding areas waiting for United funds then these United fans will think 1500 is not good enough they'll wait for three more a special to come even the cottonies used to bring so many football specials they could bring five specials then when they're out attacking the other six thousand attacking six or seven thousand we will be over the counters and you'll be doing jewelry shops when we started to go abroad we'll we've done a jewelry shop in Amsterdam with the 2 million quid it was big news then because that would have been about 20 million I mean but that would have been about between 200 people the whole everyone was there just to do the jewelry shops that's what you weren't looking for now the scousers could they they was always in Europe with the European Cup they used to go over with Visa cards and there's radical is what you call Cayenne now if I mean you'll get a Bank visa card and you're going to shop buy something with it yeah now in them days if you're signature matches on the Visa card the normal that you have whatever right no so you put in breakthrough it it sets off the other person's signature you could put your own signature on the the Visa card I'm buying this contract it would only allow you to spend to buy something for 20 pounds in your work if you've got a passport with the same name obviously they would allow you to spend 400 pounds 600 pounds because you've got proof of an identity now you could get year passports in them days so we used to send people and get the passport check a little picture off yourself put it on that so we massive come out so we started to hit Europe doing uh doing the k-ing now we was at first Massey went over with three or four Lots on one occasion 20 Salford Lads went over there to to your work first of all we're bushels within two hours we've carried up half of Brussels then he was also go over to do sneaks now Brussels and Holland all over Europe was very trustworthy now there you would go in the shops to do the shops all the AdWords Kearns so you would have some one of your Lads chat to the owner and you would be able to like sky and snipe the gold watches over where the golden them days was all nine carat over in England the wall watches was the Silver roll that's it with a little gold in the middle but over there he had 18 karat gold which was unheard of in England so I as I was in Brussels and they're doing a cow in ice rise of Steel and clumsy the 18 carat gold the owner come over whack knocked him out we realize the shop is ours so we we emptied it 200 grams worth of gold then we decided it because it was a part of the EU then if you went from one country to the next to the police then couldn't go into that corner so we went into Holland we go into Holland we're all got the suitcases come out we know the small suitcases with wheels they come out we all have got the best of clothing even the fashion across t-shirts you couldn't get in England but your work was two years in advance than it was in clothing fashion so then we used to just go over there for the fashion now we've got 200 grams worth of gold we've got thousands of pounds worth of clove in the best of fashion we then we had started to rip the bars and when we was in the bars what happened was everyone the girls over there but if you look you could buy them little bottles of champagne that was their black so they must have got wages if you were buying them bottles of champagne so one of the kids said there's my card American Express just come out there's my card American Express I'll pay for everyone's as they they're enjoying themselves I would behind the part is a cash box no matter how much I've earned in the day I'm aggressive is there a cash pot I'm gonna try and graft it me and my friend yeah did the cash box right got it got off the doorman went out come back with a gun holy because they knew that the Massey firm was all capable pulled the gun a massive firm right yeah again there was already the doorman was had an onslaught bottled to death had the gun took off him legged off that was the first time anybody had one of them yeah lagged off then we went into Germany from Holland because we knew that Dutch are now on our cases in Belgium France and Holland we're going to Germany I decided I should have decided to send my stuff home by post so instead of taking it through the costumes yeah I sent everything home by post right so my mother's house whatever my girlfriend's house they all decided to Kamikaze through it now there's a kid called um say um I think I feel yeah a kid called that field on the on the train to where we're going to the boat or even on the boat before we hit Customs he went to the toilet everything was flown in each suitcase yeah he also even the government took off the doorman was any suitcase and he when he was walking through the Customs he's like now is anyone going to search me as loud as he can but they'd also let him go the news just let him go on the skirt on the screen back to London everyone's demanding he never fainted when he was all demanding the stuff but that's how it was you can tell you're a poor Park after though folks every time you've got gear money in your trousers you're always trying to think how we're going to get it home I'll keep it but yeah that's what he got in years to come when people were doing drugs they started to send drugs on by but we I was one of the first to realize that was the method to send it back but the poor the English police knew what we did the English police knew that um what we're doing shootings they knew the strength of what we was about because they put the biggest operation on us England's known do you think he's on making too too much noise too young yeah it was more or less down so what do you call it more the hated master now the massive group what more than anybody else could use like uh organizer very very very criminal minded more or less because of what he did when he uh when the threw the guy out of bus and they beat the police or they knew what this firm was about the McDonald Brothers yeah they used to do uh they used to do robberies the Furious ones to pull them out on lovers there was a game as they come when they was even one or two times when they was put on reminders strange ways in them days the world was only half mass and nowadays if you see a slave way wall prison wall they have a bubble over it and then they was half Mass we used to put Ladders because we never lived too far away from strangeways at the back of strange where his red is a small wall up against the wall roll up at the top of the ladder so we could go over breaking straight away he's going over to the windows past the weed over people started smoking weed then pass the weed over and then go back to the go back to the Rope over now on one occasion Massey decided to escape it was only manned yeah I could do impetzal he decided to escape the kids went over past him I saw he um sold the bars yeah got off immunity come on top of the screws they let the dogs out and then he started to go on the roof and protest about spending too long on the remand now that's what Mass that's what Massey was about the half killed it what do you call it when he come down and even again he even had somebody to go over the wall and he even tried to escape on Christmas Eve very unlucky again what was it like being a football hooligan did you enjoy that period of course the main I had two sets of friends to The Hooligans now these the the lots of hoodies where you can why the Hooligans you could just have normal nine-to-five Lots right they will have a nine to five job they dressed apart they looked apart if you was to turn around and say that that person is a gangster and that person is the who are good 90 will say the the way the dancers address up the Hooligans and the way the hilligons address will say their gangsters because they're all designed up the world they're all like professionals are violence where even one time where I think we was playing Everson once and we're walking down the road this is in a book uh well one of the Everton ubudes got a book and he said we was a great Manchester and this is these words he said we was playing Manchester United he said normally when people come to Liverpool he said when we won at him he will not he said no on this occasion there's 50 of us this is his words he said Wheels running at this firm of United fans and he said and he wasn't budging who said we was getting closer he said he said he was thinking he said what's this about how come they're not getting off he said then he come up close to us he said he steamed us he said the next thing he's knocked out right he said then he finds out he won the United fans told him after game don't worry the kid will knock you out knocks everybody out and if that's where we come very professional more professional in uh in violence with them they would do the who they would do the gangsters but they wouldn't go to the next level they would do them on a night out but the dancers would go through the front doors it was the toughest fun you came up against oh God you couldn't do that one no there was a there was a you could go back to the earlier days where you could go against Newcastle and say that the fencing's uh the gay usual separated by fencing one Jordan would you I don't know it's a sign of gravy I don't know one job you'll get on the fence and jump over into all the United fans knowing he's going to take a kick in there was Fearless there was Fearless but then you would have lease fans now unleash funds have been arrested and more or less done in a couple of times anyways These funds if they got a charge sheet and it was against Manchester United they would pin it on the wall crowdler that I've been charged fight in Manchester United fans because there was most because they hate it was more than anyone why is that hatred so strong between leads and Manu well because of the numbers I suppose because of the numbers United hate Liverpool more than anyone yeah now I used to think is um down to down to the vials now when I say United hate Liverpool I mean well I'm not just talking about on the football field you couldn't manage Liverpool wouldn't um coming to Manchester in nearly 17 into the 70s or early 80s because they'll be done in it'll be vice versa so months couldn't go into Liverpool they couldn't mix the scousers and monks in in prison uh one time I was in a prison called Lindo not one scouse who's in there and there was a riot but the people was on it about looking for scout says no one anyone's learning about on the light looking for nonsense there was nothing wrong about looking for scousers and that was the hatred and what it all becomes about now don't know if people don't know this it called from 200 years ago or 150 years ago when Manchester was blackmailed by Liverpool because we had to buy the cotton off him so Manchester got 20 000 Navas to build the Manchester ship canal they built the Manchester ship canal at the end of the ship canal is Salford now that's where my ancestors come from could return to the twenty thousand average to insulted in a bit of [ __ ] all on the planet now that's why Salford has got a lot of um his awfulness and they do we've got a lot of Irish Community what was there what age did you first go to the adult prison because when they when they had the fight in the reform school with the girl they didn't know what to do with me they can't just um send me to um to another reform school and could send that problem on because I was in a special unit so they couldn't keep me in this special unit so there was no other special unit in the north so they didn't know what to do with me so they sent me to uh what do you call it Elizabeth now I was only small yeah so I was in wizard now when I'm I've never forgot it now the when you land in prison the second day in there the night after being in the cells you go and see the doctor because I was like that and everybody was big cons you've seen the doctor you're in a room with all the adults yeah so I was in there and everyone all the all the big comms was laughing to see me at such a young age so one of them went like that he said come over here sit him and sit on my knee and learn yourself for Mars bar now everyone started laughing for you cuddles it wasn't like it is now I was thinking where is that joke earn yourself a Mars bar and for years I couldn't figure out I know what he was messing about what the joke was for years when did you get your first sentence as an adult what age I've got my first sentence as an adult when we we did your work did you call it no they did us for um doing the national clearing Banks yeah and when we did then because we was going over with Visa cars yeah I got four years at first about eight years which was Ash well then the next day the bottles back to court and dropped into four got six years I got four years do you think it was something like 32 ways in all the papers England's biggest operation on us and when I went into court they even said the prosecution this month's the tip of the iceberg it was the first time we went over there couldn't you couldn't think yeah where did you do your four I think when when um now when I was having problems with the the quality screen yeah was that Jimmy Jimmy yeah Jimmy was the boss he wasn't he wasn't the one I was having problems with they're on a step above in Vinnie Scarborough there they wanted Bowing in front of right but all their firms grow up yeah where they all started to do a union it was all connected yeah now there's a couple of clubs around town because when Massey got put away for yeah again right now Prince Charles was getting married when he was doing his five years everyone started to come for me right so I knew we had a problem I was walking towards the pub with my girlfriend outside the pub there was a Rolls Royce soft top walls of ice big guys all surrounding it starting off pulling up at me she's sitting on the missus to turn around and said the wrong it was already gone and that's when he heard the blast where I felt the pallets at the bottom of my legs that was the first person to be shot now then every Club after that every Club I went in I had the doorman used to say to me Paul please do yourself a favor get out as fast as you can I was only young in the early 20s now when I used to get out for the fireworks I see cars spin up so then the guy who more or less was running this film or was after us did he I will not to uh one of the dormant calling you and I saw it out with him he said go down he was doing the protection work arcade I said go down to the arcade on the Sunday and um you you have a chat and we'll finish the problem off so I'm thinking I'll go to the arcade get myself a good idea yeah then I'll be able to go to clubs without cars pulling up and that'll be the end of it so I went to the arcade said to this guy guy where we're having it yeah he stood up but I'm not waiting somebody stands up why should they give them dividly on Smart knocks him out asking anyone else so that more or less thing so then I knew we had a problem put a van through a couple of their clubs shot a couple of doors off with a shotgun one of the most exciting things I've ever did in my life when even when Massey come out we still had a bit of a problem with him now we took over this um the shot what was connected to them yeah I then knew got myself another shotgun you couldn't get handguns in them days than to get a shotgun use you had to see loads of people know nothing possible to get older well I had a shotgun mentally knew that I'm also be sunshine in my career I almost probably end up with a life census so why not begin at Young I was ready to have surrendered to myself you know what was going to be coming there so nothing else Fearless nobody knew what a barley was normally knew what wrong improves was right there was no nothing to say nobody knew nothing to say in the police station no searches what did the police used to do just give you a good idea and verbally to say you confessed or whatever when you've not even seen the interview room that's how corrupt the place was so anyway I was there that is just to shine yeah that is some of my days come waiting for this went to see the main kids the main concern he said what this lunatics were there let's sort it out then it outside out so I had a meeting them with Jimmy swords yeah when I had a meeting with Jimmy swords he said well we know you're a loose cannon blah blah blah we're gonna give you the VIP treatment at certain clubs will do us a favor and yeah we'll we'll Blossom so when I first landed in the in prison Jimmy swords got me a job on reception is it sorted then was Alex moved over yeah so what did you do when you came out well when I come out I was um I was 30 years of age when I um when I was in in the system because I've always been into my fitness yeah because because it was naturally stuck here and say big arms or whatever I didn't have to do weights I've never I've never lifted more than 40K in my life you wouldn't think you'd think different no yeah because my dad was a big Irish guy yeah I mean big yeah 62 inch chess the old-fashioned arms here you move got more of his arms here was a perfect fit for his coat he could put massive that blood so anyway so I've had a natural feed so all I had to do was keep my fitness up so get a good physique so while it says all every prison had more or less being in even our old age I've always had a gym or this job thousands of burpees thousands of sit-ups Plus what's unbelievable now now I even think I can play the world records and certain things silks and that so when I was in Lindor I had a gym order shop when I bought I had to do the important lines on the outside field which was locked by the outside football field which was locked now I had my misses come up for tennis balls over with weed in them yeah again one of the first to fall over the fence then when they open up the fields to be to walk back into the prison I had I always give it somebody to sell out I was on like a thousand pounds a week not 1500 which is like six or seven Grand now so I come out it's a big money when I come out Massey also come out now Massey spent most of his 20s in the in the system so manseller Masa to say the system keeps you yawned yeah Massey come out with a mentality of a 20 year old he's not hung about with a young firm for matzo soul food of many areas and one area doesn't clip with the other areas it's professing but that's what happens weed has just come out cannabis people were starting to sell it all around soul food he used massive firms into our area he's got himself a new Young click people in my area are crying to me about these firm for muscle coming in we get say right we'll meet him on the Sunday night in the pub they come down we had 120 Lads there weighing 120 Budweisers getting thrown at the door one of the most aggressive battles you've seen half of them got off two Lads got shot the day after but that's when our Fallout begun with me on initial The Firm I want to say Paul Massey could have would would never fall punches that massive not out of fear but then I feared no one well I would cause our friendship and we had that sort of Click throughout our lives but it is firm despise me that there was a lot younger at the despise me but still the the NES I wasn't that it's about in them days you put some of the streets in 30 years of age when I got put away um just performance 27 and I knew I was coming out when I was three I thinking to myself God my life's over but you don't realize how young 30 is yeah so that that's Madness about it how was that when it started to tear apart with you and Marcia that were you just thinking [ __ ] it just got on me I was upsetting you the way things were going no because I was so professional I was we was both Professionals of violence we put that you you me um even these young kids now that are that are going about now we open the door for society now they're all societies now know how to play the game means that are hundred times better than us 100 times better than us but we was the first and we knew what we was both capable of yeah I I Had No Fear Factor about anybody I've accepted that I could go on the battlefield get shook out is what you guys said you everybody is as a young kid I used to always dream about going the same way as John Wayne did that's what you accept you accept the battlefield yeah set the the beam locked up in herself to being able to do your burpees be able to do your step UPS your socks yeah accept that you get you get through it so you have no fear factor about violence now when these these young kids who are just learning that they you can't put a hold that on your shoulders now like I said I'm a full honor now when I see this um other firm from also that will teleize half the firms in the Northwest but they never tell raised us because we knew what it was about so we would I would go in first then may I in his wood fella when I say I ener these are like my best mates I mean uh what do you call it I mean Asia as anyone lost one of my partners six foot Sue who is always there with me at one time listening to me he said diary I'm at the side here of what he's doing at the side of me you should be in front of me that's how it was but then you're not to when you're talking about a pull fight um what do you call it a club fight nobody will put a Budweiser down to to wake somebody that was the most common weapon on the planet was a Budweiser bottle in them days then people pour out the shooters I remember I've been asking myself around the day we'd done them in a popping Soul Food the next day I've um what do you call it a couple of shootings a couple people got legged off either way now the next day I arguing with massive glasses four cars of them I've got a friend in this car I'm standing at the back of the car arguing with massive knowing nobody's going to shoot me above the waist because nobody got took out you would only get let off so no I'm standing where my legs are not seen my mate because he borrowed it to overflow they knew because I've got seven brothers Six Brothers one half brother they knew that I can film two cars they knew if anything happens to me they have to leave Salford and not only did Messi have a fan club I had a fan club and in fact I had the biggest fan club because I could pull five and sounds stupid and pathetic and they have done it and so there's a lot of other my friends we could pull 500 mates we could pull 200 Hooligans and that's in these Hoagies where we sang about in the 70s that looked apart when he said he looked like Dances all become gangsters and one of them now is worth 30 million quid living in Dubai there's another moment in your life like 20 is gonna your 30s were you were ever happy that you were making money you had a reputation of us that always wanting more always wanting more tons always wanting more graft but there's never any moments I've never been money on it I've never never I've counted money where um were it's been backaching where you're coming nothing more or less 20s with twenties tens with tens whereas it hurts my back counting money I've done money through um Counting machines 90 if I'm telling people stories it's not worth about the money I've been earning now when I am more or less when you're when the race system come out yeah where this is when I had that summer with Masa Massey's firm was the most feared in the Northwest yeah they had kids in that verb that being shot above the waist just started to come out yeah the the Noonan's got a chance obviously there was not guilty they got fell not gear for killing somebody right they got charged with that a quid like we saw now after that murder nobody knows who's done it after that murder people started to forget about getting legged off people started to get shot above the waist yeah so everyone accepts that everybody now because even the joke scene started to come out people started to sell weed either and everywhere right now this firm massive firm was that ruthless to even went to a guy that wouldn't sell weed to beat him up the guy wasn't at home there was a wallpaper man putting wallpaper up to kill the wallpaper man that's how barbaric this firm is right so now this is the firm what I'm going against and now for people hated it now I've got a problem with this firm then all of a sudden from the biggest um Menace in Manchester at one time these club Owners are coming to me saying to me would I buy this firm from nightclubs now if I've got this firm coming somewhere I'm thinking well why not why not earn something why not get myself out of the house without the misses going on at me yeah so I can then get out be out to four or five in the morning no problems so that's what I did I started to buy Massey firm from most nightclubs and that's where the the the um the door walls the Manchester door was really the Manchester door was was everybody against me now one time there's a pub called the inner Good Hope beautiful Grace and um I got asked for my friend to to buy a Massey's Fern from it because they all used to go in with caps on hold his own whatever so they asked me could I be these terrorized all the other customers in there scored about him and I'll be on fantastic wages so I said right no problem my first night I go down there I'm working for somebody on the thing yeah getting paid then I go down there there's I'm not gay but these very handsome kids three inch waist 16 and a half Stone on the door there called Graham Boardman right talk unbelievable you'll think he was a professor now when I first landed he goes up oh it's a pleasure to meet you I've heard about your reputation blood now I was taught back by his mannerism little did I know this guy is the biggest lunatic on the planet fantastic with the deals beauty is Charmed and Charmed anyone but this night we got sold to buy our massive firm there's another firm in there called geographer skinhead was out in numbers they're all skin added off oh they served the name geographer because it was all over I could have been part of it so what happened was it ended up this is another part of sovereign where everybody hates me he was all leaving the place one stopped and said Doyle what are you doing on here now I'm not going to argue with anyone I know what's going to come so I onslaughtered him these friends come running back in as I'm Onslaught in him I'm looking at Graham and another kid got home alone there massacan these are the 10 15 watts just going through and make a knife in support hot knife in Sabor so many runoff they come back and I'm thinking wow I'm expecting these two kids that spoke like gays nothing against guys but small like gays to be done in those walls for them but they massacred them left bodies all over the car park they've come back and you're hurt Paul and said no is there any more of this coming here then did everybody in the pub started pointing the finger at me thinking I put all these kids in the coma then the next day massage firm heard what happened today so good for the AUG reference a part of the area there for 20 40 yeah and 16 valve golf so that's what everyone used to cosworths used to drive and all the gunsters here pulled on the car park Massey comes up it's a diary she'll be bowing us from this place you're a friend so he's just giving me a door to get out of so I said what Massa I said I'm glad you said I'm a friend I said because you shall be saying to me if you're a friend we'll drink somewhere else and let you earn money and peace I said that's what you should be saying to me he said yeah but your boss who's in primary shouldn't be he's no friend of mine I've got another kid with me that wants him and wants a one for 20 grand right so I turn around this kid what he wants to want to run with is a big city for a kid it's more or less a scrape member he's got a security firm just got a security firm with Granada for 250 Grand right a contact with Grenada I could have a proper reading light what Queensborough is yeah so I said look I can't speak for this kid so we turned around and said right he said that we'll stay out of air for you but we're not staying out of here for your boss more or less we'll say his name so anyway he said will you tell him this kid wants him a fight the six foot four could come and he went I accidentally said what do you think he should do so I said well you can't win he said what do you mean you can't I can't win he said I'll fight the land he's a big powerful land um boxer he said you can't win I said the Kidder wants you to fight that is very well known Manchester family I said the kid who wants you to fight I said he will throw punches at you for 20 seconds which I will do the same after 20 seconds he would know you're capable of taking his punches he would then it will start eyeballing up whether it's you go for the eyes I said if that doesn't work he'll throw you you'll you'll grip you up it'll bite your vein out of your neck I said and if that doesn't work his friends are there watching the fight will pull out the weapons he said in the early days it will be a knife but now they'll be pulling out them they said no doubt we will pull out them he said we'll be there when he said then you're going to have world war three he said is it worth it over the inner godold he said because you've got a contract with dinardo to accept the contact with Grenada you forget about Massey's firm you're not gonna win so then he said yeah you're right give it not cowardice you would have fought the light well you just couldn't have won then he said yeah you're right so that's when me and Graham this kid called Graham boardroom become partners because we took over the security for and then the next thing that happened then I realized how much of a psychopath it was it was to everyone now we've got a security firm where everybody wants us on their doors all the time yeah so we started to the right to say one occasion with some Grandma's on the door with somebody that's the double of me yeah he was on the door there and um this was on a Thursday night at night club seven Lots come down and um the place was entered Graham said um you're not coming either too much to drink so the kids said um he said well he said I think about two months to drink so the kid said look he said I used to be a dormant and one thing I never did was growl because if I go out now before we could finish the statement off it was comatized all seven was put in a coma besides one girl yeah we was in the next day we were charged with seven section 18s because these was all in a bad way but then we started we had to go on the ID parade none of them will turn up for the ideal parade only the girl we had that information anyway and in them days we could you could pick your ID grade so I could have seven brothers on my ID parade and she you was allowed to do that now but on this occasion what we did we got a next door neighbor on the ID parade to see shall were we know where she lived and obviously we never got picked out so that's like who is he you think he's a big fruity guy big handsome guy not going it back yet but ends up a big part of your life doesn't hurt but he's absolutely it's got a massive part of my life in fact uh he's giving me nightmares million percent no not my nightmares as in the way you would expect you've got an older story to understand the nightmares what he's giving me like now I am a I am a Christian Die Hard Christian and uh we Farm schools yeah could the Catholic reformed schools don't forget we're going back to the Victorian Euro in these good Farm schools you was you had to go to church every morning you you did your back make you bad yeah yeah you went for breakfast then you went for church it was stormed into right so I'm a dyad Catholic yeah I believe in the power of the universe now because I want to say that I think I'm like surrounded when I used to knock people out there flying a signal and I used to think to myself why am I not receiving this why am I not getting this yeah now when I met Graham when I met Graham we we went to vomit that path to a different path we had the down warfares with Mata now massive um Graham started to get a very very very big reputation even desert Noonan okay I'm sitting around and said to one of his his friends you would fight Paul Doyle yeah because all you're going to do is get knocked out yeah he said you fight Graham you're just going to be colonized you don't know what's coming when I said to you somebody would buy a vein out or somebody's neck Graham would buy a vanilla or somebody's neck he would go through six or seven Lads like I said like a knife report He's got potential that is unbelievable because he was a good looking lad nobody's seen the fear nobody had Fear Factor for him and with the way he spoke now we was together if I'm we're going on meetings to get to to have a shot with other criminals everyone will think he's the brains and I'm the blonde but it wasn't I'm the street wise kid and he's the one he was all I had to do was attack move to one side I didn't even have to help him out he was that vicious it was on it was on screwed he would have killed Lenny McLean he would have done my clothes he knew every sort of martial art on the planet he was the one that told me um one time Rusev battles in within the good old against the rugby players now at one time there was a he showed me uh how to do the throat move yeah so far a month instead of doing the way I punch I always was practicing default move where you go down bang yeah so then for mostly for a monthly shown in there this will be player um stayed one night six foot four standing in front of a set of Mel's island with another rugby player tapped me on the shoulders said don't be arguing with me and argue with me so lots of lots of there's a big floated him down gasping for breath now the the whole particle was 300 yards away we had to put him in the back of the car check him to hospital and the whole possible would have been two mile away he would have been dead yet to put the tube at the back of the floor to keep him alive and that's how dangerous that move is now Green's showing me that and he had moves after moves after the move but it was so psychotic it was on school now because we had problems with massive firm and all the other stuff but at the same time the the world blossomed on ease and cannabis right Smith wasn't really out the cocaine wasn't really out does that have the planet what it was cannabis and ease and the the European drug laws knew it had a problem and the problem was well we were so say like we're connected yeah and we used to get our stuff from the people while I was in the preschools with scousers that I've spent time with and the reformed schools 60 no 80 of the lads in the reform schools were scousers they had the same genetics as us so when we come out we still had a bond with them so we got our cannabis from them we was lucky but the white Community couldn't go to these places right my side or Liverpool because they would have the money took off and there'll be taxed yeah so the Europeans overlords knew there was a problem to get their stuff sold to the white community so they've got every hard not everybody with a reputation to settle shop around say areas Manchester Salford or whatever to start selling so because we we had the gun warfare on the door walls would know enough everyone our reputation wasn't mine and Grains more more so everybody knew for years what I was about all of a sudden people understand what grain was about he was a psychopath yeah so then we went over she we got called over after collecting a bit of the debt to see her die in Amsterdam we had um the business class can't get to Amsterdam you can't get first class business class five star old soul to stay in we had everything paid for us to meet this guy now all right I had a round of about 20 key of cannabis sold every week so all I wanted was to build a boat when he carry a cannabis but anyway we go over there met this guy 644 yeah straight away he had his same sort of image as Graham at the time a good looking guy yeah Suave Italian suit we met him in the hotel because of the way Graham was the way it spoke he was sucking by that and be because of the way I look and my mother reputation what I had that was Fearless reputation he was also talking for that Graham wouldn't go to the next level I was more or less drilled to go to that level just like a lot of other people went through what I went through now when we met in we that night is who got us in the face now also we had a Little Dream with him he said look I'm not going to start business now he said well I'm going to take you on a meeting at night time I went on a meeting at night time which um what I ordered my known just over 30 grams still in his late 20s no I've gone over there and he's saying look we need you he was saying the boss we need you to sell the shop about England he said I've got a sloth you know what a Slaughter is yeah a warehouse to send stuff to in Manchester but we haven't really got anyone to sell it is that we need you to settle the shop well Manchester not only will we feed you we'll feed our own friends around the North so I'm thinking like yeah we'll Blossom on that he took us to meet the Dutch guys he said this is Paul Graham whose clat's got a clutch and adapt the children had gone through them said this is Paul Graham who collected the death Force he said Paul knows all the different foods building up on a pedestal yeah I watched one again he said Paul can sell our stuff for us he said that he will receive it uh the slaughter blah blah blah now we got off in a suitable of cannabis yeah so I only wait and um yeah exactly I nearly burst out laughing with my chairs yeah so I'm thinking God why the steps into so I said look come on have a word with your outside Department I said look I can't sell this amount I want each one again he said don't worry because you're getting it that cheap now if you was to get a way of um cannabis it was before school come out cannabis is out the hard stuff yeah the viewers get a key of cannabis you'd be lucky to make 20 pound on it but in them days you could make 300 pounds on it so you'll get 300 200 pounds cheaper right because there again usually they're getting half of it laid on right from the yugoslives whatever the Moroccans now this guy also had a problem with the Moroccans so whatever on this deal we are agreed that we would receive all the Cannabis yeah and all the ways but the Wiz got centuries a shot where people's already set up on it so we're receiving the Cannabis now later that night after we've made the deal the more or less the champagne come out because he was on fortunes this one night he spent about 160 000 guilders which is um it was it was just four to one in the pound then Builders but still massive amount of money celebrating right Christmas is coming God knows what he was earning now he's surround this smart guy who's soccer Slickers anything he said to me he said Paul he said we know everything about you yeah he said we know everything about Graham he said but he said we like people that walk straight he said them at what crooked will die yeah so I'm thinking okay no one says about whatever die because I'm not a drinker I what do you call it this night I was drinking it gets rid of all my shyness normally I don't talk it gets rid of all my shyness so I so I give it the Al Pacino a bit and said look I'm not scared of dying but I don't want to cook it and he goes he said yeah I'm like you Paul he said I'm not scared of dying but the last what is a million ways to die and I think he [ __ ] know what's this about that so he showed me then something that was unbelievable he showed me a picture what a head on a plate a head on a plate with an apple in its mouth the head you couldn't even tell it was a head no eyes no ways no nose no lips and the Apple shop you said you'll end up like a pig I think if you know but I was thinking in me yet who's good this guy this picture where did he get his pizza from yeah because it was like one of them you know pictures that come out straight away it was it was one thing to do is give this guy this picture not realizing he saw this picture himself it's one of his victims yeah so now I'm thinking yeah but I'm a grafter who cares right but I had a funny feeling in my head and I'm saying look if this sounds weird in autograph well Graham was thinking about the power notes right now I was thinking at the time I'm in the 30s thinking it's going to this life now life steps in to the Premiership this is the Premiership forget everything else this is more or less what I set my career out to be where I want to be yeah besides that I'm not thinking about I'm thinking now I can get away from the downwards okay all I can do now is feed everyone the everyone's mate be the man at the shop Drive nice cars because remember he's only criminals to move nice cars you didn't have to hide anything well everyone knew what it was and somebody said to uh went to the police and said Paul Boyle is selling drugs the police will say don't we think we know that how can we get him tell me how we can get him that the the police are on us I had that many operations on me they were bumping into each others yeah but I'm thinking this is the way out so when I come back to England to start work on the tutes on a cannabis I had to I ended up with about 400k myself to sell to friends all the rest went out to the boss's friends all around the north right and so did The Wiz he did the whole Wiz so then after we're getting used to say like you've got to go out of town phone box we used to call the office it's not like mobiles now so you should go to our town phone box give him a one Bell they'll phone back and you have a chat so then he'll set you turn around and say get over there as fast as you can before I even started talking saying everything's gone we're just waiting for the money to come in everything was laid on in them days you know what I mean by later yeah yeah on Tech yeah on tip so in them days everything was laid on so you'll give them like 10 days to pay then you'll send the money out then the next shipment will be coming in within 14 days so it's every two weeks it carries on so anyway he said come over here so I'm thinking I must be to talk about the money blah blah blah so then we've gone over Maine oh he said don't come by playing drive over so we drove over to see the bus we get there if phone if owners of power what do you call it a Spanish give us a spanner each so I'm thinking God what's this about this is what I dreamed about getting away from that shooting the door on that and um just carry on earning money is what it's about it's not about the violence no more I was thinking he said right I'm having a meeting with some Moroccans and he said in these Moroccans I've got a problem with something happened an angel finding out who rips them off for a million and a half quid that's why he's doing so well he spent a million half with more something worth seven million now so I went to um I was in the back of the car all spanned up gray matter spanner but he's never even the only thing Graham could do with his buddies look at himself if it Shine he wouldn't wouldn't think he's a fail so anyway so I'm in the back of the fire thinking now am I ever going to get away from this right ill with talking to myself inside me and got it and then I have to write sex in me head in that back of the car it is what it is I am what I am and it doesn't matter about I'm mostly accepted that through my life I am never going to be away from it so then I've accepted that yet again I could be stuck out life senses so we're going to meet in six or seven milwaukeeans there he shine over about the whip arguments each way a guy big powerful guy kept an eyeball in there the argument got vicious the big powerful guides in there plugs I shot two of them out of anonymous more or less because I knew the door wasn't going to get shot on virus right so I took out in the two molecules I had to get a taxi to Belgium than the train to France back over here and Graham and we got another ladder boxer bodyguarding him Graham started bodyguarding the boss right because now it's on top proper but grains Fearless The Bodyguard we sent over the Irish lad wasn't wasn't shy so then the next thing is we've realized that this guy is at the picture of what he's showing me is one of his victims is what he's just like a psychopath where Graham's a psychopath on violence this guy's a psychopath on that he these victims never get the privilege of a bullet you the drilled that there's like um where we've been cloned for the battlefield but what he gets up to is not in the real book torture where's the the sexual abuse you you burn your testicles off they'll cut your lips off to pull your teeth out those those they won't allow you to die you'll be when you start getting caught you'll be thinking to yourself now I would most probably die of a heart attack because I wouldn't know what was coming what you would think to yourself thank God because I most probably won't have long was over there all the time now what happened was he um me and um a world champion box at the time and another lot and a friend of mine we was all pulled in on a murder charge over here we never did it but we was pulling in on it right by the time we ate the trial before trial began we had our charges swapped they found the proper killer yeah now I went over to talk about what's being spent blah blah blah Well my two partners Graham and the Irish kid was over there decided to oh get a reputation around Holland more so the boss how vicious and what they're capable of with their other firms so everyone started to come to them this guy was known about his affirm blind himself so he is capable of 36 murders this guy all right but this is iPhone behind him he was cloning them to do whatever and these would do whatever now on one occasion there was a Colombian guy a Colombian guy and he um he was old the son of the Colombian cartel this song is like his dad most probably on another level but he's most obviously a spoiled brat he's not capable of nothing so he goes to the boss and says look I'm all 2 million guilders so the boss sitting around and said right we'll collect the debt for half price the next thing is Graham comes back to England so that he has to give him so much how the boss's money because what him and the boss done the Church of some poor guy to death for the two million gilders yeah I go over there and what now I know what this guy's about I go over and uh he's talking about there's a guy a journey kid who was in 300 000 pound on this night out like I don't drink so um yeah I'm always on the ball yeah so he's sniffing whatever pain and he's talking now what he's going to do to the Georgia kid who's not paid the 300 000 pounds how he's gonna cut his lips off this is what I why I said this is where it's all gone from this night I was going to cut his Works off to where him burn his testicles off the whole scenario so then he said the next day I'm thinking thank God I'm going home right and I don't I know the job you get one of the typical Journeys from the 80s who's got tattoos on his face oh that sort of crap so the next thing is he said Paul you're going you're going on status is on the Sunday so I said yeah he said do us a favor when our car drops you off it's like drops us off at the airport get the job they could and bring him to the car so I'm thinking God I've got to send this surely good to the worst then death on the planet yeah so the journey kid comes to this dialect and happy as a day is long so he's I said well get back on the plane and go because if you stay here you're going going where is it going gone he said I don't know what you mean I said look do we have to spell out you're gone never should be seen again your mother's not even gonna bury you right so then you realize got back on the plane I come home I was just going to pretend you now he never got off the plane I come home then I got a phone call and he said right get to the office out of town phone box and the boss gets excuse me send you glassing bastard so I said what do you mean a glass Ambassador he said you told the Jordan kid that he was going so then I knew I was in trouble I said look I'm not capable of what your I don't mind doing whatever and somebody going on the battlefield it's a battle they accept that because on our level you would accept that whatever I said but to go that way I said you would give me nightmares forever and again I said I'm not capable of that he ate me right so after he spiced on me a little bit so we have to accept him now Graham was back over then then with the other kid the other kid really Irish kid come over here to do the Jordy anyway he ended up going to Jordan right for nothing yeah dying anyway right then I'm over there so I get for thinking because of the argument you're next yeah I've got spam spanned up thinking right I've read it that the boss is gonna go and he makes one wrong move or whatever now that night with the people were with are not on couth the businessman they're the businessman from England so one of them would um to open a warehouse or take six month he'll go in the bank he's got to sit with a banker he's got to open a business company they're all swath they're all suited and buried the proper businessman uh get paid well right so then we're on a night out yet again I'm sober right and I don't do the brass My Generation think it's nonstifying to go with it someone's Sky drill non-sifying to have to pay for it yeah so at the end of the night everyone's oh them a bit drunk on listeners decide to go to a prostitute a brothel we go in this place for a 10 hour 10 before big gorgeous woman uh bought there's a screen that's showing Brazilian models on the catwalk right in bikinis so I'm chilling with my diet coke just watching the models waiting for them to finish doing what they were doing all my friends because I'm driving everyone because I'm the only one that's sober so the next thing the bird comes sits next to me I said then can we advise you think I'm happy being here by myself go away yeah another bird comes go away the next thing another bird can reduce a favor F off so then the two door men come the two door men come with the boss one big potato headed guy comes the boss is right actually what are you doing telling my women to f off so I said look I said I'm just enjoying a diet called what I'll pay so much for I said those thing I just want to be left alone I'm waiting for my mates to finish doing what they're doing then I'll go he said no you go now because the thing here I said I'm not going anywhere mate The Potato Head stood forward pulled the spanner out do you want to go you want to go now right the boss runs out naked gray Moon's out right well I didn't know he was with you so the boss slaps the bird don't bother him again well anyway long story short I go on the next day the boss then phones me off and says why did you have the gun so I said what do you mean why did he have the gun I said oh is this it was dangerous in them days I said I've shot supermarkets it can happen to me anytime I see you know what I always like he said no you had that gun for me I said I didn't I'm not going to own up to anything yeah I said I had enough that your power knows you said no you had that gone for me so we started to argue a little bit Yeah but he was right but I'm not I mean yeah Graham comes back then the next thing the boss gets arrested for all the the the stuff what was going on people getting shot every other week people getting killed he was arrested for all the talks of what was sent over now the week before he got arrested he had two ton of uh cannabis come over and she was always like always he gives everything out to his customers and I I sell my own yeah so then he's locked up now in over in Amsterdam in them days you used to bug you up so you could be stood at a bar the police will come in put a bag overview it you don't even know it's the police I think they play that game take you to the highs the Buddha's highest police station going you're not you don't even see a sweaty stuff for a month nothing it's bad about it like we did in this country years ago then what happened then is the more or less is wiser in this corn skirt for two murders distinguished and even want him right now if I was away in Holland I got done for shoplifting they'll bring me back here and follow me in jail for some reason they didn't want him right and that's when I knew he could have been knowing farmer or he made a deal with the police so then when he come out he he asked him what concert he wants to go to he went to Ireland yeah he went to Ireland he formed me up he said have you got my money because of the Cannabis how we sell it so I said yeah he said how much have you got I said I've got like two and a half hundred thousand could have been a bit more I don't know he said no Paul you've got like um two two and a half mil three mil so I said what are you talking about he said The Wiz Now The Wiz was laid onto him from the yugoslavs so I said I don't owe for the wish you give it to your customers he said no could it come through our Slaughter what I paid salt from he said no you pick the stuff up now he would have been taping me I said are you mad I said I went to name people or give it to me said I don't know none of them to the tip all your clothes but he did yeah he's the most devious midnight uncouth bastard you'll ever meet so what you Suave now one time I would have stood in front of him if he was getting shot yeah so then he goes like that he's told the yoga slots because he took everything off him he saw the yugoslavs we've ripped M so he'll claps all the money from his customers then he would tell you besides we've let Dave go for us thinking that he's not addict so you're talking about three million quid which is like 15 million now maybe more so now the yugoslives are on the Yugoslav Mafia is on the phone to me right so we had a Monaco argument Graham was more or less ANC the boss he's the one who's great Knowles and he's saying no he wouldn't have worked because he's done his favors you know where the um like um the Colombian guy he had to collect that for his most I'll be doing favors like that so we say no he's a buddy so the next thing guide me on building side in them days earning good money blah blah blah and I was also I don't mind getting myself there but getting involved with the Luts so I was working at the Builder's yard A car pulled up two big heavy companies uh his name could also feel for her I'm working day files as the workers he said go and get your boss and said what do you mean go and get the bus he said uh we're here to see your boss so he said him he said I'll give anything there now I was always right Spanish knew what was coming yeah I knew what was coming it's called the arguments have had on the phone so I've come back read one shoulder the other took the watches off him then Yugoslav washed the hands with us they knew that Salford wasn't a place to step into yeah so then the other guy the boss still having arguments Eman Graham now are going at each other yeah him and Graham are going out you should know both arguing shame what they're going to do see each other how they're gonna do it blah blah blah that's not in the real book so the next thing you know is at the same time Graham or into a nightclub called the temple five now we've given up the doors not interested in this morning to be learned elsewhere right and where we're doing well earnings like I said at the back County money right but I'm a gamble is also throwing it on the roulette tables right the next thing is Emma Graham are going on at each other how are they going to kill us both blah blah blah because at the same time Graham and the forgot about this the Graham damn as an argument where the the parking on double yellow lines a traffic Warden he will slice someone over the traffic Ward and the traffic Warden jumps on the body it rolls down the road within 60 miles an hour pulls up he rolls off Graham gets 18 months right so the this firm balances the um the boss's firm he then Springs people other people to come out I then surrounded myself with Hooligans that looked like gangsters that are ready to Bud wise whoever crossed through the door look in the Parks stay everywhere I went I'm standing 80 strong 100 strong before cameras come out when I watched through a klopp when I walk to a club and there's a coup outside or the doorman will push the queue back and just allow us to walk straight through we had a room of every Club in Manchester we even started to um the VIP part in a club called Kells where we was drinking with all the footballers Beckham gigs at Gary Neville's Michael I've named one of my son's Michael there's a piece of yeah beautiful he's even got blonde there there's a picture of Michael and Peter schmeichel's knee when he was there in one years of age yeah so we had it boxed off Ned Kelly Ned Kelly used to pay us money so yeah he's just a story I Old Trafford so nothing has to nothing happens to the players ready to talk with boxed off the Hall of Manchester so anybody outside Manchester knows they couldn't come in and the um to do me so I saw strong Graham come out of prison he didn't want to go back as his first where I was bred into it and he was No Fear Factor with me there was a Fear Factor with gray and he hated it scared him they couldn't undo it his most most I mean the prisons on coof is it like that and that big strong man who could feed anybody but being caged up like an animal yeah well his brother was a professor he wasn't clothing for that he was cloned to China women he brutalized women he was cloned for for the freedom he like going on walks he knew like going to the gym he knew every martial art on the planet he was on but he was psychotic if it was a fantastic football he was a professional footballer but he beat him he beat half his own team up he was playing football he did a bad pass got him get a grip of your game he'll slap himself right he was he was a lunatic but 16 and a half Stone lunatic now what happened was he come out and um he bought into a nightclub called the temple he ordered 1400 waivers earning fantastic money doing the door there was one firm coming but you're not allowed in so this firm what do you mean we're not allowed him he slaps them all about on the way back to the car five of them stupidly jumped him now there was found in bushes one of them had the cheap Bowl bit out yeah the next day the police go through the door right go through his door and the um took his bike sample DNA you did it no each person has a different bite yeah which so they took his um by example I think it was I would have did it I don't know so he was given bail right now in just before he attacked the Five Guys right it was before he attacked the Five Guys and he got out of prison he was like a new man when he got out of prison I gave him the the weekend he got out I gave him 300 Grand with what I've done while he's away for him are you sure yeah so I gave him 300 quid now normally somebody gives me 300 quid of what he got I'll be over the moon could win him or whatever he decided to go off to London he wouldn't get involved in the graft because he was scared of the prison what was what it was about so we got himself and he wanted to distance himself self from me because I was grasping and then what I was doing so we got himself a new set of friends one of the friends was a world champion kit boxer and one was a he called SAS guy SAS Shirley right that's his nickname not his proper name his nickname s-a-square right so when he said come and meet my friends and the other occasion will go down and meet him so I've gone down the middle of the day for some reason with him to meet his new friends now his new friends are like that he said we've got a hit on you yeah don't forget his SAS and now there's a hit on me through the bus because of shooting the the Lucas glass big Heavies from London whatever and having it was the bosses some of the boss's friends yeah so there's a hit on us and also Graham could Graham argues with the boss left right and Center soon then oh in the meantime till the people we've worked with have gone over to Ireland to see the boss they've never been seen again they've gone one even went with the wife gone she's gone gone yeah cool right over it they've gone the easy way no then yeah he sounds he sounds that stupid sounds like a mad mad film yeah boys sounds like a Quentin Tarantino thing like [ __ ] um like a cowboy what was they filming that Reserve had dogs when they're all getting taught so couples they're getting shot would you believe it or not the guy eating loads of our dogs which um cuts you off yeah he half looks like this guy in his younger days and that's how mad that is if he is one million percent and if I could not save um and young same younger days if I when I was in um Lindor and I will say to somebody or I was walking to the this nightclub and somebody started on me and knocked him out then I went through two dormant not the two dormant out then I went in the bar not the guy in the barrel people think what planet are you on not knowing I'm more or less connected out of four punches right because it's easier to knock a man out in one person as with the second so anyway so what happened was he I meet the SAS guy in the world champion but so so we said we've got a hit on you so I said what do you mean you've got a hit on those they said off the yugoslavs now everyone thought we did a rip on the boss nobody I ever knew about the yugoslance but I thought Graham must have told him so he just went over me right so then the SAS guy turned around and said he said look um he said the hardest thing when this is with a friend he said the artist think is when you're torturing somebody it's to keep them alive don't um let him die of a heart attack you can't go too heavy shoe first we scratch the balls I said listen mate I said I'm having my food I said you're putting me off from a dinner what planet are you on I said what planet are they living on right so then I didn't like them and Graham knew it but Graham didn't like my friends because he was hoorigans on coof yeah where he thinks that everybody are on the same level well so what if they all go in at the same time there's nothing to Blossom in a one-to-one he grains a one-to-one and capable of it but where everyone at the hooligan will go in at the same time and I prefer to be the other one yeah I don't know what the odds are in my favor so anyway so the next thing is I didn't get on with these friends the five people are jumping set by samples didn't want to go back to prison and a fair factor with prison so the SAS guy turns around and said I've got a place where you can go and stay out in Spain now we think the boss can't go to Spain because he's still got a problem with the markings he rips off and two of them have been shot yeah do you remember me saying that yeah he thinks we think we can't go to Spain Graham goes to Spain now this the boss we didn't know as sawed out with the Moroccans right but he didn't want to go straight in for Graham because he wants me as well now they're feeding Graham with women Graham was mad about the women they had to feed him with women they're saying to me go over there you can write Graham you can pie but I said this is the guy I don't like the SAS guy I said why should I go over there instead of myself again I can get soul food girls so what if they've got mum and dad tattooed on their life so what yeah like I am what I am I prefer to check out a soul food girl in an AI class right I won't have to pay for it so then they've gone like that so they know I'm not going to go over there for for the women so then the next thing that happened is they said something like Paul he said we we can get as much cannabis over here as possible through the Moroccans we know the best Moroccan boss of all time that will supply you cartel sort of guy so it's a sort of turn around and said now at the time it was Cannabis was going for 1400 pounds yeah he said to me we can get it for 400 pounds this is in Spain now normal that everyone started to get it from Spain then normally in the earlier days you got it from Holland and if you was to buy it on you got a tune made on if you buy 22 you got 20 kilos so Spain was a new thing so I said 400k now I had a friend who was in Barcelona Courtney guy caught his only care about money the Northerners are virus everything they want to prove a point and tell what people are capable of Courtney's a different click they're just worried about the paperwork they forget about the virus unless the joke yeah they're all game what they want the potatoes so the next thing is he's got that it's a certain way so I phoned my friend in Barcelona I can get the car with wood I can get the wood for like um 400 quid he said you're full of [ __ ] does somebody mean I'm full of it he said you can't you can't even buy it in Morocco at that price he said then you've got to get it to Spain get it from Spain get it over to England right and he said and then it was going to cost you like 900 pounds to a grand in England right so I said like like so it's Graham said we can get so I said no going it's full of it's impossible I've just been told so a couple week passes Graham gets on to me said Paul please meet the SAS guy he said please it's got me a place to stay just have a chat with him right so I say agrees to me the SAS guy on this graph bringing cannabis back here so I met him outside um a famous probably in hell this Pope has um a stables like summer tables in the back of the garden right a bench saw the seat of the table seat there right he gets the drinks in the SAS guy comes in six right next to me and I'm thinking God what's his about is he gay why is why is this normal two guys face to face yeah not next week so they're near enough rubbing these so I'm thinking wow so he said what Paul you're the last thing to the puzzle he said you can put the jigsaw together so I said what are you on about he said we can get the Cannabis he said we can bring it to England he said what we need you is to sell it he said you know every firm on the planet he said you all you have to do is make phone calls it's gone so I said I know that I said well your stuff is um too cheap it's harvest night or it's a rip I said it ain't gonna happen he said no I know it is he said the the the Moroccan Castle guy wants 400 pounds he said bought we know what the price is over here he said the price is 1400 pounds he said he wants to 400 pounds on half the shipment he said you're the half the shipment he wants 1400 pounds now that puts the stuff in the moroccan's favor so I'm thinking now it could be right this could be happening right so he said do you think he's got me now mentally he said do you think you could sell it so I sit along and said at that price I will sell 20 some a month not a problem right so he said well there you go he said all right what we've done we've got your business class to go over to Spain and we've got your five-star hotel to stay in now when I first met the boss he bought me a business class to go to Spain and a five car and I'm thinking is this day of our view right yeah it's down there something wasn't right and I looked down on the table and between us dude don't forget I'm talking mid 90s like it is now a bug could be a little boring there but now I wrote down there's a wallet between us on this wallet the other badge right so I'm thinking the bad stuck out like about said so many centimeters whatever so I'm thinking oh my God he's bugging me he's taping me this is the reason I'm so close I he's taping but now when you're being taped you're thinking double you're thinking the coppers and I've awesome it's all said somewhere that um I can sell 20s on a month you're done banking rights yeah so I've walked straight into a conspiracy so I'm thinking Paul get your eggs together so go get yourself out of this so then I've gone on I said you know Paul masser so he looks at me confused I've heard of him I said well Paul Massey's my sister's Mr Big I said right we saw I said he clicks his fingers he saw the lads there and they said they're all appeared to stand in front of him I said every couple in the north west wants to uh arrest him so we could pill pin up on the wall and the man who got Mr Big in Manchester arrested right and to prevent that poor massive smokes a 20 pound weed every week I said I'm the same as Mercy I don't smoke away but this is what I said I'm the same as muscle I said I'll smoke a 20 pound weed every week I said have you got a 20 pound weed on you so he goes no I said well God don't bother me that I said forget about what your fantasy 20 20 inch when it's on there and a drug lord and a cartel what planning on you are done for me again I'm off so I realized an iPhone Graham I said to Graham right because they are now in front so it's like when I left them it was 10 o'clock so it's 11 o'clock in Spain I said Graham he's a couple him so he goes don't be stupid but I said green is a copies I've been trying to tape me so he said you're being stupid he knew he wasn't a copper and he wasn't so I said well why would he save me that I said if he said what do you call if he's shaping me and he's not a couple he'll be taping me for the other firm so he said look I'll speak to you in the morning now by the time I was half an hour from home by the time I got home they knew right it would set me minutes to work everything out right so then they realized that I would have sussed it all out that he wasn't a couple that he was working for the boss and they wanted to do one Graham to watch me as well I've sourced out not to go over there so they would have known I would have won Graham and let him through the net and that's when 10 of them walks in on him and the um you sorts and into death for three days but his testicles I feel like Turned finger like what I said who was it and you heard Korean was choked normally I could um I could have a brother who I love I love all my brothers yeah and um many friends I've had friends I've had a meeting with seven Lads I'm the only one who's not been murdered Believe It or Not Massey was the last one to be murdered out the the seven I'm part of the seven by the way um what do you call it now whoever dies on the battlefield you can accept the um they've accepted that Battlefield the vet sectors you live by the sword you go by the sword but the way Graham went like I said before was it in the real book no when I said that I have nightmares now when I got a message when they did like Graham they they said to miss Graham paid his debt I'm going to pay the same debt now I have no fear factor of what they call it facial whoever you have to survive this long now what do you call I'm five years away from Seven sir so in my head I've swung the channel to get to this age it was imminent at one time that I was gonna go at one time I wouldn't even go to the gyms because it was pointless to look good for the slab because it was intimate because I'm going against the organization and every time this organization was on the phone to me they got what I was told to do and they got the f word every time yeah it doesn't bother me giving me weather so what but one day and what he got I've had nightmares of what Graham's last thoughts what how are you Myriad in the maiden feel what they did is just not acceptable doesn't matter what criminal you are to go down to go down them lines it's just not acceptable what happened after that then what happened after that I had to scan strong if I went into hiding if I went to hide it and therefore a private investigator I'm making these kids are worth millions millions and they won't count the money they'll have somebody else in the back counting the money and then they would put the private investigator on that as I'm thinking I'm hiding and um feeling safe somebody will come and do whatever right but I um decided that I'm gonna stand strong stand surrounded with a firm whoever wants to come I'm ready I'll stand in front when I was um say at night time if I'm home I used to have a window there I called us out there yeah have a window there I used to always have my chair there watch the television um watch out for the fast cards or 16 valves in them days pass now normally if you're going through somebody's door you'll drive around drive around again third time you're in the dorm yeah and you'll be full of beans right coming through the door now in your house you couldn't be spanned up because the devil would put you away for five years so what I used to do in the hallway are the little bar Lehigh so I was there winning in full of beans they'll be stripping up but what layers will be on them I'll be on them is that right Rottweilers oh yeah beautiful dog I've got oh the best dogs on the planet yeah yeah so that's your plan survival mode just to to try and get percentages to survive basically it wasn't your supply it was um Jesus how cute he said he sounds so Professor it was would have also been a kick well one time me and um Graham one time I know I'm going back so many years before going left the more or less towards and the door was me and Graham was arguing with some of Manchester's finalists a couple of the noonans matter and he said Paul he said we'd be National in this club which was the temple yeah he said and um they give the door to use right so that's so me being one I was sick to death of the doors closing and got money on the drugs yeah I didn't have to do the doors now so I'm sitting around and said you can have the temple right I didn't know Greymon to half the temple why I stood around and said you can act the temple so um so Graham said oh no no no no it's right this is right so there's a noon he said no no no he said I did my word he said once I get my word I have to stand by it so the so there's a noon went on he said look Graham it can be here one minute and you can be gone the next Graham slaps himself jumpsuit does a dance out the car you peasants out the car this is Manchester's finest they knew not to get out the car yeah they knew they would have been finished in seconds so he said Paul what are you doing so they said greens were part and I just have to stand by you yeah I'll stand by him so I said was it worth it Graham for the temple when they went and he stood around he said he owns half of it so why didn't you not tell him he said why should I have to tell him the peasants this is the way Graham was so anyway on the Saturday night I had a couple of lads there in case they come firmed up now because I'm the half guest this is the way I have a speech problem I'm half deaf I was just reading the paper sat down and as I'm reading the paper I hear a bit of noise look down see a car spin off in front of the glass doors all the glass doors have been shot through grain's got a girl in front of him screaming yeah two roommates they're near enough dying on the floor right then I realize we've been shot it was all over by the time I realized now what that to me even on super amazed it was a buzzing out to go and enjoy a meal somewhere they was like wow they're clearly protected by all that pardon you're clearly protected like do you believe that yeah hear the power of the Lord million percent in the holy [ __ ] you've done that you've done many bad things yeah but this is how stupid it got when I um when I say how can I explain it so say when I surrounded myself yeah but I'm scrounging myself with firms right with my own little food that what they call it that would go into anyone do special squads on us I mean like squads where the police say mine exciting about the police would come with the cameras get every one of my friends stood against the wall and say like say your name where you live this is on a camera please camera and say the reason why you're with Paul Doyle tonight and that's how that's how it was for so many years I was followed by squads up on squads units operations upon operations now if I was like in um say any nightclub in Manchester and I'm sat down even though I don't drink I'll buy samples and everything just for the lats yeah even our doors open summer even though I don't drink I'm sat there and there'll be I send some of the that's making his own path in life yeah whatsoever and he's thinking well the biggest ways to go is to do me right and I by the look of him I'm looking over thinking oh God this guy is getting himself into trouble because I'll be just sat there just waiting for him to have a couple more drinks the Dutch courage by the time he's come halfway there'll be 20 Budweisers on his head he wouldn't have even had to get anywhere near me and that's what all surrounded with kids that was capable where the proper three Squad it was because he was at syrians they used to fight against the police they used to walk into the stage 20 of them was born into 300 Lots where there was all professionals and violence they wouldn't go by the queensberries and some of them would most probably what they call it it sounds good with all the stabbings now and it's wrong for me to say this but I was on a survival kit because I'm not I'm stuck here yeah so when I use in them dazzles like 17 Stone right do some pictures on me all these always shown with a big Potato Head oh yeah oh so in them days my course is to fit me here but the sleeves used to go to there right so I used to stand go to a nightclub whatever and stand at the my shoulders to the wall right now I used to always have a knife on that finger there yet again you don't have guns a knife on that finger there up in the sleeve always waste there so nobody would know so I would be having a conversation if there was any problems that the finger would drop then what do you call it then when the fingers drop I'll do what messes up but I didn't have any problems on another occasion and most probably one of the bosses firm who's working with the boss the ex-boss yeah when I've got problems this wedding right whoever works with him such his life who cares right but I've always got I I'm always eyeballing so this this guy he said look he said he said I have to give you a 10 out of 10. he said I said what do you mean you have to give me 10 out of 10. now this kid's capable is firmed up massive reputation they're not shy so I said what do you mean he has to give me 10 out of ten you said you're not bowing for anyone you don't wow I said well who does battle will you but so he said no he said well I'm not going against the organization you're not just going against that boss you're going against our organization so as in my bathroom uh he said everybody in my family the normally died genetically of a heart attack before the sister I said I was in my 40s then I said I haven't got just touching for it I said I haven't got long left anyway I said what they're going to take off in this 20 years since his life I said to get to there before I've swam the channel right this way it's a bonus to be at the easy I'm now I could have accepted I was gonna go young so he said he saw he patted me down the back right and I was on a couple of Visa right because I don't drink but I used to take ease Dutch courage and it's also uh the numbers if you you could drive on ease you couldn't drive on beer but you could drive a knees so he goes even he was about one of us so he parked me down the back so I thought God you always say I'm checking so I've got wow then five minutes past she said Paul before we think we've got a club um our own club why don't you come to the club does she leave your Lads here to see all right so he said we'll take your so I said right no no problem I knew I had to do something with him patting me down the back so it's what it got on the phone so one of my brothers so I said look uh mark I said I've got a flat tire get my wheel brace down there straight away real Glacier so the next thing is he shoots down yeah so then I'm finger sitting in front of his car before we set off I said I'll sit in the front screen mates are in the back he's he's gonna drive yeah so I put my spanner on my knee there and he could [ __ ] know what you're doing what you're doing I said You [ __ ] old I said you'd think well who you work for I'm not gonna be ready in this guy in case anything happens now I could have been paranoid we'll just accept your cows all five years so I said well after five years I will still be able to see my family I'm not males to see him at the end of this night if I don't bring this I would so that's walking out to owe your power and all your paranoids so I said all shut up and went to my own friends but that was us to prove to them that you're capable that was ready for him so see when Graham dies you've got to have in your life you're you're surrounding your house like how did you survive that how when did that all die down well it's it's not diving it's still going on I'm not going to say where you said something's always protecting me I'm not going to give the last name but the boss's name but he's also been arrested it's been all over the papers and everything the man's a peasant to do what he's done he's not in the real world now he is such an organization such an organization I've accepted that I am going for against the organization I am accepted that I am going to be took out so I I think so myself I've accepted that I'm gonna go down fighting yeah I will check them all and I will what I've dreamed about as a young kid going out like John Wayne everyone's ear well right with a bullet well I'm gonna hold for a fight so I don't get my testicles burned off so I don't become the head on a plate that that's how stupid thing is so I have to go down fighting no that's the way I've I accepted it yeah but more or less than what really it was intimate that I was going any man I thought I was going but I now I'm thinking myself this verb was capable of putting money on my Edge to get me done here yeah and that's it would have been so easy but I think this guy has been an Informer always for the last 20 odd years he's made a deal with the police not to do anybody here and the police are moreover said to him lucky can do whoever you want on the continent well don't be doing people in England how long has this been gone for two since um 89 what yeah exactly yeah who's there hope you like get through that life how obviously I'd hate the Telly tale well I know I know what do you call it when I I've only just come out the system now yeah yeah when did you end up back in prison you ended up in the jail again did you not no I what happened was yeah there was a police operation on me right I walked into an operation I get seven years now at the time I don't do cocaine right cocaine has just started to come out yeah I don't do cocaine I was doing cannabis and because I'm selling tongs right I don't have to bother in them days when cocaine just come out around Manchester people were selling two ounces two ounces maybe a big deal we'll sell a nine bar or a kilo what spits into nine bars for nothing I can sell a ton of cannabis and earn a couple hundred thousand pounds yeah now so I didn't have to do the cocaine I undercover police officer more or less booked up and everything such it was like soldiers are load of gold and said right Paul can you get us some um some powder very clever that you said power it could mean whiz could mean cocaine could mean heroin right so I said look I don't do cocaine if I meant cocaine I don't do cocaine if you want cannabis I can get you cannabis now because I sat down I'm saying I'm a joke to you so he's got every right to insult me yeah so then he turned around and said right I'll set the Cannabis off you so it's the Cannabis off me then he turns around and he goes like that he said um he said Paul please you know everyone you can get those cocaine you've I'm forever getting ripped off blah blah blah he said I said look say what I'll do I said there's a telephone number this kid will serve you up kid gives you my arms just one ounce yeah he gets the ounce right then he comes back to me he said I almost do we owe you I said I don't deal with it I do cannabis nothing just you keep the money right now he's the little didn't know my friend formula who served him up with owls now when I first met him when I first met him this undercover copper it smelled like a look of a copper it looks like an undercover copper it come with my moving raw right it was it was at a drug problem right and I was looking at my brother-in-law thinking why have you brought on the cover copper to me then this the guy's phone went he passed me in his phone and said oh I'm speaking to a friend of yours now pass me the phone a message and then Damian Noonan was on the other side of the phone so now I'm thinking this kid can't be a copper because Massey and Noonan are not that deaf yeah so I'll add a little chat with Massey noon and now you're doing blah blah blah and a good chat to put the phone down now my guard's down so that's when you start talking about cannabis and I give him some cannabis and he went to things for my mate who served him up with the owls went like that he said damn oh you know that guy you sent me for the arms so he said I said I never said you had to give him the number he's my room for it he said that he sure he's not a couple he said no he can't be a couple it was a massive he was a massive he had massive on the phone so he said no he keeps bubbling at my room me for a key now under half a key the max you can get is seven years over half a key it can go up yeah he said and he wants he wants the cases he wants the icing on the cake so he's as he said he's definitely a cop who so I said I'll phone Matthew I said Masa I said you know your mate he said what made I said the kidney was talking to me through the move on the phone for the what do you call it who wanted to do I met that day so he said he said yeah he said uh how do you know him he said he ain't a man he's a mate of yours so what do you mean he's a mate of mine so he said I only maim the night before and he said oh you and then my best mates and he's going to put you on the phone to me to say hello so I said oh my God guys so I'm explaining then now every yeah this life bastard no then I was explaining Massey and noon and I was laughing then yeah so then he's gone like that he said come down here explain me how he wanted powder so Massey seeing a sources have got his clever I see no one's to do that he said right he got the other guy yeah to get washing up powder wrap it up like a Kia Coke passion for 32 Grand he was going for 32 Grand 32 grams worth of gold they swap it over yeah then in it it was a switch is a null saying don't come to solve for the Manchester selling drugs to school kids the powder you got powder now leave Manchester because it was washing up powder and you've got to add the kids that did the swap they got charged I had that charge for all now now I my mitigations you know what mitigations are where you're going to court and you admit what you've done my mitigations that I am guilty for passing uh undercover police officer a telephone number the way you can get cocaine for no financial gain and because of the consistent model of the copper yeah I got seven years for that all the rest of what was in the dock with they all got five and that's that's what it was for when I got that seven more or less what was intimate of me getting waxed out even the week before I was getting shot up in the car by the boss's firm yeah yeah that more or less that seven years more or less kept me alive I know that you're definitely alive for a reason don't you think oh yeah but what do you think looking back it'll leave Paul went looks Madness like it's like a [ __ ] like I said it's like a it's like a Quentin Tarantino film it's like comedy and Madness and talk right news today right usually the day a lot of different pedestal yeah when I got that seven years right and uh I went to school anyways I had so many incidents as I landed in strangeways I'm sure just um local thugs he's saying that he sounds stupid does because on mentality said it was a pool table and next to the phone it was phone cards it was a nice fast store there was phone cards yeah on the phone you had to put in them days there's a kid on the phone I said who's on the phone after you he said nobody said give me a shout when I can use the phone I'm just finishing this game to pull off so then I what do you call it the key shouts diary you're on the phone now he's a Cuda there's a kid a big young kids six foot so there's a keyway so I said that's nice stay in it I said what do you mean you're too stay in it I said oh God path 16 mate when you're ready go on the phone you've seen me a little bit the screws coming starts out in the morning yeah the kid comes in myself and it goes I said oh you should let's have it I said are you cheeky but I said I'm gonna kill you slang what I'm gonna kill you so we sit around and said he said oh I'll fight so we'll die so anyways we start throwing now with the cell's about that wide you know it's a little table and not to fall punches so he gets down now one of my moves that's like what I've learned you know your two fingers there you can push up there right and when you you can squeeze the windpipe and it's like a Rottweiler it grips it doesn't let go so you can squeeze them to your last breath now he's like a Muppets of a puppet and said do you still want to die no he belongs some kiss them on his nose and said thank me for not biting your nose off blah blah blah oh I've never bit anyone's nose off one so anyway so then he walks out right this was totally changing life he walks out and I thought sorry for him giving so many phone cards gotten some tobacco because he took a bit and it must have been I was 40 then degrading him for a young kid to step in the ladder took a good idea then this kid called swinner called half when in the South and put him unconscious right so any Marvel I have in prison I was surrounded then with cotton wool the next thing is when the one of my daughters is coming to visit me she was coming with my new grandkid PR and she uh put her back on top of the car yeah she put the bag on top of the car some Baghdad has just come out the prison grab the bag got off right so then then the thing we found out who the kid was visiting right so we found out it was the address his dad's address and where the kid who did the thing that sent a firm down that that was supposed to be gamstified right but we've been diplomatic saying look it's uncoof it sums in here we don't want him It's the dad worrying about the sun yeah we want the bag back everything with it an apology from the kid who did it right could you I'm not going to chat riveters with young kids that have problems yeah so the apology come blah blah blah the governor got on it and said look Paul we don't want we're not we're aware of who you are what you're capable of right we don't want any problems blah blah blah he said you give this kid a Miss he said then what I've already made the deal with the dad we'll let you go so when you come now I've got seven years to any cat be prison if you want to go to and there's a new one called Loudon Grange so loud and graze when it first opened and say there was a wink they had 60 on the wing yeah 60 on the wing there's an it's like a new private prison they would only have four monks four scousers four from Nottingham but because the cap is always the capital yeah they would allow about 34. the cockney's on there right so the same scenario throughout my life my reputation is somebody that should be 6'4 on yeah not only five foot eight so everyone's it is like um the drums are out there's a gangster coming to holding grains blah blah blah right a big playoff so what I learned last niggering was going on right with them when they see me right because that that was super fit and down to my fighting weight about 30 inch long and um so they've gone that night and they've lost armor then they've got a cotton is a Northerners the wrong way all right he said you're all right [ __ ] so I said what do you mean I mean you're like [ __ ] he said you like an air [ __ ] I'm thinking what's the [ __ ] about yeah right well it's cotton is touching the thingy but I thought let it go over your head now when you when I said in the reform schools you learned to turn the other cheeks or you don't get done in Onslaught right I have to knew the cheek thinking [ __ ] you know [ __ ] yeah well I'll just let it go over my head right but there's no bunches being thrown at yet so then the last thing at night right he said oh how do you find the air [ __ ] so it was the first night I went in themselves thinking about [ __ ] I was just what is happening walking the pad all night thinking what's that about thinking how could it's all camera door how to get in in my pad to have it now now because I just for about that was a violence I despise violence despise it by just because I've seen what he's done it's gone from having a nice fight now we're not in younger days like I will start suppose with a king right when their hands is like that yeah so when I punch I'll throw a puncture then when a couple say inches away that's when my power comes so that's just where I connect then the power comes so I I'm supposed to in there I can knock a person out the only thing that hurts is their pride I never fall around I never could have I've only ever been done once for violence and that was against a racist guy who was in the NF all right I thought I despise about years of violence even when 20 years before I wanted to walk away from it but then I had to show to be a bit of a menace just to survive so they know I'm still capable if I ended playing the vicar saying um virus is not worth it blah blah blah they'll see the weak link and come at me yeah so I have to pretend that I was still a loose cannon like I was when I was 20 or 21 still ready to prove a point which I wasn't so anyway so this when I got to Loudoun Grange I would sit to death for violence yeah so then the next day this uh this kid at dinner time said you're as I'm going for dinner are you having any well but soon as bread with your dinner Robinson's bread is a northern breath yes I thought I got about enough of this clown I said what is it with you mate I said the thing is you sending me like uh I'm your comedian hey I said get him apart now get him a party he said we're just having a joke I said what do you call it I said I'll show you a [ __ ] I'll fill you ready then this bear monster turns around and said I love you with you that's the only thing he did was watching my pad he was out for about seven minutes and it's all these mates to game right so then a couple weeks after right a couple of issues this was my last fight now this I was um there's a thing called uh violent challenging Behavior right a problem like now do you understand what it is now violent challenging Behavior means that you could be violent in a fight right not I can have a fight and talk about the weather it's like you've always got control of yourself yeah but you can be violent in the casinos right where I could be winning 70 grand but I'll still be Bane because you're going you're fighting yourself you could do 25 pesos one day the next day you'll do 40 press-ups it's very challenging Behavior yeah so that's one of the problems so when I was in the gym one day and I'm on the rowing machine every every Sunday used to get one and a half hours on the on the in the gym right enrolled in green you said it's just the hour so I used to do and then now once 20 minutes 20 000 meters on the eye machine blast it out yeah so with this one occasion this Courtney could has just come on the wing right now the kindness was the first describe people in prison yeah he come on the wink he had a problem with a kid made the kick put a towel on his face don't go everywhere and I'm like you the way you shake your head I'm thinking [ __ ] know what's this about how can anyone just put a towel there and that's set to be subscribed for wow he's barbaric yeah but it's not my problem so on the Sunday when I'm doing 20 000 meters there he goes on the rolling machine next to me so the day after it come in the pad so he goes like that he said why was he trying to impress me someone said what do you mean he said the way he was going so I saw wow well I'm not going to say to this kid what may I'm not trying to impress you look you've got the wrong bargain I know is most probably be ready with his death Stanley knife even though I've never seen a towel so one hour then yeah one hour then pictures I don't open his you up okay sure right that's yeah oh boy but this kid is off the rails yeah they even they put him on another Wing right now I'm half sick I have to laugh live like this now that's the last fight I've had that was the last fight because after that I looked at myself in the middle of thinking you're gonna end up as a stupid Pawn storm and even on my last sentence even on my last sentence all the young kids that are 10 times more capable than I was than I could have seen it in me all nice they had me around caught on wall where I was talking about the earlier days where somebody wouldn't get five feet Neymar that what he's like in the strange ways that was it was like in um all the other prisoners the one what was it like when you heard Master get killed how did you feel heartbreaking sad sad because Mercy was we've walked into a new generation well Massey would um massively believe it or not got his most of his reputation fighting against the system masamasi was in um what he got he's got every right to be called Manchester Mr Big could it could even to say I'm capable of whatever right he's got a hundred like me but I will stand in front of myself I will stand as a friend to do whatever for myself or the people finger I knew about that I would go and see Massey and say that's doing before they do you for Massey because that's how much of a friend Mercy was what about in an in so tough will do back in the day there was gunstified there was gun survive on that documentary what Deja noon rare mentioned and more after people right when you're sitting around and said he's not got he's got more guns than the police everyone laughed in the fire was humoration everything right now right well he did have so many Lads with guns he did he was capable of getting lots to do whatever now Damon was a different Clique Damon were won the doors in Manchester any gangsters used to go in that Hacienda Damian did what they called the gangster oh yeah the way you mouthing off all you must be a gangster there's your hat you want me to get your cigar that it was all capable but that was part of Massey's firm Paul masser yeah I know a lot who had seven kids just like my father died I had seven kids I walked into this damn Lance house on his wall there's not one picture of his kids there's just pictures of Mercy on his wall and that's what that's what Massey was about let's talk about your book Paul you've got your book out now um where can people buy that pardon where can people buy your book Amazon yeah but now it's coming now he's coming he's gonna be into the shocks good and not I'll leave the link in the description and that just before we finish up yeah one of your toughest feet he says it was against one of the Newlands is that correct why why it was such a toughest fight right because I've I've never been big yeah I've never been beat but this fight with Damian Noonan I when I come from out of Lindon and I was like the fittest I've ever been I was 11 in our store and I could put 50p in every stomach muscle and the 50ps will stick out super super thick right now I will drink my last Blood before always be I'll be you have to put me in a coma right now I out of Damian was only 21 years of age it wasn't the 20 so I don't know what people seen on the Hacienda who's a young kid stepping through life ready to step through it now I have a little bit of an argument over a parking space he stole it on there split my nose down the middle it was the first man I had to fight what I couldn't see for a couple of minutes now I come back from such a panning for the first couple of minutes right and I managed to win that fight couldn't knock him out managed to Win It because he ran out of breath and raised his arms so I called that from the death if he would have been Phil I know somebody would have been commentized for anybody that's watching paulus maybe want to get involved in a life that we still watch your films and you'll be used to climatize it and we used to think oh that is a great life but what advice would you give for anyone who wants to get involved and try and be a bad boy well that's a good question and what I would turn around and say is don't surrender where these young kids now they're getting involved in gangs and when they're involved in gangs to have 90 percent of them could have seen it on the last senses and the walking round like zombies ninety percent of them have surrendered like I surrendered thinking I'm gonna have a life of crime I'm gonna get a life sentence so I might as well get it young the second Knives Out [Music] so really they surrendered themselves there's no need to surrender if you're a criminal now you can't ride the nice cars the police will take it off you if your Knights of five worker you can lease up they should have areas for young criminals to go who are ready to surrender to cool down they shall send them to the other side of the concert and said here's a girl because I have what I got now I've come out after 10 years I've spent nearly 10 years in prison I had to get my Chiefs done because you can't see you can't go to a dentist there inside the system I've got to come out and see about getting received on for 20 grand is what he is these kids are walking zombies now when I see these kids and I see myself in them and what their what life they're going through it's heartbreaking yes and the easy get out cause for them is not to surrender it's even you are talking through your interview there you are talking about you always challenge yourself on accepting to surrender like how do you think your life would have been if you'd made a decision not to sell in don't go [ __ ] this and try and make changes one of my brothers Michael yeah he's my older brother yeah let's go now people are talking for me because he's 6'4 yeah six foot one pick in the early days they're talking for me he's even got a slash mark down there right big good looking ladies got a slash mark there never he wouldn't even go to the police yeah no it's not a criminal far from a criminal but he's got his fighting genetics if I give a hundreds of gold diggers out there they've got to find you know it gets all the last night some of them will go on winning some will go home losing but it's all in the night right but they're not criminals my brother I'll say some above in the earlier days Mike have got a ride I can fool you on a ride where you can earn 60 70 grand Michael turn around he said look poem a nine to five worker I want to call it oh I have three holidays a year I'm happy with it stick with your life I'm not actually more or less with the way I was part up where the the what your way was your turn around and why I said don't surrender but what also when you don't surrender but you've got to use your thinking skills and you've got to think how you're not going to get involved in this is it worthwhile yeah Paul it's been the opponent then telling your story hit my lesson it's been a mad roller coaster I wish you all the best for the future stay out of trouble and God bless you Paul well do you know what good that is foreign
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 426,798
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Id: BPWCWwutyp4
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Length: 174min 8sec (10448 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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