Sales vs Marketing: Which is More Important?

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you know these critical debates that you have with people you work with some people say well you know what what matters the most is quality no no its quantity no no its offense matters more no it's defense it's peanut butter are you kidding me it's jelly now that's a critical one today we're gonna talk about what's more important sales or marketing look there's this notion in business that a lot of times you'll hear you read a book and someone's gonna be so certain that the only way you and I can win we have to be marketer's first we have to be sales first which in reality there's been so many different types of CEOs that have won in life let me explain to what I mean by this if you go back in the days with CEOs and businesses Ray Kroc was a sales guy right you have Sam Walton Walmart sales guy Andy Grove scales transition Steve Jobs product development Richard Branson market or Jeff Bezos marketer and this process has been taking place social media has changed the game a little bit we don't have to be as good in sales as we did before however it also depends on the industry you're part of there's certain industries that no matter what you do sales it's critical life insurance I'm in that business no matter how good of a job you do marketing a life insurance policy always has to be sold when is the last time you woke up in the morning and you said you're gonna go buy life insurance today what's the last what commercial did you watch a commercial Widow well and say mom I'm gonna buy a life insurance policy today no one ever does that we have to keep selling so there is nothing I'm gonna tell you today marketing or sales that is a hundred percent applicable to every single industry so having said that here's some of the differences between sales and marketing number one so here's one way to think about the differences between sales and marketing sales is about asking questions marketing is about storytelling let me explain to what I mean by this sales I go to a business I say John how many employees do you have 200 how many current computers do you such-and-such how much data do you such I ask 20 30 questions I gather data then I make my recommendation and he either buys or doesn't buy with my three options I gave him that's asking questions on this other side marketing his storytelling here storytelling my name is John I own a business I have a thousand employees I caught myself spending so much time with the computer technology because wire systems were so slow then comes Joe from IBM he sat down with me he showed me what we do we changed the systems we brought them on board this is the money that we spent and we ended up saving 2.8 million dollars and our speed went from 48 seconds to now 17 seconds thanks to IBM marketing sales number to sales is math marketing is art remember back in school you had art classes and music and drama and then you had math you go and do math that's very logical three plus three is six all right this is the Pythagorean theorem right a square plus B square equals C square you know this is trigonometry math analysis no one leaves a math class saying I can't wait to go home and tell my mom about this emotional moment I just had in math analysis class I mean I just connected it reminded me of my family no one does it because it's logical itself boom boom make sense we go home right drama art music you sit there in a classroom Mary goes up in drama class Shakespeare she does this part and you come you sit there like oh my gosh she was amazing she made me cry I can't believe I cried you go home you tell your mom mom I cried today in drama class Mary made me cry it was amazing mom and he tell your sister at night he Cindy Mary made me and you shared that experience you experience art drama music you don't experience math because it's logical both effective but when you share one you don't number three here's another example between sales versus marketing sales when a guy wants to go to a girl in Florida at a nightclub right he goes up to her can I buy you drink you look good that's sales marketing gets attracting she comes and talks to him now how do you do that now let's take Mario for an example here on this video I know Mario very well I've known him since he was 18 years old Mario's got strong muscles he's a good-looking guy he's a nice guy's got a big heart he works very hard he's all about love he's great with kids he's amazing any woman would be lucky to date a guy like Mario right that's what you call marketing for all the ladies who reach out to Mario and send a direct message on Instagram or social media or snapchat that's what you call marketing versus Mario sending you a message saying you look good you want to go out see the difference number four here's the difference between having worked with a lot of salespeople how they're driven versus marketers salespeople get over rejection quickly someone rejects them they're over it they forgot about they don't even know what happened they move on right at least somebody that's been in sales for some time marketers oh my gosh if you say one thing about their marketing strategy not that they're sensitive they're hurt they are more sensitive why because they're more creative creative people generally are more sensitive to criticism versus salespeople salespeople I'm good I'll move on these guys gonna take your person that can be can hurt them a lot so whenever you're trying to give them feedback it's got to be slightly different than when you're giving salespeople feedback number five here's another dynamic between sales versus marketing if you're CEO you're running a business and you didn't hit your numbers last quarter right you kind of upset if you want immediate results we're gonna hit your numbers next quarter drive sales it's all sales because it's immediate but if everything's going good your numbers are looking good and you want to have an incredible next year 2019 2020 you got to focus on marketing let me explain to you from personal experience last July 2017 we sold 1800 insurance policies in one month last July this July we sold four thousand five hundred and ninety nine in one month insurance policies it wasn't just sales we drove marketing we had marketing campaigns we got to think about your year and a half on what we can do to exponentially grow and we focused on this so sales drives linear marketing drives exponentially number six one of the conversations you'll hear about in business is about attracting leads right no matter what kind of leads you're getting Internet all over the place but sales is about converting leads marketing is about generating leads so this guy gets a lead then he goes who works it and sells it right and hoping he gets referrals back so he can sell again it is a prolific salesperson but on the other side marketing brings leads you're not chasing it it's constant generating leads left and right because you have a marketing campaign that's coming to you rather than you go into them number seven here's another difference between sales and marketing salespeople are about selling themselves first I come to you now say let me tell you I can take care of you here's what I've done here's who I am I'm great at what I do I'm prolific I'm amazing and here's a company I offer and here's a product and services we sell do you want to do business that's sales right marketers say this is a product and this product can change your life this experience can change your life product first people first both matter but they each have different way on they view what's number one number eight this one's going to be very complicated you can see oh you the entrepreneur have to know how to manage this too and here's what I mean by it salespeople will generally get upset with these guys and they'll come to you and say this listen Pat look what I did last month do you realize what I did for you look at the numbers on what we did for you last month we did a million dollars last one we did $600,000 ausma why the hell you give these market or so much credit and a budget we're the ones that are doing everything ROI I can show you your return on investment for me here's your return on me that's sales marketers you go up to them and say well how can we measure the success of this last campaign you guys that I can't measure the success it's not about measuring success it's about long term it's about five years from now it's about ten years from now it's about a winning the best commercial of the year it's about winning the best campaign of the year it's about this and by the way that they're obviously BS and half the time but if these guys get one right a 1984 Apple commercial till today is known as the greatest commercial marketers put it together that salespeople both matter someone's got to do the selling someone's got to do the marketing but this is the ROI debate you have to know what they're gonna sell to you and what these guys gonna sell to you number nine there's a last one a lot of marketers are probably not gonna like this but it's the truth marketers get paid a salary they get paid no matter what they do they're gonna get paid and typically marketers don't get fired right off the bat marketer is gonna have a month two months three months six months before maybe you're later they get fired run they're gonna get their salary safe warm fuzzy everything is good salespeople or Commission's these guys don't sell they don't make money they work very hard chasing a sale for sometimes six months and the customer says no and they still don't get paid and they still need to do the work that's why sales get so much respect for what they do and these guys get the glory for hitting one home run but everybody talks about it you know what's crazy about all these topics that we're having this is all this stuff we're gonna talk about at the first live value attainment conference once we cross a million subs on Value table which we're getting very very close and by the way for all of you marketers and salespeople who agreed or disagree with what I said in this episode send me a tweet at Patrick made David I absolutely want to hear from you regarding today's episode and if you were looking for the PDF Mario saved the day again click on a link below to go get your PDF on today's episode regarding the differences between sales versus marketing take everybody bye-bye
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 155,721
Rating: 4.9444704 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, sales, marketing, selling, salesman, advertising, sales vs marketing
Id: JP6aSrwSgW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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