Saitama Fights Everyone On Omegle (The Entire Series)

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there you are Goos I finally found you now tell me again why I'm on here thank you for listening to my request Master the reason I brought you on omegal is my plan to help you get to an S-Class hero how is chatting with random people going to boost my rank exactly if more people on the internet get to meet you and learn of your greatness it's only a matter of time before you get recognized by the masses and promoted to S-Class wouldn't it be faster to just beat some monsters well we are still waiting on season 3 of one punch man so defeating monsters will have to wait well either way I'm pretty bored I guess I'll try this Omega thing out best of luck master I will be back later I'm heading to tatsumaki's place for a little bit well I have no idea what to expect yo what's up hey are you strong I think I'm pretty strong wait that's you isn't it Krillin wait who next what was that guy's deal well if it isn't the top G himself The Chosen One Andrew Tate it is quite an honor Andrew what the Ohio Shinobi Alliance recognizes that you are what Peak masculinity should look like why do people keep confusing for someone else well I'm just going to have to trust Goos and talk to more people well well well I knew this day would finally come what day would finally come the day I have my own fan I really like your cosplay of me cosplay it's pretty good yeah the similarity is on point you think I'm cosplaying you I appreciate you even shaving your head most people won't cosplay me just because of that I'm not cosplaying you I don't even know who you are also I can't grow any hair oh well that sucks I'm just glad that I can at least still grow my hair if I want to so I bald what's your problem huh dang man I'm sorry do you have cancer or something even Goku can't beat that I don't have cancer you idiot oh well if it isn't Mr Clean himself I love your products keeps everything I own nice and clean very funny man you act like you've never seen a bald head before no I'm serious I keep everything nice and shiny like that head of yours whatever man I literally can't talk to that guy anymore y why oh hi there I'm looking for a man or I guess he looks like a boy named sir Motas have you seen him what does he look like he has somewhat short messy blonde hair with a big pair of blue eyes when you said a big pair of blue eyes I was thinking of a big pair of something else oh Goos I didn't know you were here yes master I was just checking on your omal progress but it seems I'm more distracted than you are so I'm going to go train before I have a system malfunction staring at these giant melons he seems like a very nice gentleman anyways where were we have you seen a boy with Messy blonde hair oh yeah I haven't seen anyone that matches that description I can help you look for him though I'm pretty bored where are you located I'm in britania yeah I have no clue where that is it's okay even though it's important I'll find him eventually man there are some real weirdos on here hey I don't think I'm weird not this guy cosplaying as Krillin again who the hell is Krillin that guy is getting on my nerves holy crap is that Johnny Sins Johnny who I just have to say you are one lucky son of a [ __ ] I'm calling [ __ ] Johnny Sins my name isn't Johnny it's cida there's no way that you can be a firefighter a police officer and a doctor and get with all of those women all at the same time there has to be something to it how many times do I have to tell you that isn't me fine then I'll pull you up on the computer right now just to make sure yeah I had to leave I got to try to keep this video monetized yo yo yo it's me m Yodas looking for a girl with blonde hair and some big old melons oh yeah we ran into the girl with the melons just a little a little bit ago oh that's great to hear do you know where she said she was she said she was in some place called Britannia I think thank you so much I've been on demon time ever since she got her memory back and we got split up time to give her this long sin of Wrath before she gets reincarnated uh okay well you have fun with that why is everyone I talk to down bad on this platform hey how's it going hey haven't we met before I don't think so why you just seem really familiar wasn't your name vaccine guy or something you can vaccine de's nut yo Chum that's some crazy Chrome you got on your head there uh Chrome how many edies did that Hardware cost you anyways Eddy yeah what are you talking about are you a Gunk or what a Gunk I'm sorry I have no idea what's going on man either way you better be careful a Netrunner doesn't try to Flatline you and steal that PR Hardware you got on your head I don't have any hardware on my head dude it's just my skin then why is it so shiny I keep myself clean I can't help that it shines like that and anyways I got a Delta out I got a big mission coming up then I'm going to take my girl to the Moon why would you want to go to the moon it's not that special whatever you freaking Gunk I'm going to make her dream come true well to each their own I guess my name is isuku midorya and I'm going to be the number one hero my name is cida and I'm a hero for fun Master this isuku doesn't look that strong there is no way he could be more powerful than you master hey screw you I'll show you just how strong I really am thank goodness I've been bored sitting in front of this computer screen all day well if we're going to fight each other where do you want to meet at we can meet at UA ground beta it's a training facility at UA high school we can use not sure what UA is but I'll find it soon enough don't worry master cyma I already found the exact location dang how did you find it so fast I used Google well looks like you finally made it now I can prove to the whole anime community that I'm strong oh that sounds cool well anyways I'm ready whenever you are one for all full cing 100% so many Bright Lights that's really cool take this seriously CA you haven't even put a scratch on me I'm giving it my all so I can prove I'm the number one hero not again all it took was one punch Dam it hey what's up looks like you live in Japan as well all the apartments look exactly the same wait what I thought I logged off of this site where are you trying to go I can't find my way back to Amazon every time I get back to Google I end up right back on omegal for some reason you literally all you have to do is type Amazon into the Google search bar and press enter that's what I did but I end up back here gosh dang it Zoro we were supposed to go hunting an hour ago but you said you had to go sword shopping before we left I could be slaying mon right now Zoro hurry the heck up you know what they say so many monkeys so little time sorry ghetto believe me I could take on a few monkeys myself right now but I've almost got it figured out you guys are going to hunt monkeys what did they ever do to you I could go on for hours about that anyways I got to go those guys were super [Laughter] weird very funny dude got the whole Lobby rolling on that one you're just jealous I got hair baldy shut the hell up you idiot oh hey it's you sa my Archen enemy and my rival you got some nerve calling Master saitama a rival he doesn't even have time to waste on scum like you how about I actually turn you into scraps this time settle down you two we are just talking here if Master says it's okay then I'll follow his lead talking is fine by me anyways have you learned any new cool moves Sonic now that you mention it one does come to mind see this 50% [Music] coupon the that Sonic guy is one sick bastard oh hey there cutie oh hey how are you my goodness gracious saitama those Swang danglers are causing my internal systems to overload I'm going to leave the room and study your notes on how to become stronger I see your friend needed some time to cool off anyways I really like what you've done with your head it's so hot yeah some people call me the one Riz man if only I had money to come see you maybe you could help with that I don't have any money why do I always get the broke ugly guys well so much for the one rizman what in the heck are you doing in the human world akaku who is ikaku don't play dumb with me boy I can spot that bald head from a mile away just because we're both bald doesn't mean we're the same person well I do have to say your face looks dumber than usual though either way I don't care just get back to the soul Society soon or I'll have to cut you down myself which would probably only bore me I didn't think there were so many bald people that looked like me out there oh hi there Mr schwey head man man even the kids are roasting me on this app what's that on your shirt and what's upy mean looks like two angry eyeballs uh believe me little girl you are too young for that where are your parents I'm not too young look I even got my own gun bang bang holy crap that gun actually looks kind of real it is real C little girl you shouldn't play with guns don't you worry my dad's a spy and my mom's an assassin hi there I'm looking for a great man or I should say slime named Ruru Tempest have you seen him Ruru Tempest I don't think I've seen him or ever heard of him he honestly sounds like the final boss to a video game oh Lord Ruru is my boss and I'm his number one secretary oh Master those are the biggest milk monsters I've ever seen milk monsters I think those are even bigger than fubuki my system's malfunctioning warning warning warning warning is your friend all right he's fine he's just cooling off oh okay anyways I appreciate your time well we are meeting all sorts of people on here oh hey another person what's up are you trying to force me to answer your question uh I'm just trying to start a conversation dude I'm Free as a bird you can't make me do anything so how about you go [ __ ] yourself hello there my name is Ruru Tempest and who might you be my name is Sida and I'm a hero for fun that's pretty cool we have a hero where I live but I don't want to bring up bad memories he anyways I'm searching for my number one secretary Shion what does she look like she has really big tigle Bitties oh yeah was she wearing a purple suit that has to be her could you tell where she was I think she looked like she was in some City she must be a jurat tempus federation we got split up somehow after a meeting with demon Lords oh that sounds cool they sound like they are strong well if you're up for a challenge you should stop by sometime we have tons of strong people here anyways I got to go thanks for your help maybe I'll actually find a challenge there it sounds like you want a challenge well look no further are you a Demon Lord I'm the strongest creature on this planet n I've heard that one before no thanks hey why is your head so shiny do you have the shine shine devil fruit shine shine devil what bro it's just my head man you never see someone who's bald before well now that you mention it I don't think I've ever met anyone completely bald before I'd be surprised if that was the case yo Brooke check this guy's head out okay screw this oh hey kid could you repeat what you said again I didn't quite catch it uh I still can't understand you sorry but I'm going to have to skip you yo what's up it's been a while hasn't it ikaku damn it why me waa this guy kind of reminds me of soya but I'm 10 billion per certain I could literally draw your face in 20 seconds or less what the hell does that mean who is so a friend of mine that was raised in the village I came to 3 ,700 years into the future reminds me of you wait you're talking to me from the future you got to be messing with me there is no way that's possible believe it or not I got petrified along with the entire planet 3,700 years ago and was hoping to get some Clues from anyone I can from the past we have a trip planned to go to the Moon to fight some enemies of the planet there enemies on the moon I didn't see any last time I was there wait you've been to the Moon Yeah I fought against an alien invasion and their final boss kicked me to the Moon that sounds 10 billion scientifically impossible who is messing with who now Master Sida there is a big sale going on at your favorite Supermarket well I guess it's time to go there are so many things on sale I'm in heaven two unidentified objects approaching fast huh I can't believe it's all gone don't worry master I will find and punish whoever is responsible for this Mark this is pointless these human lives mean nothing they could have meant something but you killed them that way of thinking Mark is going to be a problem [Music] so you're the reason why Master's favorite supermarket has been destroyed I'm going to eliminate you and what are you supposed to be do you honestly think you can stop me well no surprise in Goos losing again to a strong opponent I guess I'll have to clean this mess up you actually think you can beat me was that supposed to hurt me what in the heck are you I'm just a hero for fun consecutive normal punches that's for my Supermarket holy crap that's a lot of sweets this is my absolute favorite part of my day besides reading weekly Shonen Jump I like to read those as well but dang man you keep eating all those sweets you're going to get diabetes hey shut up my doctor tells me the same thing but I just can't help myself who you talk to on computer screen oh hey boo I'm just talking to some random bald guy on omal he had no hair he look funny what do you have against bald people you little kid hey Bo not a kid bo a grown man b t you in a chood wait you can turn things into chocolate someone in trouble like that speaking of trouble I've gone through a lot of trouble finding you dude this Krillin cosplay guy again usually I'll see people cosplaying as me or Vada but not Krillin these are my normal clothes and my name name isn't Krillin it's cidma your name is CA what CID it's not that hard to say it's that son of a [ __ ] again I don't know who you are but get out of my apartment well anyway Sida we should fight each other even though you look like Krillin you seem like you might be strong I would love to fight you but I have to get this weird white-haired guy with a blindfold out of my apartment dang it this guy keeps blue balling me from a good fight I hope someone cuts you in half all right see you [Music] later uh what are you doing well if you don't leave my apartment I'm just going to have to punch you welcome to the inner world of the Limitless baly your perception contact Every Act in life is repeated infinitely over and over super Market Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket you got a shiny Dome on you too bad I have to rip it off Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket wait his face changed how did he I will not play Rock Paper Scissors with you you've got a buger on your B oh [ __ ] I don't know what the hell that was but I thought my favorite Supermarket got destroyed again how in the heck did you get out of my infinite void all I did was just use a punch which is what I'm going to do to you now pay for my wall I think I've met too many people to count on here hey my name is Naruto uzamaki and I'm going to be Hokage what's in Hokage well up until this point has been really hard I used to get made fun of my best friend left our village the girl I like has feelings for the guy who left our village when I was depressed there was this swing I would sit on you still haven't answered my question also my mentor is dead and now there is a huge huge ninja war that's about to happen I don't know if I ever will see my cute little Sasuke again I can't listen to this guy anymore he never shuts up well if this isn't another unpleasant sight what do you mean an unpleasant sight that bald head of yours gives you away and you are way too old way too old for what never mind that if we do run into each other one more time do let me know if you see a boy with green spiky hair not going to lie that guy was giving me some real creepy Vibes oh there you are oh hey Sait are you ready to fight yet yeah I finally got that weird white-haired dude out of my apartment I can't wait to get my hands on that little [ __ ] anyways you should come to West City in about an hour so we can fight each other you're starting to get my hopes up well I'll see you soon heck yes master I have something important to talk with you about what is it Goos can you stop bringing fubuki around here master I can't concentrate with those watermelon sized jugs she comes in here with also if I have to see that dump truck again master I think I'm going to blow a circuit it is really important for me to follow your path master I want to become stronger like you does that guy ever shut up 20 words or less genos master I just wanted to remind you it's bargain day at the supermarket looks like we will have to fight another time you're [ __ ] kidding me hey what's up how's it going with all that gear there you look like you do a bit of fighting does everyone just have to talk about fighting all the damn time that's all I ever do morning day and night I'm in so much pain I can't take it anymore uh well that guy didn't seem okay hi my shiny-headed friend the name is tanjiro kamado what is your name my name is Sida and I'm a hero for fun that sounds really interesting so do you have a superpower let me guess you use that sparkling head of yours to Blind your enemies when they attack bro you and everyone can leave my head out of this please but to answer your question I just punch people really hard oh I'm sorry sir I hope I didn't offend you but yeah there is a demon I'm after that also punches things really hard like my master ROK U right through his chest when I find him I swear I'm going to kill him aren't you like 12 years old you seem young to be talking like that I'm actually 16 years old dang people got it tough on here well looks like omigle is shutting down I better find and fight that spiky-haired guy quick Ah that's cute humans trying to play fight each other play fight yes all you humans do is fight until the other one passes out if you're going to fight at all it might as well be to the death everyone I usually fight usually just explodes after I punch them we could fight each other if you want nothing would be a bigger waste of time plus I have to get back to making fun of all the pathetic humans like yourself before omegel gets shut down well that guy was a jerk how the heck did I end up here again have you heard the news omegel is shutting down but we have some unfinished business don't we you're getting my hopes up Goku I'll come to West city so we can finally fight each other on my way to West City little did I know this was going to be the most intense battle I ever fought it lasted hours and it made me feel like I was alive live again instead of all of these fights only lasting one punch the only bummer is that we destroyed the planet including every Supermarket but a good thing Goku can teleport really far away cuz we were able to bring everyone back with the Dragon Balls the fight with Goku I had I will never forget it he even suggested we fight again someday but I'd rather do it in a place where one of my supermarkets I go to won't get destroyed but for now everything is back to normal I still get like no money from the hero Association even after all that omegal stuff there was a really good deal on Ramen over here thank goodness oh hey Sida long time no see nice to see you Goku it has been a while I'm going to kill [Music] [Music] him oh
Channel: Mista Cassla
Views: 38,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saitama fights everyone on omegle, saitama goes on omegle all parts, saitama omegle, one punch man omegle, anime characters, one punch man, opm, mistacassla, mista cassla, saitama vs goku, saitama vs gojo, saitama vs omni man, saitama vs deku, omegle one punch man, goku x saitama, saitama vs, omegle vrchat, omegle vr, attack on tian, jujutsu kaisen, hunter x hunter, omegle funny, saitama looks for the strongest, saitama just wants to fight, saitama, one punch man manga, vr
Id: 5Iyh4N6zdWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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