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[Music] sailing is a lot like cooking even if you're following the same recipe if one ingredient is slightly off the outcome can be a complete flop likewise each day of sailing brings its own unique combination of wind weather currents waves and other conditions that can make every voyage distinct and very unpredictable what you didn't tie it down as we leave Georgetown with our recipe and all the ingredients we can't wait to finally have this opportunity to get back to the ocean for what we hope to be a very quick sale to Florida but little do we know that this sale is going to end abruptly certainly our recipes got mixed up and we got the one for disaster and of a success and just like that we're out of here at seven knots yeah we're pointing into it we're a little overc canvased but we're doing pretty well we are going offshore tonight and there's going to be some pretty strong winds out there so it should be an interesting ride hopefully it's only going to take us about 2 days to get down to Florida fingers crossed Georgetown is a really quaint cute little town with a lot of history one downside was the oily mud that we pulled up when we pulled anchor and the steel mill oh the steel mill yeah it's it it's pretty stinky we were able to handle it for the two days we were there with everything closed up but once the wind Shi Ed into the direction of the boats it was pretty bad when we were putting everything on deck and getting ready to sail yeah I was starting to get a headache yeah it's I I can still smell it so from our location here in Georgetown to where we're going in Florida we have about 333 nautical miles to go give or take a bit we're hoping that we'll be there in 3 days less than less stand really yeah um so hopefully this will be only a 3-day trip um we do like B was saying have pretty strong winds but we're going to stay within um the coastlines within 10 nautical miles of the coine one because our radium go has bit the dust and two the winds are a little less strong there and the waves so we'll get a little bit of protection from that so that's where we're going to stick to room [Music] we just dropped the anchor we're right at the inlet is going to be a nice staging point for later tonight when the wind switches to behind us that way we can just throw up a head saale and cruise but we're going to get some chores done to run the water maker our solar panels went out so I'm going to hopefully get a chance to check out our solar controller see if that's the issue but in the meantime we need to run the generator just so we're fully charged up so we have the house Bank yeah CH charge up the house bank that way uh we don't have to do it hopefully we won't have to do it underway fish puppies on the beach is what I'm looking at so our tide switches right about the same time as the wind switches uh right now we're getting a south wind and it's going to pretty much do a quick North Wind switch and then about probably about 5 hours hopefully we're just going to sit here and when the tide switches we'll check to where to see where the wind is and then we'll head out so more or less we have to wait until this North Wind comes or we're not going anywhere um can't beat out in the south wind um but always in these Cuts we want to be pretty mindful that we're leaving with the outgoing tide CU we don't know what it's going to be like out there although it's not strong wind right now or later and it's a really big um it's a pretty big Inlet yeah they do have some strolling on the outside but not bad well I found the problem basically this connector failed on me and this piece completely Roo it out we don't have any Replacements but I'm just going to hard wire these two wires together for now I should probably do that anyways cuz these things just seem like they're asking for more corrosion but um I mean they' it's been 5 years yeah it's been 5 years so but corrosion eventually happens even even I think with hardwiring these together uh I I've noticed a lot of things that I've crimped um they've slowly gotten corrosion in them so H yeah it's a matter of time hard wire work again right yeah yeah cool yep easy fix nice hopefully good job we'll see we'll see let's do the work and then hope it works it's about 9:00 and the wind switched to the north so we're going to raise up anchor and get the head sale out and get [Music] moving why is the green line wrapped around it good warning to this wild ride that we're having this morning uh we are currently passing Charleston which was the goal so we are happy with that we were hoping to be averaging six knots right now but we're getting about five um which is okay because Wilson our autopilot is able to keep up we only have our 100 jib still out uh the waves are pretty minimal perfect not any I was expecting more traffic around here but there's not really any traffic at all with the exception of the C that's coming up behind us they've been there kind of all night I've been watching them on the AIS but yeah it's um pretty tolerable uh B was sleeping he helmed until about 5: and then I took over um he hummed a lot of the night but it's cold I do wish we could have a little more sun but I wanted to make a correction I just re redid our uh path this morning we have over 415 nautical miles left from here I'm not sure where we got the 333 that I spoke about earlier yesterday but yeah we have a bit to go we are staying close to shore because the Gulf Stream runs north and we want to we're going south so we want to stay out of that we are without communication our aridium go is down so we want to stay within 10 nautical miles of shore so we can keep communication going and most importantly is that the wave and the wind is calmer here than just a probably 10 miles out so we're trying to St calm and safe and easyish so but I'm just going to get back to um watching the waves gu by I might try to make some coffee but it's pretty Rocky we spent our first year and a half of sailing without an autopilot so leaving the helm when either of us was sleeping below meant we had a heath to want to make coffee grab a snack go to the bathroom got to heave too or wake the other person up which is not very ideal on multi-day passages so being able to turn it on and come down here to make this is a huge change but since we're so close to L got to keep a lookout oh F what go now I'm good [Music] morning how was last night this morning this morning know what it is I even finish of day one I know we're going slower than what we thought but I'm just happy the Wilson can keep up yeah so I'm sitting in here we averaging 5.1 it's not bad also we have 450 miles left 400 ow thought it was only 200 you didn't put the marker in the right spot I didn't not every sale is going to be our favorite when conditions are like this we just have to sit back and suck it up as I sit here miserably cold I keep convincing myself it'll all be worth it all right we are rocking and rolling but I'm going to go ahead and try to make lunch think goodness I pre-made everything may not look the prettiest but hopefully it's delicious it's collar greens eggs um and bacon and mushrooms no need the dirty another dish I'm just going to eat it out the pan jeez the waves are bigger no they were bigger earlier actually when it was raining yeah I actually had to take over cuzz Wilson couldn't keep up with the constant swaying I guess it seems actually things have calmed down quite a bit you came in closer yeah I came in closer to to land we're only like 10 m not even no we're like 8 miles from land so it's calmed down and the wind's calm down a bit which is fine it'll take us a couple days longer but not a couple days longer no you don't think maybe a day longer but it'll be more comfortable and we're we're not in that big of a rush we're we're tracking on time yeah we should get there on time yeah and it looks like the wind's actually going to be more consistent and less Gusty hopefully I don't know we'll see I think tonight's supposed to be bad though oh really wind wise you want to eat now yeah do you want to eat out here or in there wherever I'll take [Music] over okay so this is pretty much what has been all day long although the waves have built up to be quite larger than they were earlier today and I'm still really close to shore I'm actually going faster here than we would be going out there I just checked on Marine Traffic that the catamaran that's been near us is pretty far out there and they're only going two they're going two knots less than we are out here or in here so but somebody cameraman's uh sleep time I mean this we're helming so Wilson can keep up but I'd rather save him for when I'm at night and even though we have the solar working the sun's not working so I don't want to have to run the generator so we're just trying to save power how are you feeling all right yeah I'm tired to sleep can't really do much down there but lay down yeah okay well probably will be the end of today good night am cold and nauseating those are the best words I can think of to describe this trip so far and Wilson's doing an okay job um we're pretty much dead down wind so occasion Al he'll back the head sale but we are in Florida now we only have I think about a day left and we should be at least in the icw and there we'll probably stop rest and take a breather but so far so good nothing eventful it's been pretty much the same every day just either bry's sleeping or I'm sleeping and the other ones up here watching the waves and try not to get sick good morning from the rocky rolly entrance of ponts Inlet Florida we have been averaging I don't know it seems like six to seven knots overnight and then like that we went to pretty much nothing we have the motor on we're trying to get into the inlet so we can get in before the tide switches and the current starts going out um but it is really choppy out here very choppy and wet and wet I'm just glad it's warm now right yeah it's like 74° beautiful I don't even have a jacket on there's an Anchorage right inside of pon inet pon Inlet is a very small Anchorage or small Inlet so we should be pretty quick to get through and there's a couple anchorages just outside of it you need help this is probably the roughest Anchorage we've gone in so far 21 ft I kind of have to go up into the nastiness I'm assuming what he's saying is that don't follow the markers because they're not correct well I mean the Char showing that it gets shallow here yeah it's showing one so you need to one well yeah over on mine yeah and then three so you're going to have to cut up real soon 9 11 11 okay 9 10 and 1 half 11 19 you're good oh yeah we caught it going in SP well that wasn't so bad what tiny pucker Factor um it wasn't bad getting in it was breaking up at the North End so we went around and the Coast Guard advised Brandy to do that not the Coast Guard it was just some guy on the radio really I thought it was the Coast Guard oh that was nice of him yeah but then um at ponts there's like this very skinny channel to actually get to the main icw and there's a Big Blob of just one foot Sandbar so the current was so strong that it was pushing us into it so I had to like Full Throttle uh the motor just to get into that channel but we cleared it that was the the dicey part of it but yay it's nice and calm in here we're going to Anchor and sleep oh our trusty little lady who kept us going the whole time can you uh yep 14 ft 11 we are at high tide right now too love three three feet of high tide so I'm in 9.2 okay man you're taking too long though I'm at 66 now what 66 what yeah I'm using it I'm getting in really shallow water well reverse I am reversing but now I'm reversing into shallows yeah let's not anchor here go back I [Music] am but it's pushing me into the sh here take over they say there are two types of sailors out there those that have run a ground and those that have lied about it and we're stuck on a sandbar what happened was we were heading down the path that would take us to the next Anchorage and bad timing a boat cut right in front of us going into the gidge which made us continue to go straight on to this bar yes it may be an excuse but it sure does make us feel better Lessons Learned we should have could have would have looked up this area on Google Maps satellite or even use the satellite feature in Navionics and we would have probably seen The Sandbar even if it had been a nice sunny day we would have probably seen The Sandbar but here we are on the SandBar when you ra that here but went straight to action and raised the sails we were hoping that the wind would help us heal off the bar since the tide was dropping we were racing time two other boats came to help out Bo gave them the main Howard to list us over to the port side in hopes that that would help give us a little more wiggle room while all this was happening I had put a call into SEO just in case we had tried everything but by the time the tote booat showed up we were still on the bar need my prop was to hit your for a while dig out just like this oh that's smart water yeah so he's making like a little path for us I guess feels promising no printing his basil Bush while we're trying to get towed off The Sandbar what else are we going to do it's might be where s lives forever come see sersa on the SB you do come just Ste right behind me okay please do not put it in here though while I got a to line on you Ste [Music] behind don't put it in gear just steer behind him just steer where he's steering yeah it's getting it can feel the bottom of the boat tapping cleaning that's for sure he's definitely getting us further we're almost there we're almost there we're almost there we're almost there we're almost there we're almost there so he step sounding where we need to go as much as Lee tried he wasn't able to get us off this Sandbar The Tide is currently going out and it was while he was trying to get us out he did dig us a nice little trench with his Motors so we're hoping when The Tide Rises again we'll be able to maybe maybe throw our sails up wiggle ourselves off somehow if not he said he'd come back and and help us out again so we'll get off it's just a matter of time and now we need to now we're kind we're leaning actually pretty heavily on um on our port side of the Keel so I'm thinking maybe I should jump down there and just give sersa a nice scrub while I have access easy access literally see the sand ridiculous you go over under under that's weird oh it's cold ah go for a a little walk so you can feel that there a trench right where we got pulled yeah like it dips down like right here right here oh feel the trench so I think if we just get a shovel and just dig right now how look at our paint job this is crazy we haven't scrubbed the bottom of our boat Ines [Music] she got tired she she had to take a rest after all that sailing yeah wish I could be resting so there's a sandbar here a little bit deeper here Sandbar there she be like yes this is where it ended your three long hard jous STS in the Atlantic Ocean we ended up here most Sailors lie about this talking about living on the [Music] lean these birds are like you are a funny looking bird why are you on our sandb bar explain what you're doing all right we're going to pay out the anchor chain and the anchor and set the anchor up that way when the tide does come back in we don't get pushed into more sand hopefully that's the idea do you need more you good all right seo's back we're not quite at high tide yet and they're going to try a little bit we're still kind of leaning but Bose said he feels okay on letting them try to uh take us off and yeah don't really have any capability of filming this for you guys but wanted to give you an update here we go pull a little heyo what can you get on the steering wheel just in case yeah yeah it's going woo yet they did it those guys at CTO are magicians oh yeah so we had the anchor out and they would toast us a bit and it would it would slack the chain enough for me to go up there and then reel in what was slack and then they would you know we just repeat the process and lo and behold we're free the moment it was like and I was like oh we're floating I can feel it we were literally like standing diagonal in the boat earlier crazy but if you guys are ever in Port Orange and you need some assistance I highly recommend because Lee was super friendly Zach was super friendly big shout out to our friend Nick thank you so much for helping us out and also a huge thanks to Dr Sam and Sydney for our gift of having SEO yes it came in we were hoping we didn't need it but we used it lo and behold pH now we can sleep yes much needed rest
Channel: Beau and Brandy Sailing
Views: 72,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sailing Saoirse, Beau and Brandy, Pearson 35 Sailboat, electric engine sailboat, solar powered, sailing, run aground, sailboat aground, offshore sailing
Id: SzOoO_MkYq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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