Safe Burglary Ratings Explained

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what does safe burglary ratings mean what's the difference between a burglary rated safe and a tl rated safe i'm robert with acme locksmith and you're watching locksmith recommended one thing i should mention is that we have a detailed article on this topic on our website so we're going to cover it sort of at a high level here so that you have a basic understanding but if you want even more details on every rating take a look at that link below it'll take you to that article on our website and have a look at it and you're looking to protect any kind of content of value you want a burglary rated safe but which one do you get it's very confusing there's burglary ratings rsc rating tl15 tl30 what the heck do they all mean well let's go through each of those step by step and tell you what you get at each of those burglary ratings so let's start with a basic burglary rated safe sometimes you'll see these listed as b rated or c rated what exactly does that mean well nowadays it doesn't mean anything a manufacturer calls a burglary rated safe a burglary rate is safe when they've done something to enhance the security of the safe but it's not a ul rating it doesn't mean anything so if you look at some of the features this is the holland that we talked about in another video i'll put a link to it down below but when you get to a burglary rated safe you start to get things like thicker bolts you get things like anti-drill plate ballistic anti-drill plates that just eat up drill bits you get a lot of weight in the safe so that it's hard to move and hard to transport you get thicker steel on the outside of the safe so they come with a lot of inherent safety features this one also has a 30 foot drop rating so it's been tested to 30 feet by the manufacturer so that when it drops it doesn't break open now you'll see on this safe here that this is an entire seal on the entire channel that goes into this groove so that when this safe is open by cutting these bolts if somebody tries to cut these bolts and open this safe they still can't get that door open so you start to see features like that but if it's just a burglary rating that's not a ul rating that just means it's been enhanced does that mean it's a bad safe no of course not this is one of our favorite safes at this price point for a burglary rated safe but there are better so let's move up the line what is a ul rated safe well we just talked about how manufacturers claim burglary ratings because they enhance a safe a ul rating is an actual inspection and test done to the safe by a certified board that certifies that that safe resists a certain level of attack the first rating that we can talk about there is an rsc rating a residential security container now here's a gun safe by holland the rg republic i'll put a link to the video below where we talk about the safe in detail but this is an rsc rated safe so some of the features inch and a half bolts quarter inch solid steel door things of that nature now what is actually required for an rsc rating two things one of them is the door has to be 3 16 of an inch thick across the entire door the other is it has to have at least 12 gauge metal around the entire safe now this safe exceeds both of those qualifications and the last thing is if you set somebody down in front of this safe and you give them the blueprints and you give him the ability to take the safe apart and inspect it before attempting to break in when he attempts to break in can he get in in under five minutes if he can get into this safe under five minutes using common tools then it won't get an rsc rating if he can't it'll achieve that rating so it's a five minute attack with one man using common tools that you can get at any hardware store that's what's required to get an rsc rating now you don't have to have a big safe to get an rrc rating one of our favorite little safes especially for jewelry is this berg watcher safe here i'll put a link to that product down below that's an rsc rated safe as well now that rating comes out of europe instead of the us because that is manufactured in germany but it is an rsc rating so that's your first level of ul protection what comes after that after rrc ratings you start to get into rsc2 and this is a relatively new rating in fact they only certify safes for that rating right now once every seven years rsc 2 rating means that you same thing you sit a guy in front of the safe you give him all the tools the blueprints everything he needs you let him dissect the safe if two people in this case two are attacking this safe if they get in in under 10 minutes it will not achieve an rsc-2 security rating the only gun safe i know of right now that has an rsc 2 security rating is the american security bf2 line those are rsc 2 security ratings so it's basically four times as tough as an rsc-1 because it's two people attacking it for 10 minutes as opposed to one person attacking it for five minute so what's next in terms of safe ratings after you get to rsc2 you're going to be looking at a tl15 let's talk about that now here i'm in front of a tl30 rated safe by holland it's very similar to their tl-15 rating i don't have any of those in stock at the moment there's been quite a run on safes lately so what does the tl15 rating mean basically it means that you sit somebody down in front of the safe going under all the things that we talked about before sometimes there's further clarifications you could add blow torches and things of that nature to the attack things you don't commonly find in a hardware store if that train technician gets in in under 15 minutes it fails the test and is not tl15 rated it takes over 15 minutes it's a tl15 rated safe and again that is the time actually spent cutting drilling probing hammering whatever you're doing to get in so the all-encompass time to get in is longer than that that's the actual tool on safe cutting time on the tl15 rated safes the one thing that you start to see a lot of is you start to see concrete filled linings on the safe so they have a concrete composite of some sort poured between the two liners of the safe to make it much harder to get into by attacking the sides of the safe so you start to see that creep in an rsc rsc2 not very many of them have it but once you get to the tl15 tl30 almost all the available safes have that as a protection technique now on this tl-30 going up to the next level and logically it's setting that same train tech down in front of the safe with the tools the equipment the blueprints the ability to take it apart and inspect it and it takes longer than 30 minutes to get in and they're hiring people with that safe expertise to get in so it doesn't seem like a lot of protection but is it it's actually the one that insurers require jewelry stores to have so jewelry stores are very often putting them into a tl30 rated safe as an idea this little safe right here weighs a thousand pounds this little guy a thousand pounds that's the kind of quality material that goes into a tl30 rated safe there is a rating above tl30 and that's a tl 30 by six now what the heck does that mean well all of the safe ratings we talked about so far really talk about getting in through the door a tl30x6 is rated at a tl-30 rating on all sides of the safe so you've got all four sides front and back tl30 rating so if you want the absolute best safe you can get that's really it well is it well not really there's one more but i've never seen one if you see a tr before the tl rating so a trtl 30 by six that's the best safe you can get and again i've never even seen one of those states but what they do there is they've expanded the capability of the tools that the safecracker can use trying to get in very high-end cutting torches and even nitroglycerin is allowed for a tr tl rated safe so there's all your safe ratings hopefully you found that information useful the more money you're putting into a safe the higher and safe you want to get safes are like parachutes when you need one you don't want it to be built cheap if you like this video click the like button below be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn notifications on i'm robert with acme locksmith and you're watching locksmith recommended you
Channel: Locksmith Recommended
Views: 126,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safe ratings, how are safes rated, what is the most secure safe, best safe for home use, ul safe ratings, safe ratings explained, c rated safe, b rated safe, burlgary safe ratings, tl 15 safe, tl 30 safe, what are safe burglary ratings, what is the best burglary safe, what is a tl safe, what is a burlgary safe, safe rating guide
Id: 9u-asS7Ldys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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