Sadhguru's Key to know everything | How Sadhguru knows everything.

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today I thought I will reveal to you people keep asking me Satguru we can see you're uneducated and obviously everybody knows that I don't have a moment to read or refer or consult so they keep asking me set the rule where is all this coming from where is this knowledge from so today I thought I will reveal the key I will give away the key to this knowledge the question is only will you be awake enough to grab it when I throw it or will you hello and let me hear some life huh [Music] [Applause] because you must understand sleep undeath our brothers they are not very different you may be dying six to eight hours a day which is 25 to 33 percent of the day one is dead the one important dimension of yoga is to master sleep because if one does not know how to stay awake one will not know how to stay aware so life is like this [Music] distracted life in this state one will not see anything except the most obvious that is necessary for survival it is with keenness of attention that many doors in the universe can open I would say if your attention is keen enough there is no door in the universe which will not open for you so a little while later I will give away the key to you let me see how many it's good the eco is saying three times how many very good how many of you will you blossom into knowing because unfortunately today's education systems have confused the hell out of you with the heap of information about everything the information is not knowing information is useful for survival information is not useful for knowing experiencing so we are talking about a science which is experiencial in nature not informative because unless you experience something he's not really true for you it's just another story you read a high school textbook science textbook and you think you know science no you just believing a book that's like religion nothing scientific about it unless you know something experientially it's not true for you so I'm not talking about me giving you some information I'm talking about a key a key suppose I gave you a key let's say you do not know the concept of lock and key and I gave you a key a small metal piece you don't know what it is you looked at it maybe you put it in your ears and did this you used it to scratch yourself or you discarded it because a key is a useless thing unless you know how to put it into that specific hole and turn it in a particular way then it can open up a whole new world so a key is a dimension a key is the dimensional possibility a key is not information a key is not accumulation unfortunately most people today have misunderstood accumulation of information as knowing so in this context when they asked how to grasp how to master this cosmos yogi said five namah shivay ya na means ma is water she is fire I think a lot of you know this she is fire well his air yeah his space namashivaya he told him just five things just five things look at the mischief just with five things how much has happened in creation so this is not through the straitjacket of logic this is an order this is a dimension like a forest not like a manicured garden for one who looks at things superficially a well-kept garden looks like order forest looks like yours but tell me look at this little more profoundly the forest has a perfect order it has a perfect system of its own otherwise it would not have lasted for a million years or more a garden however well-designed garden it is if you don't if you do not tend to it for a month probably it's gone so we are talking about a different dimension of order like a forest which on the surface looks chaotic but is in perfect order the very longevity says the Bettina a druggy when he referred to namashivaya he's talking about mantra mantra is that dimension of sound which is mathematically perfect music his melodies when it's mathematically correct but music has invested too much into aesthetics but a mantra is not about aesthetics it's pure mathematics there are school schoolchildren here I think I'm hearing they're saying Sadhguru once again if you say mathematics will fall asleep right here well I'm not talking about that kind of mathematics not about 2+2 a plus B equals C not that kind of mathematics I'm talking about a mathematics that doesn't have equations of simple logic and talking about mathematics which has brought order to this seemingly chaotic cosmos so I do get chooses to offer this in different ways to different people well he was different things to different people always you have definitely even in the calendar images seen are the yogi as a yogi of course but he is a hunter for the hunters a farmer for the farmers and of course a dancer this is the only culture where our gods dance I cannot I cannot I cannot come to terms with a God who cannot dance so he offers the same possibility in three different ways to seven sages the subtly she's he talks about elaborate science he prepares various theories and dimensions 112 methodologies elaborate systems 112 systems that is why here symbolically a yogi is standing up 112 feet tall anyway I want to inform you today the tourism department the ministry of tourism of government of india has recognized our the yogi as a part of incredible india site incredible indeed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so our yogi offers it in three different dimensions to the seven sages he expands a profound science with 112 different dimensions and systems in fact the seven sages actually ask our the yogi do we need so many systems after all human beings and human beings just a few systems maybe three maybe ten maybe twelve would be enough 112 do we need this many systems do we need to master this money do we need to know this many so our the yogi said right now you may not be able to recognize this as human intellect evolves and this is fantastic that he says when a time comes when a time comes when there is no work on a man's hands when that time comes 112 methods will become necessary because human mind will take on every possible form that it can he is talking about today's age the age of technology when men's hands have no physical work see how many of you become slowly like the globe because there is no work on the hand fifteen thousand years ago he talks about a time where time will come when men will have no work on their hands at that time their mind will take on so many formations that you will need all these methods so he goes about with the seven sages with extreme sense of mathematics and logic then in between poverty asks questions his math SATA and says the divine one you don't bother about these things she feels insulted so she thinks he is trying to avoid her because she doesn't have the necessary intellect like these seven sages so she says no there must be more there must be more ways than hundred and twelve so look at this the men are looking at why 112 can't we make it simpler but the women like were writing she says why only 112 why can't there be more and he says no there aren't any more there only 112 just leave it she feels insulted in front of these people you kind of brushing me aside so she says I will go and find more ways than 112 a yogi says do what you want she goes away for a long period of time into severe austerity but yogi continues with the seven people and after a long period she comes back and she comes and sits one step below him the teaching is still going on because this is a scientific exposition it goes on and on but she comes and sits one step below she's his wife she can come and sit here but she sits one step below just to indicate she want only him to know she does not want others to know a beautiful imagery of that on the screen she does not want these seven guys to know that she has failed but she wants him to know so she said she is it's one step below and this exposition goes on then in between Parvati asks one more question she looks at her with a deep sense of intimacy and says sweet one you don't bother about that come sit here so she again resists he thinks she thinks that he is trying to treat her in a patriarchal way I just sit on my lap don't worry about all that man's trick he shakes his head that's not it come and sit here when she comes and sits here he just pulls her in and she fills one half of him that's how he became an ordinary he just included her in that inclusion she knew everything that he knows but the seven sages were still learning but she realized everything out of simple inclusion he just made her one half of himself the seven sages are getting a scientific exposition she just gets included in a moment and she realizes all his buddies the ganas they are distorted demented beings they don't have human form so human beings around thought these are some crazy creatures so they looked at this these guys seem to be learning something poverty seems to be in ecstasy they said what about us is that your own bother about this so he said just just drink me that's all you guys don't bother about enlightenment knowledge self-realization nonsense this not for you you just drink of me everything will be fine though they just got drunk on him when the subterra she's asked what is enlightenment where is it he gave them an elaborate path he created a distance which they had to walk when poverty asked what is enlightenment he said it's right here there is no distance to walk there is no pathway it's just inclusion right here when the ganas asked we want to know enlightenment he laughed at this has been a land of debate of questions never of Commandments especially when entities considered divine appeared people saw it is a possibility to raise questions to bring clarity not to settle for a confidence that is bred out of belief this is not about getting to a falsehood of certainty that one assumes with belief this is about celebrating our uncertainty this is about working for clarity not for blind confidence our past is animal nature if we become conscious enough to stay in the present we become human very easily we can slip back into animal nature those of you just falling asleep I am reminding you you just slipping back that whether your eyes are open or closed is no more a conscious process it just happens by itself no no no it's important that we remember that we have involved involved out of animal nature this is a time to enjoy our human nature and this is only possible if you are conscious and in the present if we want to be in the present we have to be conscious but the future is the coning divine nature divine nature's beckoning us in future this means the possibility of evolving beyond the dimensions and definitions of what we consider as human is right here for every one of us the question is only will is will we step forward or will we step backwards we'll be moving to our divine possibility or will we step back into our animal past this is a constant challenge this is a constant possibility that human beings are struggling with this is a night of wakefulness Jagran means not just wakefulness means a night of awakening if this is your night of awakening we must step forward into the divine possibility Supra critique your time an intense being stillness dancing science mathematics he is also ballet so are his disciples or his duties there are many beautiful stories about how his devotees transcended everything out of absolute innocence and simplicity in tamilnadu I think nobody would have not heard of pasilla the great sage of the past activity Lucilla was a very poor man living in a small Hut in the outskirts of the town the king the Great King built a very elaborate temple which took him many years and much money he had completed the temple and the next day was in a Grecian of this great temple that he had built that night Shiva appeared in his dream and said I know you have built a wonderful temple for me but I will not be able to come for the inauguration of your temple because I am going to puzzlers temple pasilla also has built another temple I need to go there I won't be able to come to your temple the since the King was aghast he sat up in his sleep shocked early morning he started off wanting to look for this pasilla where is he who is this man who's built a better temple that me and the King here so he went looking and then he went into the poorest segment of the city and then found a small dilapidated hut and he called out who is puzzler here a very skinny barely clothed man came out terrified I am pushing away what's wrong oh my king why have you come to my house then the King said I built a great temple you know that but Shiva appeared in my dream and said he is coming to your temple not to my temple where is your temple where have you built facility embarrassed he said oh my king where will a poor man like me build a temple I just built a temple in my heart it took many years brick by brick stone by stone slowly I built this temple it took me a long time but my temple is just complete and Shiva said he will come to my temple tomorrow so what this year everybody's been asking me Satguru last time our prime minister came from a Shivratri this time who is coming I told them are the Yogi's coming accepted the invitation not because we built up a big image of him here I am sure he's not impressed by this image nor am i but we built a wonderful temple in our heart he cannot ignore that he has to be here on a certain day AG nana yogi AG nana yogi means one who employs his intellect as the basic tool of knowing he came to our yogi and said I very much appreciate the many things that you have expanded sounds very scientific logically correct but a whole lot of your devotees are always shouting your name Sambo Shiva and going around doing crazy things how do you allow these people these people these crazy people who shall who simply shout Siva assemble jump around what kind of science is that you should not allow these things so I the yogi said see here do you see that little worm crawling just go near the world and say Shiva Shambo well why not and went to the woman said she resemble the worm just fell dead right there dog nanny yogi was shocked the mantra kills yes it does what is the purpose of this I hated the mantra and the poor creature dies yogi said leave that here a butterfly CCC butterfly say she resembled to that but he was hesitant now I don't want to kill a butterfly doesn't matter say she was symbol to butterfly is it Shiva Shambo poof the butterfly died then now he was aghast what is this what is the point of this kind of mantra this looked like a gun Shiva Shambo boom they dead then a young fawn a young deer was romping around yogi said look at the deer and say Shiva symbol said no no no I'm not going to do this idea we said just do it he said Shiva Shambo the deer felt dead right there just then a couple came with a little infant in their hand for blessing Adi yogi looked at the little child and said say Shiva Shambo - this child he said no way you're not going to make me do that I am NOT going to kill this child just then this little infant set up and spoke I was a worm you ordered the mantra I became a butterfly you are turd the mantra I became a deer you are turned the mantra I've become human please say let me become divine the foundation the key but everything that I am and everything that happens in the name of Isha is just this one sound this one mantra I am talking about a key those of you there they're walking around people you must sit down we were going to do something now everybody sit down LRO caliber no no no you love you become olomana job you could Boren hunting a bonus over-pouring leopard a yellow caring uptick please sit down okay bonus along ano candelabra a rumba nerado mature choir ganging in anger candala please sit down wherever you are we will do a simple thing very simple thing but this will start a new process in your life this is the key as I said he is a phenomenal instrument only if you know how to use it otherwise it's just a piece of metal so is a mantra today modern science is beginning to recognize that the entire universe is just a reverberation of energy where there is a vibration there is bound to be a sound so universe is a complex and malgal nation of sounds in this web an enormous limitless web of sounds a fee a few key sounds have been identified which we refer to as mantra it's very important that the mantra a specific mantra goes into the right keyhole and you turn it the right way and the number of times I see people doing this you give them a key they do not know which way to turn it they'll do this way this way this way this way it's not going to work like that you have to turn it in a specific way depending upon the nature of the lock depending upon the nature of that dimension accordingly it works so we will do this a Kwanza [Laughter] Oh can they come again up nearby Haku haughtily ku you put your car garage came up message you look better without any tension just loose you must imagine that your hand or your arm is like a rope in the editable by hot cool bill cool dealer Akane just take away a crecelius suit leaky tarpaper aho party Lee uber cure who needs an you buy Huckabee will directly take your right hand use any finger you can just block your right nostril don't do it yet just listen to me you block your right nostril and inhale fully forcefully like that and all the air that you have gathered with the inhalation should go out with one sound like this nah man up nadaya hot liquor Nadine rtcp only Capri or apne dynasty kokubunji G or by NASA Catherine City success axons under li g OJT nice ass happen happen if a from every here but a bar sambuca pooty pooty sonsaku baja jordanian up diamond are dying in a psychic abilities by nasa cosmopolitan seasoned early G or schambach actively a key jerk came a puta puta sons Bar shorty G slightly wrestled with a Cherokee sir databank eg Jerez RS or paratha WA up neat dynasty kokubunji Gao Qi take a full breath take Gary's nice and early Jay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep your eyes closed just sit still bill coolster okay Becky our cab and rocky pinnacles they walk about here keep your eyes closed and just sit still not moving Sierra's impersonal Silverson her sunburn [Music] Silverson person passivation [Music] Sheila's mhmm ha Shiva Shambo Shambo [Music] she was Shambo Shambo Shiva Shambo [Music] Shirish um Hashem [Music] Sheila mhmm Jim a shampoo symbol she was some part [Music] Shiva Shambo Shambo Sheila Shum Shambo Shiva Shambo Shambo Shiva Shambo [Music] she was um harsh um [Music] sheera shampoo shampoo Oh Shiva Shambo Shambo she Worsham [Music] Shiva Shambo Shambo Shiva Shambo Shambo Shiva Shambo Shambo Shiva Shambo [Music] she resumed her Simone shiver some some Oh Shiva Shambo Shambo she was um [Music] Shiva Shambo Shinhwa she was young Horsham boom Shiva Shambo Shambo she was young [Music] she was young she was young Horsham Shira shampoo shampoo shiver sham [Music] Shiva Shankara Shiva Shambo [Music] Shiva Shambo Shambo shimmer Xiang [Music] slowly very slowly please open your eyes alarm a medieval comparable bored irritating ugly ugly
Channel: Pankaj Arora
Views: 974,067
Rating: 4.6316438 out of 5
Keywords: Mahashivratri, Sadhguru, KNOW EVERYTHING, KNOWLEDGE, shiv, shambho, 2018, isha, foundation, isha yoga center, adiyogi
Id: 5g-SlFKBmOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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