Sadhguru On Why The Indian Education System Must Change | Mystics Of India

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Is this the same man who said to a 23 yo if he could sit in one place for 32 years then he would give weed .

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chutyamaster 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is the education designed by her majesty service we have made some changes but we need more drastic changes i am saying this may sound extreme to you but what i'm saying is except the language everything that the british left in the education has to go [Music] we're at a time that when it comes to education we're in a cusp where our fundamental thinking about what is education needs to go through not a change but a complete transformation a time is coming where acquiring knowledge will be of no value a time is coming where scholarship will be laughed at a time is coming where projecting data accumulation as intelligence is going to be a thing of the past projecting good memory as intelligence is going to go away which is the very foundations of the education systems of the day whoever has good memory is rated as the most intelligent person well today you know your cell phone has better memory than you whether it is scientific knowledge or religious stuff that by reading a book projecting yourself as intelligent is going to go away because machines will do it far better than you and me machine learning or artificial intelligence as it is being built today is essentially about how much data can you gather process and express unfortunately for the last few centuries i would say for nearly 250 years across the world education meant just this accumulating data vomiting it somewhere usually in the examination paper i mean and you're written as brilliant everything that you can learn from a book and remember a machine can do it better than you and me these are great times for human a lot of people you know it's crazy they're inviting me to artificial intelligence conferences in various places i was in saint petersburg and i was supposed to speak on artificial intelligence i said why of all the people you chose me i'm not artificial intelligence i thought i was little natural they said no no the problem is we will all lose our jobs what are we supposed to do i said you always been cursing monday morning when you have to go to work if you lose your job isn't it fantastic you're on a vacation if machines do all the work isn't it really fantastic see this is like the in the port at one time in probably 60s and 70s he complained heavily because the cranes and gantries came and they started lifting the load off the ship and putting it effortlessly these guys there was a time i'm telling you in mumbai dock in the mazagon the dog if a ship came those vessels were not of the size that they are today usually there were 150 000 ton vessels if they came they would unload it for over three to four months today a quarter million ton vessel comes in the major ports within 24 hours it is unloaded of course all the labor who had built their muscle just to carry sacks they all complained if these machines come they will destroy our life did they are not all the trade unions complained or not at that time hello so similarly teachers should not complain and make the same mistake that the coolies did at that time so what will we do if all machine learning comes it will be great time because how much memory you carry on your head will not be of value what kind of a human being you are will be the highest value isn't it fantastic time for human beings [Applause] the keenness of your perception the sharpness of your intelligence will be more important than the volume of memory you carry in your head these are good times real good times for human beings to unfold because this cargo of so-called knowledge is killing human beings just ramping up information into a child's head in many ways killing the fundamental genius that every human being carries within themselves i see if machine learning becomes comes very quickly in our generation we can see children blossoming into highest levels of intelligence unfolding of genius will happen because right now this heap that you have to carry on your head try to remember all those things cos theta sin theta is driving you crazy when a simple machine can do it human intelligence is of a different nature we should never misunderstand memory as intelligence memory makes a few things simple but it doesn't find excess memories always of the past isn't it hello can memory unfold the future if you invest in memory you will only repeat the past a modified past as future this is what is happening to human societies if past should not be repeated if we have to live a fresh life in the next moment in tomorrow if our tomorrow has to be different from yesterday it is very important that human beings learn not to invest in memory we use memory if the machine carries it we can use it and leave it what we want we can take it what we don't want we can leave it but carrying it with you all the time people are becoming recycling of the past all the time because once you have invested in memory everything that you have is just recycling of the data that you have already gathered this is in many ways really is stifling the human genius every human being has a certain element of genius in them it is only a question of will we be able to provide the right kind of ambience for that particular genius to unfold this is a challenge this should be the challenge of the teachers of tomorrow how do we provide that atmosphere to each unique human being so that they can unfold that should be the only challenge we must be handling as teachers and people who are in charge of schools but right now our 90 percent of the focus is how to ram memory into their heads this this is a time that all of you as educationists you are at a point where the sooner we transform our education system the better edge our children will have for the future in the world how quickly we shift to machine learning will determine where india will be in another 30 to 40 years time you must understand this though india is one nation there are at least four to five nations within india not everybody is in the same level of needs there is a most affluent class in the country there is a segment which is upper middle class whose aspirations are very different there is middle class where it's always about how will our children get jobs and stuff and there is rural and other dimensions which you're referring to where it's only about somehow getting out of that social and economic pit in which they are we cannot address all these categories as one it is wrong to do that in the name of uniform education we are trying to do this i understand the thought behind it but it's not practical it's because of this over 24 billion dollars worth of education in india is going out to outside universities because those who can afford they don't want their children to study here because it is common class education it's very important that we are able to provide for every segment of society this is not to discriminate this is not to segregate but anywhere in the world it's like that according to one's economic capabilities different levels whether you go to a restaurant or you take a bus or you take a train there is first class second class third loss isn't it well third class people won't be taken only halfway journey they also travel full journey yes or no just because somebody gets into a third class compartment it's only a question of comfort and ambience and stuff but the distance and the destination is same for first class and third class isn't it if you say we will make everything third class a whole segment of people will not travel by train anymore that's for sure so similarly in education this is not about classes i would not like to use the word class when it comes to education but the needs are different if we do not provide this we will not create variety of human beings that we need for this nation's well-being we need leaders we need scientists we need teachers we need engineers we need farmers we need craftsmen we need variety of people to make a nation happen right now our entire education is actually oriented towards elite everybody is supposed to go to the university that's how our education is constructed everybody need not go to the university university is not a place to live like some people in delhi are here till they're 40 they're living in the university you must live in this universe not in the university so the whole population aiming towards the university is not the right kind of education this is uh this is the education designed by her majesty service we have made some changes but we need more drastic changes i am saying this may sound extreme to you but what i am saying is except the language everything that the british left in the education has to go language is a passport to the world we must keep the language everything else need to go because that was designed for a specific purpose where obedience is higher than intelligence that's not the way to bring up our children that is the way to bring up occupied population when we occupy a nation we want obedience when we are raising our children obedience is not what we want we want them to flourish we want them to be more intelligent than us our children must be two steps ahead of us isn't it so if that has to happen we have to craft this just to give you some sense of this we're running three different types of schools more as model schools so that these systems can be incorporated by everybody we have one level of schools in rural india in remote places where there is usually no proper education facility these are called isha vidya schools here the focus is mainly to get them out of their economic and social conditions they will never get out of those social conditions in which they are unless you move them away in some way they must have a passport to go anywhere they want not stuck in the same place almost 46 to 47 percent of the children who are in our schools are first generation going to school their parents have never been to school this education at the age of six we start english language and computer usage because these two are passports for them to step out we have another school called asia homeschool this is for the affluent where it is run this way 20 children will stay in a large household with two committed parents and all education happens within the house except for libraries laboratories and playgrounds everything else is largely within the home kind of atmosphere in a very caring committed way this process happens the education is in a thematic way in the sense we always start the school when the monsoons are pouring so the first second third standard always starts off with monsoon we get them soaked in the rain which parents never allow them to do they really get through and through soak to the bone and then we talk about the chemistry of monsoon the you know the other meteorological aspects of the monsoon the economy of the monsoon the psychological impact of the monsoon everything is from the monsoon because you cannot ignore monsoon in southern india next to the western gods and when monsoon is happening you're telling them e is equal to m c squared it's not going to work the children are interested in the rain they think the sky is falling apart this is the time to get them engaged in that so this school isn't run in a certain way this costs money this kind of arrangement costs money because for every four and a half children we have one adult taking care of them so on an average i'm saying this takes a very intense approach and our maximum limit is only 340 children obviously we cannot educate the whole country like this it's just more like a model as to how it works and it works in a brilliant way you must come and see the children how they shape up in these 12 years actually i made 12-year education into 13 years because we have invested so much in art music theater sport leadership that when they when the children come to 11th standard parents go mark's mad what about my child where will he go where will he go so we said i said one year extra so people told me sadhguru who will leave their children for one year extra their eager their children go to iit medical college this one that one i said this is the way it is those who want to withdraw the children can withdraw this happened three years ago not a single child was withdrawn all the parents wanted their children to go through this because most of these children are think most of these parents are thinking of sending their children to you know foreign universities outside overseas universities and things like this one more year they settle they have a huge exposure to leadership qualities and variety of other things in this school we are beginning to do this we wanted to start separate schools for this but because we didn't have the economic strength to do it within the school we are doing it we identify about 12 children a group of 12 children when they're in their 7th standard and we establish a mentor like let's say mathematics we have a very high quality mathematics mentor he takes this 12 children from the age of 10 11 to 17. 80 percent of the education is only mathematics only 20 percent in the other curriculum they play around a bit but these are only focused on mathematics if we don't do this now that our focus is not specialized we are only thinking of see there was a time in 60s and 70s we were thinking of literacy in this country because when the british left our literacy was somewhere around seven percent of the population rest were illiterate so our whole focus was how somebody can put his name on the paper this was our focus so mass to educate millions of people to one level is different to come out with specialized focus towards children who are capable of that is different if we don't do that we will not have great scientists we will not have great mathematicians we will not have anything significant in the country we will have a just a mass of people with the attitude of being educated without much education in them so this is one dimension of education we have another education system called samskriti where the only six subjects that study are yoga kali paitu you heard of calorie paidu it's a mother of all martial arts classical dance classical music sanskrit language and english language these are only six things they study no academics if you want to see really truly fantastic children anywhere you must come and see these children because the focus is just on growing human body and human brain to its full potential without any intention what will you become we never ask them will you become a doctor will you become an engineer see these are all social things these are not real things from my own experience like he was saying that my vision is because my father is an ophthalmologist well he only examined the two eyes he had no instruments to examine the third one so this education is focused with towards education without intent developing human brain and body to the highest possible level without fixing what you should do because what should a human being do what is most needed in the world that's what he should do it is not for me or you to do something fanciful that i desire what is it that is most needed right now that's what human intelligence should do isn't it if one is if one is a fool he will do what he does not like to do suffer every day and go on complaining through their life and live like that if you're intelligent you will do what you love to do but really if your genius is flowered you will do what is most needed right now joyfully that's what needs to happen [Applause] hey
Channel: Mystics of India
Views: 144,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual video, sadhguru, mystics of india, jiddu krishanmurti, osho, spiritual master, enlightenment, yoga, enlightened master
Id: U6c8Jjc__AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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