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if you lived in Medina at that time this was the Golden Age everything the prophet s wasallam talked about that would come to pass in terms of good is happening in the of however knew that his time was coming near and he had these two duas that he would make the most famous one oh Allah grant me martyrdom in your cause and let me die in the city of your Prophet abdah would say to Omar how are you going to die a in Medina battles don't happen in Medina he said if Allah wants it to happen it's going to happen he had another Dua he said oh Allah do not let me be killed at the hands of someone who prostrated towards you he made sujud to you that he would argue against me on the day of judgment with it meaning don't let me be killed by a Believer so Subhan Allah his Dua is to be killed by a non-muslim in Medina as a Shah three things that seem completely impossible so how does the shahada come about it starts with a man by the name of ab Al Mai AB was a skilled Craftsman he used to make weapons of war and he works under now complained to was a just man but AB complains that the commission that he's taking from the weapons of war are too much and I'm working too hard so he takes his complaint he weighs the the evidence on both sides and comes to the opinion that it was a fair commission that he was taking so tells him that you know it's it's not an unjust salary that he's taking or a portion that he's taking from you and at the same time he tells to be lenient with him to be just with him but Abu was enraged by just that judgment he goes back and he swears to himself that he's going to kill and is walking by him one day in Medina and he's making all of these different types of things and one of the things that he would make was windmills he would make these Spears and he would make all these different crafts so who walks by and in a nice way he says to him that I heard that you do these things very well can you make me one of these also and says to him I'm going to make one for you that the whole world is going to hear about Subhan Allah he's threatening him in a nice way Omar is not illiterate or naive in this situation he walks away and he's laughing as he's walking away and he says he just promised to kill me so the sahabah say to him well why don't we apprehend him and why don't we kill him first he says you want him to be killed over a suspicion he said no absolutely not that's my hunt from him that's my sense from him but it's the of Allah subhah wa tala whatever happens as a result of that now Subhan Allah there are these dreams that then start to happen says during the I saw this rope that was hanging down from the heavens and the people were trying to reach it so he says was three times the size of everybody else so he grabbed onto it easily and he ascended so I said how come om is the only one that can grab the rope and can Ascend and it was responded to me because he is Theif of Allah on this Earth Earth he does not fear the blame of a blamer and he will be killed as a martyr the second dream is from what a beautiful dream he was inam and he woke up in the morning and he calls the people and he says that I saw an interesting dream last night I saw that I had horses and crops and then they started to disappear so good things started to disappear and so he said I took it and I went to this ja to this mountain and I saw and standing in the distance and standing and looking at them and is telling to Omar come to me cross cross over here mus he saw that dream and they said why don't you write a letter to Omar telling him what you saw and he said I don't want to be the one to break the news of his death to him that was actually the year that would die would die die only a few days after returning from and the describe raising his hands in that year saying I've gotten old and my strength is leaving me and the um is spread to the world take me back to you while you're pleased with me oh Allah pleased with what I have done with your umah he gets back to Medina from the 21st of 23 years after the hij and he stands up and he says oh people I saw a dream where a rooster came up to me and it pecked me twice and then the people said to me that you should appoint aif so said I interpreted this to mean my death but Allah will not cause his religion or this um to be lost but he said if I die then the Khalifa is to be appointed by Those whom the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam was pleased with when he died then comes the day of his death so it is the 23rd of and walks in and he's 63 years old just like the prophet wasallam was 63 years old when he died just like was 63 when he died the most extensive narration is from and he says that on that day came to and I was standing in the second line and there was no one between he and I except Ford and he said before he would leave the Salah he would walk between us and he would straighten up our row and then went to lead the Salah he says so is leading and I'm praying behind him and he said he read and he cried a lot as he read Surah YF Subhan Allah and then went into and he went into and he had made this dagger that he sharpened from both ends so he could stab both ways and he poisoned both ends of the dagger and he was hiding it under his cloth under his cloak and he was praying because even though he wasn't a Muslim right it's fud no one can see anybody else so Abu waited for him to go into suud and as he was in sujud attacked him and he stabbed with that dagger up to nine times stabbed him in his back stabbed him in his front stabbed him from his sides and the worst wound was right in the stomach of so after he he hit him enough times and was was laid out then he stabbed him the hardest right in his stomach under his Naval and he gasped and he said the dog killed me he remembered that instance Subhan Allah from that moment when he walked by him and he recited subh right away Quran comes to his mind and the affair of Allah subhanahu waala was a decree to come true and the people that were around Omar some of them started to help him and then some of them went to pursue Abu and what's his concern as he's laying there about to die he grabs the leg of ABD and he says finish the prayer ABD ABD he goes up and he quickly he reads in the second and he quickly finishes up the Salah in the meantime he goes out of the maszid and he's stabbing people on the way so he kills nine people on that morning and he wounds 13 and just as he's getting through them eventually the people apprehend him and they throw a cloak on top of him and as Abu realizes that he's surrounded by others he takes his own dagger and he stabs himself three times in the chest until he dies so he commits suicide in the m and so immediately after they finish the Salah they carry to the house of abdah because abdullah's house was the closest to the Masid his own son and at that point had lost Consciousness and they're trying to revive him and Abdullah is calling out oh my father oh my father they're trying to revive him but was unconscious for some time after Sunrise who opens his eyes what's the first thing he asks he says did the people finish their prayer Subhan Allah and they said to him yes they finished their Salah he said alhamdulillah because there is no share of Islam for the one that leaves their prayer and then he tells Abdullah sit me up and he says to Abdullah bring me some water when he asked them for water they think that he's going to drink water what what does he start to do he starts to do and finishes his fet prayer because he was stabbed and made unconscious in the second that's where his heart is that's where his mind is starts to ask questions he said who was the one that killed me they Saidi it was the persan that person that you suspected that day and he said alhamdulillah the one who killed me is not someone who says alhamdulillah and he asks for some Leon for some milk and they brought him the milk and his wounds was so severe that everything he drank came out of his stomach so they called for a doctor and the doctor saw the wounds of try to patch up saw what happens when he drinks milk and the way that his body was responding and he says to him oh commander of the Believers you're not going to make it you're going to die so whatever Wasa you have to give then give it now what does do number one he calls Abdullah and he says yah Abdullah I want you to go around and I want you to see who I owe money and I want you to make sure that you pay off every single one of those debts and your father doesn't have much it's not that he had big debts it's that he had no money he's the Khalifa of the muslim's most powerful man in the world he has no money he said so you and the kids take care of it then reaffirms the and he appoints those that will appoint Theif after him and they are the six people that are remaining from those who were promised Paradise except for one who would have been the seventh and that was why Z is his brother-in-law he is his cousin and wants to keep his family away from the he wants to avoid nepotism in any way possible and then he calls Abdullah and he says to Abdullah that I have one wish Subhan Allah his dying wish he says go to and give my Salam to her but don't tell her that Salam to you tell her that Omar sent Salam to you because I'm no longer I'm no longer the commander of the Believers and ask her but tell her that it is fully your right to say no to this ask her if she would give me permission to be buried in that spot beside the prophet sallam and if she says no that is that's Justice that's her right don't pressure her if she says yes that's her F that's her virtue that's her showing kindness towards me says I went to and I found weeping profusely and Subhan they said cried more when Omar died than when her own father Abu Bakr died and they said to her why she said because Omar was the door between us and the FNA everyone in Medina is crying right now because they know that is dying so says peace be unto you my mother I have a request from Omar he sends his Salam to you and he asks for you to consider but without any pressure it's your right if he could be buried next to his two companions buried next toam and she says I always envisioned that that would be my spot that I'd be buried next to my husband and my father I mean this is her home it's literally her room the prophet and Abu Bakr are buried in her room but I know the place that had with so she granted it Abdullah Omar comes back when Omar sees Abdullah he's laying down he's barely alive at this point when he sees Abdullah coming back Omar says sit me up and says to Abdullah what are you coming back with he said I'm coming back to you with news that is pleasing to you he said alhamd that was the only thing that I wanted but he said after I die go back to her again just in case she felt under pressure and ask her after I die if she's sure that she wants to give up that place and don't pressure if she says no maybe after you know she's calm down from the emotion bury me amongst the Muslims in the I'm satisfied with that and abdah Omar then puts the head of Omar in his lap at that moment people are coming in and some of the sah are praising says to some of those that Praise Him He said will you bear witness on the day of judgment with what you're saying and they're saying yes no one was dissatisfied with yourd comes in abdah starts to mention all of these virtues and he says but what about all of these people he said I'm afraid of Allah subhana wa tala asking me about this um and he said if I could meet Allah and give everything of this world and not be punished or not be rewarded then I would be satisfied I just don't want to be punished for all of these people that were under my care and then Subhan Allah he does something very interesting in his last moments he says to Abdullah oh my son put my head in the dirt so that when Allah looks at me he'll have mercy on me he'll see his humble servant and show Mercy to him says I don't want to do it no why and said if this face is a face that belongs in Hellfire then you don't want it in your lap and if this face is a face that belongs in Jenna then theill pillow of Jenna is softer than your thigh so just listen to me my son put my face in the dirt Subhan Allah this man who spread Islam to most parts of the world that you all are from today who is a person who the prophet s alaihi wasam praised over and over and over again who has the Shah of the the witness of the companions who died praying in Medina in a companion of the Prophet wasam guaranteed paradise and he's saying to his son leave my head in the dirt entered in and with his face in the dirt with his face on the ground and he said woe to if Allah does not show Mercy to him until Allah subhana took his soul in that humble place this is this is the fear of Allah that he had from the moment that he became Muslim to the moment that he left this Earth in the best way that any person could possibly want to leave this earth this is a man who one day set out to kill the prophet Salli wasall and ended up being buried next to the prophet sallallah alai wasallam the way that they're buried the prophet wasam is buried abak is buried with his head to the shoulder of the prophet sallai wasallam and was buried with his head to the shoulder of abak Subhan Allah you think about the people rising from their graves on the day of judgment and I want you to imagine the scene when the prophet and abak rise from those Graves and proceed to to the place of assembly and the prophet wasam entering into Jen as he said with AB B and [Music] Omar
Channel: The Daily Reminder
Views: 275,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prophet, Mohammed, Muslims, Sheikh, TDR, Quran, prophet, Muhammad, Islam, Muslim, ALLAH, quran, tafsir, nasheed, arabic, mufti menk, omar suleiman, muslim, omar, seerah, ramadan, the daily reminder, dua, ismail menk, mufti, Jibreel, jibreel, allah, muhammad, suleiman, ramadhan, abu bakr, muft menk, menk, mosque, umar, ramadan 2023, ahmad, Yahya Ibrahim, children, yaqeen institute, night, power, Judgement Day, imam omar, dr omar suleiman, night of decree, night of power, eid, takbeer, ramadan 2024, Hasan Ali
Id: yDQMO57YolQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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